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Sarvatttjaalton: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~sarvatt/patches/116_use_shared_galliumcore.diff actually does work with 8.0 branch, just need to fix up the mesa-egl crap20:51
tjaaltonoh, cool20:51
Sarvatthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/823052/ should be the last problem that needs fixing20:55
tjaaltonis this only on the ubuntu branch?20:59
tjaaltonok, so no need to bug kibi about it :)20:59
tjaaltonoh right, it's due to moving the libs around21:00
Sarvattmaybe ya did something in the merge i'm glossing over and might remember it better :)21:01
tjaaltonyou mean i botched the merge? totally plausible21:03
tjaaltonsince this shouldn't be any different really21:03
tjaaltonthan what it was21:03
Sarvattoh the mesa-egl crap completely isnt in debian21:04
Sarvattno wonder it works there21:05
Sarvatthaven't seen that before and thought we inherited it in the merge21:05
tjaaltonwell it's possible that I missed something from rules when merging from debian21:09
Sarvattrules merge looks fine to me looking at a399f4dab2de48673bf6da34dd10c4ff176dfbd3..HEAD :(21:10
tjaaltoni bet it's dh_makeshlibs that's to blame21:18
tjaaltonSarvatt: check what's in the mesa-egl/ld.so.conf -file21:20
Sarvatttjaalton: wait, i just managed to fix it but dont remember what i did21:22
Sarvatttoo many context switches21:22
tjaaltongit diff!21:22
Sarvattreverting this hunk of debian/rules21:23
Sarvatt-       dh_shlibdeps -s -l/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/mesa:\21:23
Sarvatt+       dh_shlibdeps -s \21:23
Sarvatt+               -l/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/mesa:\21:23
Sarvatt+               /usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/mesa-egl21:23
tjaaltonuh oh21:23
Sarvattyay she built21:23
* Sarvatt does a happy dance21:23
tjaaltonof course21:24
tjaaltonstupid me21:24
Sarvatt-rw-r--r-- 1 sarvatt sarvatt 4.5M Jan 30 21:19 libgl1-mesa-dri_8.0.0+git20120126+8.0.19f88670-0ubuntu0sarvatt_i386.deb21:24
Sarvattit grew almost 2MB though21:24
tjaaltonand all that for making it a tad nicer looking :)21:24
Sarvattstill better than the 27MB one without dricore and galliumcore21:24
Sarvatti'll fix it in git21:24
Sarvatttjaalton: so mesa's good to go after the merge :)21:28
Sarvattmerge now or wait for vdpau stuff to go in ya think?21:29
* Sarvatt would prefer not bothering with vdpau because mesa's build system is already so freaking fragile but oh well21:29
jcristaudoes any app actually use these shiny video apis?21:30
tjaaltonyeah maybe postpone it for now21:30
tjaaltonsure does, but dunno how the gallium drivers work21:30
tjaaltonat least nvidia blob vdpau is widely used (on my PVR for instance ;)21:31
Sarvatti have no clue either21:31
Sarvatt(if it even works)21:32
Sarvatttjaalton: oh yeah, you said you had a problem with xa on amd64? i'm building on i386 so didnt notice that22:04
tjaaltonmaybe I didn't, can't remember anymore22:05
RAOFI we've had some inquiries about whether or not we support vdpau/vaapi; while there's not *that* much that uses it right now, there does seem to be a reasonably complete gstreamer element with support.22:09
SarvattRAOF: you use ati at all to test it?22:14
Sarvattoh actually I have an ati in a desktop I run headless, can test it out there22:16
RAOFI do have an ATI to test it; I need to spin that machine up anyway, to update it.  It'll take *some time*22:33
Sarvattah no worries, vdpau stuff isn't in git22:34
RAOFWhat cards does it run on, anyway?22:34
Sarvattdoing the wayland merge22:45
SarvattRAOF: I dunno at all22:45
Sarvattwill look after this, imagine just radeon/nouveau22:46
RAOFOh, I mean: what chip generations.  Good, my 5450 should cover that :).22:46
Sarvattshould the wayland update wait until after A2 too?22:48
Sarvattthe wiki says soft freeze in effect today but haven't seen any announcements22:48
Sarvattwell yesterday for RAOF :P22:48
tjaaltonwayland is not on the images, so it shouldn't matter22:49
tjaaltonwhat about libxcb?22:49
tjaaltonit surely is :)22:49
RAOFThe archive still seems to be open; go for it.22:49
FernandoMiguel 1177    root         root            1      0.11s       1.34s       172K        0K         0K         0K    --       -     R        1      75%     Xorg23:02
FernandoMiguelthis isn't normal :S23:02
Prf_Jakobtjaalton: Hey, I heard you wanted a Workstation Key?23:03
Prf_JakobAnybody else want one (or Fusion for that matter)?23:04
tjaaltonPrf_Jakob: well, I could test the new stuff yeah23:05
Prf_JakobOk, I'll fix one for you.23:05
tjaaltonI only have precise to run it on though23:05
Prf_Jakobwhich hw/driver?23:05
Prf_Jakob7.10, 7.11 or 8.0?23:06
tjaaltonoh mesa? 7.11 for the time being, hopefully 8.0 tomorrow23:07
Prf_JakobI actually had a reports of 7.10 being slow on sandybridge, 7.11 and 8.0 should be fine.23:07
Prf_JakobOh you are probably good.23:07
tjaaltonas long as the kernel module builds on 3.2 ;)23:08
Sarvattyeah thats typically the problem I run into, hunting down kernel patches :)23:08
Sarvattpatches so the guest additions build against newer kernels i mean23:09
Prf_JakobRunning w/o tools work fine, if I have problems its with the host kernel modules Workstation wants to build.23:11
RAOFI could do with a key, if you'd like me to test stuff :)23:11
Prf_JakobJust WS or does anybody want a Fusion key as well?23:13
Prf_JakobThen again I guess nobody here runs Mac on thier computers ;)23:13
* Sarvatt paid for fusion, its actually decently priced :)23:13
Prf_JakobWS is a wee bit expensive.23:14
Sarvattthank you for offering though Prf_Jakob23:21
Sarvattbryce, RAOF, tjaalton: which ppa should I shove new wayland and mesa in?23:23
broderRAOF: would it make any sense if that GPU hang i ran into was connected to the weird hsync/vsync issue with GnomeRR? i seem to only see it if i use GnomeRR to switch from internal-display-only to external-display-only23:23
RAOFbroder: It would indeed make sense; GnomeRR is a wee bit crazy about that.  In particular, it'll switch the CRTC from internal to external, whereas the xrandr tool generally won't.23:24
tjaaltonSarvatt: x-staging imo23:25
RAOFIt's entirely plausible that GnomeRR exposes a bug that you would be difficult to trigger in any other way.23:25
tjaaltonand 7.11.2 in x-updates?23:25
Sarvattoh 7.11.2 in x-updates for oneiric would indeed be a good idea23:26
RAOFSarvatt: I concur; we might as well continue using x-staging.23:26
RAOFI'd *like* 7.11.2 to be suitable for oneiric-updates; I don't know that it is, though. :/23:26
bryceSarvatt, x-staging sounds good to me too23:27
* Sarvatt is seriously sick of looking at mesa for tonight so task for tomorrow or something :)23:27
tjaaltonSarvatt: I can shove stuff somewhere too23:28
tjaaltonalso, wayland should be good to push straight to precise, right?23:28
Sarvattstill have to adapt all this crap to mesa master to get xorg-edgers building again, major changes in master after automakification23:28
Sarvattwell the merge is pushed to git, it needs a changelog still23:29
Sarvattwe have a pretty huge diff in debian/, this stuff needs to be pushed to debian23:29
tjaaltonmultiarch stuff yep23:32
Sarvattok got http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~sarvatt/wayland/ and pushed it to git, totally untested until i eat dinner :)23:35
tjaaltonhum, wonder why we've had to add the COPYING.GPL-2 there23:35
Sarvatttjaalton: wayland isn't in the images? huh?!23:44
Sarvattforgot edgers is "special" due to newer cairo23:44
Sarvattwayland-demos will need an update too, rrgh23:45
Sarvattlibwayland0 (= 0.1.0~0.2-0ubuntu3)23:45
Sarvattthat needs some drastic changes and it's in universe though23:46
Sarvattwith the weston rename23:46
Sarvattare the cd images going to be in crisis mode if they grow 2MB?23:49
Sarvattthats how much bigger libgl1-mesa-dri is compressed in 8.023:50
RAOFWe can see.23:50
RAOFFailing anything else, I believe we've got the leeway to grow to 750MB.23:50
Sarvatti'll see if any of the other packages increased too23:51
Sarvattthats rc2, i just hadnt bumped the changelog yet23:52
Sarvatt30-Jan-2012 08:28  712M  Desktop CD for 64-bit PC (AMD64) computers (standard download)23:53
Sarvattoh cool23:53
RAOFYeah; we're already oversize :)23:53
Sarvattmaybe they should stop calling it "CD" on the download page23:53
Sarvattand saying its a bug that its oversized :P23:54
* Sarvatt installs newer mesa to his wife's laptop23:54
Sarvattthat's always a good stress test23:55
Sarvattlots of reports about nvidia-current being hosed in current precise btw23:55
Sarvattalthough two of the people hitting it were hit by busted unity-greeter in the end and blaming nvidia23:57
Sarvatt /X23:58
Sarvatthttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-greeter/+bug/921998 is pretty nasty23:58
ubot4`Launchpad bug 921998 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu Precise) (and 1 other project) "unity-greeter crashed with SIGSEGV in indicator_object_get_entries() (affects: 23) (dups: 7) (heat: 124)" [High,Confirmed]23:58

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