
len_Todays iso is a bust. Networking still broken, Install broken.00:05
len_Ubiquity says the install is finished and when I reboot i get no os list. just binkin' cursor.00:06
len_None of the install logs seem to have been written to the drive either, so I can't find out what happened. I guess I will have to try again and copy the logs from memory to a disk.00:08
len_Something is failing with the install/updating of grub.00:09
ScottLlen_, cjwatson says that tomorrow's image should be better, but there is still an issue of the pre-seed happening after the install which is a ubiquity bug01:08
len_Do I still file the bug report? The networking bug is a big one. No wireless connect.01:10
len_Sorry, ScottL ^^01:10
len_ScottL: filed Bug #924064 on install fail.02:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 924064 in Ubuntu "ubiquity crashes on 12.04 alpha install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92406402:07
=== jussi01 is now known as Guest21792
ScottLlen_, sorry, i was getting daughter to clean room and cleaning dishes, i think astraljava already filed a bug for the ubiquity crash02:38
micahgScottL: sorry, I accidentally uploaded ubuntustudio-default-settings as me instead of you02:49
len_Scottl: I think his is slightly different...02:49
len_When I filed mine it didn't pull up any list of close bugs02:50
ScottLmicahg, i'm not worried about it, i'm just worried about getting the packages upload :)02:50
len_It seems to be saying the packages are not there, but when I look at the iso  find them02:51
ScottLthis is astraljava's bug:  bug 92383002:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 923830 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity crashes on ubuntu studio live-dvd 20120129" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92383002:52
ScottLlen_, can you check if they are duplicates, if so mark one of them as duplicate?02:52
len_it seems to me his is only if he clicked on the upgrade ubiquity link.02:53
ScottLoh, okay :)02:53
ScottLthank you, though :)02:53
len_ScottL: Looked at both bug reports side by and they are two different versions of ubiquity and the contents of the installer debug file are different too.03:42
scott-workTheMuso: any progress on checking the kernel?15:31
* scott-work is starting to get nervous about this :/15:31
astraljavaHmm... yeah, A-2 on Thursday already.15:37
falktxastraljava: hey15:38
astraljavafalktx: Howdy!15:40
knomehmm. anyone willing to work on the ubuntu studio installer slideshow?? :)15:41
holsteinknome: yup15:42
* astraljava whistles innocently while walking away15:42
holsteinknome: what do you need from me?15:42
holsteinim preparing for a rehersal right now, but im going to be done in 30 minuts or so, and i'll have some time :)15:42
knomeholstein, can you list things that you want in the slideshow?15:43
falktxastraljava: do you know what to do for the ubiquity plugin? I'm completely in the dark...15:43
holsteinknome: tbh, id be fine with one static image15:44
holsteinor the slides from your WP thing15:44
holsteinwas that your WP thing?15:45
astraljavafalktx: Not really, I never did find the time when I was supposed to, and then set it aside when Scott told you started working on it. But I can have a look.15:45
knomeholstein, yyp.15:45
knomeholstein, okay, i'll copy those.15:45
knomeholstein, can you at some stage check the content?15:45
holsteinknome: i like those, and i think that would give us a consistent look15:45
holsteinotherwise, i could try and fake what our theme will be, and get some appropriate screenies15:45
falktxastraljava: I feel kinda stupid... it probably is easy, I just don't see it15:46
knomeholstein, i'll have to see how to incorporate the background images to the slideshow. the space is more limited there15:46
astraljavafalktx: Heh, yeah. I get that at work a lot. :) No worries, we can figure it out. :)15:46
knomeholstein, so actually, shots might be better15:46
holsteinknome: i could try and chew on that over the next few weeks15:47
holsteinask scott-work what our theme will be like15:47
holsteinand go from there15:47
falktxastraljava: thanks! Currently I feel like if I keep trying I'll only get more frustated15:47
holsteinknome: whats our timeframe?15:47
astraljavafalktx: I know the feeling. :)15:47
knomeholstein, deadline is UIfreeze @ Feb 2315:47
holsteinknome: thats doable15:48
holsteinknome: let me get back with you maybe early next week15:48
holsteinsee how far ive come15:48
knomeok, thanks15:48
astraljavafalktx: I got a feeling that we should first concentrate on the ubiquity/plugins/ stuff. We can use examples from edubuntu on that one, and I'm looking at them right now.15:49
knomeastraljava, can you keep xubuntu in your mind too? :)15:50
falktxastraljava: many thanks man, you deserve a medal!15:51
astraljavaknome: Let me practice with ours, first, and then I can do it for Xubuntu. Can you make some sort of a task of it for me? Do you have any trackers for such?15:51
knomeastraljava, sure, just a sec. what's your lp username?15:51
falktxbetter, an ubuntu trophy!15:51
astraljavafalktx: Nah... I'm only just getting into this stuff. I have been away from the dev stuff for way too long. Taking the final steps now. :)15:51
astraljavaknome: same as nick.15:51
knomeastraljava, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-xubuntu-ubiquity-application-sets15:52
astraljavaknome: Excellent, thanks!15:55
holsteinknome: question... size? format?... can i give them to you ready to drop in with text on them?16:24
holsteinif i wanted to get one of the current slides... where would that be?16:25
holsteini could just copy that16:25
holsteinas far as style, etc...16:25
knome440x370 if we use the same as in xubuntu slides16:25
knomejust provide me with the shots + text16:25
knomei'll handle the rest16:25
knomeif you want to "cut" windows from the right+bottom edges, then use 450x41016:26
knomelet me post you some examples16:26
holsteinso, just give you an image, and what text i want, and you'll do the overlay? or you want me to go ahead and add the text?16:27
knomejust a sec16:28
knomeholstein, see: http://temp.knome.fi/ubuntustudio/slideshow/16:31
knomeholstein, look at abiword_slide.png first16:32
knomeholstein, i need the title + text + shot16:32
knomeholstein, (menu "paths" are included in "text", if you want those)16:32
knomeholstein, if you want a shot like abiword, which is cut from right+left, it should be 450x41016:33
holsteinjust when you think something is going to be easy ;)16:33
knomeholstein, if like "desktop_slide.png", gimme 440x37016:33
knomeholstein, do you want me to clarify something?16:34
holsteinknome: so, im going to give you want i want for a title, and what text i want, and a screenie16:35
holsteinand you put it all together?16:35
holsteinnow its back to something i can do... 16:35
knomei'll naturally tweak the background image and stuff to fit ubuntu studio a bit better16:36
knomedon't worry about that16:36
holsteinwhen i saw those buttons i said "dammit"16:36
knomeheh ;)16:36
knomewell, the slideshow jquery handles most of that16:36
holsteinscott-work: ping16:40
scott-workholstein: pong16:44
scott-workholstein: the theme should look exceptionally like xubuntu's now16:44
scott-workperhaps tomorrow's image, maybe today's image16:44
scott-workholstein: you can read the guidelines linked in the roadmap wiki page (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Roadmap) for specs on the ubiquity images/text16:45
holsteinscott-work: so.. our theme16:47
holsteinwhats the plan?16:47
holsteini want to kind of fake that for some screenshots16:47
holsteini dont think its as big of a deal just getting windows images16:48
scott-workholstein: the -default-settings, -icon-theme, and -look packages that micahg helped me upload set the theme16:48
scott-workholstein: they should be in today's image possibly, but most certainly in tomorrow's image16:49
knomescott-work, right, i didn't catch you had a draft for the slideshow too ;) we can use any other layout too, but i think 1 shot per slide is quite maximum, taking into account that the slideshow window should fit in the resolution...16:49
micahgscott-work: I hope everything is working right ;)16:49
knomeif not, you can just try the xubuntu image ;)16:49
holsteinscott-work: cool :)16:49
astraljavaknome: Are you suggesting us joining forces and projects? :D16:50
knomelol, no.16:50
knomei'm just trying to steal all the possible workforce from US.16:50
astraljavaThat's fine. We're leeching at full speed from you guys, too.16:50
knomeyeah ;)16:51
charlie-tcamilestone testing for alpha2 today and tomorrow. Is anyone able to run the US images?16:51
astraljavaknome: Well, actually, if I do this ubiquity thing for Xubuntu, then I'm practically one of 'you', right? :D16:51
astraljavacharlie-tca: I will, for sure.16:52
knomeastraljava, sure! ;)16:52
charlie-tcagreat! I will run what I can, but it is going to be a time battle here16:52
astraljavacharlie-tca: Absolutely. Don't worry about us/US, you got your hands full with Xubuntu.16:53
astraljavacharlie-tca: But thanks for all support, anyway!16:53
astraljavaAre the images up, btw.?16:53
astraljavaSeem to be.16:54
astraljavazsyncing now.16:54
charlie-tcayes, I show the images dated 2012-01-30 in the iso tracker16:54
scott-workcharlie-tca: i'll be testing as well16:55
scott-workcharlie-tca: i guess i need to resubscribe the to the test since they moved to the new tracker16:56
charlie-tcaThat helps. Usually want up to 5 tests on each one16:56
scott-workanyone have the link handy for the new tracker?  is it more than an ip yet?16:56
charlie-tcaMy email still works telling me the images are up. But I might have resubscribed last time16:56
charlie-tcabut it took me three times to get the thing up16:57
* scott-work has a series of meetings to go to and probably will only be online spotty until mid-afternoon....i greatly dislike bloody meetings16:57
astraljavascott-work: We don't have any test cases up, yet.16:57
astraljavaI will head on to -testing to find out why.16:57
charlie-tcaafter I logged in, it won't show me any tests first16:57
scott-workcrap, that might be a left over from us not wanting to test A116:58
scott-workastraljava: please talk to someone about it16:58
charlie-tcaNo, it wouldn't show anything16:58
astraljavascott-work: Yep, I will.16:58
charlie-tcaastraljava: you do16:58
charlie-tcatry going to the home page and picking alpha2 again16:58
charlie-tcaah, crap16:59
astraljavacharlie-tca: I just did, went all the way up to the starting page.16:59
charlie-tcasorry. I see it now. 16:59
astraljavaThat's fine, I'll be talking about it now.16:59
charlie-tcaThey put the image on but no tests required, huh?16:59
charlie-tcait them in #ubuntu-release for that. 16:59
astraljavaOh ok, I'll ask there as well.17:00
charlie-tcaIf you don't get an answer in a couple of minutes, try stgraber directly in -release. 17:02
astraljavaThey're busy, I'm sure they'll react soon enough. :)17:02
charlie-tcajibel got you covered17:03
astraljavaYep, thanks.17:05
astraljavamicahg: If you have time at some point to explain (and try to make me understand) the ~ubuntu-branches/* stuff, I'd be thrilled! :) Currently I'm under the assumption that they are created from other branches, but if so, then I don't understand where the edubuntu ubiquity/plugins/ stuff reside.17:51
micahgastraljava: that's a team placeholder for the lp:ubuntu/foo stuff17:52
micahgsince branches are team owned, not project owned17:52
scott-workastraljava: the blueprint (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-ubuntustudio-livedvd) has the link to the plugin directory i believe17:53
astraljavascott-work: Can you tell me the branch that I would then re-branch for US?17:54
astraljavaCause I sure don't.17:54
astraljavamicahg: So, some team relating to edubuntu owns the branch lp:ubuntu/edubuntu-live, and I need to create lp:ubuntu/ubuntustudio-live somewhere, is that so?18:04
micahgastraljava: no, the lp:ubuntu/foo branches are created on upload18:05
astraljavaRight. I'm really stumped as to where I could find the original source branch that holds the ubiquity/plugins/ stuff, then.18:05
micahgastraljava: ask stgraber?18:06
astraljavamicahg: Ok, I will. Thanks for your help!18:06
astraljavascott-work: AFAIUI, I'm now creating the ubuntustudio-live package, basing it from lp:ubuntu/edubuntu-live branch. Let's see how it works out.18:33
astraljavascott-work: There's not that much work, but I need to go through all of the files, to make sure none of the edubuntu stuff is left.18:33
scott-workastraljava: cool, thanks!18:49
astraljavascott-work: ailo: len: holstein: ISO tracker has test cases now, so LET'S GO! :)20:32
astraljavaI'm personally just waiting to sync my .ogg's, so that my listening is uninterrupted while testing. :D20:34
lenastraljava: just got in the door and went through the above. I'll start DL.20:51
astraljavalen: Excellent! Thanks! :)20:52
lenastraljava: maybe not... it is still the jan30 iso which is broken. Xubuntu has a new one but we don't20:53
astraljavalen: Damnit, you're right. One second. Err... well a couple.20:55
astraljavaYeah, sorry folks. No ETA at the moment. Carry on with your previously scheduled programme.20:58
astraljavaAt least 4 hours, still.20:59
scott-workastraljava: 4 hours until the next iso is ready?  is that because someone is respinning it?  if so, is the respin for a particular reason?21:02
astraljavascott-work: _At least_ 4 hours. And yes, there's a new kernel upload on the way,21:03
lenastraljava: So Xubuntu will get a new one too? Or is that our kernel?21:04
astraljavalen: We don't have our own, yet.21:05
lenOk, I'm DL Xubuntu Jan31 so I will know if any problems I find are unique to US.21:06
astraljavalen: Perfect. Thanks!21:06
lenastraljava: I had most of the xubuntu alt iso so I DL that first. So far it seems to have the same wireless auth bug as the US has since jan29 (and jan 30)22:09
lenWe need someone else to test the wireless stuff so that the bug can be confirmed.22:10
holsteini cant til maybe tomorrow22:10
holsteinill check in then though22:11
lenAnyway, I am installing Xubuntu jan31 alt while xubuntu live DL while waiting for US to be published.22:11
lenholstein: thnks22:11
lenwlan connect is a big deal for me.22:12
holsteinlen: well, some might disable it, and i do on my studio rigs, but if it ships, it should work, or at least be able to work22:13
astraljavalen: Alright. But in all fairness, the comparisons should be made against their desktop image, as that's the equivalent of ours, really.22:13
lenIts downloading22:14
astraljavaholstein: Tomorrow's fine. The release of A-2 is on Thursday.22:14
lenI had the alt from when I was comparing to our alt so zsync was quick, live is still an hour away.22:15
astraljavaAhh... ok, sorry. :)22:15
lenWeird, It looks like a dhcp problem... same dhcp server for wired or wireless, wired works wireless doesn't. Wireless seems to use a different dhcp client.23:21

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