
codebrainzHi. I'm a developer for a GTK+ program (Geany) and we're getting bug reports that our menus that are generated at runtime are not working when using Unity. There's some Glib warnings printed on the console about libdbusmenu. Can someone help me to understand what such a menu must do to properly be supported by Unity's dbus menu?00:10
codebrainz(or even point me to the source file I should examine to figure it out)00:13
mhr3bschaefer, did you look at your no-results branch recently? i wonder if the snafu with weird signals got resolved after home-lenses branch got merged00:13
mhall119gord: can you help codebrainz00:14
mhr3bschaefer, and btw hello... and good night :)00:14
thumperhi bschaefer00:14
thumperbschaefer: the Alt-F1 branch?00:15
codebrainzFWIW, i think it's the same problem as with Eclipse and Lotus (i don't know these, just based on their respective similar bug reports)00:15
thumperbschaefer: jason recently merged his multimonitor work in which he hacked around with the keyboard stuff00:15
thumperbschaefer: if you branch doesn't cleanly merge now, and you can't see how to make it, best chase jason :)00:15
thumpercodebrainz: ted is probably the better person to chase00:16
codebrainznot online currently?00:16
thumperno... it seems not00:16
* thumper wonders who else knows a lot about menus00:16
codebrainzbummer. is there a non-launchpad using location to find the source code for this?00:17
codebrainzmaybe i can track down the source and figure it out00:17
thumperwhy non-launchpad using location?00:17
codebrainzit doesn't work on my computer, makes the browser freeze00:17
thumperwhich browser?00:18
codebrainzyep, has for a long a time00:18
thumperwell that sucks00:18
thumperfirefox works fine for me00:18
thumperwhere are you based?00:18
codebrainzwestern canada00:18
thumperit shouldn't be a problem from there00:18
thumperhave you asked in #launchpad ?00:19
codebrainzi think it's a problem with the NVidia driver or mozilla renderer. both projects have bug reports for this issue00:19
thumpercodebrainz: lp:dbusmenu AFAIK00:19
codebrainzmaybe i can use another computer to clone the repo00:19
thumpercodebrainz: want an http link?00:19
codebrainzsure, anything without launchpad.net in the URL seems to work fine :)00:19
thumperwell I know this goes to a different server00:20
thumperbzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/dbusmenu00:20
thumpertry that00:20
codebrainzok, it should be fine, i think it's just the web interface causing probs, bazaar should be fine00:20
thumperIIRC the dbusmenu thing checks menus on startup00:20
thumperbut there may be a way to get your app to poke things through after generation00:21
thumperI've not looked at the code at all though00:21
thumperjust going from what I remember being told00:21
codebrainzOK, will see. I thought I remembered reading it hooked into the map event, maybe I can re-trigger one after the new items are added or seomthing00:21
thumpergood luck00:21
thumperted works on texan time :)00:22
codebrainzOK, thanks a lot00:22
thumperwhich I think is UTC-7 (or 6)00:22
bschaeferthumper, alright Ill look into his merge00:22
bschaeferthumper, hopefully it will go alright and yeah that is the branch Im talking about00:22
thumperbschaefer: I thought it might be :)00:23
bschaeferthumper, also hopefully I can get that no-results branch merged soon!00:23
thumperbschaefer: we are frozen for the 5.2 release00:23
thumperbschaefer: but after that, sure00:23
bschaeferthumper, have to take a look at the new home-lenses mikkel release00:24
bschaeferthumper, wait what does that mean?00:24
bschaeferthumper, so no new ui changes for now?00:24
codebrainzthumper, bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%2Bbranch/dbusmenu/"00:25
thumperbschaefer: acknowledged (ack/nak from old serial hardware)00:25
codebrainz(I don't know bzr at all)00:25
thumperbschaefer: no changes...00:25
* thumper looks for codebrainz00:25
codebrainzit seems to url escape that plus symbol in the URL00:26
thumpercodebrainz: yeah... that isn't the problem00:26
codebrainz(I just pasted your command directly is there something else to do first like clone/checkout?)00:26
thumpercodebrainz: try this "bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dbusmenu-team/dbusmenu/trunk.0.6 dbusmenu"00:26
thumpercodebrainz: no... branch is like clone00:27
thumpercodebrainz: in fact you can write clone and it will do a branch :)00:27
thumpercodebrainz: bzr help branch00:27
codebrainzOK, that one's working, thanks thumper00:27
* codebrainz crosses his fingers that this will be C or Python code :)00:28
codebrainzah, C ... phew00:29
bschaeferthumper, o yeah awesome book suggestions! Currently reading Effective c++ and then More Effective C++, very good information and tips so far00:33
thumperthey are good books00:34
bschaeferyeah and thanks. Ill be asking for some more when im done :)00:35
codebrainzthumper, i think it might be libdbusmenu-gtk/parser.c:watch_submenu()00:36
codebrainzwill have to break out gdb on an ubuntu machine to know for sure00:36
* thumper nods00:38
thumperbschaefer: no problem, I have a long list :)00:39
codebrainzthumper, is that branch you gave me a good one to make a patch against?00:41
thumpercodebrainz: if that is where the problem is, sure00:41
codebrainz(ie. trunk.0.6)00:41
thumpercodebrainz: that is the current trunk00:41
codebrainzah, ok, perfect00:41
thumpercodebrainz: do you have a LP id?00:41
thumpercodebrainz: with an ssh key?00:41
codebrainzi had one at one point00:41
codebrainzno idea what it was, stopped using since launchpad doesn't work :)00:42
bschaeferthumper, sweet!00:43
thumpercodebrainz: can you do me a favour and see if it is still an issue?00:43
thumpercodebrainz: it'd make it much easier to get the code reviewed if we followed the normal process00:44
codebrainzthumper, it is still an issue on my desktop, laptop with ATI graphics never had no problem, also it's the one with ubuntu installed, so I can do whatever00:45
codebrainzi just hate coding on my laptop00:45
thumperhave you looked at synergy?00:46
codebrainzheh, yeah, could use that00:46
thumperI use that to use the same keyboard and mouse with desktop and laptop00:46
codebrainzor plugin Das Keyboard into the laptop :)00:46
thumperquicksynergy has a nice gui00:46
thumperoh... like shiney black?00:46
codebrainzwell, it has the letters on it, but it's still pretty shiny00:47
codebrainzhmm, is there packages with debugging symbols for dbusmenu?00:47
codebrainzor should i just compile/install from the trunk?00:48
snadgewhere is smspillaz? :P00:56
snadgeTrevinho .. you'll do00:56
snadgeim sure you can fix it00:56
thumpercodebrainz: there are normally -dbg packages available01:01
codebrainzi thought so. don't see any though01:02
codebrainzand that checkout won't build :(01:02
mhall119codebrainz: what exactly problem is geany having with unity menus?01:03
mhall119oh, i see now01:04
mhall119huh, I could have sworn that was working in Oneiric01:04
codebrainzhmm, it's getting a linker error, i checked the build system and everything looks correct01:04
codebrainzundefined reference to `g_variant_new_fixed_array`01:05
mhall119Geany has been my every day coding environment since I switch to Gnome301:05
codebrainznice. good thing they don't mess with the menu :)01:06
mhall119oh I've been using Unity01:06
codebrainzmhall119, using the geany packages or from git?01:07
mhall119I mean that in the upgrade to Gnome3 apps, GEdit stopped working with all the plugins that made me happy with it, so I went in search of something new01:07
mhall119codebrainz: from the Ubuntu repos01:07
mhall119and I could have sworn the globalmenu was working for it01:07
codebrainzhmm, maybe you can test using View->Editor->color schemes menu, apparently it's not working anymore01:07
mhall119but I just checked, and it's not now01:07
codebrainzit's only that one submenu that's not working afaik01:07
mhall119codebrainz: I see Default and Alternate01:08
mhall119but the menus are in the window, not in the unity panel01:08
codebrainzall of them?01:08
codebrainz(ie. the whole main menu)01:08
codebrainzand it still don't work?01:08
mhall119I see "Default" and "Alternate" under View->Editor->Color schemes01:09
mhall119should there be more?01:09
mhall119codebrainz: http://ubuntuone.com/1JvJ21pD5J00KrTujTnZC401:10
codebrainzdoes it switch the theme when you pick the other one of the themes?01:10
codebrainzi think it's always showing, just not working01:10
mhall119the syntax highlighting, yeah01:10
codebrainzhmm, weird. does it print those dbusmenu warnings on the console when run with geany -v ?01:11
mhall119hmmm, GEdit's menus aren't in the menu bar anymore either01:11
mhall119codebrainz: It may be my setup that's wonky tonight01:11
codebrainzhere, the menus are not where we put them (in our window)01:12
mhall119yeah, GTK should automatically export them over DBus to the unity panel (when running Unity)01:13
mhall119something is broken on my end, it's not doing that for any of them01:13
codebrainzgrrrr, i really wish this would compile here. it's claiming undefined error on a function that exists in my current glib :(01:14
codebrainz(or should anyway, according to the docs)01:14
snadgewho is our resident compiz expert? :p01:14
thumpersnadge: what is your problem?01:15
snadgeor at least someone who has looked at the source code and might understand the first thing about the focus code01:15
snadgeshort version.. when switching workspaces.. sometimes the input focus of the current window isnt set correctly.. it will receive typing input and visually appear to have focus, but for example.. the autocomplete (in location bar) wont function.. and when right clicking, the menu disappears as soon as you move the mouse over it01:16
snadgeunless you manually click on the windows title.. to re-focus it01:16
thumpersnadge: ok01:16
thumpersnadge: here is the good news01:16
thumpersnadge: I'm told that this is fixed in trunk01:16
snadgeoh man.. i want access to the warez ;)01:16
thumpersnadge: however, we've had some issues getting a release out the door01:16
thumpersnadge: but we should have something workable very soon after alpha 201:16
thumpersnadge: for precise at least01:17
snadgethats cool.. im running precise01:17
thumperthat bug irritates the crap out of me too01:17
codebrainzdo I have to delete .la files or something to build against GTK+ on ubuntu (I thought i remembered reading this)?01:17
snadgei wonder if that specific fix is backportable (not that i really care.. all my machines are running precise atm)01:17
thumperso if it isn't fixed once the release is out01:17
thumperI'll be banging some heads :)01:17
thumpersnadge: I'm not sure01:17
snadgedoes the trunk at least build? is it publically available? :P01:18
snadgei am familiar with git and building deb packages01:18
snadgeive been waiting so long for that to be fixed ;)01:19
snadgeits my #1 gripe about unity01:19
snadgeevery time it happens .. i have to think of the buddha.. and meditate and go to my happy place01:19
thumpersnadge: well...01:21
thumpersnadge: we are in the process of making things better there :)01:21
thumpersnadge: very soon, we'll have publicly usable daily builds of compiz trunk01:22
snadgei wonder if these instructions are somewhat relevant01:22
snadgeit says updated jan 17th, and is precise specific01:22
thumperI've not built from source for three months now01:22
snadgeergh.. make install ? what drugs are these instructions on01:22
thumpersnadge: if you have set the install prefix, it isn't so bad01:23
* thumper looks at the instructions01:23
snadgeit apparently installed into /opt01:24
thumperthe instructions point it to $HOME/build/unity01:24
thumpersee step 101:25
mhall119codebrainz: while I've got you here, have you considered making a Unity QuickList for Geany?01:25
snadgeok.. well i'll have a look at rebuilding the deb packages instead01:26
codebrainzmhall119, i don't think any of the devs are using Unity, and no feature requests yet for it01:26
snadgeshouldn't be too difficult ;)01:26
mhall119codebrainz: where I can file a feature request?01:26
codebrainzmhall119, on the source forge (ugh) site01:26
snadgeand if i break unity horribly.. i'll just switch to unity-2d01:26
codebrainzit's linked from the Bugs page on geany.org01:26
mhall119codebrainz: also, I've got my unity situation fixed, and I can confirm that the menu we discussed earlier is populated, but selecting "Alternate" doesn't do anything now01:27
snadgeor reinstall it from precise01:27
codebrainzmhall119, ah, good to know it's at least breaking consistently :)01:27
codebrainzi got dbusmenu building from apt-get source, so should have it figured out in a while01:27
codebrainzthumper, yep, it is breaking where I guessed in the source :)01:29
codebrainz(ie. parser.c:watch_submenu() )01:30
codebrainzand since it's a g_return_if_fail() assertion failing, which indicates a programming error, in a static function, I'm going to wash my hands of it :)01:31
thumpercodebrainz: care to file a bug about it?01:33
thumpercodebrainz: you can do that with email you know :)01:34
codebrainzmeh, I can tell you where the problem is :)01:34
codebrainz(ie. exact line)01:34
thumperI'll file the bug if you like01:34
thumperif you can tell me what the problem is01:34
codebrainzparser.c:1124 it get's a menu widget from the gvalue, but it doesn't guard against it being null before calling watch_submenu() on line 112601:35
codebrainzit calls parse_menu_structure_helper() the line before, this function internally properly guards against the parameter being null01:35
mhall119codebrainz: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3481844&group_id=153444&atid=78779401:35
codebrainzI guess somewhere along the line it's trying to get the menushell of the item in question and we haven't added one yet (just a guess)01:36
thumpercodebrainz: got a useful title for the bug?01:37
thumpercodebrainz: and it is on dbusmenu right?01:38
codebrainzthumper give me a minute and I'll see if i can fix it and pastebin a patch for the bug01:38
codebrainzit'll be against the version in the repos, but the code doesn't seem to have changed in this part01:39
thumpercodebrainz: I'll make a branch for it01:39
thumpercodebrainz: and I can attribute you as the author01:39
thumpercodebrainz: if you want to privmsg me an email address and name :)01:39
codebrainzmeh, the stopping of bug reports will be more than enough in exchange for fixing it :)01:40
codebrainz(all my info is on the geany repository fwiw)01:40
codebrainzthumper, my fix gets rid of the warning, but it don't fix the menu not working :(01:44
codebrainzhmm, the code seems to assume menus are less than 2 levels deep01:47
codebrainz*less than 301:47
thumpercodebrainz: and geany's aren't01:48
codebrainzthe menu in question is 3 levels deep01:50
codebrainznope nevermind, this part works ok01:53
codebrainzhmm, there's even a note about Geany in the comments of the code02:29
cyphermoxthumper: bschaefer: hey02:34
bschaefercyphermox, hello02:34
cyphermoxthumper: bschaefer: I'll definitely need help with the ibus input issue in dash. I thought I had figured it out but it turns out it's broken elsewhere if I special case space02:35
cyphermoxbschaefer: hey :)02:35
cyphermoxI'm pretty sure this can be worked around in just unity, though02:35
bschaefercyphermox, it can be if the dash could handle XIM02:35
cyphermoxbschaefer: what do you mean?02:36
cyphermoxxim "seems" to work fairly well, although kind of retardedly.02:36
bschaefercyphermox, njpatel and I were having problems with unity handle normal text when ibus was being used. That is why we used that env var to force Ibus to handle both kinds of txt02:36
cyphermoxright, if the env var isn't used you don't get any text in ?02:37
bschaefercyphermox, correct, only what the im engine that is active can do02:37
cyphermoxbut now, with the env var it's getting space committed before characters because it's parsed quicker02:38
bschaefercyphermox, for example if you are using pinyin and the env var is not set then only the chinese chars will work02:38
bschaeferwell I don't think it is quicker. So what I think is happening is when the ibus sends the key event through to the im engine ie hangul it returns false for say space02:38
bschaeferbecause hangul doesn't handle that02:39
bschaeferbut there is still preedit around and then it send that space key event through gtk_filer_keypress which then commits the text BEFORE the preedit is commited02:39
cyphermoxbschaefer: aye02:39
bschaeferI was able to get the space to work in libhangul because I made it handle the space and commit it correclty02:40
cyphermoxbut the IM should still be handling space, because it's a common way to escape out of preedit02:40
cyphermoxbschaefer: it still seems weird that you'd have to patch every single input method to work correctly then02:40
bschaefercyphermox, yeah I tested the same thing with pinyin and it handles all key events even ones it doesn't do anything with02:40
cyphermoxbschaefer: hangul isn't the only one. I've tested at least esperanto chu and simi something02:40
bschaeferhmm that is really interesting. At the same time im not sure if those engines were tested for handling all input02:41
bschaeferwhich is something ibus does and it is kinda hidden02:42
cyphermoxotoh nothing else seems to use sync mode at all02:42
bschaefercyphermox, yeahhh, which getting unity to not use that env var would be awesome02:42
bschaeferI started looking at some code that we are going to try to land in nux to get around it02:43
cyphermoxno idea how I can help really02:43
cyphermoxbut when I spoke to dbarth this morning he asked that I at least ping you and thumper about it to make sure it was on your radar02:43
bschaefercyphermox, yeah I got slightly lost on what to do next also; im hoping to get this working in nux to avoid it in unity02:44
* thumper reads backlog02:44
cyphermoxbschaefer: how does Nux impact IM exactly? I haven't found much02:44
bschaefercyphermox, well we overload the TextEntery in nux to try and handle IM before it reaches Nux02:44
cyphermoxah, so that's where it comes from02:45
bschaefercyphermox, so if we can not overload it and have Nux handle it completely that would be the best case02:45
cyphermoxbschaefer: however I noticed there are Nux bits missing to catch focux for IMTextEntry, so that IM typing is even possible (via OnFocusIn, OnFocusOut, etc. in IMTextEntry.cpp)02:45
bschaefercyphermox, but Nux doens't use gtk at all so it will be a little challenging getting it working as there isn't much documentation02:45
thumpercan I leave it with you two to email jaytaoko about the issue and ideas for a fix?02:45
bschaefercyphermox, yeah I had a patch for that since an event got removed from Nux to do that02:46
bschaeferthumper, yeah I can02:46
thumperbschaefer: thanks02:46
cyphermoxbschaefer: I spoke to jaytaoko about that specific idea and basically reverted to what used to be done, with OnKeyNavFocusChange or something?02:46
thumperbschaefer: feel free to cc me so I stay in the lops :)02:46
bschaeferthumper, will do :)02:47
bschaefercyphermox, I tested that signal out and it was only firing when you would leave the input area in the dash02:48
bschaeferbut it wouldn't be called if you say close the dash02:48
cyphermoxworks for me02:48
bschaeferor open it02:48
cyphermoxI thought so02:48
* bschaefer needs to re test that02:48
bschaeferI tested that a month or so ago02:48
cyphermoxi was successfully typing stuff in ;)02:48
bschaefercyphermox, haha, I just had some bools that would get set when Dash was about to open and close to get around that02:48
bschaefercyphermox, a signal would be a much better thing for that though.02:49
cyphermoxbschaefer:   OnKeyNavFocusChange.connect([&] (nux::Area*) { HasKeyFocus() ? OnFocusIn() : OnFocusOut(); });02:49
cyphermoxbasically, a rehash of what I had seen in bzr history02:49
bschaefercyphermox, Good to know, and yeah that is what it use to look like; Ill have to test that out again and have that merged asap.02:50
bschaefercyphermox, hmm well for the ibus bug I keep saying it isn't unitys fault because you can re create any that bug in GNOME or unity 2d02:51
cyphermoxbschaefer: I'll have another small fix for handling that IBUS_ENABLE_SYNC_MODE variable if that needs to stay; because programs started from unity then inherit it02:51
bschaeferif you force the ibus to use that env var02:51
cyphermoxguess so02:52
bschaefercyphermox, yeah I played around with that to. To set the env var then unset it when the dash search bar is done getting made02:52
cyphermoxdon't need to02:52
bschaefercyphermox, what was your fix?02:52
cyphermoxyou could just as well leave it there and remove it from context when launching apps02:52
cyphermoxbut either way works :)02:53
bschaefercyphermox, yeah, but its still broken for unity :(02:53
bschaefercyphermox, so ill see what I can get going with this in nux; which I am hoping to get it working with ibuses X11 code because that env var works with that02:54
bschaefercyphermox, that is the patch that was thought to fix the entire bug, but only if using ibus through XIM...02:55
bschaefercyphermox, thanks for the info on the focus :)02:55
cyphermoxwell, I won't spend much more time on it; but don't hesitate to ping me if you want help testing02:55
bschaefercyphermox, sweet will do. Yeah I have spent to much time on this :(02:55
cyphermoxI got a few input methods installed and can switch to a full korean desktop to test actual searches02:56
bschaefercyphermox, cool, if any progress gets made ill make sure you hear about it :)02:57
cyphermoxok, thanks!02:58
bschaeferthumper, also on an update for the key nav mode. There was significant changes to Launcher.cpp; but I think I see where I can make all the changes again to fix it02:59
bschaeferthumper, just have to recode it and test it02:59
thumperbschaefer: ack02:59
codebrainzthumper, was that ted?03:15
thumpercodebrainz: um... don't think so03:16
thumperbut may have been03:16
thumperI think he is just "ted"03:16
thumperbut it is Ted Gould, so it may have been...03:16
codebrainzheh, ok. i think i might have tracked down the problem roughly, but not positive03:17
codebrainzit's god-aweful the things that need to be done to make GTK+ do something it wasn't designed to do :)03:17
snadgebzr: ERROR: Target directory "" already exists.03:26
bschaefersnadge, I think you have to set up an SSH key with launchpad.03:32
snadgeerr.. but "bzr branch lp:nux nux"03:32
snadgeappears to be working03:32
snadgeeven though its meant to default to that.. if you omit the last parameter03:32
snadgewho writes this stuff .. seriously ;)03:32
bschaefersnadge, weird, I was getting that error message when I re installed ubuntu and forgot to set up my SSH key03:33
snadgeyeah.. but from the error message03:33
bschaefersnadge, haha well it has to be someone :)03:33
snadge"you must do this to03:33
snadgewrite to Launchpad or access private data."03:33
snadgei dont need to write to launchpad or access private data.. so therefore i dont need to login03:33
snadgeis my assumption03:33
bschaefersnadge, yeah...it could be as hard to detect as the halting problem :)03:34
bschaefersnadge, joking but yeah Im not sure03:34
snadgeok i see why the unity build instructions dont build deb packages03:34
snadgethere is no debian directory03:34
snadgewtf :P03:34
snadgeok i'll just do it the way the instructions say the ;)03:35
bschaefersnadge, that is always the safest way03:35
snadgei just thought.. maybe.. i can build deb packages, since thats how they end up in ubuntu right ?03:35
snadgeof course its a lot more work.. i would theoretically have to update the control file etc03:36
snadgebut i just think it would be nicer to dpkg -i unity*.deb or whatever03:36
snadgeif i break it..i can always switch back to unity2d03:37
snadgeor reinstall the packaged version03:37
snadgeof course if there was a ppa for trunk.. that would be even easier ;)03:38
snadgeill stop complaining im sorry.. its been one of those days03:43
snadgeis doxygen really required to build unity?03:58
snadgeor will it build without it.. thats 656mb of crap it wants to install03:59
snadgeDoxygen not found. Documentation will not be built03:59
snadgeit appears not03:59
bschaefersnadge, yeah it isn't needed. sorry got busy; you should be able to build from the dep packages but right now trunk requires building a few other things from trunk04:00
bschaeferlike dee, libunity etc..04:00
snadgeok well the cmake step has failed to produce a makefil04:01
bschaeferDBO, hey are you still up and around?04:02
snadgethat part fails04:02
bschaeferdid you set up $PREFIX and how far did it get?04:03
snadgeCMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindCompiz.cmake:58 (string):04:03
snadge  string sub-command REGEX, mode REPLACE needs at least 6 arguments total to04:03
snadge  command.04:03
snadgeahh comment out subdir test04:03
snadge    dbus_g_thread_init();04:05
snadgeits not called g_thread_init(NULL) :/04:05
snadgei'll just ignore that for now04:05
snadgeok my prefix wasnt set for some reason04:08
snadgecould've sworn i set it04:09
DBObschaefer, yeah04:12
snadgeunity/plugins/unityshell/src/PointerBarrier.cpp:68:52: error: ‘XFixesCreatePointerBarrierVelocity’ was not declared in this scope04:13
bschaeferDBO, so Im working on the key nav bug. Now that the LauncherController is in place im reworking it with the new code. One thing is mouse_down_outside... signal wont ever get called since GrabPointer() isn't called04:14
bschaefersnadge, you have to install libxfixes there was a patch a couple days ago for that04:15
DBObschaefer, go ahead and make it call GrabPointer()04:16
DBOwe decided a11y apparently doesn't matter04:16
bschaeferDBO, well that causes a crash04:16
DBOfix the crash?04:16
bschaeferDBO, well it is caused in like 3 places when you drag an icon, and when you fix that another one happens; but the problems is if you grab the pointer then you can say drag a window and while quitting form key nav mode04:17
bschaeferthen you cant* drag a window while in key nav mode04:17
bschaeferDBO, but I got around that by using the window_focus changed in Launcher; but now ubus call that gave key_nav mode its own window isn't there.04:18
bschaeferWas that intended to be removed?04:18
DBOkey_nav mode its own window?04:19
bschaeferDBO, ubus_server_send_message(ubus_server_get_default(), UBUS_LAUNCHER_START_KEY_NAV, NULL);04:19
bschaeferwhen this use to be called04:19
DBOwe call UBUS_LAUNCHER_START_KEY_SWITCHER for everything04:20
DBOprobably should be KEY_NAV for everything04:20
DBOand then a gvariant arg for whether or not the keyboard was grabbed04:20
bschaeferwhich when that was called I could used the window_focus_change to handle a mouse click out side of the launcher.04:20
bschaeferDBO, hmm well I can set it up again to close when clicked outside the launcher but the problem is the Launcher it self cant communicate with LauncherController to quit from key nav correctly (or Im missing a bus call)04:23
bschaeferbecause just called ExitKeyNavMode() in Launcher doesn't quit from the KeyNav mode correctly04:24
DBOnone of the keynav logic should be in Launcher04:24
DBOincluding the click off behavior04:24
DBOLauncherController should be the one getting the window_focus_change information04:24
DBOand then calling KeyNavTerminate(false); itself04:25
DBOessentially, Launcher as a class knows nothing of this magical thing called keynav04:25
DBOsave for how to render it04:25
bschaeferDBO, yeah that is what I wanted to call. Alright I can add the Window  Manager to handle a window_focus_change to LauncherController04:26
bschaeferDBO, and that way makes a lot more sense and looks a lot better04:26
bschaefereasier to read...04:26
DBObasically you shouldn't have to modify the work I have already done to launcher04:27
bschaeferDBO, Alright, and thanks. Hopefully re coding the key nav fixes should be pretty straight forward04:29
snadgewhy cant you run export from a shell script ?04:38
snadgeeg.. i just made unity.sh .. and put the SOURCE, PREFIX etc in it.. and it doesnt stick04:38
snadgeunless i manually cut and paste it into my shell04:38
bschaeferyou should put it in you .bashrc04:40
bschaeferthe export04:40
snadgeok now it appears libxfixes3 needs to be patched04:41
snadgeie.. the one in the precise repo doesnt have this XFixesSelectBarrierInput symbol04:42
bschaeferyeah, you should be able to find the source then just compiling it your self04:43
bschaeferor try sudo apt-get build-dep libxfixes304:43
bschaeferas there was another lib that came with it (forgot what it was)04:43
snadgewell i've found the patch04:43
snadgehmm.. theres an upgrade to x11proto-fixes-dev04:44
bschaeferyeah thats the one04:44
snadgedoh.. i installed all of the updates now i get a different error after make clean05:25
snadgeunity/plugins/unityshell/src/PointerBarrier.cpp:78:3: error: ‘EventFilterArg’ is not a member of ‘nux::GraphicsDisplay’05:25
snadgemaybe i need to rebuild nux05:26
snadge./NuxGraphics/GraphicsDisplayX11.cpp:  void GraphicsDisplay::AddEventFilter(EventFilterArg arg)05:34
codebrainzthumper, still around?05:35
bschaefersnadge, yeah pull from nux trunk and rebuild should fix that05:40
snadgei see its trying to build against -I/usr/include/Nux-2.005:40
snadgei installed libnux-2.0-dev or whatever it is from precise05:40
snadgeso maybe i should remove that05:40
snadgeand re-run the cmake command05:40
bschaefersnadge, are you build nux from trunk?05:41
snadgeyep.. i have nux in my home directory05:41
snadgeit should be using that.. but perhaps my prefix wasnt set correctly or something05:41
bschaefersnadge, and yeah you will have to rebuild unity once you rebuild nux05:41
bschaeferyeah make sure your ./autogen.sh --prefix="$PREFIX"05:41
bschaeferin nux05:41
snadgehmm.. why is it -I/usr/include/Nux-2.005:47
snadgei just apt-get remove libnux-2.0-dev05:47
snadgeits in my home directory.. in ~/build/unity/include/Nux-2.005:48
bschaeferwhat is your $PREFIX ? is it usr?05:48
snadge /home/davidb/build/unity05:49
snadgebasically im trying to build it like the instructions here:05:49
bschaeferhmm those have changed...05:49
snadgeso i've done the libnux part.. its where its supposed to be05:49
bschaeferI usually just put everything in /opt/unity05:49
bschaeferso rebuild nux didn't fix the problem?05:50
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snadgeno, i just did that.. the problem seems to be that unity isnt picking up that nux isnt in /usr/include but in my homedir instead05:51
bschaefersnadge, hmm what does this say: pkg-config --cflags nux-2.005:54
bschaeferwhen you run it05:54
snadgePackage nux-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.05:54
snadgeoh woops wrong terminal05:55
snadgeyeah it finds it05:55
snadgelooks like i need to blow away my unity/build dir05:55
bschaeferyeah delete it and rebuild05:55
bschaefersnadge, good luck, I have to take off now05:56
snadgebtw.. how does unity know to use the version in your home directory05:56
snadgecool cheers :)05:56
snadgeit just says "log out and log back in and it should work"05:56
bschaefersnadge, it probably has a list and start from the top and which ever one it find first it uses. Not 100% syre05:57
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codebrainzthumper, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libdbusmenu/+bug/90763506:25
ubot5`Launchpad bug 907635 in libdbusmenu (Ubuntu) "lidbusmenu-GTK crash with Geany IDE using Python" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:25
codebrainzand I got the real problem fixed also, within the Geany source06:25
codebrainzthanks for all your help06:25
snadgeunity/plugins/unityshell/src/BamfLauncherIcon.cpp:320:74: error: ‘bamf_window_get_monitor’ was not declared in this scope06:25
snadgebut i have libbamf-dev and libbamf3-dev installed :/06:26
snadgei wonder if i need the trunk version of bamf06:28
dyamssaviq: hey what happended? :D07:35
snadgehmm.. i dont think unity does auto detect the version in my home directory07:36
snadgeit doesnt work unless i $PREFIX/bin/unity --replace07:36
snadgeand even then, it only "sort of" works07:36
snadgesymlinking /usr/bin/unity to /home/davidb/build/unity/bin/unity07:37
snadgedoes appear to do the job either07:37
snadgeerr doesnt07:37
Saviqdyams, out of 10 people in my closest family right now 7 are throwing up (most of them - both ends), 1 of which ended up in hospital (late pregnancy), on top of that another one has pneumonia07:38
Saviqdyams, I'm only waiting when it gets to me and my wife07:38
Saviqand I really don't have time for this as in 4 days I'm going snowboarding for a week07:40
snadgehard luck :/07:40
dyamssaviq: sorry initially i felt its a typo07:40
Saviqdyams, no worries07:41
snadgemy partner is about to give birth either tomorrow or the day after07:41
Saviqsnadge, congrats!07:42
dyamssnadge: congrats, all the best07:43
snadgeyeah and here i am recompiling unity ;)07:44
Saviqsnadge, what else are you supposed to do07:48
Saviqmake her more nervous than she already is?07:48
snadgei suppose i could go home from work heheh07:48
snadgebut im nearly there07:48
snadgetrying to figure out why its running /usr/bin/unity-window-decorator etc07:49
snadgeok i havnt compiled that apparently07:53
snadgealso its running /usr/lib/bamf/bamfdaemon07:53
snadgeinstead of the one in my home dir.. sigh.. the helpful instructions seemed to imply that you could run the trunk build from your homedir07:54
snadgeits times like this i feel like giving up and using gnome-shell ;)07:55
davidcallemhall119, for your politics lens http://blog.pault.ag/post/16793842255/python-sunlight-or-get-at-some-awesome-us-political08:42
greybackmornin' all08:56
njpatelhey, this search stuff has disrupted mine and kamstrup's work on the content stuff for the past couple of days, can we reschedule the meeting for same time tomorrow, and I'll spend 2-3 hours with mikkel today to hash everything out?08:58
njpatelbah, wrong channel09:00
* njpatel hates IRC09:01
Saviqgreyback, hey09:06
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SaviqKaleo, lemme know when you're there09:07
tsdgeosSaviq: about the tests for the rtl thing, it's "just" moving stuff around and making it more generic so i can use it from rtl easily09:11
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, I know, the diff is huge, though09:11
Saviqtsdgeos, but09:11
Saviqtsdgeos, we need those tests to go into lp:unity-2d09:11
Saviqtsdgeos, we need to keep the diff between shell and trunk as small as possible09:11
tsdgeosthose tests won't pass in unity-2d09:12
Saviqof course the shaping ones won't09:12
Saviqbut the rest that you've changed, should, no?09:12
tsdgeoswell, rtl does'nt work in unity-2d09:12
tsdgeosat least it doesn't for me09:12
tsdgeosi've never been able to get the launcher to pop just by dragging the mouse right09:12
tsdgeosi know you said you can09:12
tsdgeosbut doesn't work here09:13
Saviqyeah, works fine here09:13
tsdgeosbut yeah09:13
snadgedo you guys run unity from your home directory or /opt ?09:13
Saviqyou running in a VM?09:13
tsdgeosi can move them there09:13
tsdgeosSaviq: nope09:14
Saviqmight be related09:14
Saviqlet me see09:14
tsdgeosSaviq: though i don't know which kind of mega conflict i'll get if we push those to unity-2d09:14
Saviqsnadge, we're running uninstalled09:14
Saviqtsdgeos, we'll manage09:14
snadgewhat do you mean.. as in.. no unity installed from tree09:14
snadgeand compiled locally?09:14
snadgetrying to run it with a prefix appears to be problematic.. the instructions are outdated anyway09:15
Saviqsnadge, well, ok, I'm talking unity-2d here, sorry09:15
Saviqforgot this # is common09:15
snadgedoh ;)09:15
snadgeim talking about the faecal compiz/nux stuff09:15
Saviqtsdgeos, indeed it doesn't work on my desktop either09:15
snadgethat makes me want to stab people09:15
Saviqtsdgeos, but it is supposed to, afaik09:16
snadgeunity-2d is most likely awesome.. carry on ;)09:16
tsdgeosSaviq: anyway, i'll move the tests, if they fail, they fail, it's not like we are enforcing passing of tests, atm09:16
Saviqtsdgeos, we'll disable those that fail09:16
snadgebtw.. unity 3d needs heaps more attention atm ;)09:18
snadgeit blows09:18
greybacksnadge: I'm a 2d guy also, but maybe this helpful: http://askubuntu.com/questions/28470/how-do-i-build-unity-from-source09:25
tsdgeosSaviq: want me to create a new kanban card for "add rtl tests to unity-2d" or just assume i'm still working on "Put back in support for RTL " ?09:28
Saviqtsdgeos, it's fine with just one09:28
Saviqtsdgeos, maybe just move it back to in progress09:29
Saviqtsdgeos, re contextual menu... it's even weirder than that - tdriver_visualizer shows just one QAction09:30
Saviqbut .count returns 209:30
Saviqnot only .count, but the .children() returns two, one of which has empty text, the rest seems to be the same09:35
Saviqboth are visible, both are TextHeuristicRole, both are enabled but not checkable...09:36
Saviqok I'll just adapt the comments09:37
greybackSaviq: yeah it's weird, I've just looked, context menu of 3 items had 5 QActions. One was separator. But still leaves extra one09:39
Saviqbut context menu of 3 actions with two separators (e.g. Firefox) have correct number - 5 - of QActions09:41
Saviqso I'm thinking the ghost ones are leftover separators09:42
snadgegreyback: yeah .. those instructions are out of date :/09:48
snadgei think the unity/compiz guys go to bed early.. but they shouldn't.. theres lots of work to be done09:48
snadge#ayatana is invite only now.. sigh :p09:49
greybacksnadge: :( sorry09:49
snadgeits okay i have plenty of moonshine09:50
snadgeand a pregnant partner who gets angry at me for drinking it ;)09:50
Saviqsnadge, #ayatana doesn't exist anymore09:56
Saviqsnadge, it's been moved here09:56
tsdgeosSaviq: we do have tests in -shell for the launcher that are not in unity-2d ?09:58
SaviqI don't think we do, should we?09:58
tsdgeos"Press Alt+F1 to focus/unfocus Launcher when dash is open"09:59
tsdgeosthis one is in shell09:59
tsdgeosand not in unity-2d09:59
tsdgeosor so it looks to me09:59
Saviqshould be09:59
tsdgeosi can't find it09:59
Saviqoops LP died10:01
Saviqtsdgeos, https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity-2d/shell_test-launcher-focus-with-dash/+merge/8945610:07
Saviqtsdgeos, indeed, that went straight into shell10:07
Saviqneeds to be backported10:08
tsdgeosSaviq: you? me?10:13
Saviqtsdgeos, if it blocks you in some way - go on10:13
Saviqtsdgeos, but we'll have more backporting10:14
Saviqso not sure it needs to be done now10:14
tsdgeosno hurries10:14
KaleoSaviq: there10:22
SaviqKaleo, hey, I need to refactor ScreenInfo, which doesn't make sense for it to be a singleton10:23
Saviqsince there might be more screens10:23
Saviqeach having different geometry10:23
KaleoSaviq: ok10:23
KaleoSaviq: trunk then10:23
Saviqyes of course10:24
Saviqbut there are some singleton things there10:24
Saviqlike workspaces10:24
KaleoSaviq: are we working on that already?10:24
SaviqKaleo, I need that to fix MM in shell10:24
KaleoSaviq: are we done with shell?10:24
Saviqno, I'm doing that for shell to behave the same as unity-2d10:24
KaleoSaviq: MM in shell should behave just as in trunk, ie. one panel per screen10:24
KaleoSaviq: it should not have anything to do with the shell10:24
KaleoSaviq: for now10:24
SaviqKaleo, it does, 'cause the whole shell moves to screen 010:25
Saviqwhich is not necessarily topleft10:25
KaleoSaviq: how was the dash doing it?10:25
KaleoSaviq: just do whatever the dash and launcher were doing10:25
SaviqI'm thinking the biggest difference was that it wasn't fullscreen10:25
Saviqand moving to (0, 0) actually made the screen, as returned by QX11Info::appScreen10:26
Saviqto be correct10:26
Saviqwell, ok, that's not the case10:26
Saviqbut either way, as we discussed with tsdgeos, QX11Info::appScreen is broken by design, 'cause an app might have multiple windows10:27
Saviqspanning multiple screens10:27
Saviqso I'm thinking a ScreenInfo {x: 0;  y:0} or ScreenInfo {screen: 0}10:27
Saviqthat should be future-proof10:27
Saviqand in current unity-2d it works... by chance, really..10:28
Saviqit's a non-issue in single-screen scenarios10:29
KaleoSaviq: it works by chance?10:30
SaviqKaleo, looks like it ;)10:30
KaleoSaviq: any better explanation? :)10:30
Saviqnot that I could find10:30
KaleoSaviq: if it's reliable chance I'd rather postpone that fix by a few dasy10:30
Saviqwell, one possible for the launcher is that it was a Unity2dPanel10:30
Saviqand that handled the edges10:30
Saviqand then the dash was glued to the launcher10:31
Saviqso yeah, that's the explanation for the launcher10:32
SaviqKaleo, well, the problem is that now if you launch shell with MM10:32
Saviqyour launcher could just as well display in the middle of your workspace10:32
Saviqat the left edge of your right screen10:32
KaleoSaviq: are we spawning only one shell view?10:33
Saviqbut it gets stuck on screen 010:33
Saviqwhich might be your right screen10:34
KaleoSaviq: and ScreenInfo does not necessarily have the right geometry info?10:34
SaviqScreenInfo relies on QX11Info::appScreen10:34
Saviqwhich returns 0 regardless of me moving the window to 0,010:34
Saviqwhich is screen 110:34
KaleoSaviq: don't move the window to 0,010:34
SaviqKaleo, how do I move it to a different screen then?10:35
KaleoSaviq: why do you want to do that right now?10:35
Saviq'cause otherwise it's unusable in MM10:35
SaviqKaleo, mumble?10:35
KaleoSaviq: ok10:35
KaleoSaviq: is it a regression?10:35
SaviqKaleo, Unit2dPanel::updateGeometry10:36
SaviqKaleo, http://ubuntuone.com/4H8HYQscWckJvYNroQWBW910:49
SaviqKaleo, http://ubuntuone.com/2v1bYpOxKfsvQ0yifJTgUk10:50
greybackSaviq: Kaleo: joining us for standup?11:02
greybackor busy?11:02
Kaleogreyback: joining11:03
tsdgeosSaviq: ping11:11
tsdgeosSaviq: unping11:16
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Saviqtsdgeos, lol11:27
tsdgeosSaviq: well, now that you are here11:28
tsdgeosSaviq: i'm not sure i understand https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-2d-team/unity-2d/unity-2d-shell-panel-dash-buttons/+merge/9045011:28
tsdgeosSaviq: what you want is not using the activePageChanged signal?11:29
Saviqtsdgeos, the panel is listening to activePage to see whether it should display the dash buttons or not11:31
Saviqtsdgeos, it should listen to the "active" property instead, IMO11:31
tsdgeosi'll tell you why it's listening to activePageChanged, because dashclient has that and hasn't an activeChanged :11:32
tsdgeosso ugo went the fast way11:32
tsdgeosi'll expand dashclient11:34
Saviqtsdgeos, well, yes, I know the reason11:37
Saviqand yes, please extend DashClient11:37
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Saviqdyams, you're eating your lunch at 5pm? ;)11:42
dyamssaviq: yes, bit late today11:43
dyamssaviq: :)11:43
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greybackSaviq: your MR on shell_debian-transition, is it supposed to be able to build debs? Or you just added the transition stuff12:02
Saviqgreyback, it's supposed to build, why?12:02
tsdgeosSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-2d-team/unity-2d/unity-2d-shell-panel-dash-buttons/+merge/90450 is ready12:03
Saviqtsdgeos, awesome12:03
greybackSaviq: it failed on me. Let me try again to make sure it's not my fault12:03
greybackSaviq: it fails with https://pastebin.canonical.com/59123/12:12
Saviqgreyback, I will check it out12:12
greybackSaviq: thanks12:12
tsdgeosSaviq: found a bug in the implementation, hold the review12:18
Saviqtsdgeos, ok12:18
tsdgeosSaviq: well, actually it's a bug that is present in the panel now, so as it's not new, please go back to reviewing the patc12:23
tsdgeosgreyback: about this behaviour i found in the panel that i think it's a bug, i report it in launchpad as a bug?12:23
greybacktsdgeos: please do. Check it's not there already12:24
tsdgeoscould not find it12:25
greybacktsdgeos: go for it12:26
greybacktsdgeos: I briefly looked at your RTL tests. I noticed you removed a lot of the test descriptions. I did it in that way to allow manual tests to be scraped from then, and would help show our test coverage. But I can be persuaded. I need to think more12:27
* greyback going to lunch :)12:28
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tsdgeosgreyback: i did remove no test description at all, just moved to a different place12:28
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greybacktsdgeos: oh ok, I just skimmed, will look properly in a bit13:28
* greyback puts his writing cap on13:29
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didrockshey salem_16:05
salem_didrocks, hello16:05
salem_so, I tried to push my branch into launchpad, but I got this: bzr: ERROR: Permission denied: "~tiagosh/libqtdee/libqtdee-local-models/": : Project 'libqtdee' does not exist.16:05
didrockssalem_: I'm trying to look at the dee-qt trunk then16:06
didrockssalem_: can you try:16:06
didrocksyeah, so wrong name16:06
didrocksit's not libqtdee :)16:06
salem_ahh, that explains16:06
* didrocks tries to find it, should bee dee-qt16:06
didrocksyeah it is16:06
didrocksso ~tiagosh/qt-dee/libqtdee-local-models/16:06
didrocksand then propose a merge16:06
salem_didrocks, cool, thanks! My mistake, I used the package name, and not the repository name :)16:07
didrockssalem_: yeah, it's confusing :)16:08
salem_didrocks, ops: bzr: ERROR: Permission denied: "~tiagosh/qt-dee/libqtdee-local-models/": : Project 'qt-dee' does not exist.16:08
didrockssilly me :)16:08
salem_didrocks, yay! thanks.16:09
didrocksyw :)16:11
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tsdgeossalem_: https://code.launchpad.net/~tiagosh/dee-qt/libqtdee-local-models/+merge/90895 says there are 20 conflicts?16:22
salem_tsdgeos, sorry, just deleted, something went wrong16:23
salem_tsdgeos, https://code.launchpad.net/~tiagosh/dee-qt/dee-qt-local-models/+merge/9089716:28
tsdgeossmaller one16:29
tsdgeosnice :D16:29
salem_tsdgeos, I am not familiar with libqtdee, so the code might be incorrect.16:31
tsdgeosi'm much more less familiar than you :D16:31
tsdgeossalem_: does that setModel need to take a void *16:32
salem_tsdgeos, well, I thought about that, I just wanted to avoid including dee headers, as probably client applications that want to use the shared models wont be linking against it.16:34
tsdgeossalem_: can you not forward declare it?16:35
salem_that was an assumption though, but I might be wrong.16:35
salem_like "class DeeModel;"16:35
tsdgeosstruct DeeModel; actually16:35
tsdgeosbut yes16:35
salem_ah yes, I believe that is possible16:36
tsdgeosnice, also being on the extreme nitpicker mode, there's on extra space after the setModel() implementation16:39
salem_tsdgeos, cool, I am fixing it. will update the branch soon16:42
jonodidrocks, I installed the PPA for the new Unity, but moving my mouse to the edge of the screen doesn't show the Launcher17:15
seb128jono: move faster17:16
didrocksjono: you have to push!17:16
jonoseb128, still doesn't work17:16
didrocksa lot :)17:16
seb128jono: over do it17:16
jonoI am slamming it into the edge17:16
didrocksjason_: seems you are upseting a musician ^17:17
gordif the cursor doesn't come out through the other side of your monitor, you didn't push hard enough17:17
seb128did you set reveal on edge or corner? (the corner doesn't work I think)17:17
didrocksyou want make it music harder? :)17:17
didrocksto make his*17:17
jason_didrocks, musician?17:17
jason_jono, dont slam, just push against the edge17:17
jonojason_, sorry, pal it is not working17:18
jonoI set it to the Left Reveal17:18
jason_jono, did you restart X?17:18
jonobut it won't appear17:18
jonoI logged out and backin again17:18
jonodoes that restart X?17:18
jason_what is your screen resolution17:18
davmor2jono: you need your mouse/pad with your head till it gives up and work or you wind up concussed that should fix it :)17:18
jonojason_, 1440x90017:18
jason_jono, can you please install this PPA: https://launchpad.net/~raof/+archive/help-jason/17:19
jason_and then restart X17:19
jason_jono, can you please install this PPA: https://launchpad.net/~raof/+archive/help-jason/17:19
jason_and then restart X17:19
jonojason_, what is in there?17:19
jason_jono, a new xserver17:19
jonohmmm ok17:19
jonoone sec17:19
jason_which helps with this problem17:19
jason_also Cthulhu17:20
jonojason_, installing now17:21
jason_jono, not a lovecraft fan eh?17:21
jonojason_, not metal17:22
jonoCall Of The Cthulu by Metallica is though17:22
jonobrb, restarting X17:22
jonojason_, ok I upgraded X and logged back out and in again17:23
jonoso that means I should be running the new X in the PPA, right?17:23
jason_jono, thats the theory17:23
jonosame problem with the Launcher17:23
seb128jono: does it show on keyboard activation?17:23
jason_jono, if you hold Super does it come out?17:23
seb128jono: can you check in the control center ui that you are on edge reveal?17:24
jonoseb128, yep, pressing Super reveals17:24
jason_seb128, that setting does nothing right now17:24
jonoseb128, it is17:24
seb128jason_, right, I just want to make sure he's not on a broken ccsm value17:24
seb128jono: "left side" is selected?17:24
jonoseb128, yep17:24
=== balloons_ is now known as balloons
=== Malcolm^` is now known as Malcolm^
seb128ok, dunno then17:25
jonojason_, anything else I can do?17:25
jason_jono, wait for me to think17:25
jonoalso, the new home lens is empty when I show the dash17:25
jonoif I select another lens (e.g. apps) and then go back to home, it displays the content then17:25
seb128jono: does it get populated if you type something in the entry and clear it?17:25
jason_jono, are you using a mouse?17:25
seb128jono: that's a known bug, mhr3 was working on it17:25
jonojason_, trackpad17:25
jonoseb128, cool17:26
jason_jono, can you try a mouse?17:26
jonojason_, I can in a bit, but not now17:26
jason_its possible your trackpad is sending absolute motion events17:26
jonojason_, give me 15mins to review a doc for willcooke and then will test with a mouse17:26
jonoI can also then test the multi-monitor goodness17:26
jason_in the mean time jono17:27
jason_can you tell me what trackpad you go?17:27
jonojason_, I am not sure, it is on a Thinkpad T40017:29
jason_lspci -vvv17:29
jonojason_, I don't see anything listed there17:31
jason_lsusb maybe17:31
jonojason_, nope17:32
jason_jono, give me your /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:32
jonojason_, sent17:33
jason_jono, are you amd64 or i38617:37
jason_jono, let me know how the mouse goes17:58
didrocksjason_: someone on the french forum is also having "hard time to reveal the launcher"18:00
didrocksso my xt2 wasn't the only case18:00
didrocksjason_: I guess there will need some adjustement, if you want to push a version with debug info on the command line, we can maybe do that18:01
jonojason_, about to go and test18:01
balloonsjono, jason_  also testing currently, and about to unleash the u+1 folks on unity 5.218:05
jonoballoons, awesome :-)18:05
AlanBellare there some examples of lenses that require authentication?18:08
SaviqAlanBell, gwibber, probably, but that uses a local db18:09
SaviqAlanBell, there's a Lenses session in #ubuntu-classroom in an hour18:09
davidcalleAlanBell, nope. Only the Flickr scope which is relying on a great flickr API that does all the work.18:09
AlanBelloh cool18:09
AlanBelldavidcalle: yeah, I am concerned that if there is no right way to do it and you install 6 lenses that all ask for credentials in randomly different ways it will be a bit of a mess18:10
davidcalleAlanBell, agreed.18:10
AlanBellI kind of want my openERP lens to sit quietly in the dash with server, username and password fields on it and no content until they are filled in, then it remembers them for the user18:11
balloonscan you remind me if I can see the information I submitted again? if so how?18:12
balloonsi am so scatter-brained this week.. so much going on :-)18:12
balloonsI mean the information I submitted for the checkbox unity tests18:12
AlanBellbut I have no means of asking the user to authenticate apart from ugly popups on loading of the lens even if the user doesn't want to use that lens right now18:12
balloonsall, I put a write-up here: http://www.theorangenotebook.com/2012/01/unity-52-whats-new-and-call-for-testing.html. Please feel free to share and let me know if there are any mistakes18:19
fantasti1001hi, how global menu works ? (from development side)18:21
fantasti1001what alforithm was used for that ?18:21
fantasti1001how it works with qt/gtk/fltk and other applications ?18:22
DaekdroomHm.. Launcher is not revealing in 5.2 (from unity-team/ppa)18:27
DaekdroomNot revealing by cursor. Super is working alright18:27
balloonsDaekdroom, you have to move the cursor all the way left18:28
DaekdroomI'm pretty sure I know how to do that.18:28
balloonsit's a bit different than in the past.. trying scrolling into the side of the screen18:28
etneg_is this the design channel for unity?18:28
DaekdroomIt's not showing up at all18:28
DaekdroomI tried changing the option (left or top left) in gnome-control-center and it's still not working18:28
etneg_prolly not18:29
balloonsDaekdroom, on my box it won't show if I just place the cursor there.. I have to scroll into it..  if your doing that and it's not showing, something might be wrong18:29
jonojason_, using a mouse now18:31
jonostill same heres18:31
jonostill same issues18:31
jonoevery so often it works, but 99% it doesnt18:31
balloonsjono, you also not able to pull up launcher?18:32
balloonsby cursor that is18:32
jonoballoons, indeed18:32
balloonsDaekdroom, it appears your not alone :-)18:32
balloonsare you single monitor?18:32
balloonsI'm multimonitor, it's working fine18:33
jonoI have the same problem on both single and multi-monitor18:33
jonoalthough, I have never had multi-monitor working before, so this is a first for me :-)18:33
* balloons is just lucky.. /me never had issues with multi-monitor18:34
jason_jono, I have an application I need you to run18:34
jonojason_, ok18:34
jason_jono, save this to a file: https://pastebin.canonical.com/59149/18:37
jason_(call it barrier.c)18:37
jason_then in the directory you saved it18:37
jason_in a terminal18:37
jason_gcc barrier.c -o barrier -lX11 -lXfixes18:38
jason_./barrier 500 5000018:38
jason_jono, you here?18:38
jonojason_, yep18:39
jonosorry, networking issues18:40
jason_want me to re-type what I said?18:40
jason_jono, save this to a file: https://pastebin.canonical.com/59149/18:40
jason_then in the directory you saved it18:40
jason_in a terminal18:40
jason_gcc barrier.c -o barrier -lX11 -lXfixes18:40
jason_./barrier 500 5000018:40
jason_that will create a barrier 500 pixels into your screen (only the top 450 pixels of your screen)18:40
jason_it only will work moving right to left18:41
balloonsjason_, think overscan could be at play?18:41
jonobarrier.c:60:2: warning: format ‘%d’ expects argument of type ‘int’, but argument 2 has type ‘PointerBarrier’ [-Wformat]18:41
balloonsfunny to mention it in the era of lcd's...18:41
jason_jono, yeah thats just a warning18:41
jason_balloons, seems more likely I have some logic mistake somewhere in unity18:42
jonojason_, ok it is running, now what?18:42
jason_or hes not getting a threshold hit18:42
jason_jono, there is a barrier in the middle of your screen18:42
jason_start tripping it18:42
jason_I want to know the velocity values you get18:42
jason_and the id values18:42
jason_do they seem to stay consistent throughout a "trap" of the mouse18:43
jonoit hung my machine at one point18:46
jonojason_, ^18:46
jason_well you are certainly generating the velocity required...18:46
jason_on multi-monitor18:47
jason_are you still in multiple monitors jono?18:47
jason_jono, leave teh same program running, and push against the left edge of your screen18:48
jason_does it print out debug?18:48
jason_(the protocol lets us snoop, its a lovely security hole RAOF will have to close some time...)18:48
jonojason_, yep in multimonitor18:48
jonojason_, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/824229/18:50
jonoit's weird becomes sometimes it does appear18:50
jonobut rarely18:50
jason_thats really weird...18:51
jason_I mean, I see why its failing now...18:51
jason_but I dont understand why its acting that way18:51
jason_jono, can you try it on your monitor barrier (make sure to approach it slowly)18:52
jonojason_, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/824233/18:53
jason_jono you are pushing on the right edge of the left screen18:54
jason_jono, you need to push againt the left edge of the right screen18:54
jonoone sec18:55
jonojason_, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/824245/18:57
jason_jono, want to go the full 9 yards for me here?18:58
jason_I need you to rebuild unity18:58
jonono thanks18:58
jononot now, on a call18:58
jason_even if I tell you how to make packages?18:58
jonomaybe in a bit18:58
jason_anyone else here having this problem?18:59
DaekdroomI am.19:08
DaekdroomUnfortunately I have to leave now.19:09
AlanBelljason_: what is needed to test it?19:10
jason_some peopleslauncher doesn't reveal19:10
jason_that merge should fix it19:11
jason_AlanBell, ^^19:12
AlanBellmy launcher is set to not-hide at the moment, do I just need to update or get a PPA to have the monitor barrier stuff?19:13
jason_unity staging PPA19:13
AlanBellok, and I need to purge HUD first?19:14
AlanBellok, I will have a go at that. Quite keen to test this as the launcher popping in and out was infuriating until I set it to be static19:15
kenvandinemhr3, i figured out the speed issues in the gwibber lens, it has nothing to do with the search speed19:45
kenvandinemhr3, it is because of the size of the results model before searching19:46
kenvandinesince by default it displays everything19:46
kenvandineif i start with nothing in the results_model, searching is blazing fast19:47
kenvandinemhr3, do you think it is unity picking up the clear of 4000 rows that takes a few seconds to render?19:47
kenvandinemy search finishes in about 20ms and the view in unity doesn't visibly change for about 3s after my search is done19:48
malinHi. I am working on a unity-lense, it's my first lense, and I can't get it to work. This is my project page with the source code. I wonder what I am doing wrong: https://launchpad.net/unity-buss19:53
mhall119malin: you need to run your lens daemon in the GLib mainloop, like the same code has19:58
malinhow do I run my code in a GLib mainloop?20:00
mhall119would it be possible/practical for Unity to check for lenses/scopes in .local/share/unity/lenses as well as /usr/share?20:01
malindon't know?20:01
mhall119malin: sorry, that was for the Unity devs20:02
mhall119malin: starting at line 86 of http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity-lens-sample/python-5.0/view/head:/unity-scope-wikipedia20:02
kenvandinemhall119, that would be soooooo nice20:02
mhall119that's what I think you're missing20:02
mhall119kenvandine: hey, could you help me get Singlet into the archives?20:02
mhall119I have a package in the scopes ppa20:03
kenvandinei happen to be doing patch pilot tomorrow... i'll do it in the morning, ok?20:03
kenvandinepoint me to the packaging branch20:03
mhr3kenvandine, you could be, it also takes a while to send the results over, but yea processing them on the unity side might be the culprit20:04
kenvandinemhr3, it is VERY fast if i start with an empty results_model20:04
kenvandinebut going from 4000+ results to 20 takes a few seconds to render20:04
kenvandinenot sure what i can do about that...20:05
mhr3hmm, maybe the removing is slow in unity20:06
mhr3it's not path one usually optimizes :)20:06
kenvandinebut for the gwibber case, i think it makes sense to start with a view of everything20:07
gordpfft, nothing is slow in unity20:07
mhr3gord, like rendering icons until recently? :)20:08
gordmhr3, rendering icons was fine, it was loading them and that was neil code! lucky we got rid of him before he did even more damage! </notbitter>20:08
mhall119kenvandine: lp:~mhall119/singlet/precise-package has the ./debian/ files20:08
mhall119lp:singlet is trunk20:08
kenvandinemhall119, great20:08
mhr3gord, aaah, right, anything slow is njpatel's fault :)20:09
gordoh we only ever remove one row at a time. maybe we should add a rows-removed signal20:10
mhr3kenvandine, so you know who to blame ;)20:10
kenvandinehaha :)20:10
kenvandineall gord's fault20:10
gordneil wrote that :P20:10
mhr3gord, it would make sense to have a quick clear path20:10
mhr3that could help20:10
mhall119gord: is there not a clear-all signal?  that seems like it wouold be a common use case20:10
mhr3gord, cause most lenses are just clearing the model before adding the results back20:11
kenvandineindeed... every lens i have looked at does it :)20:11
gordmhr3, yeah we should add that, both20:11
kenvandineso maybe it is both libdee and unity to blame :)20:12
mhr3kenvandine, dee is never to blame :P20:13
* kenvandine roflao20:13
* kenvandine hugs dee20:14
mhr3dee is perfect by definition20:14
kenvandinedee is the coolest thing I have seen in a long time :)20:14
kenvandinemhr3, and never any bugs20:14
davmor2kenvandine: what is this dee you talk of a chest freezer or a computer lib :D20:15
kenvandinejust add a "cleared" signal and it'll be perfect20:15
* kenvandine wonders what a chest freezer is 20:15
davmor2kenvandine: http://chestfreezer.co.uk/ rather than an upright20:17
kenvandinean... in american english we just call that a freezer :-p20:18
kenvandinedavmor2, i don't get the dee reference to that though?20:18
davmor2kenvandine: you said it was the coolest thing you had ever seen?20:19
* kenvandine was looking at that too literally :)20:19
kenvandinedee is cooler than a chest freezer20:19
kenvandinei have to wear a parka to work with it20:20
mhall119davmor2: do you have 'perfect' as an IRC hilight or something?20:23
mhall119or did your spidey senses tell you someone was claiming to have inbreakable code?20:23
davmor2mhall119: Yeap20:23
davmor2mhall119: I was getting the special hammers ready20:24
mhall119you have a particularly dangerous form of QA20:24
davmor2mhall119: I found if the hammer don't work I can always move onto power tools hasn't gone that far yet though20:25
jason_AlanBell, hows it going?20:28
balloonsjason_, still looking for someone who is having issues getting launcher to show?20:57
jason_balloons, try this: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/unity.dont-emit-on-id-change/+merge/9092320:57
balloonssadly it works right now for me.. but I can verify this doesn't break anything :-) I was saying if you were still looking I could see if anyone testing has had the issues yet20:58
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
om26er1 multimonitor implementation issue, You get two launchers on one screen after disconnecting the output cable (tested trunk) will file it tomorrow21:28
om26eror days for that matter its late :p21:28
bschaefermhr3, awesome news! Yeah Ill have the branch ready to go as soon as we are unfrozen :)21:29
mhr3bschaefer, awesome, thx21:30
mhall119who can I talk to about lightdm on multi-monitor?22:03
Saviqmhall119, Robert Ancell is working on lightdm22:14
Saviqmhall119, it's 9:14 am for him, should probably be around soon22:15
mhall119thanks Saviq22:15
htorquehi all! any idea why indicator-loader3 freezes the desktop when using it with the appmenu indicator? here's its output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/824509/22:26
htorqueit updates the menu bars just fine, but when opening a menu, the last message gets repeated over and over again.22:26
bschaeferthumper, hey quick question about a static variable in a function vs a private variable for a class.22:31
bschaeferthumper, where only one function will use this variable and no other ones need to know about it22:31
thumperbschaefer: what is the question?22:32
bschaeferopss, which is better to use?22:32
bschaeferwhere I put the variable as a private member of the class or just use a static variable to get the same effect but keep the scope to only that function22:32
thumperbschaefer: if there should only be one value for every instance of the class, then static is the right thing22:32
thumperbschaefer: if it is effectively an attribute of the object22:33
thumperbschaefer: then a private member is right22:33
bschaeferthumper, when you say only one value do you mean const?22:34
bschaeferas it wont change22:34
thumperbschaefer: a static variable inside a function only gets initialized once for the program execution22:34
thumperand there is only once instance of that variable for all objects22:34
bschaeferthumper, alright cool22:35
bschaeferalso if I remember reading something in the standard dont all static vars get set to 0?22:35
thumpernot ones inside a method22:35
thumperbut global statics22:35
bschaeferthumper, alright good to know! Thanks22:36
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bschaeferthumper, https://code.launchpad.net/~brandontschaefer/unity/new.fix-896122/+merge/9098123:39
bschaefermerge for the new KeyNav mode23:39
codepalanybody know how I run manual tests for  unity-team-ppa ?23:51
codepal message box on my screen told me I should...23:51
codepal but, I don't know how23:51
thumperhi codepal23:52
codepalnm - just found it in the dash23:52
codepalrunning the tests - awesome!23:53
codepalwhat new features does checkbox implement?23:53
thumpersorry, no idea, didrocks does that bit23:53

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