
joosengeeanyone had the problem with ubuntu 11.1002:43
joosengeeI can't delete or save files on the external harddisk02:43
Unit193joosengee: I think you are looking for #ubuntu02:43
joosengeehow 's about this room?02:44
joosengeeWhat's the topic that talk?02:44
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic02:45
=== Ukikie_ is now known as Unit193
=== christel_ is now known as christel
=== jussi01 is now known as Guest34180
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=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
=== christel_ is now known as christel
=== Ukikie_ is now known as Unit193
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
dholbachgood morning08:08
=== Guest75024 is now known as Mamarok
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
=== jussi01 is now known as Guest59628
=== Guest5524 is now known as Zic
=== ninnnu_ is now known as ninnnu
=== Guest53427 is now known as Mamarok
=== Mamarok is now known as Guest87201
=== Guest87201 is now known as Mamarok
=== ts2 is now known as tsimpson
=== semitones_tea is now known as semitones
Unit193AlanBell: ubot5` still has autojoin set for #lubuntu.20:23
AlanBelljpds: ^^20:23
pangolinban it20:24
AlanBellthat works too20:24
pangolinalso leave a note with jpds so he can remove the channel from the join list20:24
Unit193pangolin: Exactly as above? Or in PM? (Don't know how long he'll be away)20:29
pangolinin Pm as well just in case he doesn't check the scroll back here.20:30
pangolinbut you can leave it banned without any issue20:30
Unit193I did, see other channel though.20:33
tsimpsonUnit193, AlanBell, pangolin: ubot5 is not managed by jpds22:36
AlanBellah ok22:36
Unit193Sorry to him.22:41
=== lubotu1` is now known as lubotu1
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=== ubot5` is now known as ubot5

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