[00:00] The one left behind attempting ext4 [00:01] Im trying that code from before now. [00:02] It seemed to work. [00:08] Never mind... i think it did the same thing gparted did created unknown partition. After awhile i can hear my hard drive getting unmounted/turn off [00:13] No go for ext2. Yeah i ll get my hard drive checked. [00:16] Holstein how should i test the drive? [00:22] hey wsup everybody [00:23] trailblazerz11, the disk-utility gui will give you smart status you could also use smartctl [00:23] Thanks [00:24] do anybody in here use fedora? [00:26] tk_: This is #ubuntu-beginners, that said, a few might. === Budget is now known as Budget-AFK [00:30] thank you [00:31] Smart ctl passed.. === Budget-AFK is now known as Budget === bladernr_afk is now known as bladernr_ === bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk [06:15] -Invalid-entry-length-0-DMI-table-is-broken-Stop [06:15] How to solve this problem? [06:27] !details | ashickur-noor [06:27] ashickur-noor: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [06:28] I was fool [06:28] It is a pc name [06:28] I just see it [06:28] :P [06:35] How it is going ther? === philipballew is now known as philipballew_ === philipballew_ is now known as philipballew [08:48] has anyone gotten the zenbook? [08:50] Heard about it though. [08:51] thinkin about gettin it [08:51] but its gotta run ubuntu [08:51] i know ubuntu's hibernate has been bad on my other laptop [09:09] goddard: Due to the wiki system being a royal pain..... Here you go https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AsusZenbook [09:57] Hi all, I just got a hp laptop. it comes with windows 7 . I want to set up ubuntu 11.10 alongside it. So, I run the wubi.exe ubuntu installer for windows, click on "demo and full installation", select "reboot now" but when it reboots, it doesn't offer the opportunity to start in ubuntu. it's as though nothing happens but when i try to redo it, it says the program already exists and must be deleted first. It does not app [09:57] ear in the programs list. Any ideas? [10:02] david_ Do it with the Ubuntu live-cd. Then you can make a separate partition on you hd for Ubuntu, and dualboot to Ubuntu or Win7. It usually is the best way to go. [10:33] ok, what's the best way to make a live disk? do you have a download link maybe? [10:34] !download [10:34] Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Karmic, and help keeping the servers' load low! [10:44] ok, the laptop has a 64 bit OS with an Intel processor so would i choose 64-bit PC (AMD64) desktop CD option/ [10:49] and would that link make a live cd? [10:55] david_: You can download an ISO-file there, which you make make into a live-cd with your favourite cd burning app. [11:21] ok, the laptop has a 64 bit OS with an Intel processor so would i choose 64-bit PC (AMD64) desktop CD option from releases.ubuntu.com. I have already downloaded the i386, 32bit...would that do or....? [11:28] If you have a 64 bit processor, download the 64 bit... [12:33] OK, great, so downloaded 64-bit PC (AMD64) desktop CD, now to make a LIVE CD....how do i do that? [12:37] say with xfburn...i just burn the image? [12:41] their is a good wiki page for burning an iso [12:42] david_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [12:57] thanks duane but do i do anything different for making a live cd? [13:00] sorry found it [13:18] david_: just follow the steps in the wiki page and use the slowest burn speed available === bladernr_afk is now known as bladernr_ [17:52] hi [19:13] afternoon [19:14] i like this IRC client (x-chat) im using more than the web one , however i found really annoying the messages of "xx has joines .. " and bla bla bla [19:15] there is any way to avoid that junk and only see the real people talking ? [19:30] !quietxchat [19:30] To disable joins and parts from being displayed in all future channels you join, type /set irc_conf_mode 1 . To apply this setting to all current channels, type /gui apply. To disable the prints for only certain channels, right click on the channel tab and click Settings -> Hide Join/Part Messages [19:34] great ubot2 amazing stuff!!! [19:35] I generally like it on so I can see if the person I am talking to/helping left. [19:36] i get your point and is very nice from you, [19:36] however for a noob lurker that wnat to "learn some stuff" is good to skim conversations [19:43] chorgox: Oh yeah, just saying a reason for the other side, I've thought about disabling them as well. [19:44] i used the [right click option] that ubot2 mention , however you say somenthing about [!quietxchat] should be /!quietxchat ?? [19:46] ubot2`: is a bot [19:46] Yes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots for all information. [19:46] I was hitting a trigger to get it to say that. [19:46] lol askin to bot how to silence them .. lol [19:47] that is what call AI no the bloody "clippy" [21:05] I'm having trouble getting to the CLI screen (just a black screen with a command prompt). When I hit the hotkey, my screen just shows random glitchy colors. [21:06] It's on a TV so I am guessing it has something to do with the resolution, but I have no idea how to fix it. [21:12] I am a beginner to ubuntu, what is some of the things that I should learn first [21:16] what are the basic commands [21:16] That's a pretty vague question. [21:16] Is there something in particular you're trying to do? [21:16] TK_, basic comands to do what? [21:17] I am just trying to better my skills up in linux. I have a interview coming up tuesday, and I am just trying to get good at some commands [21:17] I understand the LS command [21:17] What kind of interview? [21:18] linux hardware tester [21:18] the qualifications are to know the commands [21:18] they said you dont have to be great at it, but they want to be able to see that I understand the commands [21:20] are you booted into linux now? [21:20] yes. I have 3 laptops running, and i have ubuntu running on one and fedora running on the other [21:20] The `man` command is very helpful, and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal may be of some use. [21:21] I didnt permantly install it yet, I wanted to understand it better [21:21] Thank you Unit193 [21:21] these are what they want me to know. [21:21] Linux - Install and navigate (workstation is Linux based) [21:21] Hardware literate, able to read schematics, pick bug points and solder. [21:21] Have basic electronics background, know hardware. [21:22] Hands on debug skills on server. (Help desk(phone) does NOT cut it.) [21:28] Could someone tell me why this happens https://plus.google.com/u/0/109243959957715423489/posts/CpwkQ9RjGv8 when I push ctrl+alt+f11? [21:33] unit193 , is man just a different way to have some help on the command or i missing somenthing ? [21:34] Try man nano in the terminal. [21:37] how do I make my laptop wireless while running ubuntu [21:38] good stuff , i was a bit lost to get out f the manual (ctrl c ) was not working :S [21:38] Just q [21:39] here is my 2 cents TK_ (from a ultra n00b ) either work out of the box or you would find a long explanation [21:39] however ALWYAS there is a way lol [21:40] lol, ok thank you. I guess I will just use my ethernet cord [21:40] How do I set up a text-based login? I don't want to uninstall my DE entirely. I can't find any guides on this. And for some reason whenever I hit ctrl+alt+f11, this happens: http://goo.gl/3vnhj [21:40] maybe is already working !! [21:41] Take out a 1 from that. [21:41] less is the command the man command uses to display the manual. The most important keypresses you need to know for less is 'q' to quit, '/foo' to search for "foo", and 'n' to repeat the previous search to find the next hit. [21:41] chorgox_ it wont work wireless, but if i use my ethernet cord then the internet will work [21:42] are you running ubuntu / linux in a virtual box or somenthingh ? [21:42] and of course, up/down and page up/down to go up and down [21:42] me? no. [21:42] no, I havent even permantly installed ubuntu yet. I am just trying it [21:43] thanks geirha, i find my way out but i was tempted to close the terminal lol [21:43] I am a beginner, so Im not to fond of the virtual box [21:43] so how are you "running" ubuntu cd? usb ? [21:43] TK_: hello [21:43] stlsaint_hey wsup man [21:44] chorgox_yes im running the cd [21:45] chorgox_when I get better at linux, I will install it for good [21:45] im not near to mediocre but im happy to use it lol however don't think of installing for good and say good by to xp [21:46] chorgox: :) oh and 'h' for help, which shows you the keypresses. I should probably have mentioned that one first ^^ [21:46] you can do dual boot and have the best of both worlds [21:47] however you may find yourself using ubuntu more than xp/vista/w7 [21:47] chorgox_I heard about dual booting, but I dont really know how to do that yet. I would love to have windows 7,and ubuntu all on one laptop vs me having 2 laptops going at the same time [21:47] chorgox_why is that? [21:48] is linux that better than the rest of them [21:48] true to be told, i find my computer work much better on ubuntu [21:49] if you uyse you pc for gamming maybe is worth win7 [21:49] but for normal use linux would perform better [21:49] i mean most of what we do is in a browser nowadeys [21:49] I dont use my laptop for games [21:50] I use it for normal use, browsing things,facebook, etc [21:50] I know most companies use linux, so I am trying to convert over [21:50] i would suggest to try the dual boot thinghy would be the best way to learn (me thinks) [21:51] is your machine dual boot [21:51] ? [21:51] let say my netbook, comes with xp i still have it , for eventualy running somenthingh that need to work in windows [21:51] 99 times of 100 i use ubuntu [21:51] well puppy but , does not matter [21:51] do you do alot of things in the terminal, with the commands [21:52] puppy is like another distro but is linux anyways [21:52] no [21:52] lol [21:52] lol [21:52] i do webbrowser / skype / chat / and somenthimes notepad or somenthing like that [21:52] I thought the whole purpose of using linux, is to learn the commands [21:52] I mean, is to use the commands [21:53] to me the whole purpose of using linus is to have a pc that does not sucks [21:53] lol [21:54] lol ok, i understand that [21:54] I heard everything is free also with linux, so thats a great thing over windows [21:54] I just want to know as much linux,commands,etc for this interview thats coming up next tuesday [21:55] let say that most of it is free no everything [21:55] OOOO, really [21:55] I thought everything was free,from what i heard [21:55] did you ever used the terminal in windows ? [21:55] no [21:55] i mean there is one you know that [21:55] yes [21:55] well with linux is pretty much the same [21:56] you are not going to use if you don't want [21:56] What is the difference between ctrl+alt+f1-f6 and ctrl+alt+f11? [21:56] I am very familiar with LS,PWD [21:56] TK_: have you installed ubuntu yet? [21:56] stlsaint_not permantly, but I have it up and running right now [21:56] lol i will say getting familiar with commands is somenthingh that would come with time [21:57] Yeah. If you just use it for a few months you will learn a lot. [21:57] i will say you will only learn commands if you need to use them [21:57] chorgox_ yea I think you right, its kind of cool how sudo-aptget command is cool [21:57] let say, you can use cd / ls / or you can use a file manager right ? [21:57] http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide is a good guide for learning bash, the default login shell in Ubuntu (and on most other linux distributions as well). [21:57] its easy to install certain things,from what I read, and from what I seen on the youtube videos [21:58] so in fact everithingh you do using programs can be done with command line [21:59] but sometimes is better to use programs [21:59] I dont kno what the file manager is, but i know what the other 2 is [21:59] well explorer en windows [21:59] where you look at the folders and stuff [21:59] yes I heard. I was hearing that if you use sudo wrong, you can tear your machine up [21:59] lol [21:59] ooooooo, ok, I got you [21:59] my bad [21:59] nautilus in ubuntu (though unlike windows, you can replace it with another one if you like) [22:00] the good thingh of linux as geirha pointed [22:00] TK_: wubi is not something i suggest for a long term solution to running linux [22:00] is that you can "build" you own set of tools [22:00] so if you not happy with the explorer you install another [22:00] stlsaint_what is wubi [22:01] if you not happy with "start" button to launch programsd you can use another, an so on [22:01] chorgox_ o really, thats so good information [22:01] TK_: something you need to know about. It is a method of installing linux without actually dual booting [22:01] follow what stlsaint says and try to install wubi [22:01] You can get by just fine without using bash or another commandline shell, but knowing how to use one is very useful. [22:01] is aeasy way to install ubuntu in your HDD [22:02] geirha: aye but TK_ as a interview that will require him to be knowledgeable with cli [22:02] stlsaint_if I install it the way you just said, wouldnt I erase my original OS [22:03] no [22:03] Then I'd start with learning bash, then get aquainted with commands commonly available on linux systems. [22:03] Im not fo familar with bash yet [22:03] geirha: aye that is what i have referred him to before [22:03] you can't really learn many commands in 4 days but at least you can install ubuntu and mess around and in 4 days if they sit you on front of a pc with linux at least you dont look afraid [22:03] 'I only know the basic commands [22:03] lol [22:03] TK_: the only way you will erase your windows is if you tell your system to [22:03] just stear clear of the bash guides at tldp.org [22:04] I been doing linux for about a month now, or a lil less [22:04] stlsaint, so using wubi is the first thing I should do? [22:04] TK_ remeber at the moment you have the idea of is either linux or windows .. that was on the past, today you can have both running without a problem [22:04] geirha: lol that site still up and kicking ? [22:05] unfortunately, yes :) [22:05] geirha_ I will start trying to learn bash, I seen a little bit of information on bash [22:05] yeah wubi would install linux in your HDD without problem and when you are tired you delet that [22:05] TK_: Be aware that most information you find about bash on google is crap. [22:06] Sticking with the links in the /topic of #bash is the safest. [22:06] I need to install wubi then, wubi is my best bet from yall opinion [22:07] i think this is quite simple of how to install http://www.groovypost.com/howto/howto/install-ubuntu-using-wubi-walkthrough-guide/ [22:07] geirha_ is that tldp.org some good information about bash? [22:08] I am about to install wubi on my other laptop [22:08] how would I go about deleting it when im tired of it? [22:09] TK_: no dont use that site. Its latest info on bash is last updated in 2008 [22:09] ok [22:09] Could someone help me find a howto for making a text-based login? [22:09] I was just about to install it too. Thanks stlsaint_ [22:09] There's a reason we don't have the tldp.org guides in the topic of the #bash channel :) [22:10] geirha_if bash is some good information to know, then I will learn about it [22:10] I dont want to understand the crap part tho. I want to understand the part you are telling me about [22:12] http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide [22:13] TK_: IMO there isnt much crap to bash [22:13] is bash a command [22:14] like would I go into the terminal and type bash [22:14] The bot in #bash: The overwhelming majority of bash scripts, code, tutorials, and guides on the Internet are crap. Sturgeon was an optimist. [22:15] TK_: When you open a terminal, it will by default run bash inside the terminal [22:15] The username@hostname:~$ you see is the bash prompt [22:15] good example there [22:15] i lost for a while on bash [22:17] ok, thank you all [22:18] I have to go, I will be back later on, i ahve to make some runs [22:18] good luck