
jbichaRAOF: could you push gnome-shell through the oneiric-proposed new queue?02:25
RAOFjbicha: No, I can't.  I'm not an archive admin.02:26
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jbichaah, ok, I'll bug pitti about it, thanks02:27
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pittiGood morning06:21
pittijbicha: here now06:22
pittijbicha: g-shell binNEWed06:23
jbichapitti: thanks06:36
didrocksgood morning07:03
pittihey didrocks, good morning07:04
didrocksgood morning pitti, how are you?07:04
GunnarHjpitti: Good morning, Martin!07:05
GunnarHjpitti: Maybe you know already, bug there are quite a few fresh duplicates of bug 843430 (which for some reason is private). The issue may be related to the the package stuff you worked with for l-s 0.62.07:05
pittihey GunnarHj07:06
pittididrocks: bit tired, but quite fine07:06
BigWhaleoffice time ...07:06
didrockspitti: you didn't sleep well,07:06
pittiyes, kept waking up for some reason07:07
didrocksargh :/07:07
pittiGunnarHj: hm, I didn't actually change any existing code, but I can have a look nevertheless07:08
GunnarHjpitti: Great! I just had a close look, and haven't spotted what's causing it.07:10
GunnarHjs/close/quick/  (I'm tired too)07:10
pittiGunnarHj: oh, that bug is already from last september07:11
GunnarHjpitti: Yeah, but were there a lot of duplicates before recently?07:12
GunnarHj(I can't access the bug.)07:13
pittiGunnarHj: I think that might happen if one of the trigger packages in pkg_depends is suddenly gone AWOL07:13
pittibroken apt cache, or what not07:13
GunnarHjpitti: Ok.07:15
GunnarHjpitti: So you think it's only special cases?07:15
pittistill, should be a trivial fix to just ignore the missing package07:16
GunnarHjpitti: Is it something you can add to your list? So far I have kind of avoided the langpack side of l-s...07:18
pittiGunnarHj: yes, no problem07:23
GunnarHjpitti: Ok, great!07:32
* didrocks tries to reboot and hope to get a working nvidia driver :)08:09
pitti^ hmm, not a good sign08:23
pittirickspencer3: niiiice! http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/precise_probs.html08:28
rickspencer3hi pitti08:29
rickspencer3that is nice08:29
rickspencer3oth ...08:29
pittiyes, see #u-release08:30
pittid-i can't find a kernel08:30
rickspencer3pitti, I'm you all will sort it out and respin :)08:31
pittirickspencer3: what makes me happy in exchange is https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/job/precise-upgrade-lucid-desktop/ARCH=amd64,LTS=lts,PROFILE=ubuntu,label=upgrade-test/7/console08:32
pittirickspencer3: the "system" config migration test works now, and 3 of 4 "user" migrations, too08:32
rickspencer3thanks so much for that08:33
rickspencer3I'm telling everyone at Canonical to upgrade next week08:33
didrocksphew, finally get acceleration back!08:34
didrocks(had to recompile the 285 package)08:34
didrocksgood morning rickspencer308:34
pittihey didrocks, welcome back! that took longer than expected08:34
rickspencer3hey didrocks08:34
pittirickspencer3: hm, that failure might be from new apt :(08:34
didrockspitti: hey, I had to go over my other box to rebuild the package08:34
didrockspitti: interestingly, despite having session=ubuntu in my .dmrc, lightdm now insists on starting the gnome-shell session08:34
didrocksnot sure where lightdm is picking that up, and why *now*08:35
didrocksnothing in /var/lib/lightdm/08:36
pittihm, I'm not 100% sure08:36
pittididrocks: just checked accountsservice, apparently not there08:37
pittiI think that one is in .dmrc still08:37
didrocks[+0,68s] DEBUG: Ignoring session /usr/share/xsessions/ubuntu.desktop08:37
didrocksah, tryexec08:38
pitti"unity" doesn't exist?08:38
didrocksyeah, as I downgraded from the hud ppa to the staging one08:38
didrocksI bet the unity package with the wrapper didn't downgraded08:39
didrocksok, all look good then :)08:39
didrocksI will need to fake having a higer version from the staging ppa I guess as most of people who will try unity 5.2 RC are the one who tried the hud I guess08:40
didrocksok, downgraded unity, restarting on the right session08:42
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:43
pittihey chrisccoulson08:44
pittiooh, alioth is back08:44
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, how are you?08:44
pittibit tired today, but fine otherwise08:44
pittitkamppeter: I merged the cups/cups-filters diversions, and pushed; now alioth's bzr has the definitive branches again08:47
chrisccoulsonhmmm, are we keeping the theme broken for alpha 2?08:49
pittibroken how?08:49
pittiit's not supposed to be broken08:50
pittirickspencer3 would have started an insurrection on that :)08:50
pitti(and quite rightly so)08:50
tkamppeterpitti, OK, thanks.08:51
chrisccoulsonpitti - have you seen the breadcrumb in nautilus, or the toolbar in evince when you have a document open?08:52
rickspencer3hi pitti08:52
chrisccoulsonit's visibly quite broken, and has been for a while now ;)08:52
* rickspencer3 pricks ears08:53
pittichrisccoulson: you mean the arrows look weird?08:53
pittievince toolbar looks alright here08:54
chrisccoulsonpitti - the buttons are the wrong colour and the text is barely readable in nautilus08:54
chrisccoulsoni wonder if it's already fixed and i just haven't updated yet ;)08:54
pittichrisccoulson: http://imagebin.org/19649008:55
pittidoesn't look so bad here08:56
pittias I said, the arrow is a little weird08:56
chrisccoulsonpitti - oh, you're using radiance :)08:56
chrisccoulsonit's pretty hideous with the ambiance theme08:56
pittioh, right08:56
pittiI keep forgetting that there are people using dark themes08:56
chrisccoulsonpitti - http://imagebin.org/19649108:57
didrocksalready warned Cimi about it (2 weeks ago)08:57
chrisccoulsonpitti - evince is even worse: http://imagebin.org/19649208:59
chrisccoulsonlook at the page count :(08:59
pittido we have a bug about that?08:59
pittiit's not even on the RC radar08:59
chrisccoulsondidrocks probably knows that08:59
chrisccoulsonoh, i feel really bad now: http://www.chriscoulson.me.uk/blog/?p=100#comment-42529780709:01
chrisccoulsoni didn't realize we had non-ubuntu users using that PPA ;)09:02
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pittibonjour seb12809:09
seb128hey pitti, wie gehts?09:09
pittiseb128: quite alright, although a bit tired today09:11
pittiargh, and need to send out the reminder09:11
seb128pitti, didn't sleep well?09:11
seb128yeah, it's reminder day!09:11
pittinot particularly09:11
popeychrisccoulson: you still getting the 'mouse scrolls too far' thing? have you filed a bug?09:12
didrocksI can't find in my log back the nautilus theme issue09:12
didrocksI think that I discussed with seb128 (salut!) about it09:13
seb128lut didrocks09:13
seb128what issue?09:13
didrocksseb128: the nautilus breadcrumb theme issue09:13
chrisccoulsonpopey, i'll report a bug in a bit09:14
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure where to report it yet though :)09:15
chrisccoulsonRAOF, any ideas where to report that? (the erratic scrolling issue)09:15
chrisccoulsonseb128, do you want to try sending another firefox crash report when you get a chance? :-)09:24
chrisccoulson(hopefully it will work properly this time)09:24
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, ok, will do in a bit09:28
tjaaltonafter an upgrade I have no indicators anymore, is it a known bug?09:33
chrisccoulsonseb128, never mind, i just found a working report from lucid i386: https://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/f9e0adea-ba13-4643-aa26-cecb52120131 \o/09:35
seb128chrisccoulson, great ;-)09:40
seb128tjaalton, no, what did you upgrade?09:40
tjaaltonseb128: precise->precise, no dist-upgrade09:43
tjaaltonindicators are installed, only telepathy-indicator running09:43
seb128tjaalton, what desktop environment?09:45
seb128can you add your .xsession-errors to pastebin or somewhere?09:45
tjaaltong-s-d crashes09:46
seb128tjaalton, dpkg -l | grep unity09:47
tjaaltonseb128: ok.. I have some stuff from the ppa it seems09:48
tjaaltonI disabled the ppa before the latest upgrade though, I need to revert these to the archive versions and see if it helps09:48
seb128tjaalton, can you pastebin your versions?09:49
tjaaltonit's a mess :)09:49
tjaaltonbut yeah09:49
seb128tjaalton, update "unity" to the ppa version09:54
seb128it's weird that you got all the others updated but not it09:54
tjaaltonthey got held up09:55
tjaaltonsome transition09:55
tjaaltonI'll just go back to 5.0.009:56
tjaaltonyep, things work now..09:59
seb128tjaalton, the ppa version works ok if you want to try it10:01
seb128I've it installed since yesterday10:01
ricotzhello everyone10:01
seb128hey ricotz, how are you?10:01
ricotzpitti, hi, is udisk2 suppose to run fine in parallel with udisk?10:01
seb128ricotz, it is10:01
ricotzseb128, hey, i am fine, thanks10:02
ricotzca va?10:02
seb128pitti, btw desrt played with udisk2 from the ppa yesterday and said it was working fine for him10:02
seb128ricotz, ca va bien merci ;-)10:02
ricotzseb128, good, i might give it a try then10:02
ricotzseb128, looks like there is nothing blocking nautilus while having gvfs already updated10:04
tjaaltonseb128: I'll keep moving parts to a minimum the next few days, testing other stuff :)10:04
seb128ricotz, right, I'm meant to review jbicha's update, he's having some issues with the unity desktop menu patch it seems10:04
ricotzi see, it looks normal here with g-s10:05
tjaaltonoh btw, totem needs to drop the build-dep on libmusicbrainz4-dev, the functionality got dropped in 1.3.0.. (and wouldn't work anyway)10:05
tjaaltonfixes bug 79392910:05
ubot2`Launchpad bug 793929 in libmusicbrainz-2.1 "Deprecate libmusicbrainz-2.1, libtunepimp" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79392910:05
pittiricotz: yes, it is10:09
pittiseb128: i got a mail from desrt, he seems to have some problems with dbus activation10:09
pittiI'll reply to him (works fine here)10:09
seb128tjaalton, feel free to do the change if you want ;-)10:09
RAOFchrisccoulson: As always, start with “ubuntu-bug xorg” ☺.  Then we should send it to Chase.10:09
seb128pitti, ok10:09
tjaaltonseb128: eww, bzr ;)10:10
pittibah, 2.5 hours of IRC and email, vs. 25 minutes of real work today10:10
seb128tjaalton, get, commit, push, how hard is it ;-)10:10
* pitti finally preps the meeting page and reminder10:10
seb128pitti, btw the GNOME guys rolled new glib,gtk, but I guess better to delay to after a2 now?10:11
pittiseb128: yes, I think so; but we can already prep it in bzr, and upload to our PPA?10:11
seb128pitti, yeah, I will do that10:11
pittimigth be good to give it a day or two of testing anyway10:12
seb128pitti, right, especially that they did change to the format and parser of the gmenu stuff10:14
seb128ok, only one game use that in precise, but still10:14
tjaaltonseb128: can't push10:16
tjaaltonoh right10:16
tjaaltonhttp transport10:16
tjaaltonapt-get source said to just do "bzr branch foo", and then you can't push from that10:17
pittialmost there, folks!10:18
seb128pitti, ;-)10:20
pittithe rest is not worrying and can easily move to b110:22
ricotzpitti, ok, crossing fingers then to install udisk2 ;)10:23
pittiricotz: it won't do anything by itself10:25
pittiricotz: you need gvfs from trunk, or the latest gnome-disk-utility to make it do anything10:25
ricotzpitti, yes, with gdu10:27
pittiricotz: desrt says that it starts up fine, but launching jobs is broken when it's dbus activated10:27
pittiit does set $PATH at start, though, haven't looked what's wrong yet10:28
ricotzalright, thanks for the heads up10:29
tjaaltonseb128: ha, got it. pushing totem to precise now..10:44
seb128tjaalton, thanks10:45
tjaaltonalso, I've packaged libmusicbrainz 4.0.0, and there's support for it in sound-juicer git (dunno if they cut a release). I'd love to have support for the MB XML/2 API in precise, but is anyone really looking after sound-juicer or am I free to work on it?10:46
pittitkamppeter: sound-juicer is fair game11:02
pittisorry, tjaalton ^11:02
pittitjaalton: it's in universe, it doesn't have a particular maintainer11:02
pittiit's 2.32, so any more recent version can only make things better :)11:02
seb128tjaalton, it's all yours ;-)11:06
tjaaltonseb128, pitti: whee, cool :)11:08
tjaaltonhope I can update it before FF11:08
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RainCTAnyone knows how to send Ctrl+Alt+F1 to a VirtualBox instance?11:38
seb128RainCT, try right-ctrl_f111:42
seb128i.e the ctrl on the right of the keyboard and f111:42
RainCTseb128: works. thanks :)11:45
seb128RainCT, yw11:45
jasoncwarner_hey chrisccoulson , what is the name of hte firefox plugin that lets me run other plugins on aurora? still not a fan of the firefox disabling all my plugins :)11:52
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner_, the addon compatibility reporter? it shouldn't be disabling them on aurora now though, unless they really are incompatible11:53
chrisccoulsonwhich ones are getting disabled?11:53
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czajkowskianyone running 10.04 and seeing any issues with a firefox update today ?12:17
czajkowski10:33 < slashtommy> Firefox (10.04 LTS) was updated yesterday for some bizarre  reason, tis now broke - i need an urgent fix12:17
czajkowskichrisccoulson: ping?12:19
chrisccoulsonczajkowski, can you be more specific? :)12:21
czajkowskichrisccoulson: trying to get the details form the guy in -ie12:24
* ebel knows a little of this bug12:24
ebelapparently FF is offering to download & save, rather than display a .aspx URL12:24
ebelit's an internal webpage, so not accessible to you & me12:25
czajkowskichrisccoulson: meet ebel12:25
chrisccoulsonthat's because your internal webpage is doing silly things with UA sniffing, and offering the wrong content12:25
chrisccoulsonwe've already "fixed" it in ff10 by changing the order of 2 elements in the UA string12:25
ebeli have no idea what the HTTP headers/mime type/content disposition are. Apparently it only just started happening recently, however this machine might not have been updated recently12:27
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ebelis this ff10 fix available to ubuntu lucid (10.04)?12:28
chrisccoulsonebel, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-beta.lucid/revision/74912:28
chrisccoulsonyes, you can get the RC builds from12:28
czajkowskichrisccoulson: thank you12:30
chrisccoulsonebel, bug 897794 is the bug12:32
ubot2`Launchpad bug 897794 in firefox "Firefox 8 User Agent String "Ubuntu;" addition causes attempt to download rather than display" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89779412:32
didrocksRainCT: hey13:06
RainCTdidrocks: Hey :)13:06
didrocksRainCT: I'm upgrading the activity-log-manager package to the vala version13:06
didrocksRainCT: it's now in LGPL2+13:06
didrocksRainCT: for consistency and simplicity, it would be nice to have the packaging with the same licence13:07
didrocksyou put GPL2+ :)13:07
RainCTdidrocks: sure, you can consider all my packaging stuff as BSD :p13:08
didrocksRainCT: better that being said! Thanks a lot :)13:08
RainCTdidrocks: No problem. Can you commit the changes to bzr when you're done?13:09
didrocksRainCT: sure13:10
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Ursinhapitti, so, you said that it would be easy to find the task a package is part of13:46
Ursinhapitti, I couldn't figure out how to do that, do you mind giving me a light? :)13:46
pittiUrsinha: hey13:47
pittiUrsinha: you mean if a package is part of the ubuntu/kubuntu/edubuntu/etc. default install?13:47
Ursinhapitti, yes13:48
pittiUrsinha: the one I know is "apt-cache show gedit"13:48
pittithat e. g. says13:48
pittiTask: ubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-usb, edubuntu-desktop, edubuntu-usb, ubuntustudio-desktop13:48
UrsinhaI was messing around with seeds and tasks yesterday to find a way to do that programatically13:48
pittii. e. it's part of ubuntu/edubuntu/studio default install, but e. g. not Kubuntu13:48
Ursinhaah, I thought you mean programatically13:48
pittiUrsinha: that is "programatically", isn't it?13:49
pittiUrsinha: you can also have a list of packages which are on a particular flavour's default install13:49
Ursinhapitti, hehe, you're right, I meant a way of getting it using launchpad or something13:49
pittie. g. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/precise-desktop-i386.manifest13:49
Ursinhapitti, there are the seeds as well13:49
pittiUrsinha: right, seeds are the top-level packages that we want13:50
Ursinhapitti, like this: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu.precise/desktop13:50
Ursinhagerminate output, that is13:50
pittiUrsinha: there is a desktop.depends output, too, which should have the dependencies13:52
pittiUrsinha: perhaps it's better if you can tell me the acutal question you'd like to solve?13:52
Ursinhapitti, finding the important packages for desktop/server/name it13:53
Ursinhapitti, I'm asking you only because you mentioned that was easy, and I thought it might be related to launchpad in some way13:53
pittiUrsinha: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu.precise/desktop.depends is a fairly good list for desktop13:53
Ursinhabut as it's not, I'll keep doing what I'm doing: looking other sources13:53
pittiserver has the equivalent13:53
Ursinharight, thanks for the pointer13:54
didrocksmterry: hey, how are you?14:06
mterrydidrocks, hi, good14:06
didrocksmterry: I have a small question because I think you added that to gnome-activity-journal:14:07
didrocksif HAVE_CCPANEL14:07
didrocks    sed -i "s/^Categories=.*/\0\n\nNotShowIn=$(shell grep OnlyShowIn $(srcdir)/alm-ccpanel.desktop.in | cut -d= -f2)/" $@14:07
didrocksfor the .desktop file14:07
didrockswhat was it intended to do?14:07
mterrydidrocks, no, manish added that because something similar was in deja-dup's Makefile.am.  I talked to him yesterday, and I believe he dropped those lines.14:08
didrocksmterry: hum, I bzr pull like an hour ago :)14:08
manishdidrocks: wait. Let me push14:08
manishif i havnt14:08
seb128didrocks, he maybe didn't push his changes14:08
didrocksmanish: oh! :)14:08
seb128manish, where is the reference vcs for your work?14:09
seb128lp:~activity-log-manager/activity-log-manager/vala-gcc ?14:09
manishseb128: didrocks mterry here lp:~activity-log-manager/activity-log-manager/vala14:10
didrocksmanish: also, you probably want: lp:~didrocks/activity-log-manager/fix-potfiles.in14:10
manishthat is a branch14:10
didrocksif it's not in this branch :)14:10
didrocksthanks manish, packaging that for now14:10
didrocksthanks mterry for the pointer :)14:10
manishseb128: that was a branch of that branch when I was working on g-c-c integration14:10
didrocksmanish: can you add the include and push it there?14:11
manishyes, doing14:11
didrocksthanks :)14:11
seb128manish, ok, that's the one you mentioned on the channel yesterday so I was unsur14:11
manishdidrocks: two things are left in this work. i18n and treeview improvements14:13
manishtreeview is magic, so it might take a few ays14:13
didrocksmanish: no worry, we are frozen right now for alpha2 anyway. I'm just getting a packaging prepared :)14:14
manishdidrocks: done pushing. pull14:14
didrocksmanish: thanks, doing :)14:14
manishuploading it to a PPA would also help, so that people on oneiric can also test it out14:15
didrocksmanish: does it dep on zg 0.9?14:15
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=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
seb128didrocks, upload to the ubuntu-desktop ppa, give us the crack :p14:16
didrockscan for precise, need to do on zg req. for oneiric :p14:17
seb128oneiric users don't want the crack, they would run precise otherwise ;-)14:18
didrocksit appears in g-c-c \o/14:19
didrocks(but yeah, a lot of gtktreeview warning :))14:19
manishdidrocks: nope, it works on oneiric14:20
manishdidrocks: yes. It is painful. Still working on it.14:20
didrocksmanish: so zg 0.8 is fine?14:20
manishI am still on oneiric and using the python zeitgeist on this laptop14:20
didrocksmanish: looks good for a first draft :)14:20
* didrocks sees he's not the only one having a graphical issue on the first tab on the notebook :)14:21
manisheven I have14:21
manishthose lines14:21
manishtreeview is very difficult to get right. I am hoping seiflotfy gets time to work14:21
didrockshum, you are install the copyright, install files in /usr/doc. I'll have a look to fix that14:28
manishdidrocks: there arn't much info in copyright, install etc help files14:30
didrocksmanish: yeah, they are just install in the wrong dir, I'll fix it :)14:31
manishkeep a downstream patch for now14:31
didrocksmanish: oh, you don't want a merge proposal for it?14:31
manishdidrocks: NOOOOOOO14:31
manishI didn't mean that14:31
manishI just mean I am travelling tomorrow for 2 days14:32
didrocksmanish: no hurry! yeah, I'm workaround it in the package for now :)14:32
manishso won't be able to merge what you send for next 2 days, in which case you need to ping seiflotfy for it14:32
didrocksmanish: will send your way a merge proposal when I've time to look at what's wrong :)14:32
mterrystgraber, heyo.  unity-greeter trunk uses gsettings14:45
stgrabermterry: yeah!14:46
stgrabermterry: let me know before it lands so I schedule some time to update edubuntu-artwork to use gsettings instead of our ugly hack ;)14:46
xclaesseseb128, I was wondering, is there any rational why .la files are still shipped into packages?14:46
seb128they are not14:47
mterrystgraber, OK, don't know exactly when it will land though.  robert-ancell will probably push that in14:47
seb128or they are progressively being dropped but transitioning takes a bit of time14:47
xclaesseseb128, ah ok14:47
mterrystgraber, it wouldn't hurt to update edubuntu-artwork ahead of time.14:47
mterry(and have it do both until unity-greeter 0.2.1 is released)14:48
seb128mterry, hey14:53
mterryseb128, hello!14:53
seb128mterry, I think you should email robert_ancell and tell him you can handle the unity-greeter release and want to do one14:53
seb128mterry, he's soon going to be off for some time so maybe it's better if he hands that to you before being away14:54
mterryAh, OK14:54
stgrabermterry: indeed14:59
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pittiakgraner: hello, welcome to u-desktop!15:03
didrockshey akgraner :)15:03
pittididrocks, akgraner: so, I wondered about the tools we used to test the last unity round, and whether they need some more promotion15:03
akgranerhey didrocks  :-)15:03
pittialong the currently outstanding work item15:04
pittiif that's obsolete, I'm happy to just drop it, as I understand our QA team will do some announcement soon15:04
didrocksyeah, first, akgraner, are you familar with this testing tool? (I blogged about it for the unity 5.0 RC on planet ubuntu)15:04
akgranerI know at UDS we talked about leveraging more community testing of Unity15:04
didrocksit's basically a followup on the UDS session we had15:04
akgranerI saw the blog post..yes15:05
didrockssince, I experimented with the french community a first round for unity 5.015:05
didrocksand then published the results15:05
didrockswe are about doing the same in unity 5.2 (just sent an email, you in CC about it)15:05
akgranerthat looked like it went well15:05
didrocksyeah, we of course refined some tests wording15:05
didrocksand made some changes to checkbox15:06
didrocksbasically, we are wrapping around checkbox15:06
akgranergotcha - how many more testers would you like to have (realistically)15:06
didrocksakgraner: there are two things in fact15:06
pittiah, so we have checkbox plugisn for that?15:06
pitti(in a PPA, I presume)15:07
didrocks- testers, I think that in 2/3 days of testing, 100 people is enough (I see that is easy to achieve at first, but will be more and more difficult with repeating this at each unity release)15:07
akgranerdidrocks, since you are wrapping it around checkbox doesit overlap with ubuntu friendly testing at all?15:07
didrockspitti: we have a checkbox-unity wrapper, basically a plugin with other tests15:07
didrockspitti: and we have a fork of checkbox until the fixes goes into the distro (but reviewing seems to take time)15:08
akgraners/doesit/does it15:08
didrocksakgraner: no, apart from the patch in the checkbox copy we have, but we try to not make breaking the system checkbox15:08
didrocksso it should be fine for them15:08
didrocksthe ppa containing this checkbox and checkbox-unity is the ppa we are making unity testable:  https://launchpad.net/~unity-team/+archive/ppa15:09
didrocksI just uploaded the version with the new "RC tag", so people using that ppa will see at next login "a new Unity RC is available, can you please…" and the icon is added to the launcher15:10
akgranerso how does this sound  - I'll install the the ppa and run through the test, then I'll tell people how they can do it - then I'll send my post to you to see if any additional details need to be added15:10
didrocksso, testers needed (and nicholas, the new qa responsible for the community team, will handle the call)15:10
akgranerif not I'll post to the fridge and then cross post in other places15:10
didrocksakgraner: that would be awesome, the more testers to ensure everything is fine, the better :)15:11
didrocksakgraner: maybe coordinate wiht nicholas?15:11
didrocksas jono told me he should handle that15:11
akgranerI'll touch base with him today then :-)15:11
didrocksI think getting testers today isn't an issue15:11
didrocksI think that the 6th time we will have a call for testing, it will become way more difficult15:11
didrocks(it's kind of boring ;))15:12
pittiit certainly sounds like a rotational kind of thing15:12
didrocksyeah, I hope it will be healthy enough so that we always have newcomers15:12
akgranerI think just letting people know how to test is key...walk them through it etc.  But I'll help you get it promoted :-)15:12
pittibut making the tools more widely known and documented should make it easier for everyone to help out15:12
didrocksakgraner: nice, thanks a lot :)15:13
didrocksanother issue that will come with time and that we need to think is how to maintain the tests15:13
didrocksand make them updating for the new incoming RC15:13
didrocks(took me quite some time only with the new features for 5.2)15:13
didrocksnot sure how we can make the whole community participate to that effort15:14
akgranerwe can't make them but I bet we can encourage them and make sure the tools are easily accessible and understand at all levels.  I'll be sure to let you know if I run into any pain points as I go through the process15:15
didrocksakgraner: sounds excellent :) (I meant "make them able to participate" but it's like in french, seems I'm eating words :))15:16
akgranerdidrocks, no worries :-)15:16
didrocksok, do not hesitate to ping me if everything go wrong (read the email I sent at your @ubuntu.com about the hud ppa, it's the only "issue" you can get if you upgrade to this ppa AFAIK)15:17
akgranerI will  - thank you!15:17
didrocksthanks to you :)15:18
akgranermore soon then15:18
pittiakgraner, didrocks: thanks!15:18
didrocksthanks pitti for setting this up :)15:18
pitti(sorry, I'm rather useless in that discussion)15:18
didrockswaow, omgubuntu already notice I just copied unity from staging to the unity-team/ppa15:18
akgranerpitti, thanks for tracking the blueprint :-) it's nice to get things done now than the week beofre UDS15:18
mterrystgraber, OK, since robert-ancell's about to take some time off, I may end up pushing a new unity-greeter a little after A215:20
stgrabermterry: ok15:23
mterrystgraber, I can give you another heads up before I actually do it15:23
stgrabermterry: that'd be great. Ideally I'll have uploaded the new edubuntu-artwork by then.15:24
desrtsmspillaz: hey15:44
desrtsmspillaz: do you have that gsettings keybinding compiz patch kicking around?15:44
smspillazdesrt: somewhere but its untested, and the gsettings backend wont land this cycle15:46
smspillazdesrt: why whats up ?15:47
desrtsmspillaz: it may...15:47
desrtdon't think about it now :p15:47
smspillazyeah I don't want to think about it really :(15:47
desrtjbicha: hey16:00
chrisccoulsondear google, please stop advertising chrome when i go to use your search engine. thank you16:15
seb128dear yahoo stop advertising for firefox 8 when I use firefox 1016:16
chrisccoulsonyou should stop using yahoo ;)16:16
seb128chrisccoulson, I don't use yahoo query, just read yahoo news ;-)16:22
cyphermoxmeeting soon?16:27
pitticyphermox: no agenda items on the wiki page, do you have something?16:27
kenvandinenothing from me16:27
cyphermoxnot really ;)16:27
cyphermoxjust an announcement though16:27
cyphermoxI'm applying for coredev at the next DMB meeting. If you've sponsored stuff for me recently and can spare a few minutes to write a comment or something that would be much, much appreciated. I can even get out a list of things sponsored :)16:29
pitticyphermox: list of sponsored packages would be very appreciated16:29
kenvandinecyphermox, and a link :)16:30
pittiI never know how to do that16:30
Ursinhapitti, could you invite me for the meeting, please? :)16:30
cyphermoxpitti: certainly sir ;)16:30
jbichadesrt: howdy16:30
kenvandinehey Ursinha, welcome!16:30
pittiUrsinha: yep, adding you to my "desktop team" alias16:30
Ursinhathanks kenvandine :)16:30
cyphermoxkenvandine: the link is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MathieuTrudel/CoreDevApplication16:30
Ursinhathanks pitti16:30
desrtjbicha: was going to ping about a problem, but i discovered that it's not a problem meanwhile :)16:30
pittiUrsinha: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2012-01-31 is the "news of the week", FYI16:30
jbichadesrt: happy I could help ;)16:30
pittihey desrt16:30
bryceUrsinha, welcome to the team :-)16:30
didrocksmterry: can you please tag your bug to 5.2-rc1 please?16:30
pittidesrt: sorry, didn't find time to debug the udisks2 dbus activation bug yet16:31
Ursinhathanks bryce :)16:31
mterrydidrocks, k16:31
didrocksthanks :)16:31
jbichaI fix my wife's problems the same way, I come over to her computer and everything magically works again16:31
cyphermoxpitti: I wrote a script to get who sponsored stuff for whom, but I know others have done so in the past as well16:31
mterrydidrocks, oh, omer did for me16:31
didrocksmterry: yeah, I asked him, it's just a FYI for next bugs :)16:32
didrockssure you will file more, nasty you! :-)16:32
pittiGunnarHj: hm, we could upload https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/gdm/redefine-LANG/+merge/82804 now, or would you rathehr wait until accountsservice is in?16:38
GunnarHjpitti: It's fine now.16:39
pittiGunnarHj: that's what I thought, thanks for confirming16:39
* pitti dist-upgrades to unity PPA and holds breath16:39
desrtpitti: no worries16:39
desrtpitti: i don't usually use my jhbuild version of palimpist to repartition my disk, so i'm not blocked :)16:40
pittidesrt: I had a quick look, and it's not immediately obvious what's wrong; I tried some stuff with udisksctl, and that seemed to work16:42
desrtpitti: could you reproduce the issue as i stated?16:43
desrtie: works fine when you run as root, but not from the activation environment?16:43
pittidesrt: haven't tried with palimsest, only with udisksctl16:43
pittiand for mounting etc. it works fine16:44
jbichagnome-disk-utility is in the gnome3 ppa, just in case you didn't see it16:44
pittidesrt: doesn't sound very complex, though, I just didn't get aorund to it today16:44
desrtmy first guess was PATH was wrong or something16:44
desrtbut it seems fine16:44
desrtso my other guess is some other environment variable or apparmor is causing trouble16:44
pittiboth udisks1 and 2 set that at the beginning16:44
* cyphermox sighs16:57
cyphermoxseb128: session ready :)16:57
seb128cyphermox, what session? oh your udw one?16:58
pittidesrt: do you happen to know if glib wraps inotify in any way?16:58
cyphermoxjust finished writing it and preparing everything16:58
cyphermoxseb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/evolution/+bug/924356 :)16:58
ubot2`Launchpad bug 924356 in evolution "Edit as New Message always uses the default email address" [Medium,Fix released]16:58
cyphermoxoh, right, upstream bug :)16:59
didrocksdesrt: hum, I'm wondering, there is really no way to get the default value for a gsettings key? (dconf-editor is scanning the schemas for that IIRC))16:59
pittidesrt: that is, it does seem to be in Gio, I just seem to search for the wrong things in devhelp17:00
GunnarHjpitti: As regards other instances of calling shell scripts as root, they either don't write to disk or (in the case of del-profile-env-settings) delete carefully specified lines. Is there still a reason do drop privileges in those cases?17:00
desrtpitti: it does17:00
desrtpitti: you want GFileMonitor17:00
pittiGunnarHj: yes, as shell scripts are inherently brittle and susceptible to symlink attacks and what not17:01
desrtwhich you create with a call to g_file_monitor()17:01
pittiGunnarHj: in general, if you don't need to run them as root, they shouldn't17:01
pittidesrt: aah, monitor; thanks!17:01
desrtor g_file_monitor_directory() more likely17:01
desrtdidrocks: there is a well-known dirty trick17:01
desrtdidrocks: a) create a GSettings object17:01
pittidesrt: cheers17:01
desrtb) g_settings_delay()17:01
desrtc) g_settings_reset()17:01
didrocksoh and revert :)17:01
desrtd) g_settings_get()17:01
didrockshum :)17:01
desrt'default' is a complicated idea17:02
didrocksdidn't though about the delay17:02
desrtwhich is why it is not exposed17:02
desrtthere's the default per the schema17:02
GunnarHjpitti: Ok, I'll chage it as you suggested then.17:02
desrtbut that's not neccessarily what the user would see as the default17:02
desrtbecause the sysadmin may have some site defaults in effect17:02
didrocksyeah, with the different level of override17:02
didrocksbut _reset() know about it, isn't it?17:02
desrtthe gsettingsbackend has a concept of defaults17:03
desrtso when you reset() in a delayed gsettings backend, that's what is happening17:03
pittiGunnarHj: thanks17:03
desrti should probably just expose that as a proper API17:03
desrtthere are other reasons i have been resisting it, though17:03
didrocksdesrt: which ones?17:04
didrocksdesrt: yeah, I meant "you already know it with _reset()"17:04
desrtso take translated default values, for example17:04
desrtsometimes the translator makes a mistake17:04
desrtand the translated value is useless17:04
desrtso you have to fall back on the untranslated value17:04
desrtthere are all of these different levels of 'defaults'17:04
desrtthat's what g_settings_get_mapped() is doing17:05
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didrocksoh, interesting17:06
desrtthe reason i've resisted a get_default() API before now is because all of the people who thought that they wanted one really just wanted get_mapped()17:06
desrtin any case, i think i may not add get_default() but rather is_default()17:08
desrtthat's the actual interesting question, in my opinion17:08
seb128desrt, sometime you do want to know the default though17:08
desrtseb128: like when?17:08
didrocksdesrt: look at https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1ILTJDiDCd25Npt2AmgzF8aOnZZECxTfM0hvsbWT2BxA/edit?hl=en_US17:09
didrockssection 2.217:09
didrockswe show the theme17:09
didrocksand add "(default)" next to the default one17:09
seb128desrt, what didrocks is showing, indicate the default value in a combo, or the default position on a slider17:09
desrti think that's a bad UI, actually17:11
desrthere's why:17:12
seb128desrt, dunno why but I knew you were going to say that :p17:12
desrtif the user clicks on that choice, or moves the slider to that position, then it's unclear what their intent is17:12
didrocksseb128: you know him too well!17:12
desrtis their intent that they want that specific choice17:12
desrtor is their intent that they want to use the default value, whatever it may be?17:12
desrtimagine you are in a workplace where the default wallpaper is changed once per month and this question becomes quite important17:13
dobeydesrt: or set that to be the default value17:13
desrtso in all cases i'd expect to see instead the ability to select your own choice or have a separate 'reset to default' option17:13
seb128desrt, well you can have both, an indication of the default value and the reset button17:13
seb128desrt, I disagree that there is no valid case to want to hint what the default is17:14
seb128desrt, even if the specific design might not be good17:14
desrti'll agree that the hint is actually nice17:14
dobeyooh, it was renamed back to Appearance. yay.17:15
desrtbut there's nothing preventing that from being supposed with is_default()17:15
seb128desrt, well it forces you to iterate through all possible values17:15
seb128it's just extra work17:15
desrtwhich you are doing anyway...17:15
seb128not for the slider17:15
desrtah.  true!17:15
desrttime to think about it, then :)17:15
desrtsee.. the problem is17:16
desrti add an API like this17:16
desrtand then your designers come along with designs like these17:16
desrtand there's no problem.  everything works17:16
desrtmy API has allowed (perhaps even encouraged) you to implement an anti-pattern17:17
desrtand i warn against it in the docs17:17
desrtbut nobody reads those :)17:17
desrti like it...17:18
pittidesrt: no17:18
pittidesrt: g_settings_<eleven digit prime number you see in the second-last doc paragraph>_get_default()17:19
desrtpitti: trouble is that the function name gets put in the docs summary17:19
desrtwe rather need g_settings_get_default (int magic_num, ...)17:19
desrtand have the magic num in the second last paragraph :)17:19
mterrydesrt, copy and paste will get around that17:20
desrtya.  was just thinking that.17:20
didrocksagreed, like autotools :)17:20
desrtwe have to have an algorithm that determines the magic number from your key and schema name17:21
desrtso it's a different one each time17:21
desrtwe can describe it in the docs17:21
mterrydesrt, have the developer do a captcha17:21
seb128is it friday yet? ;-)17:21
* didrocks likes the captcha idea17:22
* desrt too17:22
didrocksfredp: want to integrate captcha in devhelp? ^17:22
* didrocks just imagine someone getting pinged in the middle of this conversation :)17:22
* desrt notes that we have some precedence for this sort of thing with the #define G_YES_I_KNOW_THE_WORLD_MAY_EXPLODE_UNDER_MY_FEET that we do...17:24
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pittigood night everyone!17:47
desrtpitti: ciao17:47
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didrockshave a good night everyone!18:12
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seb128desrt, the new gtk somewhat broke update-manager context menu18:46
seb128Traceback (most recent call last):18:46
seb128  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/UpdateManager/UpdateManager.py", line 507, in show_context_menu18:46
seb128    menu.popup_for_device(18:46
seb128AttributeError: 'Menu' object has no attribute 'popup_for_device'18:46
desrt    Add a 'Rename to' annotation so gtk_menu_popup_for_device18:47
desrt    appears in bindings as gtk_menu_popup (which we skip anyway).18:47
ubot2`Gnome bug 657385 in menu "[introspection] gtk_menu_popup() not introspected" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]18:47
seb128desrt, hum18:48
seb128desrt, that means WONTFIX?18:48
seb128desrt, that's somewhat a compatibility break, i.e breaking working applications18:48
dobeyah, the gir new world :)18:49
desrtseb128: ya... pretty much18:49
desrtnobody has yet some up with hard and fast rules for what gir compatibility means18:49
seb128desrt, :-( I can understand why mvo hates gtk nowadays18:49
seb128you can't get a credible platform and do that sort of things to app developers18:49
dobeyseb128: yep. it's even worse when you need to support both gtk2 and gtk3 in the same code :(18:51
seb128well I can understand the transition gtk2 to gtk318:51
seb128but breaking applications between stable series like that is not good18:52
desrtthat API was bound as a stable release?18:52
seb128desrt, well it worked in 3.2, it's broken in 3.418:53
desrtthat gives me enough to go on, thanks18:53
desrtseb128: btw... getting the new intltool release into the distro ASAP would be great18:54
desrt(once it is released, of course)18:54
seb128desrt, did danilo roll a tarball?18:54
desrtnot yet18:54
desrtbut it will come soon18:54
seb128desrt, I've been watching the bug, it's on my todolist ;-)18:54
* desrt just saw you change it to low-priority18:54
seb128desrt, do you need the gschemas fix or the other commit as well?18:54
desrtgmenu-using applications are essentially untranslatable without the other fix18:55
seb128desrt, well from an ubuntu perspective it's not high priority, i.e I'm tracking it but I don't want it to show on release team lists, etc18:55
desrtthe gschemas one is actually much lower priority, in my opinion18:55
desrtwe've been living without it for a while already18:55
seb128desrt, ok, I will backport them tomorrow18:55
desrtseb128: i'd just wait for the release18:56
desrtand the gschemas stuff is still in flux, perhaps18:56
desrtthere may be another commit there... danilo and i are still debating it18:56
seb128if you are confident danilo will do a release in the next weeks ;-)18:56
desrtif he doesn't do it by next monday then you can vendor-patch :)18:56
seb128ok ;-)18:56
seb128dinner time, bbl18:57
chrisccoulsoni'm updating unity from the PPA. wish me luck! :-)19:01
dobeychrisccoulson: well, your video drivers will probably continue to work, so no real issues. unlike for me, when i updated from the archive. i guess the kernel ABI breakage causes the nvidia drivers to break. at least i think it's that, rather than X, though i'm holding back xserver-xorg-core right now as well because of it :-/19:08
chrisccoulsoneek,i've updated unity and all of the icons on the launcher are just black squares19:31
jason_chrisccoulson, video card and do you have any non-standard unity settings?19:34
chrisccoulsonjason_, this just has intel hardware19:34
chrisccoulsoni don't think there are non-standard settings, 1 second :)19:34
desrtseb128: got a bug ref for the software centre issue?19:40
desrtseb128: i find https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/923171 but it looks like it may be a dup of a 'main bug' elsewhere?19:42
ubot2`Launchpad bug 923171 in software-center "software-center crashed with AttributeError in popup(): 'Menu' object has no attribute 'popup_for_device'" [Undecided,New]19:42
chrisccoulsonjason_, ok, it's broken if you set the launcher background opacity to anything other than zero in ccsm :)19:49
seb128desrt, I noticed in update-manager, and no, we are frozen for a2, I didn't upload that gtk yet19:51
seb128desrt, the guy who reported that bug is using ricotz's crack of the day ppa builds19:51
seb128desrt, but I'm sure if I upload to precise you will get quite some bugs the next day19:51
ricotzuh what?19:52
ricotzoh, i guess gtk?19:52
seb128ricotz, the new gtk broken python stuff19:52
desrtricotz: not your fault19:52
desrtseb128: i raised the issue on the gtk list19:52
seb128desrt, thanks19:52
desrtthe truth is that i don't have an answer to give you19:53
ricotzdesrt, yeah, didnt thought so ;)19:53
desrtso the issue that i raised is that we should probably come up with that answer :)19:53
seb128desrt, well, I can understand mvo when he complains that gtk is just bad for app developer in non C19:54
seb128desrt, the gtk3 binding story is nowhere stable or credible for "normal" app developers out there19:54
desrtseb128: gobject-introspection has been a real mixed bad19:54
seb128desrt, nobody to blame but things are just still buggy, not documented well and keep changin19:55
seb128desrt, which is a pretty bad experience if you want to write a small application and distribute it19:55
mvoseb128: or write a bigger application …20:03
seb128mvo, yeah, -small I guess20:03
mvoI understand what you mean, just tried to be funny20:03
seb128mvo, ;-)20:03
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ricotzseb128, do you if Cimi came up with a solution?20:14
seb128ricotz, <pbor> seb128: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-themes-standard/commit/?id=c56984c0f16d40da119bde328bd57a56a819c7ba was committed at the same time20:15
seb128ricotz, seems like the same thing should be applied to light-themes20:16
seb128dunno if Cimi did it yet20:16
seb128but should be trivial20:16
ricotzseb128, ah, i see, this is only one part20:16
seb128ricotz, what else is broken?20:16
ricotzthe other padding part is needed too20:16
seb128well I'm sure Cimi will deal with it, I will make sure it's fixed when we land gtk20:17
seb128but that's going to be after the alpha2 freeze20:17
seb128the new glib,gtk are in the ubuntu-desktop ppa until then20:17
jasoncwarner_bryce RAOF TheMuso robert_ancell meeting reminder...if you have any agenda items, put them on the wiki.21:56
TheMusoIts actually one of the first things i do on a Wednesday morning now.22:00
jasoncwarner_no agenda items....thanks everyone :)22:04
desrtrobert_ancell: is it normal that the gears icon is missing from the unity greater at first?22:17
desrtthe one that opens the session menu...22:17
robert_ancelldesrt, no, https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-greeter/+bug/91865722:18
ubot2`Launchpad bug 918657 in unity-greeter "unity-greeter_0.2.0-0ubuntu2 breaks desktop-selector" [High,Fix committed]22:18
robert_ancellwell, perhaps yes then22:18
desrtchrisccoulson: weird firefox bug if you're still around22:18
robert_ancellbut not intended22:18
desrtrobert_ancell: :)22:18
chrisccoulsondesrt, my head is about to explode with another weird bug (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=716036) ;)22:18
desrtchrisccoulson: no matter what i do (including rebooting my machine) firefox tells me that it's running22:19
ubot2`Mozilla bug 716036 in Layout "css z-ordering renders invisible text on google search page" [Normal,Unconfirmed: ]22:19
chrisccoulsondesrt, and there really is no process running?22:19
desrt"Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system."22:19
desrtyes.  i was quite certain to begin with22:19
desrtbut now that i've rebooted i'm really really really certain22:19
chrisccoulsondesrt, your home folder isn't on some weird mount is it?22:19
desrti have a separate /home if that's what you mean22:19
chrisccoulsonthat's ok :)22:20
desrtfwiw, i was just mucking around in ~/.mozilla22:20
chrisccoulsondesrt, and the permissions on ~/.mozilla/firefox are ok?22:20
desrti erased my profile22:20
desrtoh.  there we go.22:20
desrtso if the profile directory doesn't exist it causes firefox to believe that it is running22:21
desrtfix: create empty directory22:21
chrisccoulsondesrt, oh, you didn't remove the reference to the profile from profiles.ini?22:21
chrisccoulsonyeah, that behaviour is a bit dumb :)22:21
desrtif i had to guess, it's trying to create a lock in the profile directory and when that fails, it assumes it's because someone else is holding the lock22:23
desrtmeanwhile it actually failed because the directory doesn't exist22:23
chrisccoulsondesrt, yes, that's right :)22:24
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desrtchrisccoulson: firefox question..22:52
desrtchrisccoulson: do you know if it's possible to automatically set all incoming cookies to expire at session-end except for explicitly-whitelisted ones/sites?22:52
chrisccoulsondesrt, i don't think that's possible22:54
desrtit seems like the obviously-correct thing to do22:55
desrtit should be the freaking default22:55
desrtnevermind not possible at all without an addon :p22:55
chrisccoulsondesrt, yeah, i just took a look at the code which handles storing cookies, and it doesn't look like it supports that22:57
chrisccoulsondesrt, question for you ....  ;)22:57
chrisccoulsoncan i have different menus in each window with gtkapplication and gmenu?22:58
desrtit is planned to add support for that22:58
chrisccoulsonthat would make me very happy :)22:58
desrtwhat's your usecase?22:58
chrisccoulsoni started looking at adding support for this to firefox, and thunderbird is the obvious case for needing a separate menubar per window22:59
desrti ask because we're currently pondering between two different flavours for the UI22:59
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desrtcookieculler is pretty close to what i want23:04
chrisccoulsonhmmm, that hasn't been updated for over 2 years :/23:05
desrtit does the trick, though23:05
chrisccoulsoni tend to avoid addons that aren't being actively maintained :)23:06
chrisccoulsonyeah, the cookie service stuff hasn't changed much in a while (i don't think)23:06
desrtit's relatively simple23:06
desrtyou flag cookies as 'protected'23:06
desrtand any cookie not flagged is deleted on startup23:06
desrtso i can throw my bugzilla and launchpad login cookies in here23:06
desrtand to hell with the rest23:06
chrisccoulsonooh, my armel debug firefox nightly build has nearly finished. and it only took half the day :)23:08
desrtcookie culler is having a bad interaction with canonical wiki and SSO23:12
desrtis the canonical wiki broken for anyone else? :)23:15
chrisccoulsonit seems to be working ok here23:16
desrti just nuked cookieculler23:16
desrtand it's still not working23:16
desrti can go to the main page but every time i try to navigate from there it seems to forget my login and wants me to do it again23:17
jbichadesrt: the Canonical wiki's broken for me, but I think that's different ;)23:20
desrtjbicha: maybe not23:22
* desrt recently got some permission bits flipped, but maybe not as many as he thought23:23
jbichaI've never had access to the Canonical wiki23:24
desrtyou're missing out on a lot of ... purple23:24
jbichawell I still get the purple polka dots, just no text to go with it so I don't visit it very often, lol23:25
=== Guest11738 is now known as mandel
chrisccoulsonnice, i have a new follower on twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/TynishaX784923:45
chrisccoulsoni'm sure that i'm getting more and more twitter spam recently ;)23:45
desrtquite posh.23:45
* desrt notes that the web is completely overgrown with cookie use23:47
TheMusoOne could consider cookies a form of spyware...23:49
desrti sort of do23:49
desrtdisabling them entirely is not really an option either23:50
desrtsince most sites these days require them for even basic functioning23:50
TheMusoThis is true.23:50
desrterasing them as soon as you leave the site is the best you can do23:50
desrtwhen the browser closes is a good enough approximation for me23:50
chrisccoulsonright, time to move downstairs23:53
chrisccoulsonwhich means that my laptop will die momentarily23:53

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