
JontheEchidnagrr, my wifi just stopped working when I turned on my computer tonight :/00:07
JontheEchidnaworked fine this morning, and I hadn't run any updates since then :(00:07
JontheEchidnait keeps tripping over trying to authenticate WEP for some reason00:08
JontheEchidnaethernet, I am teh tethered00:33
JontheEchidna...first world problems :P00:34
Darkwingkinda like my tablet randomly dropping wifi in the middle of a video chat minecraft session?00:48
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DarkwingCan someone ping server.wonderly.com for me?03:03
micahgDarkwing: no go, ends at cox.net03:41
Darkwingtry server.wonderly.com:801003:41
Darkwingin browser.03:41
DarkwingThanks micahg03:42
DarkwingQuintasan: When you are about... Did you chroot your transformer with kubuntu or, did you nativly install it?03:42
Darkwingapachelogger: ping04:34
* ScottK flips a coin between sleeping and too drunk to type.04:39
claydohScottK: sleeping after drinking maybe 04:39
ScottKCould be.04:40
claydohsavannah ga finally04:40
claydohand finally getting close to having some sort of job,04:41
claydohgetting responses finally04:41
ScottKWhy there?  It's a bit of a change from Maine?04:41
Darkwinglol not bad for choices. ScottK, you going to be in Oakland for uds in may?04:41
claydohbrother lives here04:41
ScottKNot likely.04:41
claydohand humid already tho for me04:41
ScottKDude, it's January.  Just you wait.04:42
claydohi know 04:42
Darkwinghehe its painful04:42
ScottKThe British used it as a penal colony for a reason.04:42
claydohi am getting used to it already04:42
Darkwinghow long u been there?04:42
claydoh3 weeks about04:43
fayazi'm seeing a bug in KGpg -> Key Server -> Export. no matter which key server i choose, the Information dialog says it uploaded to server keyserver.ubuntu.com07:40
DarkwingHere is to building an ARM image for my eee pad tablet.08:03
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Riddellfayaz: check with upstream if it's a bug in upstream08:40
RiddellDarkwing: they're ARM machines?08:40
Riddellwho do I want to vote for as DMB?08:53
fayazRiddell: are you sure? this sounds more like a downstream issue...08:56
Riddellfayaz: to find out kill kgpg, delete your kgpgrc, delete /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/config/kgpgrc09:01
Riddellrestart kgpg, re-set it up09:01
Riddellif it still can't correctly choose which server to upload it'll be an upstream issue09:01
fayazokay, Riddell, but i think it's always pointing the "Default" key server in settings09:05
fayazit changes when i change it there09:05
Riddellhmm usb-creator-kde is showing its bitrot09:37
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Riddellmuon doesn't do the commercial canonical app store yet does it? (question in my inbox)13:10
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BluesKajHiyas all13:38
Riddellmorning BluesKaj 13:44
BluesKajmorning Riddell 13:44
ubottuTesting help needed in #kubuntu-devel ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James14716:16
RiddellISOs needing testing16:17
Riddellpaulw2u: ?16:17
paulw2uRiddell: sorry...16:17
BluesKajok Riddell, I'm in 16:18
koolhead11hi all16:19
Riddelltake your pick from http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/206/builds BluesKaj 16:19
BluesKajRiddell,  actually I should have asked first ..what are we dealing with here16:19
Riddellif you are doing a test please tick "In progress" so we know16:19
RiddellBluesKaj: we are due to release alpha 2 on thursday16:20
Riddellwe need to test the candidate ISOs16:20
Riddellso it involves a largeish download, DVD/USB writing, (re)installing16:20
yofel_BluesKaj: there are testing instructions for each test on the page16:22
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BluesKajyofel, ok what page , i don't see any links to instructions. I assume you guys want me to install the desktop iSO file and install it on my / partition ?16:29
RiddellBluesKaj: yes16:31
Riddellfrom http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/ or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily16:32
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BluesKajRiddell,  i'm downloading this , http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20120131.2/precise-desktop-amd64.iso16:40
RiddellBluesKaj: great thanks16:40
BluesKajok 16:40
* Riddell is onto the DVDs16:40
BluesKajyeah , 731mb is a bit large for cd16:41
Riddellyou'll need a DVD or USB to burn it onto16:42
BluesKajyeah , I have some DVD-RWs that use for OS iso images16:43
BluesKajolder pc here , no bios option to boot usb's16:43
BluesKajand I'm not going fiddle-faddle with some app that's supposed to help boot a usb image like a live-cd :)16:46
BluesKajor dvd16:46
Riddelldo whatever you can manage, ISO testing is a slow thankless task, but needs done16:48
yofelBluesKaj: if you open a test case, there's a "link to the test case" where you find instructions on what to do16:49
Riddellapachelogger: do you have a beagleboard thing?16:49
BluesKajI think I'll manage Riddell :)16:49
charlie-tcaBluesKaj: usually you can bring up any tests you are unable to do in #ubuntu-testing and someone will pick them up16:50
apacheloggerRiddell: I have a panda board thing16:50
apacheloggerno bootable sd though (I think)16:50
Riddellapachelogger: do you know docs for getting one up and running?16:53
BluesKajcharlie-tca,  ok thanks 16:54
charlie-tcayw, BluesKaj 16:55
apacheloggerRiddell: yus16:55
apacheloggerRiddell: http://www.omappedia.org/wiki/OMAP_Ubuntu_Main16:55
Riddellapachelogger: do you know what sort of power supply I need?16:59
apacheloggerjolly good question17:00
* apachelogger tries to find his17:00
apacheloggerRiddell: I think it is mentioned on the panda board page though17:00
apacheloggerpandaboard.org or somesuch17:00
apacheloggerRiddell: http://pandaboard.org/content/resources/Accessories17:02
RiddellI like how that site uses Oxygen icons :)17:02
Riddellapachelogger: and how do I plug it into a monitor without DVI?17:03
apacheloggerRiddell: there are dvi-hdmi adapters17:03
Riddellapachelogger: and that lets me plug in VGA?17:04
apacheloggeroh VGA?17:05
apacheloggerwhat is that then? :O17:05
Riddellwhat my monitor uses!17:05
apacheloggeryou need a new monitor apparently :)17:06
apacheloggerRiddell: I am certain there are also adapters for VGA->HDMI17:06
BluesKajI use dvi>hdmi cable , it doesn't transfer audio signals in my configuration , but the video is first class 17:10
Riddellapachelogger: and I also need USB to RS-232?17:10
Riddellto do this stage? http://www.omappedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Minicom17:10
BluesKajok guys , gonna install the new iso image to / ...bbl to report how it worked out17:11
BluesKaj Riddell one question ,does this image contain kde 4.8 ?17:12
RiddellBluesKaj: KDE SC 4.8 yes17:12
BluesKajRiddell,  ok cool , bb in an hr or so17:13
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apacheloggerRiddell: I don't think it is necessary17:28
apacheloggerhowever at some point it would be a good idea for debugging17:29
apacheloggeras that is the only way to get hold of a tty17:29
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Riddellweird e-mail du jour http://paste.kde.org/197438/17:51
debfxyeah we should display an always-on-top window for a day like wikipedia ;-)17:53
yofeluhm, just because we didn't protest against SOPA for everyone to see doesn't mean we should do that for ACTA ^^17:54
Riddellespecially since I haven't read ACTA or know what stage it's at in the (non)democratic process17:55
koolhead17hi Riddell17:59
Riddellhi koolhead17, I don't think I have so much time this night, but how did the package get on?18:01
koolhead17Riddell: came. sometime back. i have to setup a env for that. i dont have precious installed currently :(18:02
Riddellkoolhead17: want an ec2?18:06
koolhead17that be cool :)18:06
Riddellkoolhead17: ubuntu@ec2-50-16-52-80.compute-1.amazonaws.com18:10
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Riddellkoolhead17: are you in?18:31
koolhead17Riddell: yeah. 18:31
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Darkwingapachelogger: you still about?19:53
Darkwing:( Only love to OMAP boards20:03
RiddellDarkwing: I need a power supply before I can use mine20:04
DarkwingI have a tegra2 board.20:04
DarkwingI found an old image (Karmic) and because it's not supported it's reaking havok in my chroot on my tablet.20:05
RiddellDarkwing: does that mean you can test our images for alpha 2?20:05
Riddellshadeslayer: how's our telepathy story?20:05
DarkwingAs long as they are tegra2 and not OMAP20:05
DarkwingBut, all our built images are for OMAP :(20:07
Riddelltsk all this fiddly arm stuff20:10
DarkwingYeah I know... I wish there was a way to just do an ARM build like we do for x86 and 6420:11
BluesKajok Riddell et al , everything seems ok so far ..stiill checking  tho20:22
* BluesKaj wonders about kde 4.8 and QtCurve21:06
RiddellBluesKaj: can you report on the iso testing site?21:14
BluesKajRiddell,  still checking system settings/fonts , colours differnt themes 21:16
BluesKajhad some trouble with the install, it the install procedure crashes if you choose to add third party sources 21:18
BluesKajRiddell, ^^21:18
yofelBluesKaj: that's not part of the test case. File a bug about the crash, mark the test you did as passed and add the bug number to the test while you do that21:20
yofelat least I haven't seen a test case yet where the third party stuff is installed21:21
BluesKajcan't login yofel , access denied , unless I'm missing something on the test page , where i can file a report ...this procrural stuff is new to me so don't assume I know what's what21:33
BluesKajI have an Ubuntu Single Sign On acct btw , but I'm denied access to the test page 21:35
yofelask in #ubuntu-testing21:37
Riddellwgrant: http://paste.kde.org/197528/ http://paste.kde.org/197534/ soyuz broken?21:43
BluesKajyofel,  , I'm going to continue setting everything to the it was previous to the install in terms of the "look" and making sure all the media files run ok . I'll be back tomorrow to report any bugs 21:43
Riddellmaybe you need to be in a special team21:43
yofelshouldn't be... but I'm not sure as I had an account on the old iso tracker too21:44
wgrantRiddell: Yes. Looks like someone copied an expired package.21:45
wgrantWill investigate later.21:45
wgrantExcept that's from Debian, so should never be expired :/21:47
wgrantRiddell: Ah, are you sure queue fetch works on syncs/21:48
wgrantRiddell: It relies on there being a changes file, which imported Debian packages don't have.21:49
Riddellwgrant: is this sync mechanism something new I've not come across before?21:58
wgrantRiddell: It's been around for a few months.21:59
Riddellyes but I haven't :)21:59
Riddellwgrant: sladen filed bug 92453721:59
wgrantTrue, true.21:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 924537 in Launchpad itself "Launchpad can get upset by certain sync requests through new" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92453721:59
wgrantBut if you look at the web UI you'll see it was copied from Debian by sladen.22:00
Riddellwell it's in debian so new isn't too important and I can just approve it22:00
wgrantThat's why fixing queue fetch hasn't been a priority.22:00
* Riddell accepts22:01

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