
dholbachgood morning08:08
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om26erlibreoffice have crappy small sized icons anyone looking after that o_O13:26
doctormonom26er: yes13:54
om26erdoctormon, who is?13:56
om26eris there a bug report ?13:56
doctormonom26er: No bug, it's an on going process upstream: http://libreofficeaustralia.org/forums/community/development13:56
doctormonIf you'd like to help fix the issue, then you should start a conversation and ask to be involved in the art/graphics/design side.13:57
doctormonMorning/Afternoon mpt14:01
dholbachdavidcalle, ready for later on?14:04
davidcalledholbach, ready!14:05
dholbachsweet :)14:05
=== nuthinking_ is now known as nuthinking
etneg_i'd like to hep with the icon15:54
etneg_not sure about the bug/code15:54
etneg_i mean if they need an icon, im game15:54
etneg_doctormon ^^15:56
doctormonetneg_: Hey there16:14
doctormonetneg_: They could do with more grpahical and design people involved.16:15
doctormonetneg_: The best instruction is to get over to the forums, introduce yourself and find out what the tasks are.16:15
doctormonThey might also need help identifying what the tasks are to be done.16:16
etneg_doctormon: ah ok18:25
etneg_i havent subscribed to the design forums, which list is it?18:26
etneg_or the one i should be asking regarding the icon18:26
paultaghey folks - I saw the multi-monitor lightdm stuff just now -- I'd like to note that some folks (myself included) run a secondary rotated 90 degrees (to the left, in my case, but also to the right), so having that in the spec would be awesome.18:42
paultag(because right now, lightdm looks like garbage)18:44
etneg_hah i like how people critique stuff here, it's quite in your face and thats how it should be18:46
paultagetneg_: sorry?18:47
etneg_oh just saying if something sucks, people say it18:47
etneg_criticism works well to improve something18:48
paultagetneg_: I've contributed myself dry to Ubuntu for years, I mention one thing I don't like, and I've insulted the design team?18:48
etneg_you misunderstood what i said18:49
paultagperhaps I'm reading this wrong, but it sounds like you're saying I shouldn't be saying this18:49
etneg_im sayig i personally like people like you to spit it out18:49
etneg_if it is garbage, it helps me work on it18:49
etneg_i'd take it up as a challenge18:49
paultagWell, I'd like to see it play nice with this edge case :)18:50
etneg_awhile ago om26er mentioned a bunch of icons sucked for libreoffice and i think comments like tha thelp improve something18:50
etneg_not everyone takes well to criticism but i like it:D18:50
paultagetneg_: IRC, the land of the socially inept :)18:50
* etneg_ nods18:51
paultagetneg_: well thanks for taking that the right way - I'd be happy to take a photo of how the DM shows it's self now if that'd help18:51
etneg_oh i have no idea about this DM stuff18:51
paultagI figured, I did a whois and you didn't seem to be rocking a hostmask I groked18:52
etneg_right just passing by looking for vector art, none of the code stuff:P18:52
paultaghowdy om26er18:53
paultagI'd like to whine at this swillson fellow18:56
paultagerm, swilson18:56
om26eri see the sperators have been removed with the latest update of something19:36
om26eris that a bug or intentional19:36
om26er*seperators from menus19:36
etneg_hey om26er you got an image of those icons oyu were talking about19:45
om26eretneg_, http://imagebin.org/index.php?mode=image&id=19659019:46
etneg_oh the pixelation?19:46
om26eryep of you drag them for example you'll see their actual size19:47
etneg_tats some messed up icon19:47
etneg_is that libreoffice's issue or ubunutus19:47
om26erthats totally libreoffice shipping lower resolution icons19:48
etneg_looks weird though, only where it's cut is the pixelation19:50
etneg_not the entire icon19:50
etneg_that happens when you have a raster effect in my experience19:50
etneg_and someone scaled it down to an icon size without scaling it down pixel by pixel19:50
etneg_ive asked libreoffice devs about it, lets see if they even need help there19:51
om26erawesome etneg_ :)19:53
etneg_om26er: you might wanna talk to this guy19:54
etneg_the dev is addressing it19:54
etneg_but i think he's talking along the lines of code and all that gunk19:55
etneg_19:54 <@mmeeks> etneg_: there should be 256x256 pixel icons there somewhere IIRC, if not 128x12819:55
om26ermichael meeks i guess?19:56
etneg_19:54 <@mmeeks> etneg_: possibly a packaging issue, are you using 3.5 ?19:56
etneg_im in libreoffice-dev19:56
etneg_wanna talk to him?19:56
etneg_cause im not following this at all dude19:56
om26eri;ll poke ubuntu19:56
etneg_yes him19:56
om26erubuntu's libreoffice maintainer I mean19:57
etneg_9:56 <@mmeeks> etneg_: it is of course, not released yet - but, any packaging fixes - much appreciated etc.19:57
etneg_19:56 <@mmeeks> etneg_: you'd really want Sweetshark for that - but he's on FTO..19:57
om26eryeah sweetshar is who I'll talk to19:57
* om26er is sitting in an angle where he's spilling all the typos :p19:58
etneg_i think i sent them the wrong message20:01
etneg_i offered assistance in icons but im getting one for theming20:01
etneg_but the guy who offered it20:03
etneg_has your issue i think20:03
etneg_20:01 < eagles0513875> ahh ok well i have noticed this with LO now and a ton of other apps that everythign seems to get white washed icon wise when using a dark theme20:03
* etneg_ quickly parts #libreoffice-dev before he gets questioned20:05

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