[00:24] No new iso today? Build errors? or to give time for A2 testing? [00:27] A2 is released already [00:49] len-nb: I don't think they are spinning images right now. It'll probably resume back to normal in a couple of days. [00:51] I thought that might be the case. [22:12] running Firefrox on the live DVD, go to youtube... play a video, video area says you need a plugin, bar at top has button "install missing plugins" but video plays anyway, just fine. [22:15] Plugin manager says there are no plugins... [22:20] That's sometimes a very weird feature, I must admit. But I recall seeing some bugs mentioned about it on -testing perhaps. [22:20] It's still alpha, granted. :) I bet it'll be fixed soon, for the beta-1. [22:59] I am able to install the plugin though (todays iso live) I couldn't two days ago. [22:59] After install it is like normal [22:59] Oh that's good news! [23:00] I'm not sure that was clear, Install means install the plugin while running live. I have yet to try the os install. [23:01] Thats next. [23:01] Ahh... [23:02] Yeah. I didn't see the bug with the status changed to Fix Released, true. [23:28] Install complete with networking enabled... looks like flash downloaded ok [23:29] Great news! [23:36] As of todays iso. install with network connected works. [23:37] lightdm still needs link added. [23:37] Yeah, it's not fixed, yet. [23:38] I'll try to make it this weekend. [23:38] But the install is. I don't know why a fix has not been announced. [23:39] I only keep saying because Scott asked me to "monitor" it. [23:40] Someone just hasn't updated the tracker. [23:42] len-1204: You can add a comment on bug 870643 with your experiences. [23:42] Launchpad bug 870643 in flashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu) "package flashplugin-downloader failed to install/upgrade: wget: unable to resolve host address `archive.canonical.com'" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/870643 [23:43] It will help the devs, if they need testing to verify the fix, or something.