
dholbachgood morning07:53
dpmgood morning all08:15
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dpmhey mhall11913:52
mhall119dholbach: I have qa-team permissions on cranberry now, if you want to move the code into a location where I can pull in updates on my own15:11
mhall119I'm  considering setting up an lp project for this branch too, instead of using +junk branches15:12
dholbachif you just put the code somewhere, I can just change the symlinks if you like15:19
mhall119dholbach: https://launchpad.net/unity-stats15:22
jcastroAlanBell: yep, I noticed when your work got merged. \o/15:25
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jcastrodaker: ping15:33
mhall119jcastro: I pinged him first, he's mine15:40
dholbachhey jono_15:54
jono_howdy dholbach15:55
mhall119jono_: hey, can we move our call up by 2 or 3 hours today?15:57
jono_mhall119, move it back?15:57
jono_or forward?15:57
mhall119forward, earlier15:58
jono_mhall119, sorry, can't, I have a 4 1/2 hour call block15:58
jono_mhall119, why do you need to move it?15:59
mhall119I have a meeting with my daughter's school counselor this afternoon15:59
mhall119jono_: I can do it later too, after the TB meeting?16:00
jono_mhall119, sure, that sounds like a good slot16:01
jono_dholbach, all set?16:01
dholbachjono_, yep16:02
mhall119jono_: speaking of the TB, I think my email to them is still waiting moderation16:02
nigelbmhall119: poke pitti or cjwatson to moderate it.16:03
jono_mhall119, you should ping someone in IS to get it approved16:03
technovikingczajkowski: what is up16:16
jono_dpm, all set?16:35
dpmjono_, yep!16:35
technovikingjcastro: need anything from me on the forums at this time16:43
jcastrostuart is going to try an upgrade and do the php work himself16:52
nigelbMan, I missed Canonical's cloud person visiting my city :(16:52
jcastroI'll know by wednesday if it's a win or a total disaster16:52
jcastrotechnoviking: any progress on phpbb? I take it the salt charm will have to wait until they finish the package?16:56
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow17:08
balloonsbye dholbach!17:22
mhall119jono_: you're rescheduling next week's meeting right, not todays?17:37
mhall119ok, just checking17:37
jono_mhall119, today is at 2pm Pac, right?17:37
mhall119grr, Unity's second-long wait is causing me to leave numbers everywhere17:38
jcastrojono_: I can go whenever you want today17:56
jono_jcastro, cool17:57
jono_I have you slotted in for 11am17:57
jcastrothat's in 1 hour your time right?17:58
jcastrohey alright!18:07
jcastrotechnoviking: "Interestingly, the existing OpenID and LP plugins seem to mostly work18:07
jcastrowithout modification.  The template stuff isn't working but that can be18:07
jcastroworked around manually in the VB admin so, hopefully, I should be able18:07
jcastroto get something up on the test server on Wednesday - assuming18:07
jcastrotomorrow's further prodding and testing don't produce major issues.Interestingly, the existing OpenID and LP plugins seem to mostly work18:07
jcastrowithout modification.  The template stuff isn't working but that can be18:07
jcastroworked around manually in the VB admin so, hopefully, I should be able18:07
jcastroto get something up on the test server on Wednesday - assuming18:07
jcastrotomorrow's further prodding and testing don't produce major issues."18:07
technovikingjcastro: one thing, the current OpenID points to launchpad.net, and not smooth (hence why people don't use it)18:39
jcastroit'll point to the ubuntu sso afaik18:39
technovikingShould we aim to point to Ubuntu SSO, and make the process morestreamlined and natual18:39
jcastrobut stuart is doing all that now18:42
jcastrojono_: I am all set!18:59
jono_jcastro, sorry, pal, call running over18:59
jcastrono worries18:59
jono_balloons, all set in 5?19:25
balloonsjono_, I was just going to ping you :-)19:25
balloonsI'm ready to rock19:25
jono_you are my last call in my marathon morning19:25
balloonswe'll keep it short to save your breath19:26
jono_its fine :-)19:27
jono_balloons, sending the invite now19:27
bkerensajono_: Global Jam post up19:28
jono_bkerensa, awesome19:29
jono_balloons, you see the invite?19:30
jonojcastro, all set?21:24
jcastrojono: ^21:25
jonojcastro, one sec, creating the hangout21:25
balloonsHello s-fox22:00
balloonsdid things get worked out with the forums?22:00
s-foxHey balloons , the scrape not heard a thing about since i spoke with you last week22:00
s-foxthe upgrade is ongoing, we've got some tests going on early part this week,22:01
jonomhall119, all set?22:01
mhall119jono: one minute, I'm waiting to see if my ARB item will make it into today's TB meeting22:01
jonomhall119, np22:02
mhall119jono: not looking like it will though :(22:04
jonomhall119, no?22:04
mhall119no, they spent most of the meeting on remix trademark policy22:04
mhall119jono: ok, not going to happen, so I'm ready whenever22:06
jonomhall119, ok cool22:06
jonomhall119, invite sent22:08
balloonss-fox, hmm.. i know the council was out on friday.. perhaps you'll hear something this week22:20
balloonsif not let me know22:21
s-foxOkay, thanks balloons . Still waiting for an answer to my ticket last week ,guess I am being a pain ;)22:22
jonohey daker23:23
jonomhall119, ^23:23
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