
=== maxb_ is now known as maxb
ubot4`Launchpad bug 932485 in firestarter (Ubuntu) "Firestarter breaks networking during bootup (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]02:01
mfischCould someone mark bug 893944 as Triaged for me?  It looks like it has enough info.  It's a lucid bug that I think is unlikely to be fixed, but I suppose that's a developer decision04:43
ubot4`Launchpad bug 893944 in gnome-user-docs (Ubuntu) "Broken symlinks in /usr/share/gnome/help/user-guide/en_GB/ (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89394404:43
psusimfisch, does it only affect lucid or is it still present?04:52
mfischpsusi: looks like I missed you, sorry, I'll chec06:02
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bdmurraybug squad meeting in 15 minutes in #ubuntu-meeting17:46
nailoracould someone check bug #920128 and make it public if possible?18:10
charlie-tcabug 92012818:31
charlie-tcanailora: done18:37
yofelhm, first ubottu burns down and now ubot?18:48
yofeljpds: ^18:48
nailoracharlie-tca: thanks19:06
charlie-tcaYou are welcome19:07
vegerfound myself bug #792847 for which I think I found a upstream report (which got fixed). I cannot reproduce the bug, so I do not know whether  it is indeed the correct upstream report... What do to? Leave status to 'New'?20:19
vegerno bug report? Well here is the manual version: (debianutils) run-parts does not seem to reap its children: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debianutils/+bug/79284720:20
zzecoolPlease someone else check for this bug  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/933059  and confirm it  thanks21:14
zzecoolbot dead? ;/21:14
charlie-tcabot is dead21:15
zzecoolpoor bot21:15
charlie-tcaall the bots seem dead today21:15
zzecooli got one off the most nasty bugs i could find on my laptop...21:15
zzecooltake some time and read my report /:)21:16
zzecoolSomeone allrdy confirmed it  :D   was that you ?21:17
charlie-tcaNo, let me see21:17
zzecooloh thanks21:17
charlie-tcalaunchpad decided there was another user, and confirmed it automatically21:17
htorquehi all! should this be reopened? bug 93029121:18
htorquethe fix fixed a different leak afaict21:18
zzecoolthen you can reopen  with a description  explaining why :)21:20
vegersince there are some people active at the moment, I have also a question:21:23
vegerfound myself bug #792847 for which I think I found a upstream report (which got fixed). I cannot reproduce the bug, so I do not know whether  it is indeed the correct upstream report... What do to? Leave status to 'New'?21:23
veger(debianutils) run-parts does not seem to reap its children: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debianutils/+bug/79284721:23
charlie-tcaveger: that would take someone more familiar with debianutils to determine21:23
vegerso, since it is unsure whether the report is ok, leave the status?21:24
vegerand hope someone with more debianutil experience finds it?21:24
charlie-tcayeah, usually. But do make sure to add a comment that you can not reproduce it21:25
vegerok, I will add it21:25
=== olaf is now known as Guest45251
grmlsgood evening23:52
grmlsi have a question about bug #93113523:52
grmlshow i get the output of "/usr/sbin/grub-probe --device-map="/boot/grub/device.map" --target=fs -v /boot/grub"23:54
grmlsan what does jibel man with "Try with --recheck." ?   i use ubuntu/kubuntu since october 2011 and i dont understand the infos23:58

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