
=== jussi01 is now known as Guest21792
=== gord is now known as Guest42604
ubottuurlin2u called the ops in #ubuntu ()03:12
ubottuurlin2u called the ops in #ubuntu ()05:00
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu ()05:50
ubottuIn ubottu, inco9 said: This is how stupid you look: ☆♥★~ Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U! ~★♥☆󠁟 http://www.gnaa.eu/export/656/trollforge/irc/wiki-logs.zip05:50
ubottuIn ubottu, inco9 said: This is how stupid you look: ☆♥★~ D4rth_B4n3: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo ~★♥☆󠁟 http://www.gnaa.eu/export/65605:50
Unit193dax: inco9 seems to have hit Ubuntu and ubottu too05:52
daxUnit193: indeed. We're working on it.05:53
=== Guest42604 is now known as gord
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (rodrigo-pc appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)10:58
jpdsAh, I like how -ru's !ask says at the end that everyone might be sleeping.11:55
bazhangpretty sure that spammer got klined LjL12:00
popeyaha! a jpds !12:09
* popey stabs jpds with !lococouncil12:09
ikoniaI thought that had been changed12:10
popeyplease to be fixing that factoid12:10
popeytry in -irc12:10
ikoniajust released I shouldn't have done that as I did it12:10
ikoniadidn't want to ping anyone12:10
popeyor -locoteams where people actually use it12:10
ikonianot going to ping anyone12:10
ikoniano no12:10
ikoniaI'll do it in a pm12:10
ikoniagee I wonder why this guy was banned12:14
Gay-MeowHi all!12:14
Gay-MeowWhy me banned yesterday?12:14
LjLGay-Meow: because #ubuntu is a technical support channel, and your question about Shuttleworth's sexual preferences had nothing to do with that.12:15
Gay-Meowbut please12:15
Gay-MeowIf he is gay me will a pleasure to use Ubuntu12:16
Tm_TGay-Meow: for that question or discussion, #ubuntu is not the place12:16
LjLGay-Meow: that seems very silly, using or not using a distribution based on the sexual preferences of its founder. anyway, please refrain from asking questions like that in #ubuntu in the future. only technical support.12:17
Gay-MeowJust i read about him that he say bad words about gays, but I do not believe12:17
Gay-Meowsorry ok12:17
Gay-Meowbut here me ask it question?12:18
LjLGay-Meow: try #gaygeeks maybe.12:18
Gay-Meowno work((12:18
Gay-Meowchannel does not exist?12:19
LjLit exists12:19
LjLyou need to12:19
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode12:19
LjLif you need help with registration, ask #freenode12:20
Gay-Meowregister on freenode or channel for gays?12:20
Gay-Meowi registered?12:21
LjL13:21:33] [Notice] -NickServ- Gay-Meow is not registered.12:21
LjLagain if you need help with registration, please ask in #freenode12:21
Gay-Meowbut i make coman nick "nick"12:22
LjL"/nick" is not for registering.12:22
LjLread the guide.12:22
Gay-Meowthanks you!12:22
LjLGay-Meow: please leave this channel if you have no more questions for us here12:23
Gay-Meowok thx!12:23
Gay-Meowbye bye! kiss u!12:23
bazhang<noplv426> yes vlvc is a special version of vlc...to use video conf.12:28
bazhangspecial version of VLC? really?12:28
LjLbazhang: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VideoLan_VideoConference12:29
popeylooks that way12:29
bazhangLjL, any clue what noplv426 wants?12:30
LjLbazhang: yeah, he wants a good video conferencing solution. unfortunately i'm afraid those are lacking.12:31
Picigoogle hangouts!12:31
mrmistthe "find" bot is back again13:15
ikonialeft a message for it to contact this channel13:16
HFSPLUSwhy did you meenies ban me from ubuntu?14:40
HFSPLUSI dont understand at why you are being so mean your a big meanie14:40
LjLoh, lord, not you14:40
HFSPLUS........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')14:41
PiciI don't have the patience for this today.14:42
ikoniadon't bother, it's a waste of time14:44
LjLPici: [15:52:43] <LjL> usr13, ActionParsnip, cordoval:  ( lsmod ; lsb_release -a ; uname -a ) | pastebinit14:59
LjLbut maybe aside from highlighting three people i should have made it in colors or something14:59
PiciLjL: I saw it actually, just was commenting on the use of the 'info' file.15:01
LjLi just get kind of upset when there's a perfectly functioning command that was already given, and then a potentially bad one is given instead, *and* defended15:01
ubottuLjL called the ops in #kubuntu (HFSPLUS)15:11
PiciI could use some help with HFSPLUS (wherever you see him) and in #ubuntu-women15:11
MyrttiPici: where?15:11
PiciMyrtti: HFSPLUS in #kubuntu, #ubuntu, #ubuntu-offtopic, #ubuntu-irc....15:12
Piciand some trolls in -women15:12
PiciThey're in #freenode too15:12
LjLhe disconnected, watch for ban evasion15:14
mneptokthere are some days that contributing to the Ubuntu community makes me feel like an anchor repairman from New Zealand15:22
LjLjrib: olawd15:47
* Myrtti puts that in quote file15:48
MyrttiI saw oCean nekk... nevermind17:02
garypics or it neve... oh hi17:03
oCeanwhat did I do now17:03
pangolinI got all the pics to prove it.17:03
Dave2\win 2117:24
=== mrmist_ is now known as mrmist
urlin2uwe are getting political pm's from   CanolaOil  at #ubuntu22:29
Myrttiok, could you pm me one?22:32
urlin2uMyrtti, I didn't even look but there are others that claimed they were, I just ran the !pm for the bot to tell them about pming.22:33
elkyurlin2u, could you direct someone who actually got the message to us?22:34
urlin2uMyrtti, posted in the channel by <LordDragon>22:34
urlin2uI never open unsolicited pm's I just saw the evidence on the channel, I will do this better in the future. :D22:36
Myrttiremoved, banned and reported22:36
pangolinthanks for taking care of that Myrtti and thank you urlin2u for reporting22:38
urlin2uno problem22:39

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