
mandelgood morning all!09:09
JamesTaitGood morning all!09:36
mandelJamesTait, morning :)09:39
* mandel logs off 09:39
JamesTaitMust be something I said. ;)09:41
=== aquarius_ is now known as aquarius
mandelbriancurtin, morning! how was the flight?12:27
duanedesignhello mandel12:28
karniGood morning!12:33
mandelduanedesign, morning!12:36
ralsinaAnd good morning everyone!13:18
mandelralsina, morning!13:34
mandelralsina, I have a small question, during the sprint, are we going to have stand ups?13:35
mandelor will it me just me and dobey..13:35
ralsinamandel: you, dobey and I can have them starting tomorrow13:35
mandelralsina, ok, so we skip today, sounds reasonable :)13:36
ralsinamandel: cool13:36
mandelok, time to lunch13:41
* mandel lunch13:41
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mandelalecu_, ping14:59
=== alecu_ is now known as alecu
alecumandel, pong14:59
mandelalecu, remember that we have to talk with lisettte in a few mins15:00
alecumandel, my internet connection is shitty15:01
alecumandel, I'll try listening15:01
gatoxhi u1!15:02
mandelalecu, ok, are you at the hotel?15:03
alecumandel, can you join mumble, so I can try it?15:03
mandelgatox, buenos dias!15:03
mandelalecu, sure, on it15:03
alecumandel, yup, I'm at the hole15:03
mandelalecu, say hi to the rest!15:03
alecuI mean... hotel :-)15:03
gatoxmandel, we are going to vote at the end of the sprint.... but i think that is going to be funnier without you15:03
* gatox wants to make mandel cries15:04
mandelgatox, bah, I know you are liying :P15:04
briancurtinmandel: from what i hear we are going to be light on curse words without you being here15:21
nessitahello everyone!15:28
nessitanet connection is not very good :-/15:28
mandelbriancurtin, they are a bunch or girls :P15:37
ralsinamandel: yes, and we are missing the one that sings "I feel pretty" in all the sprints15:38
mandelnessita, morning!15:38
mandelralsina, exactly!15:38
ralsinaping alecu15:54
alecumandel, re: ssl details: we should check both qnetwork and libsoup15:56
mandelalecu, yep, I'll do, we need to see if we get all that info so that we can show it to the user15:56
alecumandel, right.15:56
mandelalecu, at least we have postponed all the wizard work which we do not have time to do15:57
alecumandel, yes, that's good.15:57
mandelalecu, I'll look into that to see if we can get anything decent and will keep track of the work via the bugs15:58
mandelalecu, I'll let you with the sprint, don't gain too much weight with all the food they will be serving you ;)15:58
alecumandel, we are not getting food here... we are supposed to grab our own foods.16:00
alecumandel, in fact, we are about to go hunting some cows right now.16:01
mandelalecu, what?? that is really lame..16:01
alecumandel, we are getting expensed, though :-)16:01
mandelalecu, oh, that is a diff thing :)16:01
alecumandel, btw: let's have a meeting tomorrow morning to go over lisettte16:01
alecuI mean, lisettte's slides :-)16:01
mandelalecu, ah... you scared me there a minute!16:02
lisetttemandel: hahaha16:02
alecumandel, why are you scared!?16:02
mandelalecu, don't want to see you naked... what would he do, hold hands.. and the conversation would be awkward :P16:03
alecumandel, we can always do some "sword fighting"16:03
mandelno no16:03
lisettterolling off my chair here16:03
alecumandel, so, I see that the qtnetwork errors are very detailed indeed: http://developer.qt.nokia.com/doc/qt-4.8/qsslerror.html#SslError-enum16:04
mandelalecu, libsoup is probably going to be a diff story..16:05
* mandel looks16:05
alecumandel, and qt even has a "short localized human-readable description of the error" (QSslError::errorString)16:06
alecuthat is *great* news.16:06
mandelalecu, and on soup I can only find this: http://developer.gnome.org/libsoup/stable/SoupSocket.html#SoupSSLError16:06
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gatoxlisettte, ping17:27
nessitadobey: hello there! I replied to your comments in gtk-gi branch17:32
mandelgatox, lisettte is in a diff time zone, you are going to have it relly hard to contact her17:39
gatoxmandel, :(17:39
mandelgatox, I mentioned in the team meeting she was in abu dabi17:39
mandelgatox, not everyone is in argeintina hehe17:40
gatoxmandel, ahhhhhhhh true17:40
gatoxmandel, sorry.... i thought we were at the center of the universe17:40
mandelgatox, hehe if you want anything for here, either you send her an email or you tell me.. bu it will be hard because my 10 am are her 8 pm...17:41
gatoxmandel, i just needed a new asset.....17:42
mandelgatox, then email sounds reasonable17:42
gatoxmandel, yap17:42
mandelfacundobatista, ping?17:57
facundobatistamandel, pong17:58
mandelfacundobatista, I'm trying to fix that race condition we talked about, do you have a similar problem on linux?17:59
facundobatistamandel, refresh my memory, please :|18:02
mandelfacundobatista, when we do a start watch on windows we create a list of subdirst of the first level being watched.18:03
mandelfacundobatista, there might be a case in which when we create the list is not yet complete because the user made a move that took along time18:03
mandelfacundobatista, with the current use of the ReadDirectoryChangesW that is really hard to fix in an efficient way.. I have a diff approach but it will certainly take a loong time to implement18:04
jonokudos: https://twitter.com/#!/sebastiaansamyn/status/16390687954476236818:04
mandelbeuno, ^18:05
facundobatistamandel, ah! no, we don't have the same problem, as watches are per-directory only in pyinotify18:05
mandelfacundobatista, how common do you think is that situation?18:06
mandelfacundobatista, it will leak events for those dirs that do not have a watch jet18:06
facundobatistamandel, the race condition to happen? probably not very common, but what happens if it happens? just a leak for dirs you don't know yet?18:07
mandelfacundobatista, yes, events that should have been blocked reach sd18:07
dobeyi'm off today, but can my libubuntuone and rhythmbox-ubuntuone branches get some reviews? really want to get them in the release tomorrow, so we can have a working music store solution again in precise.18:08
mandelfacundobatista, the deal is, the ideal way to get all this fixed would be to get a layer closer to the file system on windows and I have some code that does that, but is a dangerous change18:08
mandelfacundobatista, not to say: un cambio de un par de cojones que puede hacer que el infierno se hiele18:08
mandelthat kind18:08
mandeldobey, branches!18:09
mandelfacundobatista, id like to give this as a partial fix, add a bug with the work to be done to do things in the proper way18:09
facundobatistamandel, ok, what about the "don't iterate on the dict"?18:09
mandelfacundobatista, that is sorted, will push the changes and ping you :)18:10
mandelfacundobatista, I did not want to ping you with something halfway unless we agreed je18:10
facundobatistamandel, :)18:11
mandeldobey, will be early my morning good enough for those branches?18:11
dobeynessita: btw, 50 min. til meeting :)18:11
dobeymandel: should be.18:11
mandeldobey, ok, then I call it a EOD for me and will give you the reviews early my morning :)18:12
dobeythough i would prefer to have them landed in trunk before tomorrow, so when i wake up, i don't have to worry about that so much, and can only do releasing for once ;)18:12
dobeymandel: cheers then.18:12
mandeldobey, do you really want a review from me at 7:15?18:12
mandeldobey, I can take a look, but beware stupid questions might arise!18:12
dobeywell hopefully a couple sprinters could look at it :)18:13
dobeyyou can go eat/drink/rugby/whatever18:13
mandeldobey, we went from  -lubuntuoneui-1.0 to  -lubuntuoneui-3.0, what happened with 2.0?18:13
dobey1.0: steal underpands. 2.0: ???. 3.0: profit.18:14
dobeythe -3.0 is follow convetion with everything else that builds on gtk318:15
mandeldobey, ok, got it :)18:16
mandeldobey, and the sharp crap goes way to do the lack of a mono thing for the gir, right?18:16
mandelthe ubuntuone-sharp.pc.in18:16
dobeyyeah i should have removed it before. mono bindings might come back when gtk# 3.x is in use and we can reasonably support it18:18
mandeldobey, 'Downloaded %sB' => 'Downloaded %s' why? was it on purpose?18:21
dobeymandel: yes. see commit message. "to avoid KiBB in strings"18:21
dobeybecause the glib function returns with the B it seems. at least, i was seeing double Bs in testing18:22
dobeygranted, I only saw it for like 500ms due to my network speed, but still18:23
dobeymandel: anyway, go do something more fun, you don't have to review it right now18:24
dobeyi'm only sort of around, because i need to go to the ubuntu dmb meeting in ~35 min18:24
mandeldobey, ok then :)18:25
mandeldobey, will do a full review tom morning with tests included18:26
mandelall, laters!18:26
ralsinabye mandel!18:28
mandelralsina, nos vemos!18:30
dobeynessita: hi. 14 minutes :)18:46
=== alecu__ is now known as alecu
gatoxmandel, ping18:51
dobeygah, no nessita18:52
dobeygatox: stop stealing the bandwidth18:52
gatoxralsina, do you want to make a small review?18:53
gatoxdobey, i should close  the torrent :P18:53
gatoxralsina, https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/reconnect-button/+merge/9075818:53
dobeygatox: or stop backing up to the resurrection ship.18:54
gatoxdobey, jejejej18:55
alecudobey, nessita had some issues with her laptop, and now is trying to get at the dmb meeting with facundo's laptop.18:57
dobeyalecu: ok18:58
facundobatistadobey, ubuntu-devel, right?18:58
gatoxnessita1, are you busy?19:07
=== alecu__ is now known as alecu
nessita1dobey: ping20:02
dobeynessita1: :)20:03
nessita1dobey: yey! did you got that last thing that micah said?20:04
nessita1dobey: would you explain to me what happened with that? was there a particular problem with the libubuntuone soname?20:06
dobeythe soname didn't change yet. but the last release removed the python and mono bindings. the release tomorrow will change the soname though and break a lot more stuff. the binary packages should have been fine with the last release though. source package wouldn't rebuild though, but there was also a new banshee release, and i asked hyperair to disable the u1 extension. maybe there was some confusion, but i haven't heard anything20:09
nessita1dobey: so are we breaking a  lot of packages with tomorrow's release?20:11
ralsinadobey: are we not breaking banshee if we release libu1 tomorrow?20:15
dobeyralsina: i already broke banshee.20:16
dobeyralsina: also, the old binary packages will still be able to remain installed20:16
ralsinadobey: in a backwards way, ok20:16
ralsinadobey: can you explain why it's broken? Just curious here20:20
gatoxdobey, happy birthday you cylon!!20:21
nessitabuh, network issues + crappy wirelress driver = not good20:22
nessitadobey: sorry, you were saying? (and Happy Birthday!)20:22
dobeyralsina: we won't be able to continue building mono bindings (plus you can't embed gtk3 inside gtk2)20:23
ralsinadobey: ok20:23
dobeynessita: i were saying, the upload tomorrow won't cause any real problems, no20:24
nessitadobey: because we already broke things? :-)20:24
dobeynessita: well, the binaries aren't broken. the source won't rebuild without mono bindings though20:29
nessitadobey: I see. Did ralsina metion to you his suggestion about releases tomorrow?20:32
nessitadobey: he suggested that we might skip tomorrow releases due to me being in sprint and the libubuntuone breakage. I wanted to know your thoughts (I mentioned the benefits of having periodic releases, and who we try to stick to that). I'm happy to do releases during lunchtime, for exmaple20:37
dobeyi think we should do them. but we can discuss it tomorrow20:37
nessitadobey: sure, I'm +1 to do them as well20:38
dobeyi'm back to my day off then :)20:38
nessitadobey: happy bday!20:38
=== alecu__ is now known as alecu
cjohnstonIs there something similar to --rescan-from-scratch='' on windows?21:32
dobeycjohnston: u1sdtool should have the same options on both platforms.21:48
cjohnstondobey: is it called by u1sdtool.exe on windows i guess?21:49
cjohnstondobey: when I tried, it said error, need more than one volume to unpack22:00
dobeycjohnston: hrmm, file a bug please. perhaps it's broken on windows, but it should work.22:04
cjohnstondobey: does there actually need to be a volume ID? I know in ubuntu that --rescan-from-scratch='' works22:05
dobeycjohnston: i don't know much about that code. i just know that everything in u1sdtool should work on both platforms :)22:06
cjohnstonOnce I called it right, it atleast responded.. if its working as it should or not is a different story.22:06
dobeycool. if it's not working right, or you get weird errors (like not enough values to unpack), please file bugs about them22:10
cjohnstonsounds good. thanks dobey22:10
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away

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