
=== Corey_ is now known as Corey
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=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: czajkowski | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | For packaging help: join #ubuntu-packaging
afrankeAm I the only one to think that something like https://answers.launchpad.net/homebank/+question/181675 is getting ridiculous?11:00
czajkowskiafranke: what is the question in english?11:02
czajkowskialso the status could be just changed to open11:03
afrankeczajkowski, isn't it already open?11:03
czajkowskiah sorry yes11:03
afrankeThe question is "what does the checkbox 'of notebook 2' mean?".11:04
czajkowskiafranke: ok, just not used to homebank11:05
afrankeThe question being in French shouldn't really be a problem since the homebank maintainer is French.11:05
afrankeczajkowski, I was not expecting anyone here to answer the question. I just find it irritating that launchpad won't be as patient as I am when it comes to this question being answered.11:06
afrankeThe ping pong game between janitor and me is what I find ridiculous.11:07
czajkowskiafranke: well it;s not closed it, it's just doing a clean up on  questions that have not been commeneted on. You dont necessarily need to keep replying, perhaps ping the maintainer and ask them to have a look at the question though?11:07
tumbleweedis it just me, or are ubuntu uploads not being picked up?11:08
afrankeWell, I wanted to avoid adding noise for the maintainer. Being myself a maintainer of another piece of software, I know that sometimes you just don't have time to process things right now.11:08
czajkowskitumbleweed: let met find out for you11:10
tumbleweedczajkowski: normally it's every 5 minutes. I was just suprised to see something uploaded 20 mins ago wasn't in my inbox yet11:12
czajkowskitumbleweed: there are some issues at present and they are being looked into11:14
tumbleweedI see so11:14
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czajkowskiafranke: I've filed a bug re the janitor to see if there can be something done about it, but the janitor has cleared up other projects and people are usually happy with the notices. sorry for the inconvience.11:39
afrankeThank you.11:41
afrankeIn the meantime I contacted the maintainer, we'll see if that makes him answer faster.11:42
czajkowskiafranke: no problem if you'd  like to keep track of the bug it's #93200711:42
afrankeGreat, I'll CC myself.11:43
ricotzhello, is there a way to look up PPAs which uses a specific PPA as its build dependency?14:06
czajkowskiricotz: let me find out for you, what PPA in paricular?14:07
ricotzczajkowski, hello, this would be ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3 and ppa:ricotz/testing14:08
czajkowskiricotz: let me ask, am new so dont know all the answers yet14:09
ricotzczajkowski, thanks14:10
bigjoolsI don;t think there is a way14:10
ricotzbigjools, hmm, so there is no way to crawl through the ppas and check their deps?14:12
ricotzbigjools, btw, hi14:12
bigjoolshey :)14:12
bigjoolswe can do it in the DB if someone is totally desperate but it's a pain14:12
ricotzbigjools, at least the deps are visible in the ppa, so i hoped there is way ;)14:12
* bigjools OTP now14:12
czajkowskibigjools: thanks for the help14:13
ricotzbigjools, i am thinking about cleaning out the natty pockets of these ppas and dont want to hit people too hard by just doing it14:15
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blueyedThe current layout with wide text+colors for prio+status is very distracting. I have commented on the launchpad blog about it, but wonder if there's a bug number / intention to fix this?17:43
czajkowskiblueyed: let me find out for you17:52
czajkowskiblueyed: mrevell may know more about this17:52
mrevellCan you repeat the question, please? I got disconnected and didn't see it.17:53
czajkowskimrevell: 7:43 < blueyed> The current layout with wide text+colors for prio+status is very distracting. I have commented on the launchpad blog about it,  but wonder if there's a bug number / intention to fix this?17:54
mrevellthanks czajkowski17:54
mrevellblueyed, Actually, this change has been surprisingly well received. Yes, there are certainly things we can do to tweak the new layout. I'm having a call with Huw, our designer, later today and we're going to come up with a plan for where to take the new layout.17:56
=== maxb is now known as Guest79372
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | For packaging help: join #ubuntu-packaging
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