
mdeslaurpetko: if you use "update-manager -d", it will offer to update to precise00:11
petkothanks , and it will update to alpha 1 or the daily release ? and I want to ask - is the latest release usable for a main OS (I mean do you encaunter too many crashes )00:16
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alouriegood morning09:00
brendandjibel - alpha2 started yet?10:06
DavieyHey gema, are you around?10:51
gemaDaviey: interview in 5 mins10:52
gemaDaviey: preparing for it as we speak10:52
Davieygema: Okay, can you give me a hola when you have a few mins - want to talk about 10.04.4 release prep.10:53
gemaDaviey: ack10:53
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brendandjibel, gema - are we aware the desktop installer is currently failing?11:39
brendandwait, maybe not11:39
brendandi got something about 'attempt to configure packages failed' at the end, but it looks like it finished ok11:40
brendandhrrrm. not booting now11:45
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jibelbrendand, all the images are failing. that's bug 92418212:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 924182 in apt (Ubuntu Precise) (and 1 other project) "d-i images (server, alternate) failed to install: no kernels found (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92418212:34
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gemaDaviey: hola13:11
Davieygema: wow, that was a long interview... you are a real hardy!13:12
gemaDaviey: that was interview + finishing off other stuff + lunch x)13:12
Davieyyeah right13:13
Davieygema: right, so 12.03.4 is due out on the13:13
gemayou said when you have a few mins, not when you finish the interview :P13:13
Daviey16th Feb13:13
DavieyCurrently we are building the Lucid daily from lucid-proposed.13:13
gemaDaviey: yes13:13
DavieyAt some point we need to swap to building from lucid-updates13:14
DavieyAs you chaps are driving the QA for this point release.... it's your call when this happens, so it can be tested :)13:14
DavieyHow long do you want/need?13:14
gemaDaviey: all that we've done so far on this front is to start a lucid iso testing dashboard13:14
gemaso I assume we are testing now from lucid-proposed, according to what you are saying13:15
Davieygema: right, but not i386 or alt/server?13:15
DavieyIs that TODO?13:15
gemaDaviey: I am sure it is, patrick is working on this13:15
gemaDaviey: but it is good that you explain this to me, as it was happening all on the background13:16
DavieyThere will need to be an element of manual testing i think.13:16
gemaDaviey: do you mean running the existing manual test cases that we run for all the other milestones?13:16
Davieygema: So.. i don't need an answer right now.. but when you know, can you let me know how much time you need to beconfident of a QA run?13:17
DavieySo we can switch to building from lucid-updates.13:17
gemaDaviey: I still don't understand the workflow, bear with me 4 more mins13:17
Davieygema: Well the testing methodology is your teams call :).. I'd just be suprised if you automated it all, and be confident :)13:17
gemalucid-updates is the branch where you want to submitw what is currently in lucid-proposed, right?13:18
Davieyyes, so SRU's get uploaded to -proposed.. verified, then copied to -updates.13:18
gemaDaviey: ok, understood13:19
gemawhat is the nature of the update, Daviey ?13:19
DavieyCurrently we are building images from -proposed as a shortcut, i suppose..13:19
gemahow big, so to speak13:19
Davieyabout "this big'13:19
Davieygema: it's not a huge leap TBH.13:19
gemaso I assume it is just bug fixes not new functionality, right?13:20
gemago for it, jibel13:20
patdk-wkis nothing available to test yet?13:20
Davieygema: it's all the security and SRU updates in Lucid, since July 21st.13:21
Davieylast year13:21
jibelDaviey, pending SRUs for packages that goes into the image will be done early next week13:21
gemaok, Daviey gotcha, I will get some input from jibel and hggdh :)13:21
jibelDaviey, I'll review the images manually too13:21
jibelif it's ok then we can rely on the automated tests13:22
gemajibel: is patrick going to add more images to the dashboard?13:22
Davieysounds good.. give me a hola when you know.13:22
jibelgema, we need them all13:22
gemajibel: ok13:22
gemawill do Daviey !13:22
jibelDaviey, but I won't start before A2 testing is over.13:22
Davieyjibel: you are slack. :)13:22
absolutezero_hello gues13:23
absolutezero_I've been following the mailing list for sometime13:23
absolutezero_& am currently downloading the iso with zsync13:24
jibelpatdk-wk, nope, images are rebuilding13:24
absolutezero_what do you suggest to do as a beginner tester ?13:24
patdk-wkfind something not done, and try to do it :)13:24
absolutezero_that's the idea ;) but is there any particular thing (not too hard for a beginner) ?13:26
patdk-wkthat all depends on your skillset, that I don't know13:27
gemaabsolutezero_: you should join ubuntu-qa@lists.ubuntu.com and introduce yourself and your interest13:27
gemaabsolutezero_: maybe say why you want to do testing and how you think you can contribute better13:27
gemaabsolutezero_: then we can find one of the million tasks we have that suits your skillset and interest13:28
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gemaabsolutezero_: but if you want to start with something intense this week, you could do some Alpha 2 testing13:28
absolutezero_gema: i already did a while ago. Im under Bob13:28
gemaabsolutezero_: did you manage to fix the problem with downloading isos?13:29
gemaabsolutezero_: is that working for you now?13:30
absolutezero_gema: yeh im using zsync but still hadn't fully downloaded the daily precide13:30
absolutezero_should do this later tonight13:30
absolutezero_gema: once i download it I'll install it in VM13:31
gemaabsolutezero_: then you could help trying to improve test cases, have a look at this spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgtV30nnv18edFQzNVB4S2duOWNOT05zaHo3S0pNekE&hl=en_US#gid=013:31
gemaabsolutezero_: we are rewriting the test cases from  the wiki to make them better13:32
gemaabsolutezero_: if you have a look at what has been done comments, etc13:32
gemaabsolutezero_: you may find some inspiration to fix some more13:32
gemaabsolutezero_: nick skaggs sent an email explaining how to do it13:33
absolutezero_ok great; i'll take a look & see what to do13:33
gemaabsolutezero_: on the 19/01 it is called Manual Testing Prepwork13:33
gemaabsolutezero_: cool, thanks!13:33
absolutezero_19/01 ?13:35
gemayep , nick sent that email on the 19th of January, last week13:36
gemasorry, the week before last.. I lose track of time13:36
absolutezero_gema: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-qa/2012-January/001907.html (attachement ?)13:39
gemaabsolutezero_: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-qa/attachments/20120119/61ed6cc0/attachment.html13:40
gemaabsolutezero_: I can forward it to you if you want13:40
absolutezero_gema: yes plz13:40
gemaabsolutezero_: let me know when you get it13:41
absolutezero_got i13:41
gemano prob13:41
absolutezero_i'll leave now; have a nice day13:41
gemayou too13:44
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jibelstgraber, I added alpha2 but do I need to create an initial build for each image or is the publication automated ?14:29
jibelfor context i'm talking about the tracker :)14:30
stgraberjibel: the publication should be automated14:30
stgraberjibel: but someone on the cdimage build needs to update the config for them to appear at the right place14:30
jibelstgraber, ok, 20120131.2 is nowhere14:32
stgraberjibel: that's probably because daily was already off when it tried to publish and nobody updated the config to point to alpha214:33
jibelstgraber, indeed. I'll add it manuall14:33
stgraberjibel: do you know if someone did the switch in the config?14:34
jibelstgraber, I don't know. and it is probably not done14:34
stgraberjibel: I'll get you a list of everything that failed to publish to the tracker14:37
jibelstgraber, nice, thansk14:37
stgraberjibel: hmm, actually you'll need to wait for the next sync of the logs to lillypilyy ;) there's nothing I can grab at this point14:39
jibelUbuntu Server, alternate and desktop published to the tracker14:50
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jibelstgraber, that's the list of available builds I have http://paste.ubuntu.com/823911/14:59
jibelstgraber, skaet builds published to the tracker15:20
jibelI'm lost in arm though15:21
jibelI'll be away for half an hour and will do arm when I'm back15:21
stgraberjibel: ok. If I can extract the list of failures by then, I'll just post them on the tracker15:22
stgraberoh, looks like the logs are there now, grepping15:23
stgraberjibel: hmm, ok, logs aren't really useful. They just tell me ubuntu desktop, ubuntu alternate and ubuntu server failed to publish15:26
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=== jibel changed the topic of #ubuntu-testing to: Welcome to Ubuntu QA and Testing | http://qa.ubuntu.com/ | Currently testing Precise Alpha2 candidates | http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com
albrighaanyone having any issues with the mouse in virtualbox? latest alpha 2. the daily was working fine yesterday..16:40
DyrconaI was looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/InstallMethods and wondered if it would be useful to test the upgrade installation or is it too early for that?16:56
astraljavaHey guys, Ubuntu Studio doesn't have test cases for Alpha-2. Anyone able to help us with that?17:00
jibelastraljava, ah, sorry. I added DVD but didn't updated the test cases.17:02
charlie-tcaGood morning, jibel17:02
astraljavajibel: Ok. No worries, can you add the cases, too, please?17:03
jibelastraljava, is there any specific test case or I just move previous ones ?17:03
jibel(if they apply of course)17:03
astraljavajibel: I'm not sure what there are, cause we didn't do A-1 this cycle.17:03
jibelgood morning charlie-tca !17:03
astraljavaSo maybe add what the previous ones were, and we can talk once they're there.17:03
jibelastraljava, I added a basic testcase for Studio, could you review it ? other cases are variant of this basic test but I don't think it applies to studio dvd17:21
jibelstudio dvd is more a desktop image17:21
jibelastralja1a, we can use desktop install and livecd testcases instead17:23
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astralja1ajibel: Yes, desktop install and live cases should be needed. Thanks! (trouble with freenode right now, sorry)17:29
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charlie-tcaDyrcona: If you haven't gotten an answer to the upgrade test question yet, yes, it would be useful. Since we are testing alpha2 candidates, we will track all the tests and results at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/17:38
Dyrconacharlie-tca: thanks. I'll give it a try.17:38
njinhello, have we shipped a new kernel today ?17:59
njinI've got 2 oops in two different mobo17:59
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skaetnijin,   one is being uploaded now for rebuild - but I suspect it may have the problem you're referencing.18:37
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bladernr_hrmmm.... are we testing Alpha 2 now?19:00
bladernr_so... the edubuntu tasks point to the default Ubiquity install instructions... which make no mention of the extra screens in the edubuntu installer... :)19:02
PaoloRotoloHi all!19:42
astraljavajibel: Hate to bug you (I know you're very busy), but do you think we could get those other test cases that we talked about sometime soon? I'm about to start testing now.20:28
jibelastraljava, sorry dinner time. It's done20:30
jibelI added install entire disk and live session20:30
astraljavajibel: Sorry, and thanks a lot! :)20:31
jibelastraljava, I think you need at least a test for ubuntu studio specific parts20:31
jibelastraljava, you can add it to a wiki and give me the link I'll add it to the tracker20:31
astraljavajibel: Well, at this point, I think we would be happy with these. For instance, the ubiquity plugin for tasks selection is still under construction.20:32
astraljavajibel: Ok, sounds good, thanks!20:32
jibelastraljava, yw20:32
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bladernr_GrueMaster:  are there any testing tasks for Alpha 2 and ARM?22:08
bladernr_GrueMaster:  nothing on the tracker, so I thought I'd ask22:09
bladernr_GrueMaster:  nevermind, just noticed that they're mixed in with other things, not called out as a separate group.22:13
GrueMasterbladernr_: Yea, they are mixed with the other tasks.  My understanding is there is a new image spinning up, so I am on hold.22:32
bladernr_GrueMaster:  cool... I figured I could at least hit the i.MX53 image stuff :) thanks22:32
GrueMasterHeh.  Already tested that one for 20120130.22:33
GrueMasterBut you are more than welcome for the next round.22:33
bladernr_yeah, there are some listed 20120131 (just pulled that one and trying to write to SD now)22:35
bladernr_so is there going to be a 20120131.1 then? or is 20120131 the respin?22:36

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