
bmoezhi, where can i found the list of secondry programs in edubuntu with description for each? a page web will be great !09:54
bmoezanybody here?!10:11
bmoezi reapet my question: "where can i found the list of secondry programs in edubuntu with description for each? a page web will be great !"11:17
highvoltagehey bmoez12:44
highvoltageyou can get it in software center12:44
bmoezhey, i know, but i want a complete docmentation for all secondry apps12:46
bmoezdescreption in software center is to short and limited12:47
alkisgIf you do create such a documentation, we can put it in the wiki :)12:47
alkisgkde-edu has a page with its apps12:47
bmoezwhat is the link of this wiki?12:49
alkisgIt's the same as the ubuntu wiki... wiki.edubuntu.org12:51
highvoltageyeah it's under the /edubuntu namespace12:52
highvoltagehttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/Edubuntu that is12:52
highvoltage(silly chromium)12:52
bmoezthanks, i will search for some docs :)12:52
highvoltage(I think alkisg meant that you should make them :p)12:52
bmoezhighvoltage: at edubuntu wiki, i didn't found any electric program (for secondray uses). in windows, i have used  proteus (isis): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proteus_(design_software). do you now an other program that run natively in linux with the same features and functions?13:22
highvoltagedo you use that to draw circuits?13:25
bmoezyes, in my country tunisia we use it13:26
highvoltagebmoez: it's slightly different that what you're looking for, but have you tried 'fritzing'? It's a great breadboard-like app13:28
bmoezno, i will try it13:29
highvoltagebmoez: have you tried linsmith yet?13:30
highvoltage(it's simplistic but it might work)13:31
bmoezno, i tried geda and kicad, but they were some differenet13:33

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