
m3gahi. bzr is not working on me. from ~/.bzr.log : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/543402/04:41
m3gabzr version is from debian testing04:41
AuroraBorealisdoes bzr support "glob' syntax that git/hg do? (as in can i copy/paste their ignore files have)05:33
PengAuroraBorealis: Yes, but not necessarily precisely the same syntax. bzr help ignore05:43
PengI dunno about git, but converting hg should basically be a copy+paste, but you will need tweaks, if only taking out "syntax: glob".05:45
AuroraBorealisso the [Bb]uild[Ll]og.* stuff will work if you just put RE: infront of it?05:46
PengI guess.05:47
AuroraBorealisthere is 'bzr help patterns' which says yeah that works05:48
m3gadamn, that's just really silly. "bzr branch somerepo" used to just work and now it gives what i think is an obscure error message. bzr: ERROR: Target directory "" already exists.06:22
PengI'm 15% sure that's a bug that was fixed.06:24
m3gathis is in debian testing06:24
lifelessm3ga: branching a branch, or a repo ?06:28
lifelesshmm, thats gotta be a regression06:29
* lifeless handwaves and blames bzr-colo prep work (jelmer :P)06:29
m3ga2.5.0dev6 in debian testing06:29
Peng*.log:6659032:2012-01-25 15:02:07: < jelmer> vila: no, that's not actually fixed yet but it's on my radar06:36
m3gathanks Peng. pity it already made its way into debian06:37
vilahi all !07:29
hariomI want a binary file to untrack. How to do that?07:33
hariomI have added that file in .bzrignore but still in bzr status I see that file appearing in modified: list07:34
pooliebzr rm --keep THING07:34
poolieyou may also want to uncommit, if you just committed it, then recommit without it07:35
hariompoolie: I hope it won't remove the THING. Does --keep ensure that?07:37
vilahariom: yes, that's what --keep does07:45
pooliehi vila08:02
vilahey poolie !08:02
pooliehi, how are you?08:05
mgzmorning all08:05
pooliehi there08:07
vilapoolie: fine, was able to deploy pristine-tar and pbzip2 late yesterday, I'm looking at the fallouts but we're down to ~400 failures (some new ones have appeared as usual ;-})08:09
pooliethat's great08:10
pooliemaybe i should follow up on the list08:10
wgzyou guys carry on, I'll fiddle here08:25
mardyhi all, "bzr pull" from a local git repository suddenly started failing for all my projects: bzr: ERROR: Error reading from 'refs/heads/'.08:44
vilahghgnh lp downtime10:01
vilajelmer: ping, pm10:10
mgzyou should just pick a public channel vila :)10:11
viladifferent subjects ;) Here, I'd like to mention I'll propose a merge to introduce 2.5b6 before we do 2.5.0 and that will mean retargeting the existing bugs10:13
vilathat is, as soon as lp is back10:15
vilawhich seems to be the case already10:15
mgzyup, fdt is annoying because it's dt just when we're working, but it is at least f10:18
elmohalp, wat10:30
elmoUncommit these revisions? ([y]es, [n]o): yes10:30
elmobzr: ERROR: An inconsistent delta was supplied involving 'modules/geoip/templates/geoip.erb', 'geoip.erb-20110907035659-stu7uecbpgflsa0u-1'10:30
elmoreason: Unable to find block for this record. Was the parent added?10:30
elmothe uncommit appears to have taken - I'm now on $revno-1, but I'm scared by the ERROR message10:30
mgzlike bug 910002 maybe?10:32
ubot5`Launchpad bug 910002 in Bazaar "uncommitting a dir rename causes InconsistentDelta error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91000210:32
vilaelmo: bzr version ? plugins ?10:32
elmomgz: hmm, I do have a bunch of renames, but not of directories, but checking10:33
mgzthat's a good bug report.10:33
mgzwhy's it still new...10:33
elmovila: precise, so 2.5b5 - no funky plugins I know of10:33
mgzelmo: so, summary, don't be too scared because it's 'just' a dirstate error, which worst-case you can alwasy regenerate10:36
mgzbut if you've got a slightly different from that existing bug, it would be good to add info there10:37
vilajelmer: filed bug #92422010:38
ubot5`Launchpad bug 924220 in Bazaar "ssl.ca_certs should be supported in authentication.conf" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92422010:38
mgzsomewhat telling stat about the last few weeks, 2.5 is on r6465 but dev is only on r645610:41
mgzhm. that's a switch regression10:42
elmomgz: should I be worried about 'inconsistent parents' in bzr check output?10:42
mgz`bzr switch -b existing_dir` now gives a LockDir error rather than just saying it already exists10:43
mgzelmo: well, to be safe you can do `bzr branch -r($revno-1) . ../new_tree` then copy over the changes10:45
mgzbut no, probably.10:45
elmomgz: ok10:45
elmomgz: #910002 updated, thanks11:07
mgzelmo: thank you very much.11:08
* mgz optimistically targets it11:09
jelmermgz: that indeed is a very nice bug report11:09
jelmerso far the InconsistentDelta bug reports have all been very vague and hard to reproduce11:09
mgzI've put it on my queue to look at after the stuff needed for the freeze this week are done.11:10
jmlMost of my local Bazaar projects are set up in treeless repos where I use a checkout11:49
jmlI really want to try colo support, so I'm installing the nightly bzr11:50
jmlhow do I start hacking on one of my existing projects (e.g. testtools) with colo?11:50
jelmerhey jml11:53
jelmerjml: "bzr switch -b colocated-branch-name"11:53
mgzI'd create a new testtools repo locally with colo on, then branch any works in progress into it11:54
jelmermgz: there's no need to enable colo anymore11:54
mgzas I think we discussed the other day, there's no easy migration tool from shared-treeless to colo currently11:54
jelmeryou can just do it in an existing branch11:54
mgzah, I missed the nightly part.11:54
jmljelmer: and I can blame you if everything goes pear-shaped?11:58
jelmerjml: well, there are still quite a few rough edges11:59
jelmerbut you won't lose any data11:59
jelmerit's not a new repo format or anything like that11:59
jmljelmer: sweet.12:00
jmljelmer: so when I try "bzr switch -b new-branch-name" and then type "bzr branches", I only see '* (default)' listed12:38
jelmerjml: are you in a lightweight checkout perhaps?12:43
jmljelmer: I am.12:43
jelmerjml: That would explain it. "bzr switch" creates branches in your original directory, "bzr branches" lists branches in your current directory12:44
jelmerhi Stavros12:44
Stavrosi'm trying to use bzr-git, i've installed dulwich and did "bzr branch lp:bzr-git .bazaar/config/plugins/git" but it's saying "unknown protocol" for git+ssh12:44
jelmerStavros: it should be in .bazaar/plugins/git, not .bazaar/config/plugins/git12:44
Stavrosjelmer: sorry, that's where it is12:44
Stavrosjelmer: it fails properly when i rename it to bzr-git12:44
jelmerStavros: does "bzr plugins" list it?12:44
jmljelmer: is that a bug? should I be using a full & proper branch with tree instead?12:45
Stavrosah,   ** Unable to load plugin 'git'. It requested API version (2, 5, 0) of module <module 'bzrlib'12:45
jelmerjml: if you're using colocated branches, you should beu using a full and proper branch instead; there is no point in mixing shared repositories with treeless branches and colocated branches12:45
jelmerStavros: which version of bzr are you using?12:45
jmljelmer: good point.12:46
jelmerStavros: that explains it, bzr-git trunk only works with bzr 2.512:46
Stavrosthat's weird, i have the bzr ppa12:46
jelmerStavros: you probably want to use a release12:46
Stavrosdo you have it tagged?12:46
jmljelmer: huh, and I guess all that's needed when fetching a project for the first time is 'bzr branch <URL>' and that will automatically work... that's actually a lot nicer than shared repos12:46
jelmerStavros: or the daily build of both bzr and bzr-git12:46
Stavrosi'll just use the release of bzr-git, thanks12:46
jelmerjml: yep, exactly12:46
Stavroshow do we branch to tags again? it's been long since i used bzr, but it was the best12:47
Stavrosbzr revert tag:bzr-git-0.6.7?12:47
Stavroshmm no12:47
jelmerStavros: bzr up -rtag:bzr-git-0.6.7 I think12:47
Stavrosthat worked, thanks12:47
jelmerStavros: you ctually want 0.6.6 I think12:48
Stavrosjelmer: yep, that worked, thank you12:48
Stavrosyou might want to make the error messages a bit more descriptive :/12:48
jmlalso makes it a bit less cumbersome to write a command that shows branches with unmerged revisions.12:48
jmlugh, I wish fewer projects I worked on used virtualenv...12:49
Stavrosjml: virtualenv is awesome, why don't you like it?12:49
jelmerStavros: we keep going back and forth on this; the reason the error messages are less intrusive is because people kept complaining about them.12:50
jmlStavros: in a nutshell, because it requires too much network access.12:50
Stavrosjelmer: even something like "unsupported protocol, see 'bzr plugins' for details" would be nice12:50
Stavrosjml: ah12:50
Stavrosjml: you can use pip with freezing12:50
Stavrosbzr-git is amazing, oh how i love it12:51
Stavroshas bzr gotten significantly faster in the past year? i switched to git from it for the speed, but git is a mess12:51
jelmerStavros: yes, 2.5 will be a lot faster12:52
Stavroshow stable is 2.5?12:52
jmljelmer: after branch lp:testtools, 'bzr branches' says '* (default)', then if I switch -b new-branch, only that new-branch appears in the 'branches' listing. How do I get back to trunk?12:53
jelmerStavros: you should have gotten an error message about versioning when attempting to use git+ssh://. You didn't?12:53
jelmerjml: "bzr switch -b trunk"12:53
jelmerjml: The initial branch is unnamed, it's not named trunk12:53
Stavrosjelmer: no, the exact message is: bzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url "git+ssh://git@github.com/skorokithakis/django-browserid.git"12:54
jmljelmer: but if I'd started hacking on that new branch then I wouldn't be able to do that without first figuring out the revision on which I diverged, right?12:54
jelmerStavros: ah12:55
jmljelmer: is https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/588020 righly a colocated bug?12:55
ubot5`Launchpad bug 588020 in Bazaar "tab completion should honour switch lookup path" [Wishlist,Confirmed]12:55
jelmerStavros: can you perhaps file a bug report about that? That's definitely a bug.12:55
Stavroswith bzr or with bzr-git?12:55
jelmerStavros: bzr12:55
jelmerjml: somewhat - it's an issue with sibling branches; that includes colocated branches but also "siblings" that happen to live in the same shared repository12:56
jmljelmer: so I guess that unless you are some kind of weirdo you almost always want to do 'bzr switch -b trunk' after fetching a branch for the first time12:56
Stavrosdo colocated branches shelve your uncommitted changes when switching yet?12:57
jmljelmer: I see. I was about to file a bug for tab completion for colo branches but I think that bug covers it.12:57
jelmerStavros: no12:57
Stavrosah :/12:57
jelmerStavros: personally I wouldn't really want that behaviour, but I guess it might make sense for switch to have an option to do that.12:57
Stavrosjelmer: i would love it, instead of having to use different folders, if i could have a shelve per branch12:58
Stavrosthat way i could switch my uncommitted changes around12:58
jelmerI think shelves are per checkout at the moment though.12:58
jelmerso it's not just a matter of running shelve before the switch, you would actually have to change the way shelves work.12:58
mgzthere are arguments both ways on that12:59
jelmermgz: how do you mean?12:59
Stavrosjelmer: ah :/12:59
mgzI find sometimes I'm glad my shelves are all on ./tree but sometimes they should be following ./feature-branch12:59
jelmermgz: for what Stavros is asking about, you would definitely have to have them per-branch though13:00
jelmerjml: I think so too13:00
Stavroswhat i want is colocated  branches to contain my uncommitted changes, i don't really mind if this isn't implemented via shelves13:00
Stavrosit would just be nice if this were possible13:00
mgzright, it's different ways of working13:01
jelmerStavros: you don't want them all shelved onto the same shelve though13:01
jelmerStavros: is what I'm saying13:01
mgzI quite often just start off on trunk then switch when I know what to name the thing I'm hacking on13:01
jelmerStavros: you could always commit/uncommit before switching?13:01
Stavrosjelmer: oh, yes, probably not13:01
Stavrosjelmer: yeah, that's a solution13:01
Stavrosit'd be nice if it were done automatically13:01
Stavrosi might write a plugin to do it13:01
Stavroscommit with some special commit message, uncommit if the last commit matches the message when switching13:02
jelmerI wouldn't want to do that automatically in the core, because it would really pollute the repository13:03
jelmerbut yeah, you could very well do that as a plugin13:03
Stavroshow hard is that to write, as someone very familiar with python but not at all with bzr plugins?13:04
jmlStavros: I found it pretty easy13:05
Stavrosgreat, i'll give it a stab later today then13:06
Stavrosit'll just commit and uncommit, how hard can it be13:06
Stavrosalthough i guess it would break things if you push13:06
jmlStavros: I found existing plugins and bzrlib/builtins.py to be the best places to start13:06
Stavrosjml: ah, i'll try that, thanks13:06
Stavrosi'll try to find a simple plugin and look at it13:06
jmlbzr-grep is pretty simple, iirc.13:07
Stavrosaha, i'll look at that then, thank you13:07
Merwinvila, are you there13:15
vilatricky question...13:16
vilaI'm having a late lunch and reading the backlog ;)13:16
Merwinvila, one of my coworker just made a huge mistake :D13:17
MerwinHe removed a lot of files, in different commits, merged with more recent commits, then commited the merge and pushed again...13:18
MerwinI need to undo all what he did, without touching other team members commits because they are good13:18
MerwinBut looking at the qlog, I can see its merges with subcommits -the good ones-13:18
MerwinHow can I just undo its modifications ?13:18
Merwin(For example, the last commit is a good one, but the 4 previous are bad, then 5th back is good, and the 6 back is wrong...13:19
MerwinSo I would need to unco changes made in commit -2..-4, and -6 for example13:20
mgzjelmer: just to distract you further, have you got 30 seconds to check my thinking on <https://code.launchpad.net/~gz/qbzr/trivial__get_entry_nosuchid/+merge/90845>13:20
mgzjelmer: feel free to revenge bug me about anything during the week13:21
vilaMerwin: same as yesterday, merge the reverse range of the revisions you want to undo, check the diff, commit, rinse and repeat for all ranges13:21
Merwinvila, I'll try, thanks13:22
Merwinvila, but the "good" commits are in merges, so I don't see them in bzr log13:22
MerwinI just see my bad-coworker commits13:22
jelmermgz: +1, though you might want to always convert to a list in case iter_entries_by_dir returns a sequence rather than an iterator13:22
mgzbut that loses the ability to only do the work for the first item13:23
mgzI guess for filter like this it's already done everything?13:24
mgzthere's only one thing matching the given file-id13:24
jelmermgz: there is only one item, so I don't think that's a big deal :)13:24
vilaMerwin: use 'bzr log -n1 -l32' to view lower level commits (-n)13:24
Merwinvila, removing a "parent" commit (a merge commiut) won't remove all its children ?13:24
mgzI guess an alternative spelling would be: for i in iter(): return i; raise13:25
mgzwhich is actually a bit neater...13:25
jelmeryeah, that works too..13:25
* mgz uses that13:25
vilaMerwin: when you cherry-pick, you remove nothing13:26
vilaMerwin: actually when you merge you remove nothing either, cherry-picking a reversed range doesn't remove the revisions either it only applies the opposite change13:26
vilamgz: being able to *move* a shelve would be really nice13:28
vilamgz: some revisions may need to be pulled too13:28
mgzvila: it would, but only if it was then available when switching back13:32
vilamgz: err, not sure we're on the same page, I was thinking about an explicit command to move a shelve from one tree to another13:32
Merwinvila, I can't male it work. The commit 350 is a "merge" commit. I want to keep all commits under it, but exclude modifications made by the guy. I try bzr merge -r 350..349 . but it seems that it cancels all subcommits13:34
mgzright, but needing to manually move it back again would be a little annoying too13:35
vilaMerwin: well, yes, 350..349 includes all children, you probably want something I can;t describe without seeing your history though ;)13:36
vilaMerwin: but you can address lower level commit by revno too, use their dotted representation that log -n1 will display13:43
vilamgz: rubber stamp for https://code.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/beta6/+merge/90869 ?14:02
vilajelmer: see above and check your news entries :-p14:02
vilajelmer: kidding, don't lose time on that ;)14:03
vilajelmer: but I don't know if pqm will be as friendly ;)14:03
Merwinok vila I think I got what I wanted! In fact if I want to cherrypick only the modifications done between a bzr merge and a bzr commit, I have to do bzr merge -r350..XXX.YYY.ZZZ, with XXX.YYY.ZZZ being the last commit before the merge14:07
MerwinThanks for your help... again ;)14:07
vilayup exactly14:07
* vila wishes this can some sort of drap-and-drop operation from qlog or something...14:08
vilas/can/can be/14:08
MerwinThe GUI is too limite IMHO for these use cases :)14:09
vilayup... for now ;)14:09
mgzvila: done14:10
mgzsome of the pending bugs retargetted may want to be 2.5.0 again, but can see when the freeze happens which got done14:13
vilaoh, just a sec, I'll make the 2.5.0 milestone active again14:15
viladone, feel free to retarget14:16
vilaand sorry for bug spam14:16
vilajelmer, mgz : https://code.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/920455-ssl-defaults/+merge/90693 should now be ready for final review14:17
mgzvila: looks like you still need a relative path for the installer versions14:18
vilaI need a path yes, why relative ?14:19
vilaand relative to what ? Oh, you mean relative to sys.executable for windows ?14:19
vilabut yes, the intent is to do two one-liners fixes when windows and osx installers have a proposal14:20
mgzjust `os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), "ca_bundle.crt")` or something wouldn't hurt14:20
vilabzr_ca_bundle.txt ? Or is the executable already in a bzr-private directory ?14:21
mgzit's in "Program Files\Bazaar" or whatever on windows for the all in one installer, and Python26 etc otherwise14:22
vilaok, done then. People that don't use the all-in-one installer are supposed technical-savvy enough to set it up themselves in bazaar.conf14:23
mgzthere's no reason to prefix the name at any rate, there's nothing bzr specific about certs.14:24
vilaand pushed14:24
mgzand have you double checked that you do actually get the pretty error rather than random junk if a particular dir doesn't exist?14:26
vilayup, it's explained in one of my comments with instructions to reproduce ;)14:30
viladouble-check welcome as I went to a lot of small changes trying to support 'optional' but I'm pretty sure I didn't break that in the end14:31
vilai.e. the logic is: if you defined ssl.ca_certs, it should be valid. When we need it, we query the config, if it doesn't exist, we abort (you ask for verification, we need some valid path)14:32
mgzbut required is the default, so they didn't ask as such, the initial branch had various nitpicking about the connection-to-https case needing to have a pretty message about disabling checking when it fails14:34
mgzI'll try out your branch downstairs in a bit14:34
trebor_dkihi. being an plain cvs user, i am forced to import a subversion repo into a (new) bzr repo. is there a 5-minute howto in the man/info/web? thanks for hints14:36
vilamgz: yup, indeed the tension is between 'required' being the default and ssl.ca_certs *not* providing a valid default ;)14:36
* trebor_dki found http://www.szakmeister.net/blog/2009/oct/12/bazaar-subversion-super-client/ - but that is (to me) about using bzr as a svn (super-)client.14:38
jelmertrebor_dki: the entire repository (all branches) or just a single branch?14:39
=== tchan1 is now known as tchan
trebor_dkijelmer: (sorry for delay) - the entire repository15:09
trebor_dkiit is a move from svn to bzr15:10
smoseranyone have thoughts on how i could get libvirt importer fixed: http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/libvirt.html#2011-05-26%2020:07:23.55831515:23
* trebor_dki found this: svnadmin dump -q path/to/my_svn_project > my_project_dump;; bzr svn-import my_project_dump new_path/to/my_project;; is this the way to migration?15:27
abentleyjelmer: bzr-pqm r83 breaks lp-land, because it calls BranchConfig.get, which doesn't exist.15:29
jelmertrebor_dki: you probably just want to call "bzr svnimport /path/to_my_svn_project project.bzr"15:32
jelmerehm, "bzr svn-import ..." (with a dash)15:32
=== RenatoSilva is now known as Pikachu
wgzvila: so, the current SSL config error handling is borked15:48
wgzI may be able to do something sane on the trace side when ssl.SSLError is raised, I then just need a suitable error for the config issue raised as well rather than the useless generic one15:49
wgzthen the trace.note stuff in connect_to_origin can go, having been absorbed at a higher level15:49
vilaborked how ? In which case ?15:49
wgzsee mp.15:50
wgz'Bad value' sucks.15:50
wgzgiven we're breaking something that used to work, the message needs to be totally clear about how to fix the issue15:51
wgz`bzr help ssl.ca_certs` could do with being a lot more detailed too.15:52
vilathen move the trace you like into ca_cert_from_store *before* raising bad value15:52
wgzyou can do that, just need to copy the block from `if ca_certs is None` below which I presume now never gets hit?15:53
wgzraising a custom error would still be nicest15:54
wgzyeah, `ca_certs = config_stack.get('ssl.ca_certs')` is validating the file rather than just leaving None or a non-existant name15:55
vilaat one point I wanted to add 'See bzr help %(option_name)s' ib ConfigValueError then the help can be used to provide more details15:55
vilawell, I wanted.. I did and then removed it because the strings were frozen (which may have been a bad idea)15:56
wgzthese messages aren't translated anyway atm.15:57
wgz(they should be)15:57
wgzyou see what I'm talking about in HTTPSConnection.connect_to_origin right?15:57
vilathe trace.note call right ?16:00
wgzthere are two16:01
wgzthey should kinda be combined really16:01
wgzbut we need something for all kinds of validation errors, and the cert file missing is just a particular case of that16:01
wgzwhat's the easiest way of overriding a config default for a blackbox test?16:02
wgzhaving something try and connect to a https server with a default cert file that doesn't exist and asserting the error is useful would be good16:02
vilathere is one trace.call and two trace.warning calls16:03
vilayeah, I tried a bit but resigned, there was no obvious way to test that ;_;16:03
wgzmonkey patch opt_ssl_ca_certs to have a different default function?16:05
vilayeah, I did that at one point to unit test when trying to support 'optional'16:05
vilalet's backtrack a bit16:06
vilawe want: 1) the default value to be good for 99% of the cases, having the all-in-one windows installer and the osx installer carry the certs cover that16:07
vila2) for the remaining windows/osx users, we want a clear error message16:07
vilamentioning bzr help %(option_name)s and enhancing the help *and* keeping the trace.note and trace.warnings where they are ?16:08
wgzplus a bit of editing, wouldn't be too bad16:09
vilamgz: by the way, we're not "breaking something that used to work", really, we fixed https for urllib that wasn't verifying ;)16:09
wgzthough a little backwards compared to the error-then-advice approach trace.report_user_error has16:09
wgzthe effect is breakage, it's good breakage, but I want to avoid hundreds of bug reports about an intended change16:10
wgzmentioning the default path is one thing config is doing right that the previous version didn't16:11
vilayeah, me too, that's why I want to fix this asap but the current implementation is already known to not be the final one, we really want support from authentication.conf16:11
vilaerr, why do you backwards ? We display the error mentioning the help, the advice in the help so it will displayed after the error too no ?16:12
vilaor do you want the help itself to be part of the error ?16:13
wgzI like the advice after16:13
wgzmoving the trace calls around would mean it gets printed first, which is till okay.16:13
vilawgz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/824008/16:19
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
wgzvila: yeah, that kind of thing is nice. could also special case ConfigOptionValueError in trace, there are benefits both ways.16:24
wgzhave we got a standard form of marking commands? I use backticks, but that may just be me.16:24
wgzI really want the advice about disabling right there in the error16:26
wgzand ideally not duplicated in several places.16:26
vilano standard, some errors use double-quotes most use nothing16:26
vilathe problem is that we want a valid path, so config is the right place to check that,16:27
wgzbut config users can't rely on config to actually ensure a path is correct16:28
vilawgz: can you redo your test after changing 'error' to 'warning' for ssl.ca_certs ?16:28
wgzas they may be using the value later, and files can move etc.16:28
vilaright, but at one point the config is queried and at *that* point the file should be in the right place16:29
wgzvila: http://paste.ubuntu.com/824030/16:31
wgzthat's more like what wget does, though still not *completely* perfect :)16:31
vilaperfect enough ? :-D16:32
vilawgz: pushed16:37
vilawith some more minor tweaks16:37
vilaargh, crossed on wire ;)16:37
vilaNone ??16:37
vilaerr, and the meaning is ?16:38
wgzI'm built against a slightly newer openssl than default Python 2.7 config, but I doubt it's changed16:39
vilathere are two 'raise's there, I just edited to use only one, but we'll raise if we see 'None'16:39
vilas/$/ anyway/16:39
wgzNone is just what I observed the errno is if we don't supply a string for ca_certs16:39
wgzthe trace functions kinda suck, we need to get away from using them16:40
vilabut still use ssl.ca_reqs=required ?16:40
vilagrr, that's the case I was getting rid of by using error instead of warning ;_;16:41
wgzconfig just doesn't have enough context to give good errors16:42
vilaright, but we should not accept ca_reqs=required and ca_certs == None, no need to even try16:43
vilayeah config does not have enough context but if we go too far from config we can't point to config anymore16:44
wgzanyway, I've distracted you enough, what you have will do for now and I can tweak later16:44
wgzwrapping both ConfigValueError and SSLError in a BzrError with extra stuff would work as well.16:45
wgzwould then avoid the duplication in those two locations16:46
pmezardhello, are Revision.message guaranteed to be unicode objects?16:47
wgzyes, with normal python caveats.16:47
pmezardwhat do you mean?16:48
vilawgz: as in: I push my latest changes and you'll pilot to safe harbor from there ?16:49
wgzpython doesn't actually enforce types, so a misbehaving plugin could give you a Revision object where message is a byte string, or a tuple, or a Rabbit16:50
vilawgz: this code *will* be revisited in the future anyway16:50
vilaor a Pony ?16:50
wgza Pony would be too much to hope for.16:50
pmezardwgz: oh right, bugs are bugs, I was more interested about the intent16:50
wgzvila: yes, land away.16:50
fullermdPonies aren't bugs.  Unless they have 6 legs.  Which would be awesome.16:51
LeoNerdSome sort of centaur?16:51
fullermdThat would be 5 legs.  Traumatic amputation.  He doesn't like talking about it.16:52
vilawgz: err, the None bit is unclear, I'd rather not test e.errno at all so we always display the note (this except clause is fatal anyway and the only workaround is to set ssl.ca_reqs=noe)16:59
wgzvila: land what you have, not my changes16:59
vilameh, AIUI, what I have will not do what we want on windows without a valid bundle O_o17:00
vilawgz: please just do a final test with reno 6464 and I'll land it17:01
wgzthat now shows both messages though vila17:15
wgzthe rev before was okay.17:15
wgzor delete the `if ca_certs is None:` block above17:16
vilawgz: will delete this block and land17:18
* vila bangs head17:25
vilaI've landed the 2.5b6 change on bzr.dev17:25
* wgz pats vila17:27
wgzI should have seen that too17:27
vilalp-propose should default to the submit_branch location (which itself should default to parent_location if not set)17:30
vilaeach time I look at the pqm page when the test_non_ascii are passing, I have a wtf moment thinking we're back to the time were the test suite was run twice on pqm :)17:35
cob_olpi would like have a bzr repository on a server17:44
cob_olpit is a windows machine17:44
cob_olpprobably smart server will be a good choice?17:45
cob_olpbut how can I introduce some security, I mean something like ssh17:46
cob_olpis it possible to setup ssh on windows, or maybe there is some other way?17:46
nDuffcob_olp: yes, cygwin's sshd supports Windows17:48
nDuffcob_olp: ...there are certainly other approaches as well, ie. running over https17:48
cob_olpso maybe instead of cygwin ssh, the better choice will be in fact a virtual machine with linux?17:49
cob_olpbecause for https I will have to introduce some authentication17:51
cob_olpshould I in such case put some password on my repository folder?17:51
cob_olpwill bzr support such access?17:52
jelmercob_olp: yes, bzr supports kerberos and basic/digest auth17:58
cob_olpok, thank you18:00
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cob_olpand what setup would you suggest on windows 2003 machine?18:01
jelmercob_olp: no idea, I haven't set up a https server on Windows18:02
cob_olpthank you for help18:16
cob_olpprobably I will install VM with ubuntu server and use bzr+ssh:/ :)18:17
JPetersoni installed bzr-2.5b5-1-setup.exe, selected everything, and get this error bzr: ERROR: No module named xml_errors18:26
JPetersonwhen selecting All in the bazaar explorer toolbar18:26
JPetersonit seems like it was fixed here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gz/bzr-windows-installers/xmloutput_r160_update_921754/revision/20218:28
JPetersoncan i use that release? how do I use it?18:28
wgzJPeterson: you can either remove xmloutput from the plugins dir or update it if you need it18:30
JPetersonwgz, how do i updated it?18:31
JPetersonwhy can't i update it from the plugin list18:31
wgzJPeterson: go to the plugins dir, remove the xmloutput dir, then do `bzr branch lp:bzr-xmloutput xmloutput` to recreate it with the latest version of the plugin18:35
JPetersonwgz isn't the xmloutput dir supposed to come back after that?18:37
wgzyup, but you need to be in the plugins directory when you run the command18:38
JPetersonwgz why do i get "Permission denied (publickey)"18:48
JPetersoni haven't even told it where my private key is18:48
JPetersonand i haven't told it my password18:49
wgzgenerally it means you've done `bzr launchpad-login` because it told you to, but not uploaded your public key to launchpad or run your ssh-agent18:50
wgzyou can either remove 'launchpad_login' from your bazaar.conf (running `bzr version` will tell you what directory that's in), or go through the steps to enable ssh access18:53
wgzsee <https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/CreatingAnSSHKeyPair> for that.18:54
JPetersonwgz, i dunno what running the ssh agent mean, but i ran it from cygwin isntead which worked19:08
JPetersonthat didn't work because the Windows command line needs to see the private key too19:12
JPetersonhow do i do that?19:12
JPetersonok i need to use the annoying pageant.exe19:15
JPetersonit can't even add the key generated from ssh-keygen -t rsa lol19:15
JPetersonok i have to run it through puttygen.exe first 0_o19:19
JPetersonwgz, now pageant.exe is running but bzr still fails with Permission denied (publickey).19:22
JPetersoncan i ask tortoisebzr to run bzr through cygwin instead?19:24
JPetersonwhat's the point of tortoisebzr if it can't run bzr?19:29
wgz...I'm missing context on that question thanks to my ISP19:30
JPetersonwgz, ok19:33
JPetersonhttps://launchpad.net/subdownloader "Programming Languages: Python / QT4 "19:33
JPetersonfantastic, what pythin version is it using19:33
JPetersonthat's kind of relevant lol19:33
wgzthat... doesn't seem related to bzr. it's just some project on launchpad,19:35
wgzyou could use 'Ask a question' to ask the developers to document which python version, or just try it locally and see if it breaks19:36
mgedminCommit message was not edited, use anyway? [y/n]: n19:36
mgedminthis always makes me stop and think19:37
mgedmindon't make me think, please19:37
mgedminif I abort the editor without quitting, clearly that's because I noticed something wrong in the diff and decided not to commit19:37
wgzor because you liked the auto generate commit message as it was?19:38
wgz(not that I'm sure it applies)19:38
wgzpersonally I always just use commit -m19:38
wgzmgedmin: deleting the contents of the file if you're unhappy with it avoids the prompt19:42
mgedminthere are auto-generated commit messages?19:43
mgedminin what circumstances?19:43
wgzusing the set_commit_message or commit_message_template hooks, as used by bzr-builddeb for instance19:44
mgedminso when I answer "n" to the not edited question, I get19:57
mgedminbzr: ERROR: empty commit message specified19:57
mgedminwhich scarily-looks as if bzr tried to commit anyway and then aborted when it noticed the message was empty19:57
mgedminthere's no reason bzr can't check for empty-ness before it checks for not-edited-ness19:57
mgedminand abort the commit (like git does) without asking unnecessary questions19:57
wgzpatches welcome!19:58
wgzbzr branch lp:bzr then it's in bzrlib\msgeditor.py19:59
wgzjust moving the block down would work but the logic could probably be tidied up more generally20:00
wgzJPeterson: now I've read the log from when I was disconnected, I see you were having issues getting an ssh key set up20:07
wgzJPeterson: did you remember to do 'Add key' on Pageant? pasting the section from you .bzr.log where it failed may have more info.20:08
JPetersonwgz ok20:08
wgzit seems to did all the hard bits.20:09
wgzand if it worked via cygwin then you must have the key on launchpad correctly.20:09
JPetersonwgz where's .bzr.log?20:10
wgzah, unless you generated a new key rather than importing your existing one?20:10
wgz^`bzr version` will tell you where .bzr.log is20:10
JPeterson0.082  bazaar version: 2.5b520:11
JPeterson0.322  ssh implementation is OpenSSH20:11
JPeterson[234260] 2012-01-31 21:11:08.059 WARNING: ConnectionReset reading response for 'BzrDir.open_2.1', retrying20:11
wgzyou did Conversions -> Import key rather than Generate right?20:12
wgzhm. and that looks like it's using openssh rather than paramiko or plink, which is why it doesn't find the key20:13
wgzif you do..20:13
wgzset BZR_SSH=paramiko20:13
wgzand then try to branch something again, do you get a different ssh implementation line in the log?20:14
JPetersonwgz thx, that's what was missing20:15
wgz...it should be the default, I wonder what was going wrong20:15
* wgz checks the code20:16
wgzhm. no, having something called ssh on your path takes precedence, that's not great on windows.20:20
JPetersonrestarted pageant and get this20:22
JPeterson0.234  failed to load system host keys: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\User/.ssh/known_hosts'20:22
JPetersonthats' not where it is,20:22
JPetersonit's in C:\Files\Services\cygwin\home\User\.ssh20:22
wgzJPeterson: remember to set that variable in you user variables under system properties so it sticks20:22
wgz^heh, that comes from a function where the docstring begins "Load system host keys (probably doesn't work on windows)..."20:23
wgzit's ignorable kipple though, provided you add the key again whenever you restart paramiko (yes, it's annoying, but most ssh-agents are like this) then things will work20:24
wgzso, right click little icon, add key, select key file, enter password20:25
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JPetersonwgz, what? how do I tell it where the known_hosts is?20:25
wgzah, maybe you can actually, and avoid pageant20:26
wgztry `bzr config ssh_host_keys=C:\Files\Services\cygwin\...etc`20:26
wgzno, wait, misread20:27
wgzwhat *is* this doing...20:27
wgzmeh, just ignore it, is harmless20:28
JPetersonwgz: ok. now it worked again btw. ConnectionReset reading response for 'BzrDir.open_2.1', retrying came from a temporary router downtime20:31
JPetersonnot bzr20:31
wgzit's unfortunate the failure modes look the same...20:32
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pooliehi all21:28
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