
=== Lutin is now known as Guest97741
RAOFWoot!  I've got a system that refuses to upgrade to precise due to an inability to configure libtinfo5 for libncurses5.  How do I get do-release-upgrade to dump enough debugging info for someone to work this out?02:55
elmoRAOF: it tends to dump enough information into /var/log/dist-upgrade/ by default03:00
RAOFHah!  There it is.03:01
RAOFNow available as bug #92407903:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 924079 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "do-release-upgrade fails to upgrade from Oneiric to Precise" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92407903:19
broderi wonder if it makes sense to make the series nomination link visible again but make it a link to a wiki page a la +filebug04:02
broderbackports has been seeing a non-zero number of bugs that are really SRUs. one person commented today that they were doing it to raise awareness since they couldn't nominate anymore04:02
broderi wonder if that's reflective of more of those bugs than we realized04:02
broder(yes, i realize that redirecting to the wiki link on +filebug sucks and that nobody likes it)04:03
* ScottK wonders what the feedback mechanism was meant to be when the nomination link was removed?04:05
broderi think it was intended to be #ubuntu-bugs. i'm not sure how people were supposed to discover that04:05
micahgnominating doesn't necessarily help without someone try drive the patch04:07
* ScottK was going to guess "We're drowing, we can't afford to care".04:08
micahgalthough, I supposed that the nomination queue could be looked at as a source of things to do if it was used as such04:08
ScottKIf anyone much cared about bugs ...04:09
micahgwe care, but we're drowning04:10
micahgalmost 100k open bugs with >50% new04:11
* micahg is reminded of the need to go through all the Firefox bugs at some point...04:11
ScottKRight, but what's more important, fixing bugs or pushing new features?04:12
broderwhat is it called again, the gnome adhd monkey syndrome? "if i replace the feature, i don't have to fix its bugs!" :)04:13
ScottKAlso a lot of those aren't even actually bugs.  I know a large fraction of the bugs open against postfix in Ubuntu are PEBKAC issues.04:13
ScottKbroder: If it's Gnome, I think you mean remove, not replace.04:13
broderhmm...on a side note, i should probably get my rear end moving if pre-release backports is going to be ready by feature freeze, huh?04:15
micahgwould be nice this cycle :)04:16
broderi think i made it as far as breaking the lp test suite last time i looked04:18
ajmitchbroder: you've still got a few days :)04:19
pittiGood morning06:21
ajmitchmorning pitti06:24
pittihey ajmitch, how are you?06:28
* nigelb waves to pitti and ajmitch 06:29
ajmitchgood, how are you?06:30
pittiquite fine, thanks!06:31
* pitti waves back to nigelb06:31
ajmitchhi nigelb06:31
tumbleweedsomeone please let my ubuntu-devel-announce mail through07:27
* pitti arghs about listadmin being broken now; apparently something changed in our ML archive07:40
pittitumbleweed: done07:43
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dholbachgood morning08:08
zyga-afkgood morning08:14
zyga-afkhey dholbach :)08:14
zyga-afkmvo: :)08:16
mvohey zyga-afk08:21
dholbachheya zyga-afk08:23
geserdoes somebody know why the TB mailing list isn't listed on lists.ubuntu.com? Is it on purpose or missed after it changed from private to public?08:24
pittigeser: I guess the latter; this very much looks like a wiki page08:27
geserwho to bug about it? (assuming the TB list should appear there)08:32
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seb128doko, did --as-needed stop being enforced or something?09:12
seb128it seems that on precise builds with a missing -l... don't fail as they should09:13
cjwatsonpitti: IME listadmin still works but falls over some random percentage of the time09:34
pitticjwatson: hm, it still works for ubuntu-de@ here, but for techboard it has stopped working a few weeks ago; it only gets over "nothing in queue" now from here09:38
cjwatsonI used it on technical-board@ yesterday09:39
pittihm, maybe I'm just unlucky, or it works worse in my mornings09:39
Davieycjwatson: I was getting high failure rate09:41
DavieyI don't think it is the client, but the service timeing out.09:41
Davieyie, fetching data for ubuntu-server@lists.ubuntu.com ...09:43
DavieyUse of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/bin/listadmin line 832, <FIN> line 57.09:43
DavieyUse of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/bin/listadmin line 826, <FIN> line 57.09:43
DavieyDied at /usr/bin/listadmin line 827, <FIN> line 57.09:43
Davieysecond attempt worked.09:45
Davieyand, fetching data for ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com ...09:47
DavieyDied at /usr/bin/listadmin line 1310, <FIN> line 2.09:47
dokoseb128, no: COLLECT_GCC_OPTIONS='-v' '-mtune=generic' '-march=x86-64'09:49
doko /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6/collect2 --build-id --no-add-needed --as-needed --eh-frame-hdr -m elf_x86_64 --hash-style=gnu -dynamic-linker /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 -z relro /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/crt1.o /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/crti.o /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6/crtbegin.o -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6/09:49
doko../../../x86_64-linux-gnu -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6/../../../../lib -L/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -L/lib/../lib -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -L/usr/lib/../lib -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6/../../.. /tmp/ccVTmo51.o -lgcc --as-needed -lgcc_s --no-as-needed -lc -lgcc --as-needed -lgcc_s --no-as-needed /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6/crtend.o /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/crtn.o09:49
seb128doko, is the --no-add-needed normal in there?09:50
dokoyes, but I could remove that one too09:50
dokoit the default for ld 2.2209:50
seb128doko, ok, thanks09:51
seb128I wonder why lightdm-gtk-greeter builds without error where it uses libX11 functions without a -lx1109:51
seb128doko, btw is that normal?09:52
seb128$ gcc-4.5 -v09:52
seb128/usr/bin/gcc-4.5: not found (hardened-cc could not find target)09:52
seb128that breaks builds with i.e CC=gcc-4.509:52
dokob-d on gcc-4.5?09:52
seb128$ gcc-4.509:52
seb128/usr/bin/gcc-4.5: not found (hardened-cc could not find target)09:52
seb128I wonder why I have the command if gcc-4.5 is not installed09:53
seb128doko, it's my box, I did gcc-<tab> I didn't notice gcc-4.5 was not installed09:53
dokoyou have hardening-wrapper installed09:53
dokowhich diverts gcc-4.509:53
seb128I though "the binary is there so it must be installed"09:53
seb128doko, danke ;-)09:53
tumbleweeddoko: I was assuming you'd see bug 915167 before it was noticed on the sponsor queue. It's an old release, but a trivial fix to a not entirely uncommon usecase10:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 915167 in python-defaults (Ubuntu Natty) "pycompile will use /usr/local/bin/python2.6 if available and python2.6 isn't installed." [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91516710:07
dokotumbleweed, we'll remove python2.6 before release10:11
tumbleweeddoko: that was a natty dh_python2 with a local python2.6 installed problem10:12
tumbleweedzul: err, looks like your mtx and netifaces merges yesterday don't actually contain anything useful. Sync next time?10:22
dokocjwatson, apw: what is our policy to ship separately buit kernel modules? I know that we do that for restricted modules, but is this accept for other dkms modules in main?10:27
apwi am unsure if there is a policy, cirtainly we have had other dkms packages around, there was an iscsi one for some time10:29
dokoapw, looking at the openvswitch package10:30
cjwatsonIIRC it's OK strictly provided that they're dkms10:30
cjwatsonwe've removed non-dkms ones in the past because we couldn't maintain them10:30
cjwatsondo look into whether they're going to be kept well up to date though ...10:31
apwopenvswitch is the openstack transport isn't it ?10:31
dokoso this comes with a openvswitch-datapath-source *and* a openvswitch-datapath-dkms binary package10:31
pittithat looks broken indeed10:32
apwyeah if its dkms its usually liveable with, and often if it is version tied with userspace having them in the same package is better10:32
pittiusually, a dkms "binary" package sohuld just ship the source tarball and dkms control script10:32
pittibut it should be arch: all then10:32
pittiah, openvswitch-datapath-dkms is, looked at the wrongone10:32
dokoso we should stop building openvswitch-datapath-source?10:34
pittiit looks a little redundant10:35
pittibut it seems -source would integrate with module-assistant10:35
pittiwhiel -dkms auto-builds with dkms10:35
Davieyright, what benefit do we get from changing t?10:35
pittiwe certainly shouldn't start supporting module-assistant in main10:35
zuldelta with debian10:36
pittibut I guess we can leave that binary in universe?10:36
Riddelljdstrand: security team onto this? http://packetstormsecurity.org/files/109230/advisory_sudo.txt10:36
Davieydoko / pitti: if you want to increase our delta with Debian, are your teams happy to take ownership for it? :)10:36
dokoDaviey, the MIR team doesn't take ownership of anything ;-P10:36
pittiDaviey: err, I wasn't suggesting to change it, just thinking aloud why there are two, and that -source should stay in universe10:37
DavieyYeah, really - what i am saying, changing the current package; does it increase the maintainability?10:37
* Daviey feels no10:37
MacSlowpitti, poing10:39
pittihello MacSlow10:39
MacSlowpitti, just wondering if Oneiric will also get the newer libwnck3 at some point (in regards to your wnck_shutdown branch for notify-osd)10:40
pittiMacSlow: no, it won't10:40
pittiMacSlow: but the merge proposal checks the availability during configure10:40
pittiMacSlow: so it will build fine with older wnck versions10:40
MacSlowpitti, sure I've seen that10:40
MacSlowpitti, was just curious10:40
pittiMacSlow: oh, you want it for testing?10:40
pittiMacSlow: I can certainly give you an oneiric build if you want one10:41
pittiit just won't go into oneiric officially10:41
MacSlowpitti, today I've my notify-osd maintainer hat on again... doing as much as I can on that front atm10:41
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dokoRiddell, bug #918289, do we consider ttf as a source format?11:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 918289 in fonts-kanjistrokeorders (Ubuntu) "[MIR] fonts-kanjistrokeorders" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91828911:15
dokoand I assume the missing sources for the pdf files are a debian rc issue.11:16
Riddelldoko: it's not ideal but yes it can be considered preferred modifiable form11:17
Riddelldoko: yes PDF files should be taken seriously by debian and ubuntu11:17
Riddell(plenty of fonts only have .ttf files even though it's not really preferred modifiable form, like the ubuntu one)11:18
dokoDaviey, could you have a look at bug #891232, it it's an issue for libvirt?11:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 891232 in numactl (Ubuntu) "[MIR] numactl" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89123211:28
Davieylooking doko, thanks11:31
Davieydoko: Serge Hallyn is the libvirt maintainer for Ubuntu.. If he feels it is, then i'm going to agree with him. :)11:33
Daviey(he raised the MIR)11:34
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
dokoSweetshark, ping on bug #90640212:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 906402 in graphite2 (Ubuntu) "[MIR] graphite2" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90640212:37
Davieydoko: a heads up, roaksoax has at least 6 python modules which need to be MIR'd once they've passed NEW.12:41
dokoDaviey, I hope I'm already travelling when these are accepted ;-)12:45
DavieyYeee Haaa!12:46
dokoDaviey, zul: opened a runit task for bug #80124412:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 801244 in runit (Ubuntu) "[MIR] vblade-persist" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80124412:46
Davieythanks doko12:48
sorenDaviey, zul: You guys still care about aoe support? Really?12:50
Davieysoren: I was waiting for zul to to discuss that. :)12:51
sorenDaviey, zul: Do you still carry the driver?12:51
sorenDaviey: It was removed from Nova months ago.12:51
DavieyI honestly didn't know.12:51
Davieysoren: no, we do not12:52
Davieyinfact, i /thought/ we suggested switching?12:52
seb128doko, do you have any clue why building launchpad.net/lightdm-gtk-greeter/trunk/1.1.1/+download/lightdm-gtk-greeter-1.1.1.tar.gz on precise doesn't hit those bugs12:53
Daviey  * Stop depending on aoetools. iscsi is the default nowadays (and has12:53
Daviey    been for a while).12:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 898134 in LightDM GTK+ Greeter "lightdm-1.1.0 fails to build with: undefined reference to symbol 'XClearWindow'" [Medium,Fix committed]12:53
Davieysoren: that was a change you made in natty!12:53
seb128doko, or https://bugs.launchpad.net/lightdm/+bug/916477 (which seems to happen on the debian toolchain)12:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 916477 in Light Display Manager "gio-2.0 missing from liblightdm-gobject-1.pc" [Medium,Incomplete]12:53
sorenDaviey: Go me!12:53
seb128doko, well on gold on debian, i.e https://launchpadlibrarian.net/91537462/01_fix-configure-dso-linking.patch is required on Debian apparently where the same source builds fine in precise12:54
dokoseb128, is it correct that it tries to link the static lib?12:56
seb128doko, dunno, that doesn't happen here, but I would think that the first bug (the missing -lx11) would stop the build12:58
seb128doko, I'm not sure to understand the gio one and why the .a is listed there12:59
seb128doko, hum, I wonder if the gio issue has something to do with "checking if gcc static flag -static works... no" in the debian build log13:01
dokoseb128, well, have a look at the config.log13:03
doko  CCLD   liblightdm-gobject-1.la13:03
doko  GISCAN LightDM-1.gir13:03
dokoseb128, ^^^ could you make this verbose in the build log?13:03
manishany idea why using --prefix=/usr in distutils starts installing packages in site-packages?13:04
manishshouldn't it install in dist-packages?13:04
seb128doko, I will ask details to the debian maintainer (who opened the bug) or try in a pbuilder thanks, I'm still a bit confused that the missing -lx11 doesn't stop the build though13:05
dokomanish, you should not use --prefix=/usr. what do you want to achieve?13:06
manishright now I am trying to install software-properties13:07
manishit installs in /usr/local13:07
manishand does not get picked up properly13:07
manishwhen I run it13:07
dokowhwere it belongs to, if you install it on your own13:07
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mhall119ev: ping13:40
jdstrandRiddell: re sudo> yes. It only affects precise and our hardening measures mitigate it until a merge from Debian13:53
Riddelljdstrand: I knew we could count on our security team :)13:54
evmhall119: pong13:57
mhall119ev: hi, I'm in need of some help that I was told you can provide13:57
mhall119I need a list of the "top 50" apps in software center13:57
mhall119I'm told we don't have download stats, but we do have ratings13:58
mhall119so I'm thinking those with the most positive ratings13:58
evmhall119: alas, I'm not the person who is responsible for the ratings and reviews server14:00
evmhall119: mpt says there's already a top rated section.  Just click "more" next to top rated inside software center.14:01
mhall119mpt: any way I can easily convert that to a list of text, rather than manually writing them down?14:02
mptmhall119, kiwinote or one of the other developers in #software-center could probably give it to you as Json, at least14:02
mhall119thanks mpt14:03
dholbachmhall119, highvoltage, hggdh, SpamapS, cyphermox: ready for later on? :)14:03
* mhall119 is always ready14:04
mhall119(but not always prepared)14:04
quadrisprohi all!14:13
astraljavaHi Alessio!14:13
hggdhdholbach: aye14:14
hggdhand darn!14:14
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highvoltagedholbach: I think so! I have a tomboy note with a bunch of things to say ready. I think it can full up some 25 minutes and then the rest is for questions14:18
dholbachexcellent :)14:18
tgardnerskaet, have you noticed that the screen lock isn't working after a resume? Is this a known bug?14:27
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pittitgardner: not known here; it still worked two weeks ago, at least14:29
tgardnerpitti, 4 of us k-team dudes have noticed it14:29
pittimdeslaur did two recent gnome-screensaver uploads14:30
pittithe changelog entries look related, anyway14:30
pittimdeslaur: does locking after suspend work for you?14:30
mdeslaurpitti: yes...14:31
mdeslaurtgardner: what desktop environment are you using?14:31
mdeslaurtgardner: how are you suspending?14:31
pittihm, doesn't seem to lock here14:31
tgardnermdeslaur, unity on precise14:31
pittiI tried with "suspend" in the indicator14:32
mdeslaurtgardner: do you have autologin enabled?14:32
smbthere is another environment than unity...? :-P14:32
tgardnermdeslaur, nope14:32
pitti(my computer is closed in the dock, can't try lid right now)14:32
smbmdeslaur, not here14:32
pgranermdeslaur, not here either14:32
apwmdeslaur, for me its either shut lid or menu ... both do not trigger the saver, and using normal passworded login14:32
mdeslaurhrm, ok, let me try14:33
mdeslaurstupid screen locking whack-a-mole14:33
pittignome-screensaver-command -l does work here, though14:33
pittiso, of course it could also be a regression in gnome-session14:34
smbpitti, It also locks after time for me14:34
pittino, didn't change since December14:34
* pitti checks settings-daemon14:34
mdeslaurpitti: yes, I changes settings-daemon also14:35
ckingat least s3 resume is quick now ;-)14:35
pittiah, could be http://launchpadlibrarian.net/91320909/gnome-settings-daemon_3.2.2-0ubuntu12_3.2.2-0ubuntu13.diff.gz14:35
pittithat seems fairly devensive, too, though14:36
mdeslaurlet me dist-upgrade my test laptop and try to reproduce14:36
dokojodh, are the upstart build failures on armhf and powerpc real, or temporary?14:42
jodhdoko: may be kernel-related (since as cjwatson observed those platforms have newer kernels). I'd started to investigate but now 100% on bug922754. Will return to that asaic.14:44
mdeslaurARGH, I can reproduce...wth14:45
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek starting in 14 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom14:46
hertonpitti, hi, can you take a look when possible at copying kernels from bug 922692 to -proposed? I need it to start bugging people to verify SRU bugs this week.14:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 922692 in linux (Ubuntu) "linux: 3.0.0-16.28 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92269214:54
jdstrandpitti: hi! I'm told you are able to do this: would you mind rejecting https://code.launchpad.net/~l3on/ubuntu/oneiric/usbmuxd/security-919435/+merge/90611 and https://code.launchpad.net/~l3on/ubuntu/natty/usbmuxd/security-919435/+merge/90612?14:56
pittijdstrand: done14:57
pittiherton: can do14:57
jdstrandpitti: heh, that was fast. Thanks! :)14:57
hertonpitti, thanks14:57
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skaettgartner, mdeslaur - ack,  is there a bug number?14:59
l3onjdstrand, I read your reply... thanks, now I see :)15:01
mdeslaurskaet: not yet, I'll open one in a sec15:03
skaetmdeslaur, thanks!15:04
pittiherton: done15:05
mdeslaurok, GAH!15:07
mdeslaurpitti, skaet, smb: ok, found it...uploading a fix in a few minutes15:10
smbapw, tgardner cking ^ :)15:10
pittimdeslaur: cheers!15:10
smbmdeslaur, yes, ta15:11
skaetmdeslaur, :D15:11
mdeslaurskaet: LP: 92433615:11
jdstrandl3on: thank you! :)15:24
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: new topic Archive: soft freeze for Alpha 2 | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: soft freeze for Alpha 2 | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
seb128cjwatson, is that normal that I just got an "[ubuntu/oneiric-updates] evince 3.2.1-0ubuntu2.2 (Accepted)" email?15:58
cjwatsonNew normal, yes :-)15:59
cjwatsonYou uploaded it, right?15:59
seb128hum, did launchpad start sending emails on pocket copies?15:59
cjwatsonI changed sru-release to do copies differently15:59
seb128cjwatson, yes, to proposed some time ago which I got an email for at this time15:59
cjwatsonThe old method didn't send mail; this one does - but that wasn't the reason to change, the reason is that this method is asynchronous so shouldn't time out all the time like the old one did16:00
seb128cjwatson, ok, it confused me for a moment, I was wondering if you reuploaded because I screwed something ;-)16:00
cjwatsonIt's a bit annoying that the mail shows up as from me: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/oneiric-changes/2012-January/011816.html16:00
seb128since the emails lists you in the "Signed-By"16:00
cjwatsonBut not the end of the world I guess16:00
cjwatsonYeah, it's like new-style syncs16:00
seb128cjwatson, ok, that's fine, I just got surprised16:00
cjwatsonsigned ~= requested16:01
seb128cjwatson, maybe it's worth dropping a note about on the list in case others get confused as well16:01
cjwatsonI agree the presentation isn't entirely ideal but I figure people will get used to it :)16:01
cjwatsonmm, could be16:01
* cjwatson adds to todo16:01
seb128cjwatson, thanks ;-)16:01
cjwatsonI suppose we could do the syncs as the katie user, which would inhibit the mail16:02
cjwatsonI might test that16:02
cjwatsonsomething like http://paste.ubuntu.com/823985/16:04
seb128cjwatson, I'm not sure the email is an issue, it tells you that the updated got verified and moved so it can be useful informations, the change of behaviour is just a bit confusing (as any change ;-)16:05
cjwatsonThis is true.  The Signed-By is kind of odd though.16:06
dokozul, just to confirm, you did the packaging for python-keystoneclient, didn't you?16:17
dokoexactly, not mentioned in debian/copyright. only the upstream apache license is mentioned16:17
dokoso add debian/*16:18
zuldoko: ok ill go fix that then16:18
dokoand the appropriate copyright16:18
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zuldoko: added16:27
smoseranyone know what it is that creates /dev/loop[0-7]16:29
smoserit seems that with current precise kernel, we can have up to /dev/loop25516:30
smoser(previously that required adding 'max_loop=')16:30
highvoltagesmoser: /etc/udev/links.conf16:31
smoseri dont have such a file16:31
smosermaybe udev is responding to CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP_MIN_COUNT=8 (kernel config)16:31
brodersmoser: iirc the loop module does that on its own at load16:33
smoserits builtin now. so it just must be the kernel adding devices on the initialization of that driver16:33
smoserand udev responding perhaps ?16:33
broderwhy does udev need to respond?16:33
smoserand the min being setup by that config.16:33
smoserbroder, your suggesting it doesn't have to do anything because of devtmpfs ?16:34
brodermy understanding was that device nodes are generally created by the kernel16:35
smoser(my knowledge is fuzzy here, but prior to devtmpfs i did not think that was the case)16:35
broderand then udev is just responsible for figuring out which modules need to be loaded so those modules can go and create the device nodes themselves16:35
smoserwell, prior to devtmpfs, /dev was either a general tmpfs or a "normal(ext3)" filesystem  (or devfs) so the kernel wasn't just creating nodes int he filesystem.16:37
brodersmoser: you can see the loop driver creating the nodes when it initializes: http://lxr.linux.no/linux+v3.2.2/drivers/block/loop.c#L181316:38
broderi couldn't tell you how exactly it does it, but it definitely does16:38
pgranercjwatson, quick question, have you seen 11.10 server iso issues when booting from USB stick, it boots but won't find the cdrom drive16:47
pgranercjwatson, which is a strange since it doesn't have one on this box16:47
cjwatsonpgraner: can I have logs please?16:48
pgranercjwatson, sure which ones?16:48
cjwatsonsyslog and partman16:49
cjwatsonwell actually just syslog for this I guess16:49
pgranercjwatson, ack16:49
cjwatsonalso does precise work?16:49
pgranercjwatson, haven't tried precise yet, I was installing and they planning on testing the upgrade :(16:53
pgranercjwatson, ok so I have no network and it won't see USB sticks16:53
cjwatsonwell I need some way to see what's going on16:54
pgranercjwatson, the error is: cdrom-detect: CD-ROM mount failed: device=/dev/sr0 fstype=iso966016:54
cjwatsonyou could try booting the precise installer and walking through the installer up to that point, you don't have to actually do an install16:54
cjwatsonmm, usually need a screenful of context16:54
pgranercjwatson, ok I'll snap a pic16:55
cjwatsonalso how did you create the USB stick?16:55
pgranercjwatson, dd16:55
cjwatsonfrom tty2, run 'list-devices maybe-usb-floppy; list-devices usb-partition'16:56
pgranercjwatson, both return no output16:57
cjwatsonwell that sucks.  does the kernel actually know about any USB devices?16:57
pgranercjwatson, its sees the keyboard & mouse16:58
pgranercjwatson, not the usbstick16:59
pgranercjwatson, email sent with screen shot16:59
cjwatsontry booting a live CD and see what driver it uses for the USB stick16:59
cjwatsoner a live USB stick16:59
cjwatsonthe kernel packaging needs to deliver that to the installer in some appropriate udeb17:00
pgranercjwatson, ok let me get one downloaded and I'll give it a shot17:00
cjwatsonlooking specifically for the ones in usb/host I guess17:02
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pgranercjwatson, ok booted,  and it looks like the livecd is using xhci-hcd17:29
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cjwatsonpgraner: ok, so I think the right answer is to file a kernel bug asking them to add xhci-hcd to the usb-modules udeb (I checked; it isn't there)17:35
pgranercjwatson, ack, thanks17:36
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vanhoofpgraner: what did you have going on w/ usb3?17:55
bdmurrayjodh: bug 916507 looks like it is similar to bug 84941417:56
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 916507 could not be found17:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 849414 in plymouth (Ubuntu Precise) "plymouthd crashed with SIGSEGV in ply_event_loop_process_pending_events()" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84941417:56
vanhoofpgraner: been seeing a few machines lately when usb3 is set to "auto" mode in the bios, it'll default to usb2, but when set to "enabled" it'll go usb317:56
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pgranervanhoof, the server iso doesn't have xhci in the usb-modules udeb so you can't install off a usb3 port from usb stick18:00
vanhoofpgraner: ah18:06
vanhoofpgraner: see if usb3 work for you once installed too18:07
astraljavastgraber: Hiya, Studio wants to create a similar feature in ubiquity, that edubuntu uses. My problem is that I can't find the original source branch, that stores the ubiquity/plugins/*.py files. If you have time at some point, could you point me to the right tracks, please? Thanks!18:07
vanhoofpgraner: and if not, see if you have that same bios toggle18:07
vanhoofpgraner: been coming up in a few new bugs this week18:07
astraljavaWell, Studio as well as Xubuntu.18:07
stgraberastraljava: the package selection stuff is in edubuntu-live18:08
astraljavastgraber: lp:ubuntu/edubuntu-live? I was just told that it gets created on upload. So I don't get where the upload gathers the stuff from.18:09
stgraberastraljava: that's indeed the branch. It's a UDD branch, uploads are automatically commited to it and people with upload rights can also commit changes to it without uploading18:10
astraljavastgraber: Ok, so how would Studio and Xubuntu get similar branches, then? I see that that branch is owned by Ubuntu branches (team?).18:11
stgraberastraljava: http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/udd-intro.html18:12
stgraberastraljava: for now, just copy the python scripts to your own package, that's the easiest18:12
astraljavastgraber: Ok, thanks!18:13
pgranervanhoof, will do18:17
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argescyphermox, hello! are you the patch pilot today?18:53
cyphermoxarges: I am19:01
cyphermox@pilot in19:02
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: soft freeze for Alpha 2 | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: cyphermox
argescyphermox, so I think I got almost everything needed for an SRU here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kexec-tools/+bug/828731  . was wondering if you could take a look and see if it looks ok.19:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 828731 in kexec-tools (Ubuntu Oneiric) "kdump functionality not working as expected when /boot is a separate partition" [Medium,In progress]19:04
cyphermoxarges: alright19:09
argescyphermox, thanks19:10
cyphermoxarges: so, comments:19:23
cyphermoxarges: bug 828731 was needing ubuntu-sru subscribed, I added it. I can't upload kexec-tools though, so I'll have to defer to somebody else to sponsor it, but it looks correct (and has apparently already had testing)19:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 828731 in kexec-tools (Ubuntu Oneiric) "kdump functionality not working as expected when /boot is a separate partition" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82873119:24
cyphermoxarges: however, you're also closing bug 785425 in your changelog, so that one too should have ubuntu-sru subscribed, with an SRU rationale, and targetted to the releases19:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 785425 in kexec-tools (Ubuntu) "0_kdump uses dynamic makedumpfile(8) binary, which fails horribly" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78542519:25
argescyphermox, ok i will check that too. how do I have ubuntu-sru subscribed?19:25
cyphermoxon the lp page, click subscribe someone else and search for ubuntu-sru19:26
jodhbdmurray: thanks for pointing that one out. I'm pretty sure all these plymouth bugs have a common cause.19:36
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Atlantic777Are ubuntu testing and ubuntu development the same release?20:13
cyphermoxAtlantic777: yes20:15
cyphermoxWe're testing a milestone of the development release20:16
Atlantic777So 12.04 is the newest release I can get?20:16
Atlantic777actually it's not a release until it's released :D20:16
cyphermoxIt is, though you should really only "use" it if you're confortable with things breaking every once in a while20:17
cyphermoxAtlantic777:  unless you want to help with the testing, in which case I'd invite you to join #ubuntu-testing20:17
Atlantic777cyphermox: I'm interested both in testing and development of new ubuntu stuff...20:18
cyphermoxyou're at the right place.20:18
cyphermoxif you want to learn how to do it then visit #ubuntu-classroom, this week it's Ubuntu Developer Week and we show how you can fix things20:19
Atlantic777I'am already there. :)20:20
cyphermoxsorry, I didn't see ;)20:21
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dokozul, keystoneclient ftbfs21:13
zuldoko: damn it...21:13
zuldoko: ill get to it tonight21:14
dokozul: disable the argparse check. it's included in python2.721:14
zuldoko: yeah21:14
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simmelSpamapS: That's kind of why I didn't ask the question during the talk also = )21:35
SpamapSsimmel: CDBS stands alone, without debhelper, though it can help with debhelper rulesets. The key there is, with debhelper 7, thats not necessary21:35
directhexcdbs /o\21:36
SpamapSsimmel: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debhelper21:36
SpamapSsimmel: see the 3 line rules file? That is a new thing.. before that, CDBS was the quickest way to be able to have something similar.21:36
SpamapSsimmel: I have to run now, but I'm sure you'll find lots of people who can help here. :)21:39
* simmel gets confused with the debhelper.mk in CDBS and actual debhalper.21:39
simmelSpamapS: Thanks again.21:39
jtaylorthose small rules usually go by the name dh-721:40
directhexdh7 \o/21:40
jtaylorsaying only debhelper is a bit confusing as most of cdbs also calls dh_* stuff21:41
jtaylorjust all hidden in undocumented black magic21:41
slangasekwe should just start calling cdbs 'debhinderer' ;)21:42
simmelIt's not black magic if you know how to use it ; )21:42
simmelOne other reasons that I'm confused is because https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete mentions CDBS alot and not any mention that it shouldn't be used.21:44
slangasekyes, not distinguishing between best practices and "things you have to deal with if you're going to be an Ubuntu developer" is a major failing of the documentation21:45
simmelhttps://wiki.edubuntu.org/PackagingGuide/Python#The_debhelper_way looks preetty good though.21:46
slangasekhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide does say to use http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/ instead21:47
slangasekwe should probably nuke /Complete, at this point21:48
simmelOh! Is there a Complete/All-pages version of that? Except Show source?21:48
slangasekI'm not sure21:49
slangasekbarry: hey, do you know if there's a pdf version of http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/ ?21:49
simmelSorry for beeing lazy here, totally OK to reprimand me, but was debhelper >= 7 available in lucid or earlier or is it a new thing?21:49
jtaylorits available in lucid21:50
simmelcool, thanks jtaylor.21:50
barryslangasek: i don't, but it wouldn't be hard to generate, from the trunk branch (`make pdf` should do it).  i can check, since i'm updating that branch for the new udd stuff as we speak (i have a session tomorrow)21:50
simmelI will discuss this with my colleagues tomorrow and see if we can't use the new debhelper way. Also, probably should fix our Hudson buildslaves to use sbuilder instead of pbuilder too = )21:51
barryslangasek: make latexpdf21:51
simmelbarry: Is there a single .html-file available aswell? Or is .txt and .pdf the only single-page versions?21:51
barrysimmel: it's sphinx so there are several options.  bzr branch lp:ubuntu-packaging-guide then run 'make' no options to see what you can generate21:53
simmelbarry: Thanks, I'll check it out tomorrow. Thanks everyone and good night.21:53
pooliehi barry21:55
barrypoolie: hi22:18
cyphermox@pilot out22:35
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: soft freeze for Alpha 2 | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
cyphermoxlogging off for dinner, I'll be back in a few hours and do more piloting22:36
lamontScottK: 2.9.0, eh?23:23
lamontguess I have something to do later this week23:23
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lifelessbarry: can land plox http://bugs.python.org/issue659823:58

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