
nuvolario/ mornings06:11
=== sdehaan_ is now known as sdehaan
inetprogood morning07:26
sakhihi inetpro 07:36
sakhihi nuvolari 07:36
inetprosakhi: hiho07:36
Kilosevening superfly nlsthzn nuvolari and all you other peeps18:05
Kilosanyone got news about drubin , is he still maintaining18:06
superflyhiya Kilos18:06
drubinKilos: news?18:06
superflyI spoke to drubin the other day, he's fine... oh, here he is18:06
drubinam i maintaining what?18:06
Kiloslol hi drubin is all well?18:06
drubinyou LUCKY i lterally just got home..18:07
Kilosmaintaining=surviving under the stress of breathing18:07
Kilosmy xchat shows you greyed out but you here18:08
drubinshould be back. 18:08
drubinbut I need to go sort out some dinner now. 18:09
drubinKilos: but thanks for caring :D means alot18:09
Kilosjust wanted to know if you ok drubin  go enjoy18:09
Kiloscome visit some evening and let us know how things are going18:10
Kilosjust had a good laugh at the sabc weatherman, roeckons no rain tonight here while its hosing down outside18:11
Kiloshiya Mezenir 18:13
KilosMezenir, is asd initials?18:14
Mezenirasd ?18:14
Kiloswhat chat client are you using18:14
Mezenircoz im in windows18:14
Mezenirthe horror18:14
Mezenirbut i play a lot of games on steam18:15
Kiloshe he18:15
Mezenirso ja18:15
Mezenirwaiting for that steam to linux port ;)18:15
Kilosdoesnt it show nicks of peeps on the channel18:15
Mezenirit does18:15
Mezenirwhy ?18:15
Kilosright click on a nick and should show name etc18:15
Kilosreal name , user country etc18:16
Mezenirmight be this version i got from a friend18:16
Mezenirprobably configured somehow18:16
Kilosyour real name shows as asd18:16
Mezenirwouldnt be surpised if it says im from an alternate universe18:16
Kiloswhat you using xp or win718:16
Mezenirfor the > 3.25 gig ram18:17
Kilosit wouldnt even install on my pc18:18
Kilosunity at least just complains about my graphics card only18:18
Mezenirhow do you like unity18:18
Kilosi cant use it so i staying with maverick as long as i can18:19
Mezenirkubuntu ?18:20
Kilosi really like maverick and will cry when support goes away18:20
Mezeniris that the last LTS version ?18:21
Mezenirim a bit fuzzy18:21
Kilosi got kubuntu from superfly and my son inherited it18:21
Kilosno not lts18:21
Mezenirhow about linux mint ?18:21
Mezenirim a fan of the arch linux principles18:21
Mezenirjust havent found the time18:22
Mezenirim currently busy with linux from scratch18:22
Kiloswill see when maverick crashes18:22
superflyMezenir: Desura18:22
Mezenirpretty fun18:22
MezenirDesura doesnt have the new games sadly18:22
Mezeniri think theyre more aimed at the indie category18:22
superflyDesura has OilRush, and that's the only new game you need to worry about :-P18:22
Mezeniri find it strange18:23
Mezenirsince starcraft 2 came out on mac18:24
Mezenirand they used opengl18:24
Mezenirwhy cant it be on linux ?18:24
Mezenirconspiracy against linux :/18:24
Mezeniror just lack of monetary incentive18:24
superflythey don't see the profit in it18:24
nuvolariKilos: naand oom!18:24
* nuvolari eventually get to IRC tonight18:25
nuvolarilo 'fly, Mezenir 18:25
Kiloslo nuvolari welcome18:25
superflyeven though Linux consistently brings in more money per gamer than Windows or Mac in the humble bundles18:25
superflyhi nuvolari18:25
Mezenirhey nuvo18:25
nuvolarihow's everyone doing?18:26
Kilosas we please18:26
nuvolariheh, good18:27
nuvolarihow was you day oom Kilos?18:27
Mezenirgoing good thanks18:28
Mezenirhow about you18:28
Kilosso so laddy ty and yours?18:28
nuvolarinot too bad18:28
Kiloswhy you busy day and night, what you scheming18:28
nuvolarilooking forward that our IT team will grow a little18:28
nuvolariKilos: watching series when I get home oom18:28
Kilosat work?18:28
nuvolarigives me a chance to blow off steam18:29
Kilossewende laan etc18:29
nuvolarino no, series on my 'puter18:29
nuvolariI don't watch TV18:29
Kilosor you a days of our lives fan18:29
Kiloslike the big bang theory18:30
nuvolarimy folks bought a TV that they sent with, but that's in my closet untill they come here :P 18:30
nuvolariya, something like that 18:30
nuvolariWatching House at the moment18:30
Kilosian also watches that stuff then tells me he is busy when i get cross because i gotta wait for a reply on pidgin18:32
Kilosif he was here i would klap him silly18:33
nuvolariwent for a bike ride today after work  as well. quick ride after work feels more hectic than in the morning18:33
nuvolarilol 18:33
nuvolarishould get you some oom Kilos 18:33
Kilossome what?18:34
nuvolarisome series to watch18:34
Kiloswhen he comes he bring spanne movies and some series and i copy them on here but hardly watch them18:34
nuvolaribah :-/ why oom?18:35
Kilosmostly i can watch one then head starts thumping and then i also forget i got them18:36
Kilosi got all the startreks18:37
Kilosand stargates18:37
nuvolariI'm not a space-sci-fi fan :P18:38
nuvolariprobably the only geek not liking it18:38
Kiloswow i love skifi18:39
Kiloswe call it skiefie18:39
nuvolaridaar's ook syfy 18:43
nuvolariof so iets18:43
Kilosmaar ek kyk sewende laan18:44
Kilosnet bietjie sleg dat die skrywer almal laat lieg hele tyd18:45
nuvolariheh, dan raak dit voorspelbaar18:45
nuvolariwat gebeur? nee, die een lieg vir daai een18:45
Kilosja maar dit laat almal dink lieg is nie sleg nie18:46
Kilossoos wit leuens18:46
nuvolaripresies :/18:46
Kilosdaar is nie so iets nie18:46
Kiloslieg is lieg18:46
nuvolarileer ook almal om rond te vry :P18:46
Kilosnight guys, see you morrow night18:52
zerefjust been reading up on this SOPA thing19:26

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