
slashtommyFirefox (10.04 LTS) was updated yesterday for some bizarre reason, tis now broke - i need an urgent fix10:33
* slashtommy uses LTS so that these problems shouldn't occur10:33
czajkowskislashtommy: desktop?12:13
slashtommyczajkowski: laptop, if it makes a difference?12:14
ebeldesktop ubuntu version, as opposed to ubuntu server12:15
czajkowskiebel: aye12:15
ebelslashtommy is using ubuntu desktop, not ubuntu server12:15
czajkowskislashtommy: have you filed a bug I can go ask in #ubuntu-desktop and see whats the issue if you want?12:15
slashtommyi haven't the time12:15
slashtommyi need a web browser that works with .aspx pages and can open PDFs inside salesforce.com12:16
slashtommyif i don't get this in the next few hours, i will have no alternative but to install debian on here and get a stable system12:16
czajkowskiok I'll go ask so12:16
czajkowskiok ok12:16
czajkowskiwould help to have a bug12:17
czajkowskibut I cna ask12:17
slashtommyNB I use the LTS so i shouldn't get these issues12:17
slashtommyi have better things to do than to fix my computer12:18
czajkowskihave pinged tis lunchitime12:19
slashtommyanyway, how are you czajkowski?12:21
czajkowskiwriting slides for a panel in fosdem at the weekend12:22
czajkowskislashtommy: can you join #ubuntu-desktop12:22
czajkowskihave the guy who looks after ff in the desktop there ready to help please12:22
slashtommytbh, i'm 2 hours behind with work i need to be done before lunch12:22
czajkowskithen I cant help to give him the info12:23
czajkowskiI want to help12:23
slashtommy(as i didn't have a working web browser)12:23
czajkowskibut this is kinda hard12:23
czajkowskiwent to paris at the weekend12:26
czajkowskisurpeie for jon for our anniversary 1 year :D12:26
ebelczajkowski: paris nice?12:28
czajkowskibut very cold12:29
czajkowskiand it's just starting to semi snow here12:29
tdr112czajkowski: i must bring a coat tomorrow so12:41
ebeltdr112: going to france?12:41
tdr112na london tomorrow12:42
czajkowskitdr112: ahh thought you were there last night12:43
czajkowskiits very cold today12:43
tdr112czajkowski: flying in tomorrow morning12:43
czajkowskitdr112: bookmark http://www.tfl.gov.uk/12:44
tdr112will do12:52
tdr112any apps i should have12:52
czajkowskithere is a tube one12:53
czajkowskiit'll tell you if there is good or bad service but not much use12:53
czajkowskibetter off using that site via the web to navigagte your way around12:53
tdr112ok thanks12:58
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