
InHisNameis teddy bald ?  Not covered all in fur ?02:05
InHisNameOh, Its you, Randy - rmg51- easy solve here.... Just use long underware to upgrade you to teddy bear warmpth status.02:07
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=== Josephine_CoT is now known as Joe_CoT
Sadinnight everyone06:16
andrewmorning Sadin06:25
InHisNamemornin' all06:25
Sadinim just goin to bed D:06:25
Sadinschool in 6 and a half hrs06:26
InHisNameIf you make it by 5am, have a good morning and my the 5.5 hour conversation about bedtimes be fruitful.06:27
* waltman had to clean up a flood in his bathroom :(06:33
waltmancrazy upstairs neighbor overflowed her toilet06:33
waltmanattempting to belatedly head to sleep after a second visit from $super06:37
andrewI should get to bed so I can wake up and go skiing06:44
InHisNamewater or snow   skiing, andrew ?08:42
rmg51morning JonathanD10:27
MutantTurkeyI need some help16:30
MutantTurkeywhen you are in a file dialog, and you press 'a' it jumps to the first 'a' entry16:31
MutantTurkeyfor example.16:31
MutantTurkeyI wish to be able to type 'alphabet' and jump to the first 'alphabet' match. does any dialogs do this?16:32
MutantTurkeywhat I actually want to do is be able to filter things out16:37
MutantTurkeymy ubuntu upgrade just died on me.17:17
MutantTurkeyfk fk fk17:17
MutantTurkeylets hope apt has enough magic to fix it17:18
Resistanceugh, did i mention i hate explosions of computers?17:18
Resistancei cant use IRC on Windows because of weird explosions in C :/17:18
Resistanceso sorry i disappeared there for a while :P17:19
MutantTurkeyI'm defiintely screwed.17:21
MutantTurkeythis upgrade is going to hell17:21
MutantTurkeyback to arch!17:21
Resistancehas pennbot worked for you all?  do we need to add additionaal plugins? (I know we need additional admin level users)17:22
MutantTurkeywhat happened to old pennbot?17:22
Resistanceit was exploded and taken down by its operator17:22
Resistancei volunteered to bring a new one up17:22
MutantTurkeythat is sad17:23
* Resistance subsequently got the old PennBot nick dropped and added to the current nickserv for this PennBot17:23
Resistanceyeah, well meh17:23
Resistanceat least its been running with a decent uptime17:23
Resistanceits running off of a netbook which is always on xD17:24
MutantTurkeywait for the raspberry pi17:24
MutantTurkeyjedijf: hey around? i need emotional support as my ubuntu install is rapidly going down the drain17:29
MutantTurkeyit kicked out while upgrading17:29
MutantTurkeyi rebooted and all the repositories are set to onieric now, so i am just apt-get distro-uprading it17:30
MutantTurkeysound legit?17:30
ChinnoDogMy Banshee refuses to buffer streaming radio stations so it won't play right19:19
ChinnoDogI blame lamal66619:19
lamal666nope, not my code19:19
ChinnoDogoh, ok. haha19:19
ChinnoDogDo you know how to fix it?19:20
ChinnoDogThere don't even seem to be any settings for streaming anywhere19:21
ChinnoDogDoesn't look like anyone can do it19:24
MutantTurkeyseriously people use that?19:24
MutantTurkeyalmost as ridiculous as songbird.19:24
ChinnoDogWhat should I use?19:24
MutantTurkeyI use moc however. I also like gogglesmm for slow machines19:25
ChinnoDogShort review but I like it19:28
ChinnoDogI keep finding myself drawn to KDE apps19:29
MutantTurkeyI use kde3.519:30
MutantTurkeyit's great19:30
ChinnoDogI may have to try it19:30
ChinnoDogI've avoided KDE thus far just because it is another desktop environment to learn19:30
MutantTurkeythat is true19:31
MutantTurkeyIt's quite different than Gnome 219:31
MutantTurkeyi've actually found myself always saying "i wish I had X feature". with both gnome and kde19:32
MutantTurkeyalways trade offs19:32
MutantTurkeythe current series of kde I cannot stand however.19:32
MutantTurkeythe same goes for Unity and Gnome319:32
MutantTurkeykde 4, gnome 3 and unity were all half baked releases19:32
ChinnoDogI'm using xfce because it is lean19:32
ChinnoDogBut if I keep installing KDE apps I might as well use KDE since I will be loading all the KDE libraries anyway19:33
MutantTurkeyxfce is a solid desktop19:33
MutantTurkeywhat gnome should be19:33
MutantTurkeyit doesn't do terrible much however19:33
Sadinall i can say is the new kde 4 is a little upsetting coming from other desktop enviornments such as gnome or xfce i would use xfce MutantTurkeys project hes involved with TDE (a fork of kde 3.5 [the good kde])20:07
Sadinxfce or tde :P20:08
Sadinyes MutantTurkey :D20:08
ChinnoDogSadin: what is wrong with kde4?20:08
SadinChinnoDog the workflow is SO much different coming from other WMs in my opinion20:09
Sadinand yes BLOAT20:09
MutantTurkeyi don't need nepomuk. stay the hell away!20:09
Sadinhowever MutantTurkey they have made some optomizations in speed that are alot better then kde 3,5 was20:09
MutantTurkeyIf i want to use 1 kde4 app, I DON'T want nepomuk and virtuoso indexing everything20:09
MutantTurkeySadin:definitely a lot of improvements20:09
MutantTurkeybut, the style is changfed20:09
SadinMutantTurkey the style looks find too to me its just the way work is dont in kde 4 reminds me too much of my windows system20:10
MutantTurkeyyeah I hate the look20:10
Sadinand discourages me from even doing work but thats my own opinion20:10
MutantTurkeyit looks like to glossy and plastic20:10
SadinMutantTurkey gotta make packages for fedora today20:10
SadinPleia2 got me involved with the shimmer project and ive been helping out to get Shimmers themes into fedora xfce and its a okay so far :D im really happy cause its my first major contribution to Open source20:11
MutantTurkeygotta make packages for what?20:11
MutantTurkeythat's awesome20:12
MutantTurkeycontributing to foss stuff is the reason I am doing computers20:12
SadinMutantTurkey packaging up the shimmer projects themes for fedora and maintaining them20:12
MutantTurkeywow cool20:12
Sadini know :D20:12
SadinMutantTurkey also got my drupal powered website up and running last night ive been busy busy busy http://sadin.ifndev.com/20:14
Sadingoing to blog about what i do with Web Design Fedora Design Team, Drupal, and Shimmer :)20:14
MutantTurkeylooking at it now20:15
MutantTurkeylooks legit20:15
SadinMutantTurkey its got alot of work to go but its making its way20:17
MutantTurkeystill pretty cool20:17
Sadinthanks :)20:17
MutantTurkeyjedijf: remember that time I tried to setup a web site and it took me like 4 days20:17
MutantTurkeyso dumb back then20:17
* Sadin likes fuel wordpress and drupal and RubyOnRails20:17
=== Joe_CoT is now known as karaoke
ChinnoDogSadin: MutantTurkey: I will explore the default Kubuntu install first. Then if it sucks I will look at TDE. (Is that Trinity?)20:18
SadinChinnoDog what do you use now20:18
MutantTurkeytde is hand in hand20:18
MutantTurkeywith trinity20:19
MutantTurkeyI call it Trinity Desktop20:19
SadinChinnoDog whats wrong with Xubuntu?20:19
ChinnoDogMy favorite apps are KDE based20:19
Sadinim using the xfce fedora spin (same thing) and i couldnt be happier20:19
MutantTurkeyxfce limits my abilities for networking and integration20:19
SadinChinno dog ah well so are mine but i hate KDEs panels and widgets etc aka bloat20:19
ChinnoDogAlso, I am going to be playing with BSD in the near future and they seem to like KDE20:19
Sadinimo using the best apps doesnt mean you need the entire enviornment with it cause technically you already have a KDE system installed on you PC your only using certain aspects of it when running the K based apps on xfce20:20
MutantTurkeySadin: it's all about integration though20:21
MutantTurkeyI like to use tde because i get everything working smoothly together20:21
SadinMutantTurkey what doesnt integreat20:21
MutantTurkeywith trinity I can do great integration. for example I am ssh'd into a server20:21
SadinI dont see the problems you do or i am not as picky :P20:21
MutantTurkeynevermind my example then20:22
=== karaoke is now known as Joe_CoT
SadinMutantTurkey heh i always have ssh open as well ( cant dream of my life without it)20:22
Sadinseriosuly im connected to my 2 vps's my FAS account and bitbucket all the time hehe20:23
MutantTurkeynow with that, I am browising those apps in konqueror, then opening them in kate20:24
MutantTurkeyvery handy being able to use seemless network integration20:24
SadinI see20:24
MutantTurkeywith trinity apps seemlessly integrate into whatever network you are attached to20:24
Sadini guess im more of a terminal fella :P20:25
MutantTurkeyme too20:25
MutantTurkeydon't worry20:25
Sadincause gnome can do that same exact thing as well20:25
MutantTurkeyI am a 100% terminal guy20:25
MutantTurkeygnome is a lot less easy about it20:25
MutantTurkeythis is just like a breeze20:25
Sadin:O how so20:25
MutantTurkeyI dunno20:25
Sadinthought it was pretty straighht forward lol20:25
MutantTurkeygnome was always crap for me20:25
SadinGnome2 i loved gnome3 i fell off... hard20:25
MutantTurkeymostly because the FM sucks in gnome and xfce20:25
Sadinanyway MutantTurkey i gotta reboot20:26
Sadinill brb20:26
* Sadin returns20:29
adomMutantTurkey: you don't like Nautilus? why not just use a different one then instead of writing off the whole WM?20:41
MutantTurkeybecause that is the core of the wm?20:42
adomfair enough i guess, but couldnt you just install a different FM?20:43
adomi see your point20:43
MutantTurkeythere aren't any good viable gtk alternatives. Thunar is a ripoff of nautilus20:43
adomwell, i guess what im asking is, what non-console-based FMs do you like?20:43
adomif any20:43
MutantTurkeyKonqueror 3.520:43
MutantTurkeyfor it's kparts embedding20:44
MutantTurkeywhen I open a file, it nicely embeds it in the same window.20:44
MutantTurkeyso when I click on a image, it doesn't launch a new program20:44
MutantTurkeyit just opens it up within itself20:44
ChinnoDogugh. My desktop was all fubar. I killed processes one at a time trying to enable me to move windows again and gave up and rebooted20:44
MutantTurkeysame for movies, text files20:44
MutantTurkeyand it has a web browser20:44
MutantTurkeyprofile support20:44
MutantTurkeylets me do cool stuff by accessing kio slaves20:45
MutantTurkeyI can do apt:/ and it lets me browser my packages for example20:45
MutantTurkeyremote:/ for remote shares and so on20:45
adomdoes that cause Konquerer to jack your memory?20:45
adomso you're basically using Konquerer as your WM, not KDE.20:46
adomi.e. all you need is Konquerer20:46
adomsomeday ill have to sit down with KDE and talk about our feelings20:47
adommaybe we can work something out20:47
adomlike adults20:47
MutantTurkeyit allows me to smoothly do stuff20:48
MutantTurkeywhen I close the tab, that program closes20:48
MutantTurkeyit just embeds the window nicely20:48
MutantTurkeyit's good for browsing a lot of stuff20:48
MutantTurkeyI use it to preview20:48
adombut before that happens, i need a romp in the sack with Arch (probably Archbang because I'm lazy) and Awesome220:49
MutantTurkeyadom: ppffft go with scrotwm20:49
MutantTurkeythat's all the tiling i'll ever need :P20:49
MutantTurkeyI am a tiler at heart20:49
adomi like having new/seperate windows pop up for seperate programs20:49
adomjust how i do20:49
MutantTurkeyyeah makes sense20:50
adomi love my screen setup with seperate regions, so i need to try out a "tiling-based" WM20:50
adomsince im so used to aptitude, would trying out pacman be hard to transition to?20:51
MutantTurkeypacman is 10000 times better20:52
MutantTurkeyits faster and easier and simpler and sane and kiss20:52
* MutantTurkey also forgot to mention he is a arch diehard20:52
* adom peers left and right at the rest of #ubuntu-us-pa and steps away from MutantTurkey.20:52
MutantTurkeythey already know i'm weird20:52
MutantTurkeyit must have been that nuclear meltdown that happened down the farm from me...20:53
adomwell my fear is the complexity of Arch20:53
adomnah that wasnt it20:53
MutantTurkeyarch is 50000 times simpler20:53
adomyou have to do everything from scratch20:53
MutantTurkeynothing is changed. ubuntu messes with everything20:53
MutantTurkeyno you don't20:53
adomwhich is pretty much the polar opposite of ubuntu20:53
MutantTurkeyeverything just comes vanilla20:53
MutantTurkeythere is no special way to do anything in arch20:53
MutantTurkeyit's all upstream20:53
MutantTurkeyso that means you don20:53
adomthats all jargon to me20:53
MutantTurkey't get mangled versions or old versions20:54
MutantTurkeyeverything is upstream.20:54
adomyeah that20:54
adomlike fish?20:54
MutantTurkeyI consider it the most "linux" linux.20:54
* adom chuckles20:54
adomi would agree (not having used it before, but from what ive read)20:54
SadinMutantTurkey arch is a great distro but its not the most simple20:54
MutantTurkeydefine simple?20:55
adomthe funny thing i like is that pretty much every answer in #arch is "RTFM" because its so in depth you cant grasp it until you learn it entirely20:55
MutantTurkeyadom: you have to do some work20:55
adomsimple = "easy to use" in my book20:55
Sadinthe level of knowledge needed for a new linux user to jump into ubuntu or say fedora is far lowet then arch20:55
MutantTurkeybut they'll also help you20:55
adomwith means ubuntu20:55
MutantTurkeyif you go to #arch and say "I ham having X, Y and Z issues, I read A B C and tried D E F20:55
MutantTurkeythey'll help20:55
adomMint is nice for new users also, though its a derivative of ubuntu20:55
MutantTurkeybut our wiki is fantastic, and covers everything20:55
MutantTurkeyadom: not anymore, it's debian based now?20:55
adomno shit. hmm20:56
* adom shrugs.20:56
adomstill like Mint20:56
adomi debated switching from ubuntu to Mint when ubuntu 11 released with unity20:56
MutantTurkeylol unity20:56
* adom spits on the floor.20:56
MutantTurkeyhalfbaked crap20:56
adomstill need to try gnome3, but dont have high hopes for it20:57
adomi like my linux easy to use (i.e. ubuntu atm) and lightweight (gnome2 atm)20:57
Sadingot MutantTurkey the trinity mirrors have been going down left and right :/20:58
adomif i wanted a bloated graphics display id use only my Windows7 machine20:58
MutantTurkeySadin: what?20:58
MutantTurkeyI just upgraded to onieric with notrouble...20:58
MutantTurkeyrebooting now20:58
MutantTurkeywish me luck20:58
SadinMutantTurkey i keep failing to connect to the mirrors and i entred the through copy/paste20:58
lamalexha, my irc hilight for bong has been set off 4 times today, none of them for what i expect21:07
MutantTurkeyit worked21:10
adomrunnin unity now?21:13
MutantTurkeythe oneirc upgrade21:14
MutantTurkeyit sucks though21:14
MutantTurkeyfscked up a lot of stuff I had21:14
adomthat's what you get.21:14
adomfor trying to move past dependable ubuntu 1021:14
MutantTurkeyfor using shitty ubuntu.21:14
adomspeaking of, downloading archbang iso now21:15
adomgonna toss in a vm and mess around21:15
MutantTurkeywhy are you downloading archbang?21:15
adombecause its arch, but easy mode21:18
adomi just dont feel like spending 4 hours learning how to start up my linux distro21:20
jedijfadom: arch is a lot easier than everyone thinks22:13
jedijfadom: nike22:13
jedijfhate konqueror kate is liveable linux is awesome because of these differences of opinions/systems/trials and in everyone else's case...errors22:17
JonathanDgot a 10x10 screen gazebo22:28
adomjedijf: nike?22:41
Sadinadom i would assume that means nice22:42
adom"nice" doesnt seem to have context in the conversation22:42
* adom shrugs.22:42
adomanywho. im out for the night, back tomorrow.22:42
Sadinsee ya22:45
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=== loki_____ is now known as Joe_CoT

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