
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
=== baizon_ is now known as baizon
knomepleia2, staging site updated!!12:49
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== usuario_ is now known as GridTor
knomemicahg, status on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/murrine-themes/+bug/856939 ?20:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 856939 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "Default Thunderbird icons in Oneiric unusable with Greybird" [Medium,In progress]20:48
micahgknome: ugh20:48
knomebe back in 1020:49
pleia2knome: I think the last thing we need to do is add the quick links to the pages/posts20:51
* pleia2 wonders if we just give up on the 404 page for now20:54
pleia2oh, and we'll need to make sure we give them the list of redirects20:54
knomepleia2, we can discuss that @ #canonical-sysadmin. i forgot to ask about that.21:14
pleia2knome: yeah, let me look at the ticket, I think in some part of it they actually asked for a list of redirects rather than letting us have some redirect plugin21:16
knomeyeah, that's what they did21:17
knomethey also asked us to file new tickets21:17
knomein the future21:17
* pleia2 nods21:17
pleia2so maybe just file the ticket with the list of redirects from our /Website page, and then follow up in -syadmin?21:18
knomeyeah, that would work :)21:18
knomei can handle the followup if you send the email21:18
knomeoh, and please CC me as pasi@shimmerproject.org :)21:18
pleia2#19232 done21:25
pleia2now I go back to bed!21:25
ochosipleia2: get well soon!21:26
knomepleia2, thanks, and get well soon :)21:27
micahgwe're borderline oversized for live amd64, do we care?22:19
ochosimicahg: is gnome-icon-theme-full part of live amd64?22:20
ochosiok, good to know22:20
* micahg tries an update to see if anything gets dropped22:21
micahg2 versions of lcms...22:23
micahg2 versions of libusb..(this I'll try to fix for beta maybe)22:24
micahgah, libusb is 18k, don't care sore much22:26
micahglcms1 is 100k, a little more worthwhile22:26
micahgrespin of meta didn't do anything useful, so not uploading22:40

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