
ochosimicahg: there'll be a new release of gmusicbrowser tomorrow, it'll fix a few issues that are also xubuntu-critical. maybe we could get it through debian before FF?15:14
hobgoblinanyone in here want some feedback on Pasi's terminalrc blog post?15:30
* knome wants15:30
* hobgoblin loves it - almost15:31
knomeok, so what's the problem?15:31
hobgoblinall I would say is the scroll bar looks like an addon - if that could be the same scheme hobgoblin would love it completely15:31
knomei know there might be problematic color combinations15:31
knomeright, that's being fixed in greybird15:31
knomeor, that's actually fixed already15:32
knomei just seem to have an old version of greybird15:32
hobgoblinfor me it looks ok - I suspect people with visual issues mightn't like it - but they are likely to set it up for themselves anyway - perhaps15:32
knomewe are thinking of having an "accessibility" installation choice, that could use the normal color scheme15:33
knomeand a bigger font...15:33
hobgoblinknome: excellent then - though I didn't actually have this terminalrc at all here - had to do from scratch 15:33
knomeah, right :)15:33
knomethen i suppose you had the default setting :)15:33
hobgoblinyea - that would make sense to do 15:33
knomebut we still have to investigate if that is possible15:33
hobgoblinI guess so - some fiddling with fonts is all I normally do to be honest 15:34
knomethe font has been gigantic so far, now we've dropped it to 10 for terminal15:34
hobgoblinbut all in all I think it looks good and fits well with other stuff here 15:34
knomeyup, that's the idea. and thanks! :)15:34
hobgoblinin fact the only issue I have had at all with 12.04 at all is hibernate not working which I assume to be to do with the polkit and a qt app I use looking rubbish - had to install a libgnome package 15:35
knomemicahg, mr_pouit ^15:35
hobgoblinbut all in all it's been great - I have it running on 3 machines 15:36
knomei know nothing about that stuff :)15:36
hobgoblinI only know what I manage to find out :)15:36
mr_pouitBug #81239415:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 812394 in Ayatana Design "Disable hibernate option by default" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81239415:42
hobgoblinmr_pouit: yea - thought it was that one - saw it yesterday I think, sudo pm-hibernate makes it work, but tbh I don't ever hibernate or suspend - just been trying things to at least help if possible 15:44
astraljavamicahg: mr_pouit: How is the lp:ubuntu/edubuntu-live branch created? Is it one of the branches that are comprised of something else, like ubuntustudio-meta?15:59
astraljavaerr... sorry.15:59
* astraljava is messed up15:59
hobgoblinwouldn't worry - hobgoblin is too16:00
* hobgoblin thought this was the #windows channel and ended up with xubuntu on 3 machines 16:01
astraljavaThanks. It's no news to me, either. I've been clinically insane for 13 years now. :D But in this case, I confused ed with X.16:01
knomeNICHT! nobody is allowed to be messed up!16:01
knomemicahg, the ubiquity-slideshow is actually also blocked by the TB bug, so if you could rush it just a tiny bit more ;))16:02
knomelike we didn't ask about it too often already16:02
hobgoblinknome: so how do I get the scrollbar to look as nice as the rest - wait or is there something I can do that is not too much like voodoo ... 16:10
knomehobgoblin, https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird16:10
knomehobgoblin, download the latest Greybird from Github16:11
knomehobgoblin, direct download link: https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird/tarball/master16:11
knomehobgoblin, then unpack that to ~/.themes/16:11
hobgoblinmmm - never done that - wouldn't know where to start - almost 5 years using ubuntu and never got anywhere near to using git lol 16:11
knomeyou can just download a package, no need to download via git16:12
hobgoblinbut thansk for the direct link :)16:12
* hobgoblin types slowly and doesn't look up often :D16:12
* knome types fast and doesn't look down often16:12
hobgoblinknome: done that - looks the same to me :(16:17
knomeright. ochosi ! ^16:17
hobgoblinshouldn't need to logout or anything should I?16:17
knomeno, but you should of course change the theme16:18
knomein appearance16:18
hobgoblinyea :)16:18
knomeapart from that, i'm not sure what you should do.16:18
hobgoblink - then no apparent change here :)16:18
knomeanyway, ochosi told me that's fixed, so i'll get back to this with him16:19
hobgoblinok 16:19
* hobgoblin will watch with interest off and on over the next few days :) unfortuantely there's not much I can do other than try things and make sure they work - and help others when I can 16:22
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
micahgknome: it's not an instant fix16:31
micahgwe can probably have  a patch for beta 116:31
micahgochosi: re gmusicbrowser> sure, we can get that in next week16:32
micahghibernate has been a disaster for most users, so I guess it makes sense they're disabling it16:33
micahgok, do we care about amd64 live being oversized?16:34
charlie-tcamicahg: wait16:34
micahgIt's right on the edge, 70416:34
micahgit might still fit, idk16:34
charlie-tcaAt least until the beta1 image, to see what happens to it16:34
knomehey charlie-tca 16:34
charlie-tcaIt is not unusual for us to have oversized alpha images16:34
charlie-tcaIt is normally release noted that an image is oversize and will fit and work from either USB or DVD16:35
knomecharlie-tca, madnick needs some input on accessibility on the lightdm theme from you later :)16:37
charlie-tcaWhy wouldn't it be the same as Ubuntu's lightdm?16:39
knomewe want to theme it, and madnick has built a greeter engine16:39
knomei think it has something to do with accessibility features being accessible...16:39
knomemore than text being readable and so16:40
charlie-tcaSo, what will change on accessibility? Still want to be able to run Onboard, Start ORca, and read the screen, right?16:40
knomeyes, i suppose that's the idea :)16:40
knomebut we need to wait for madnick to push the code so it's testable16:40
charlie-tcaThen it should match unity-greeter accessibility16:40
knomeright. would you be available for a follow-up with madnick about this later in the cycle?16:42
knomethanks :)16:43
knomeare you okay, btw? haven't seen you much around lately16:43
charlie-tcaYup, just busy with other things that I put off before.16:44
knomeokay :)16:44
knomehow's testing been?16:44
charlie-tcaShould be able to be around on Wednesdays, I'm hoping16:44
knomemaybe-ubiquity acts nicely?16:44
charlie-tcaHaven't touched the images for a week16:44
knomemmh, right16:44
charlie-tcaThe tests are all tracked on the QA tracker now, including daily testing16:45
knomemm-hmm :) is that working well for us?16:45
charlie-tcaAs well as any new procedure16:46
knomegood to hear it's not a nightmare at least...16:47
charlie-tcamicahg: xfburn says 704 won't fit on the cd-r, will burn it to dvd instead16:55
davmor2charlie-tca: it's right too ;)16:59
charlie-tcaYeah, but I really did not want it to be, this time.17:01
micahgcharlie-tca: well, 703.5X is the limit for a CDR17:03
charlie-tcaThat doesn't make me not want 704 to fit :(17:03
micahgwell, I wasn't sure how close our 704 was17:04
charlie-tcaYeah, I figured I would try it and let you know17:04
charlie-tcaapparently, too close17:04
micahgISTR that xfburn won't let you go over 700 anyways17:10
charlie-tcaI thought it let me burn 702 before17:12
charlie-tcaBut that could be wishful thinking too17:12
davmor2charlie-tca: out of interest how is libburnia nowadays?17:12
charlie-tcaSeems to be working17:13
micahgcharlie-tca: well, the alternate amd64 is a good test, it's at 702 or 70217:18
GridCubei cant do alpha2 tests today, will do them tomorrow, its that ok?19:14
charlie-tcaGridCube: just got to update the iso tracker for alpha2 when you do them19:16
GridCube:) ok19:16
GridCubei haven't been able to do much tests lately, my isp isnt being nice and my work download speed tops 1kbs usually :(19:26
charlie-tcaI understand that one. I get a consistent 160Kps here, or lower19:27
pleia2hehe, nice, Canonical hired a sysadmin friend of mine ("oh hey, I'm working on your ticket!" "Neat!"!)19:33
pleia2anyway, link redirects in the works :)19:34
knomepleia2, arrr19:35
pleia2they will make them work for wp.xubuntu.org (so we can test them now) and then just update them when we go live19:35
baizonwill test it tomorrow right away :D19:36
=== therealnanotube is now known as nanotube
astraljavaooohhhh I love that!20:19
* astraljava is a big nature fan20:19
knomei think we have a winner.20:20
knomenow just finalize that.20:20
astraljavaYes PLEASE!!!20:21
pleia2nice :)20:23
madnickknome: that is nice20:28
astraljavaCan you tone down the green shimmering a little bit?21:20
knomewhy? :P21:20
astraljavaIt's a bit too much. :)21:21
* astraljava whispers... "dumb-*ss"21:22
astraljavaNow it's just darker, overall.21:24
knomeno, the green is also more subtle.21:27
astraljavaWell, a tad. But too little.21:27
knomebut i kind of like that effect21:27
knomedon't worry, i'll make it less subtle eventually21:28
astraljavaOh alright. :)21:28
knomei'm sure i will21:28
knomei always get bored to the greens21:28
astraljavaBut I'm liking it when it's lighter, as in the draft2.21:28
knomeoverall, i think the vignetting effect is somewhat an improvement21:29
astraljavawiktionary.org knows not of such a word21:30
astraljavadraft4 is better, but I still liked it better when it was lighter. The green amount is good now, IMHO. And thanks, wonder why wiktionary.org didn't know about it.21:33
knomemmh. hard to make the green lighter when there is the vignetting21:34
astraljavaOh, it's there. I must have made a typo.21:34
knomeyeah, i know, you suck21:34
astraljavaNo, don't make the green lighter. Just the overall lightness.21:35
knomeslightly lighter.21:35
knomei think it still needs some texture21:37
knomeand maybe a bird.21:37
astraljavaYeah. But now I like the colors, and the lightness. Nice, mate! :)21:39
ochosilooks like a mix between hardy(?) and maverick :)21:39
ochosii mean hardy landscape with a tint of maverick-colors21:39
ochosiwell, i guess it's not bad because it gives some style-consistency across releases21:40
ochosiand it'll work well with greybird color-wise21:40
ochosi(and with albatross fwiw)21:40
ochosimaybe not as good with bluebird though21:40
knomeyeah, i thought: time to have some nostalgia too21:40
ochosiand now add a pangolin21:41
astraljavaHe's over @ #beanpc21:44
* knome lols21:44
ochosiagain, ripping off your own design? :)21:45
knomehaha, yeah21:45
knomeexcept that's not the same bird21:45
ochosiit just looks like it is21:45
knomethe wings bend to different way, for example21:46
knomewell, how do you make a silhouette of a flying bird looking much different from another?21:46
ochosiuse a different type of bird21:46
knomei don't want a clumsy bird ;]21:47
ochosihmm, maybe a pangolin?21:47
knomehow well that suits to a finnish lake?21:47
ochosiprecisely perfect!21:48
astraljavaThe falcon/hawk/seagull/whathaveyou is a tad too "strong".22:03
knomeastraljava, yeah.22:34
astraljavaNow _that's_ gorgeous!22:59
knomeyeah, i know.22:59
knomeand it's still all-vector22:59
astraljavaMan, you _do_ know your sh*t after all. :)23:02
knomeheh, sometimes ;)23:03
pleia2bah, how did wp get set to do /articles/ rather than /news/ for blog posts23:45
* pleia2 fixes23:45
pleia2I don't like birds23:48
Unit193They are a major pain in the morning...23:50
knomeour neighbours are. they've woken me up many times by arguing under our window.23:50
astraljavaJust what do you do with them in the nights, then?23:50
knomehar har23:51

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