=== eu is now known as Guest80206 [02:21] if you restart your video lens now, you should find a couple more sources in there [02:21] just sayin' [02:22] and now, to bed === david is now known as davidcalle [09:21] Happy Friday, everyone! :) [11:14] ralsina, ping? [11:14] mandel: pong [11:14] ralsina, morning! [11:15] ralsina, do you know a widget similart to a GtkArrow? [11:15] ralsina, I might hate Qt depending on the answer :) [11:15] mandel: I don't know gtkarrow! [11:16] mandel: the icon theme has arrows, maybe using that in a label? Where do you need an arrow? [11:16] ralsina, ah, nice, there is a way to get the arrow from the theme, how do you do that? [11:16] ralsina, is to follow the design of the ssl dialog [11:17] mandel: can I see an image? [11:17] ralsina, I'll foward the design [11:17] ralsina, via mail [11:17] mandel: ack [11:18] ralsina, so, the problem is that there is AFAIK a widget like the GtkExpander on Qt, so I need to do my own, which might be a problem later in Windows, but I'll work around it later [11:18] good morning! [11:19] mandel: you mean for the thing that expands to show the details of the SSL cert? [11:19] ralsina, yes, is there a widget for that already that follows the design? [11:19] mandel: to get icons from the theme: QIcon::fromTheme(…) [11:19] ralsina, that I know, I don't know the id of the arrow hehe [11:19] mandel: as soon as I see the design, I will wildly guess ;-) [11:19] mandel: hahaha [11:20] ralsina, good enough :) [11:20] mandel: icon names: http://standards.freedesktop.org/icon-naming-spec/icon-naming-spec-latest.html#names [11:22] mandel: so, the idea is that clicking on the arrow next to "Certificate details" will show the details? A QTreeWidgetItem and a lot of detailed styling ismy best guess. Ask for gatox's opinion now that he's up [11:22] mandel: forget it,it would not look right [11:22] mandel: I need to think a bit more [11:23] ralsina, the best idea I have is to have the label and when the label is clicked make the text area y the scrollable show [11:23] ralsina, but I need to see the exact behaviour we want.. but that can be a bug fix later [11:24] back again [11:24] ralsina, from that page => Version 0.8, 1 August 2006, Rodney Dawes. [11:24] lol [11:24] mandel: I know [11:24] gatox, any idea how to implement a GtkExpander in qt? [11:25] I was going to tell you to ask dobey because I knew hewrote it then I saw the time ;-) [11:25] mandel, let me see what a gtkexpander is :P [11:27] mandel, the window has to be resize, or you only need to expand the content of a widget without the need to resize the windows in ordeer to fit the new content? [11:27] mandel: http://qt-apps.org/content/show.php/QIrExpander?content=115342 but of course we can't use it :-( [11:27] gatox, the dialog overall expands.. [11:28] ralsina, gatox looks like I'll have to do a custom widget for this.. [11:28] mandel: do a composite [11:28] mandel, yes..... but i already did one when we made the db_to_u1 [11:29] mandel: three labels, clicking on the arrow makes the bottom one larger/visible [11:29] mandel: the only "bad" thing is lack of animation but who cares [11:29] then we remove it, but i did something like that, with an animatoin to look pretty and everything [11:29] ralsina, gnome people? [11:29] gatox, got the code around? [11:29] mandel: it's the corner of a dialog noone will see [11:30] mandel, it's in the first version of db_to_u1 [11:30] mandel: remember: we *do* have a valid certificate ;-) [11:30] maybe not the first, but, something like that [11:30] ralsina, the button one should be a scrollable area, since we want to have a max size for the dialog [11:30] mandel, let me look for it [11:30] gatox, thx! [11:30] ok, a textview or however it's called [11:32] ralsina, yeah, that, I uderstood what you meant, I was going to that when I though about it, only ugly part, the arrow :( [11:32] mandel: and I fixed that. I win! ;-) [11:33] ralsina, how? there is not an icon with an arrow, is there? [11:33] mandel: there used to be, IIRC, let me see [11:33] mandel: media-playback-start [11:34] HACK! [11:34] ralsina, ugly hack! that is going to look terrible! [11:34] mandel: yes, let me find something better [11:34] ralsina, mandel SP_ArrowLeft [11:34] in QStyle [11:35] StandardPixmap [11:35] mandel: QToolButton, check arrowType [11:35] mandel: gatox's is better :-) [11:35] yeah for gatox !!!!! [11:35] you can use it in a button, like this: QPushButton(self.style().standardIcon(QStyle.SP_ArrowLeft), 'button text') [11:35] also, should be pointing right, but we are there :) [11:36] SP_ArrowRight [11:36] mandel: better: SP_ArrowForward [11:36] mandel: that works even when the app is changed for RTL languages [11:37] we don't need it but is a good habit :-0 [11:37] ok [11:41] ralsina, gatox mierda, is not the correct arrow! http://ubuntuone.com/4O1utO8zUfuwYzuXMEXQ3O [11:41] mandel, that arrow is going to change depending on the os theme [11:42] but is always going to be a right arrow of some kind [11:42] mandel: I think what you need is not an arrow, it's the "expand" icon/decoration? [11:42] ralsina, yeah, something like that [11:43] mandel: in a QTreeWidget, is it the right one? [11:43] right as in correct [11:43] ralsina, let me check [11:45] ralsina, yes that looks very very close [11:45] ralsina, I see some pixel diffs but I'm sure that is just me [11:45] because you could use a Qtreewidget with a single row for the arrow and the label, but it's getting complex :-( [11:46] ralsina, maybe QStyle::PE_IndicatorArrowRight [11:47] mandel, ping [11:47] gatox, pong!! [11:47] mandel, look at db_to_u1 rev 5 [11:47] mandel: that's not an image, I think [11:47] ralsina, its a primitive, but is the one used for the arrows, right? [11:47] mandel, central_widget file, ExplorerFrame class, methods show_login, hide_login [11:48] gatox, ok [11:48] mandel, execute that versoin to see if that is what you want [11:51] gatox, I think with that and some work using the primitive it will work [11:51] mandel, great [12:13] * ralsina walks himself [12:13] will be back in 30' [12:16] nessita, hi [12:17] hola gatox! [12:17] and hello world! [12:17] nessita, do you have time for some reviews? [12:17] he-llo! [12:18] alecu, hi [12:18] gatox: yes [12:18] gatox: I know I have the style one [12:18] nessita, https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/931452 - https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/sso-styling - https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/quota-warning - https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/reconnect-button [12:19] on those! [12:19] i've recheck the cp ones this morning and resolve a conflict..... [12:24] nice [12:50] gatox: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/931452/+merge/93003 approved with comment, please address before globally approving [12:50] nessita, ok [12:52] nessita, sorry.... i'm using that in those methods....... [12:52] or you mean only that and not the other asserts? [12:53] gatox: let me look at it JIC [12:53] gatox: you're not using the helper there [12:53] gatox: see diff lines 412 to 420 [12:54] gatox: my point is use assert_backend_called instead [12:54] oh, and I just got a test failue :-/ [12:54] gatox: so I will change my vote to needs fixing until the test is fixes, pasting the error in the MP [12:55] nessita, ok..... i'll check the test failure now..... but i don't understand the assert_backend_called part.... i'm seeing the line in that method that call to assert_backend_called....... or am i missing something? [12:55] gatox: in the line of the diff 412, what do you see? [12:56] nessita, self.assertIn('validate_email_and_ping', self.ui.backend._called) [12:56] gatox: that is not assert_backend_called [12:56] assert_backend_called is in line 419 [12:56] nessita, yes, assert_backend_called is at the end of the method..... that why i ask if you want me to remove the others asserts [12:57] gatox: well, they don't test something extra, do they? [12:57] nessita, ok [12:57] gatox: is an honest question :-) do they? [12:57] (perhaps I'm missing something) [12:57] nessita, i don't think so [12:57] ok, then I think is better to remove that [12:59] nessita, ok, remove that.... and the test are ok now [13:00] gatox: ack... you ran the whole suite? [13:00] nessita, qt part..... i'm in precise and i can't run the whole suite yet [13:01] gatox: why? you should be able [13:01] gatox: you have nightlies? everything up to date? [13:01] nessita, i'm looking at that right now.... i need the gtk3reactor..... [13:03] gatox: what does apt-cache policy python-twisted-core says? [13:04] nessita, python-twisted-core: [13:04] Installed: 11.1.0-1 [13:04] Candidate: 11.1.0-1ubuntu1 [13:04] Version table: [13:04] 11.1.0-1ubuntu1 0 [13:04] 500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise/main amd64 Packages [13:04] *** 11.1.0-1 0 [13:04] 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status [13:04] mmmmm [13:04] do i need nightlies for that too? [13:05] gatox: yes... but the simple fact of having nightlies ppa installed, should give you that [13:05] gatox: what does apt-cache policy ubuntu-sso-client says? [13:06] nessita, ubuntu-sso-client: [13:06] Installed: 3.1+r842-30~oneiric1 [13:06] Candidate: 3.1+r842-30~oneiric1 [13:06] Version table: [13:06] *** 3.1+r842-30~oneiric1 0 [13:06] 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status [13:06] 2.99.4-0ubuntu1 0 [13:06] 500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise/main amd64 Packages [13:06] could it be that everything waas reverted in the upgrade? [13:06] i KNOW i had nightlies for u1-client [13:06] gatox: how did you upgrade? (does not look like you are in P ) [13:06] gatox: the package says "oneiric" :-/ [13:06] nessita, update-manager -d [13:07] gatox: did you add the ppa for precise? [13:07] nessita, [13:07] gatox@utopia:~$ lsb_release -a [13:07] No LSB modules are available. [13:07] Distributor ID: Ubuntu [13:07] Description: Ubuntu precise (development branch) [13:07] Release: 12.04 [13:07] Codename: precise [13:07] gatox@utopia:~$ [13:07] gatox: can you please run: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntuone/nightlies; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [13:08] ok [13:08] nessita, but i'm in precise, look at that ^ [13:08] gatox: yeah, the but you're not running precise nigthlies apparently [13:09] nessita, ok..... running the repo-add, update, upgrade [13:09] ack! [13:12] gatox: in the controlpanel quota warning branch, you added the constant FREE_ACCOUNT_SIZE and is 5368709120. But the QUOTA_THRESHOLD_ACCOUNTS has: [13:12] {'free': 536870912, 'pay': 3221225472} [13:13] nessita, reviewing.... [13:14] gatox: also, when cutting an if guard in multiple lines, you need to indent the second line like this: [13:15] if something_really_long and\ [13:15] please_indent_this_part: [13:18] gatox: also, any reason to remove the unicode from the RED constant? everything should be an unicode [13:18] Whoa, I am finally on precise for real! I have to reboot, which in my experience will take about 10 minutes because it fscks every time. Sowill be back soonish! [13:19] ralsina, lol [13:19] nessita, no, reverting.. [13:21] nessita, 536870912 is ok [13:22] nessita, the FREE_ACCOUNT_SIZE is 5gb and the other one: QUOTA_THRESHOLD_ACCOUNTS is 0.5gb..... to ask if the available space is less than that [13:22] gatox: right, but isn't it clearer to use FREE_ACCOUNT_SIZE * 0.1? (ie the 10% of it) [13:23] gatox: my proposal is to use instead: [13:24] FREE_ACCOUNT_SIZE = (BYTES**3) * 5 # 5 gigs [13:24] QUOTA_THRESHOLD_ACCOUNTS = {'free': FREE_ACCOUNT_SIZE * 0.1, # 10% of the free account size [13:24] 'pay': (BYTES**3) * 3} # 3 gigs [13:24] gatox: so, next time someone reads that, does not have to do all the math we both just did :-D [13:24] ok, time for my lunch [13:24] bbl [13:25] nessita, mmmm maybe i'm wrong, but i don't think so, because that number is not a percentage is a exact number.... yes, it gives you the same result.... but we are inn the same situation as before that we were using percentage....... maybe we could add a comment above the quota_threshold_accounts variable [13:25] gatox: for free account, it's the 10% [13:26] ok [13:37] nessita, done [13:37] gatox: yey! and reconnect-button is approved [13:38] nessita, great....... still downloading nightlies here....... :S [13:38] gatox: JIC, did you saw the other comment I made in the quota warning MP? [13:38] did you see* [13:38] nessita, the unicode red one? [13:39] gatox: that also, but I also added a comment in the MP, in LP [13:39] about the indentantion [13:39] nessita, yes..... i fix that too as we talk in your home once, aligning the second line where the first word not if or elif start [13:40] is that ok? [13:40] so the second line has to be aligned with the start of whatever is next to the if, let me give you an example [13:41] yes, that's what i did [13:41] nessita, ^ [13:42] gatox: an example http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/845816/plain/, let me re-check what you did [13:42] yes, i did that [13:46] gatox: ah, ok. So I suggested another way of putting that logic using variables, but no need to change [13:46] having the proper indentantion is enough [13:46] nessita, wait! [13:46] nessita, ahhhhhhh that! using variables.... i miss that part [13:46] i only read about the indentation [13:47] nessita, i can change it if you want [13:50] gatox: how do you like that better? [13:51] nessita, you know i'm from the tribe that doesn't tend to create variables to assign boolean results :P.... but i can change it if you think that will improve the readability [13:51] (boolean results to be used in ifs) [13:52] hahahaha [13:52] gatox: what I don't like if having stuff like: [13:52] if a: [13:52] return True [13:52] else: [13:52] return False [13:52] I strongly prefer: [13:52] return a [13:52] this case is a bit more complex but kinda similar [13:53] nessita, ahhhhhhh i understand now..... i thought you were just saying to do: var = int_bytes_total > FREE_ACCOUNT_SIZE....... and use var in the if..... i see your point now [13:53] i'll change that! [13:53] :-) [13:57] Oh thanks apport for showing me 152 crash dialogs for everything that has died in the last 3 days. Sigh [14:18] nessita, done (the removal of that lines in sso tests) [14:19] Has anyone been running pylint on P lately? Because I am getting a ton of errors :-/ [14:19] ralsina, me too [14:19] gatox: ok, so it's not this screwed up thing [14:19] ralsina, i mean, i can run it.... but sometimes crash, and other times show a lot of not real issues [14:20] the old "TypeError: C++ type 'QWidget*' is not supported as type" is back, and now the import QtGui first hack doesn fix it [14:20] which makes it pretty much useless [14:20] cof cof pyflakes cof cof [14:21] ralsina: in windows-installer i guess? [14:21] gatox: here, have a gargaleta :-) [14:21] dobey: worse, in ussoc [14:22] ralsina, jeje [14:22] ralsina: that's quite odd, as tarmac certainly runs the lint checks [14:22] ralsina: I'm not getting any pylint issue [14:22] gatox: you're getting those because you still don't have nightlies in P, no? [14:22] ralsina: have nightlies installed? [14:22] oh,Idon't have nightlie either [14:22] getting them [14:22] ralsina: ajá! [14:23] :-) [14:23] nessita, mmmm maybe with that it'll work..... nighlies are still being installed [14:23] dobey: missing nightlies on ralsina ;-) [14:23] i don't know why i lost the niightlies in the upgrade [14:23] heh [14:24] gatox: because the PPA gets disabled for upgrade [14:24] gatox: a ppa targets an ubuntu release, so I don't think that upgrade-manager -d will change your .sources files [14:24] dobey, ahhhh [14:24] nessita, everything is working now [14:25] gatox: told you so! told you so! [14:25] :-P [14:25] jejejjejeee [14:25] gatox: you know what that dance is? [14:26] no...... but i imagine you dancing and singing that and it's funny jeje :P === m_conley_away is now known as m_conley [14:27] gatox: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IV4sB7O97ro [14:27] nessita: the upgrader does disable PPA sources on upgrade, and don't re-enable them when finished. it doesn't really matter what series is targeted by the PPA itself [14:27] * gatox watching--- [14:28] dobey, i just re-enabled them again from synaptic [14:28] gatox: FYI, I have the whole avis for that series [14:28] nessita, jejeje was pretty much close to what i imagine :P [14:28] ugh, synaptic [14:29] dobey, well..... for some reason i can't find "software sources" [14:29] gatox: software-properties-gtk [14:30] yep..... that doesn't appear in the search [14:36] search? [14:36] * mandel back [14:36] ralsina, 1-1 after the stand up? [14:36] mandel: no need, I think [14:36] mandel: we talked yesterday. We should re-schedule for before the team call [14:36] ralsina, we can do one super fast, got news regarding proxy [14:37] mandel: sure, now or later? [14:37] ralsina, after the stand up? [14:37] gatox: software-properties-gtk is installed by default… you should be able to run that command from the terminal [14:37] dobey, yes, from the terminal is ok.... but for some reason is not appearing in the dash search anymore [14:39] gatox: because the .desktop file has NoDisplay=true for some reason [14:39] dobey, ahhhhh thanks! mistery solved! [14:40] gatox: i guess the way you're supposed to get to it now, is via software-center [14:41] dobey, ahhhhh yes, it's there [14:46] ralsina: when you have a chance, would you please? https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/center-me/+merge/93582 [14:47] nessita: sure [14:48] gatox: you left this in the code: QUOTA_THRESHOLD_ACCOUNTS = {'free': 536870912, 'pay': 3221225472} [14:48] (ie we now have 2 QUOTA_THRESHOLD_ACCOUNTS) [14:49] did anything happen overnight? i lost 35gigs of files? [14:49] nessita, grrrrr.... fixiing [14:50] gatox: other than that, looks good! [14:50] cjohnston: what do you mean you lost 35G of files? [14:51] nessita, done [14:51] yesterday i had ~120 gigs of files, this morning 84gigs of stuff.. [14:51] cjohnston: did you remove any UDF, from either the cloud or your computer? [14:51] (from any of your devices) [14:52] udf? [14:52] cjohnston: sorry, a syncrhonized "folder" outside your Ubuntu One folder [14:53] like Pictures, or Videos, etc [14:53] no [14:53] i still have 2.. [14:53] cjohnston: do you see everything (every folder, etc) in the web UI? [14:54] i see the two main folders... [14:54] webui is reporting it lower also [14:54] beuno: ping... does that ^ ring any bell? were there any quota recalculation? [14:54] nessita: about center-me, the code is fine, but isn't it rude for the app to choose it's placement? [14:54] nessita: i have files that are missing [14:54] nessita, nope [14:54] ie. from my desktop [14:54] ralsina: I don't think so... we do it with the gtk control panel [14:55] nessita: ok then [14:55] a whole bunch of stuff says it was modified 2 hours ago [14:55] cjohnston: was/is the desktop a synchtonized folder? [14:55] its ~/Ubuntu One/Desktop [14:55] and i just point the desktop to that [14:55] cjohnston: and you sure you or someone else did not remove those? [14:56] or moved to another location [14:56] if they broke into my house [14:56] cjohnston: do you have the missing files in the trash? [14:57] rye or duanedesign: do you guys have some time to do some follow up on some files missing for cjohnston? ^ [14:58] it seems as though some of them may be [15:00] me [15:00] me [15:00] me [15:00] me [15:00] me [15:00] mandel, dobey ? [15:01] me [15:01] meh [15:01] ralsina: go! [15:01] DONE: team call, design call, nessita call, brian call, diego call, (notice a theme here?), reviews, scraper for Ted Talks, misc, TODO: bug #933758 and random bits and pieces, BLOCKED: no [15:01] gatox: if you please [15:01] DONE: [15:01] Proposed SSO UI style branch, fixed some other branches. Started working on captcha problem with sso-login-qt [15:01] TODO: [15:01] Finish with the captcha issue, enjoy looong weekend. [15:01] BLOCKED: [15:02] No [15:02] alecu, go [15:02] DONE: tunnel progressing, team meeting, catched up with canonicaladmin [15:02] TODO: improve bugs for ffe, send them to joshua [15:02] BLOCKED: no [15:02] NEXT: nessita [15:02] DONE: weekly call, releases, filed FFe, 1-1 with ralsina, started fix for bug #933632 [15:02] TODO: lots of reviews, finish bug #933632, have half day off [15:02] BLOCKED: nopes [15:02] NEXT: briancurtin [15:02] DONE: lost half of my day trying and failing to setup LXC, corrected the volume signal implementation to provide more info [15:02] TODO: see if i can get this linux box setup properly to test, otherwise complete it on windows and come back to the setup [15:02] BLOCKED: none [15:02] NEXT: mandel [15:02] DONE: Found some small issues with the point2point tests on proxy support. Worked on SSL dialog before landing fixes to proxy. [15:02] TODO: more SSL dialog work. Move back to proxy. 1-1 ralsina. [15:02] BLOCKED: no [15:02] dobey, please [15:02] λ DONE: team call, twisted gireactor backport for precise, u1client upload depending on new twisted, some pyqt package splitting [15:02] λ TODO: finish pyqt splitting, twisted docs, music store call [15:02] λ BLCK: none. [15:02] dobey: we are already doing backports for precise? How can that be if it's not even released? :-D [15:04] ralsina: backport from trunk, to precise [15:04] dobey: ack [15:06] ralsina, 1-1 in 10 mins? [15:06] mandel: sure, ping me whenever [15:08] nessita, why do I get complains from pep8 regarding # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- => E261 at least two spaces before inline comment [15:08] hello cjohnston [15:08] mandel: you have a space before the #? [15:08] hey duanedesign want to take to PM? [15:08] cjohnston: you read my mind :) [15:08] ralsina, no [15:08] mandel: may be misplaced in the file. It has to be first line... is it? wnat to show the code? [15:09] nessita, is in the first line.. weird [15:09] mandel: show the code! [15:09] * nessita accepts the challenge [15:09] nessita, one sec, I'll psuh it :) [15:11] gatox: /931452/ approved [15:11] nessita, in lp:~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/ssl-dialog file ubuntu_sso/qt/arrow.py [15:12] gatox: can you please trivialish review? https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/center-me/+merge/93582 [15:12] ralsina: can you be in #ubuntu-release in 50 min (@ 16:00 utc) to discuss space for u1 on the cd? [15:12] nessita, yep, on it [15:12] joshuahoover: sure [15:12] ralsina: thx [15:12] mandel: nessita@dali:~/canonical/ussoc/review_ssl-dialog$ ls ubuntu_sso/qt/arrrow.py [15:12] ls: cannot access ubuntu_sso/qt/arrrow.py: No such file or directory [15:13] ralsina: as it stands now, it sounds like there won't be room, but you know more about this than i do and can chat about with waaaaay more intelligence :) [15:13] nessita, arrow.py not arrrow :) [15:13] ls: cannot access ubuntu_sso/qt/arrow.py: No such file or directory [15:13] mandel: you did not add the file yet? [15:14] joshuahoover: the right person for knwing about this is dobey :-) [15:14] nessita, bzr st returns nothing, so yes [15:14] nessita, question?? you are defyning this: size = lambda *a: gui.QtCore.QSize(123456, 654321) but at least in the diff i don't see that this variable is used..... [15:14] joshuahoover: I know much less than he does [15:14] gatox: is used from the "live" code, in: [15:15] mandel: did you push it? is not in the branch [15:15] gatox: 31+ window.size(), app.desktop().availableGeometry()) [15:15] nessita, yes, I did a bzr sync-pipeline.. bloody hell let me check [15:15] nessita, ahhhhh, it's a fake [15:15] yes! :-) [15:15] nessita: did you file that bug btw? [15:16] dobey: no... was hoping ralsina will defend that. Let me update him [15:16] nessita, now you can do the told you dance again, because only the diff didn't give me the proper context [15:16] jejeje [15:16] nessita, approve [15:16] ralsina: hola! so, this morning we had an informal conversation with some of the platform guys, regarding space in the CD [15:17] nessita, fixed, can you remove that branch and branch again [15:17] ralsina: basically they want a bug report where we justify why we want to use the Qt controlpanel instead of using the same Gtk one [15:18] nessita: it's reasonable [15:18] ralsina: I will open the bug and put some things in there, but we certainly we'll need more info in there, that I think you have (and perhaps John as well) [15:18] nessita: cool, I will put the info in it [15:20] ralsina, mumble? [15:21] mandel: sure [15:22] * gatox lunch === gatox is now known as gatox_lunch === gatox_lunch is now known as gatox [15:45] nessita: on ussoc, how can I add a test for timeout_func that only runs when we are using Qt? [15:45] ralsina: let me give that some thoughts [15:46] ralsina: @skipIf('qt' in sys.modules and sys.modules['qt'] is not None) ? [15:46] nessita: it does need tests because it's much less trivial than the glib one [15:46] dobey: it's an idea [15:47] i guess @skipIf has a second argument for reason, which would be 'Not running under Qt' [15:47] ralsina: you can change the conditional to be more precise for the situation obviously. i was just pseudo-coding that up :) [15:48] dobey: yes, I imagined that ;-) [15:48] ralsina, dobey: wait! I'm sure theres a better way :-D [15:48] let me find it [15:48] nessita: it's ok, Iam notin a hurry [15:54] gatox:quota warning approved [15:54] nessita, thanks [15:55] ralsina: so, currently there is no way. We have no tests for the main/qt.py module, and eve if you use the decorator that will not work to actual run test [15:55] ralsina: since the test will "never" be run [15:56] ralsina: no, wait, I'm confused [15:56] ralsina: scratch all that [15:56] * ralsina waits. [15:56] * ralsina scratches [15:56] ralsina: there is a way, and a clean one :-) [15:56] neat :-) [15:56] in run-tests script, change the line: [15:56] u1trial --reactor=gi -p "$DBUS_TESTS_PATH, $QT_TESTS_PATH, $GTK_TESTS_PATH" -i "$WINDOWS_TESTS" "$MODULE" [15:56] to also ignore the main/tests/test_qt.py you're adding [15:57] and you're set, the new tests will be run by the last line in that script (the one that reads $XVFB_CMDLINE u1trial -p "$GTK_TESTS_PATH" -i "$WINDOWS_TESTS" --reactor=qt4 --gui "$MODULE") [15:58] nessita: ok, will do it after meeting and lunch [15:58] ack! [15:58] i really hate all the ignore arguments there [15:59] i think the skips are cleaner :) [16:06] nessita: you will like this: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-installer/qt-foo/+merge/93603 [16:06] dobey: looking! [16:11] dobey: no tests for that? :-/ [16:12] nessita: to test a constant declaration? [16:12] dobey: and all the logic around it, spawnning something on some condition, etc [16:14] eh [16:16] joshuahoover: I am at ubuntu-release, how does this conersation start? Should I ping someone? [16:17] ralsina: good question...maybe ping skaet there [16:19] should i be there? [16:19] dobey: I think so, yes [16:19] dobey: come to #ubuntu-meeting please [16:41] ralsina: perhpas you should hand the bug # in the meeting? [16:42] nessita: good idea [16:51] argh have to call another mac guy [17:00] nessita: for review: https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntu-sso-client/fix-933758/+merge/93613 [17:00] * ralsina swears it has no lint! [17:02] i should probably get lunch [17:09] bbiab. gonna get some lunch [17:23] dobey: the patch I built no longer applies due to more branches landing, but I'm close to have a good now [17:25] nessita, ralsina when you have a moment: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/captcha-qt-not-working/+merge/93618 [17:25] gatox: that will have to remain for the next week [17:25] nessita, i also fix a problem with the terms checkbox.... [17:25] the condition wasn't ok [17:25] I'm already using my half day off [17:26] nessita, ok [17:26] gatox: what part was buggy? [17:26] nessita, when you modified that you did: if self.terms_checkbox.isVisible():..... and that should be: if not self.terms_checkbox.isVisible():....... and i didn't notice that either when i review it [17:27] oh uh [17:28] davidcalle: any ideas as to why I would not see content in the video lens? [17:29] rmcbride, no videos in your video folder? [17:29] davidcalle: I have a few in the folder. wasn't sure if I needed to do something to index them first [17:30] rmcbride, nope, it should pick everything in there. Is it working with the remote videos (if you do a search) ? [17:30] davidcalle: actually, it is not working with that either [17:31] rmcbride, hum. Have you launched it manually or just install log out log in? [17:31] davidcalle: AFAIK, it installed with my most recent update after which I rebooted [17:33] rmcbride, what is the terminal output of "/usr/lib/unity-lens-video/unity-lens-video" ? [17:34] davidcalle: strangely, "no such file or directory" [17:34] I guess that would explain part of it... lens UI does display though [17:35] davidcalle: Apparently I assumed from that the lens was actually there. [17:36] davidcalle: which doesn't appear to be the case. thanks! [17:36] rmcbride, hum. If the lens is visible, this file should be here... [17:36] davidcalle: the pakcage was not in fact installed. [17:36] it is now [17:37] And the lens was visible... Wow. This is odd. [17:37] though from your earlier comment I'd guess I need to relog [17:37] rmcbride, indeed. [17:39] davidcalle: checking that on another precise box next. That scenario could tend towards user confusion (if it wasn't just a wierdness due to my dev environment) [17:39] nope. the video lens selection doesn't even appear on the laptop. [17:40] rmcbride, this shouldn't happen, I mean, if the lens is not installed, it shouldn't appear in the Dash, or maybe you installed it in some other way earlier? [17:40] rmcbride: sounds like you installed it from source. Why did you do that? ;-) [17:41] ralsina: I'm not certain what happened on the dev box. I don't recall installing it from source [17:41] davidcalle: it's possible that I did something when I was poking at the ubuntu TV stuff perhaps? [17:42] in any case the lens functions as expected after relogging [17:43] rmcbride, oh right! If you have installed some ubuntu TV stuff, you should try to remove the /usr/share/unity/lenses/video folder. [17:43] Then, reinstall the unity-lens-video package. It will recreate it. [17:44] davidcalle: OK, thanks! [17:45] That's my best guess. [17:45] oh rock and roll. Amazon results. [17:45] Working? :) [17:46] it is :) [17:46] rmcbride, cool [17:48] Yes. Working quite well. Didn't even need to delete that folder, the package installation and relog changed the filter scope [17:48] and everythign works identically on the dev machine and the untainted laptop [17:49] rmcbride, great :) [17:49] Got to go! Ping me if you have any questions. [17:49] davidcalle: of course now I have to hook up one of my machiens to the TV :) good stuff! [17:50] lunchtime! [17:56] grmbl run-tests from ussoc is not running pep8 even when it's installed. Fixing pep8 sins manually :-/ [18:03] gatox: can I get a review? https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntu-sso-client/fix-933758/+merge/93613 [18:04] ralsina, yes, of course [18:04] gatox: thanks! [18:10] nessita: it should apply to 2.99.4 though no? [18:10] ralsina, +1 [18:11] dobey: yes, about to upload now [18:11] gatox: thanks! [18:11] nessita: great [18:12] ok, that's the TED and Encuentro sources added [18:12] enjoy :) [18:14] dobey: uploaded [18:20] nessita: if you have 5' later for smallish review, https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntu-sso-client/fix-933758/+merge/93613 (sorry if I already asked) [18:21] ralsina: doing it already, about to ask to fix this if possible: [18:21] test_timeout_func_keeps_reference ... Traceback (most recent call last): [18:21] File "/home/nessita/canonical/ussoc/review_fix-933758/ubuntu_sso/main/qt.py", line 44, in _callback [18:21] TIMERS.remove(timer) [18:21] KeyError: [18:21] [OK] [18:22] nessita: it shouldn't do that [18:22] it does here :-/ [18:22] nessita: it's a race condition. I'll take a look [18:22] thanks! [18:23] ralsina: great news, it works! :-D [18:25] i wish we could get rid of all the ignore arguments being passed to u1trial [18:26] dobey: there is only one of those [18:26] dobey: with two modules in it after my branch, though [18:27] ralsina: i mean, get rid of using them entirely, in all our projects, and just use @skipIf and such [18:27] dobey: can we skip whole testcases? If yes, then that's doable [18:28] ralsina: hrmm. should be able to. we can with foo.SKIP = "BLAH" i think decorator will work too [18:28] dobey: file a wishlist? [18:30] perhaps [18:30] dobey: we have bigger issues than just skipping I test case... we have import errors if we don't ignore some files [18:30] for example, the test_windows.py module [18:31] nessita: right, though i think we can fix that too [18:31] dobey: with try-excepts? :-/ [18:31] i don't know [18:32] i know twisted itself doesn't have any such ignores, and they support all kinds of insanity. and tests with missing dependencies just get skipped when they should [18:32] they have some extra magic as well i think, which auto-skips certain things when imports fail [18:32] nessita: can you re-run the tests with revno 881? [18:32] ralsina: sure [18:33] nessita: not really happy about the fix, but there is a chance that more than one call to the callback is queued, so the second one executes when the timer is already removed from the set [18:47] ralsina: all green now, looking at the new diff [18:47] nessita: cool [18:48] ralsina: so, since you just said that _callback could be called twice, shouldn't you call callback only when timer is in TIMERS? [18:50] nessita: good idea [18:52] nessita: I'll push that change in 1 sec [18:57] nessita: pushed revno 882 with that fixed and a nicer usageof kw.pop() [18:58] ack [18:59] i am so not fond of the writing of wasteful tests [19:00] dobey: I agree. Let's not write wasteful tests :-) [19:00] dobey: can I help not writting hose? [19:11] nessita: for my installer branch? i'd rather not write tests for 2 if statements; also, pythono-coverage seems to not be very smart sometimes :( [19:11] dobey: yes, I personally thinkg we should not use python-coverage at all (or any coverage tool, they are misleading) [19:12] dobey: if you have an if if your code, it means that is important somehow do something on a given condition, no? otherwise the if will not be there. And having a test ensuring that is not a wasteful test, at least not from my POV [19:27] ralsina: I'm approving, though please note that docstrings for methods do not use empty line above it (Only for classes' docstring) [19:27] @ping [19:30] nessita, I see you [19:30] nessita, maybe ubot is dead :( [19:31] right [19:31] mandel: thanks! [19:31] nessita, np :) [19:31] ralsina, how so you draw a circle in QPainter so that it is tanget to the widgets left side? I know it has to do something with setting the painter view port, right? [19:32] mandel: excuse me while I violently context-switch to your question ;-) [19:32] ralsina, sure :) [19:32] mandel: the QPainter should have the widget as context [19:32] mandel: in that case, it's just draing a circle with radius X centered at X,X [19:33] ralsina, so, if you tell the QPainter to draw a primitive, it draws in so that is in the center.. [19:33] mandel: OTOH, WTF? ;-) [19:33] ralsina, let me show you, one sec [19:36] ralsina, http://ubuntuone.com/2Jr1UGiJA5hCwYwojfoNBh [19:37] what's the problem? [19:37] ralsina, the little arrow has its center in the certer of its widget but I want it to have the side against the widget so that the C gets aligned with the bullets of the lists [19:37] ralsina, I find those 2 pixels off very very very annoying [19:38] mandel: where is the code for that widget? [19:38] ralsina, I can push it, give me a min or so [19:38] mandel: is the one in your blog? [19:38] ralsina, that would be the little arrow, yes :) [19:38] ralsina, but let me push the entire thing [19:39] ralsina, lp:~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/ssl-dialog [19:40] mandel: very easy. before doing the drawPrimitive, do p.translate(whatever, whatever) [19:40] the value(s) of whatever are left as an exercise, but ~ 2 [19:41] mandel: and also, may be platform and style dependent [19:41] ralsina, yeah.. that is very annoying [19:41] ralsina, I mean, the size of the primitive :( [19:43] mandel: sorry, no magical solutions [19:44] mandel: OTOH, *maybe* the problem you are having is something else,like a padding set in the arrow widget [19:44] gatox: ping on PM [19:45] nessita, pong [19:45] gatox: got my private msg? [19:45] ralsina, there are padding issues with the label.. [19:45] nessita, ahh in the other server [19:45] * gatox reading.... [19:46] mandel: that's more likely, since the painter by default should be drawing at 0,0 [19:46] gatox: you don't get all the IRC mesasages in the same IRC client? [19:47] nessita, yes..... but sometimes i split them in two windows, because i have several channels , and i like to move with alt+[1-9].... sometimes i just close channels :P [19:47] heh [19:48] alecu, ralsina: can I have some review for https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu-sso-client/fix-933632/+merge/93641 ? [19:55] nessita: of course [19:58] ok, EOD for me, is to later here already.. I'll fix that pixel on monday.. [20:15] ugh, i can't raise inside a lambda:? boo. [20:17] dobey: well, yes you can. Just define def _raise(exc): raise exc [20:18] nessita, I won't be reviewing it today. I'll add it for monday. [20:18] alecu: you work on Monday? [20:18] nessita, make that "Tuesday" [20:19] alecu: hum, is kinda late (nothing should land on Tuesday) [20:19] nessita, oh, you need this to land today? didn't realize that. [20:19] alecu: yeah :-/ [20:19] nessita: I will do one review, so maybe, if you are confident, you can land with one [20:20] alecu: but I can find someone else to do another review, if you can't [20:20] nessita: ask thisfred. It's early for him. [20:21] sure [20:21] what is the branch? [20:21] thisfred: welcome back!!! [20:21] meh [20:21] thisfred: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu-sso-client/fix-933632/+merge/93641 [20:21] :) [20:21] dobey: stand up time? :-/ [20:22] dobeeh: go! [20:22] i really do not like python and writing tests [20:30] nessita: looks great! [20:30] yey! [20:30] thisfred: are you on precise? [20:30] yes [20:30] and I ran the tests [20:31] or no wait [20:31] I am running the tests now :) [20:31] hehe [20:31] nessita: reviewing two branches at the same time ;) [20:31] thisfred: awesome, tests will not run if not in precise with our nightlies [20:31] já! been there, done that [20:31] nessita: ./run-tets does nothing? [20:32] thisfred: does everything if you are in precise with our nightlies [20:32] thisfred:crashes otherwsie [20:32] mmm, I'm pretty sure I have the nightlies [20:32] but it returns immediately, no warnings nothing [20:33] no? :-/ [20:33] thisfred: can you please paste the output of: [20:33] apt-cache policy python-twisted-core [20:34] nessita: twisted in precise has that now [20:34] nessita: but even if he had the wrong twisted, it should error out [20:34] nessita: http://paste.ubuntu.com/846356/ [20:34] dobey: that looks old, no? ^ [20:34] no, that's new [20:34] it is? [20:35] you're right [20:35] yes. it's the twisted with the patch [20:35] hence the ubuntu1 bit :) [20:35] thisfred: any output at all? are you running ./run-tests [20:35] dobey: yes, just noticed that [20:36] nessita: I am running exactly that, and no output at all, it just immediately returns [20:36] and even still, run-tests has echos [20:36] which means something is really broken if no output [20:36] right [20:36] thisfred: what is $? after it exits? [20:36] thisfred: I smell PICNIC, but not sure how to help you confirm it [20:38] dobey: huwha? [20:38] nessita: +1 [20:39] thisfred: sh -x run-tests ? [20:39] dobey: nessita It does fail, because ./run-tests && echo "success" prints nothing [20:39] without the ? of course ;-) [20:39] thisfred: ./run-tests; echo $? [20:40] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/846368/ [20:40] hey, my menus are drawing correctly now it seems [20:40] dobey: that just printed $ [20:41] thisfred: are you on Ubuntu? ;-) [20:41] thisfred: weird [20:41] thisfred: apt-get install xvfb [20:41] I wonder if anyone'd be willing to make a Ubuntu One client in Qt. :P [20:41] ralsina: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/846368/ fwiw [20:41] dobey: is that the issue? :-( [20:41] JackyAlcine: what do you mean by client? [20:41] JackyAlcine: amazingly, we are :-) [20:41] nessita: looks like it; but no idea why it's acting that way [20:41] JackyAlcine: you mean besides the one we already have? [20:41] O.o that's done in Qt? [20:41] thisfred: you are missing xvfb [20:42] kk [20:42] * JackyAlcine goes to check. [20:42] JackyAlcine: the one we released on tuesday is! [20:42] It's been a while. [20:42] JackyAlcine: ubuntuone-control-panel-qt ? [20:42] should have run builddeps first I guess [20:42] * JackyAlcine rolls around on the floor. [20:42] JackyAlcine: released yesterday to Ubuntu precise [20:42] Lol, I didn't check it that recently! [20:42] Ah, for precise. [20:42] Well, I'll have to wait then. [20:42] JackyAlcine: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/ubuntuone-control-panel-qt_2.99.4-0ubuntu1_all.deb [20:42] JackyAlcine: coming eventually someday to Natty and Oneiric. Maybe. [20:42] You think it'd fit with Kubuntu? I've always wanted to use Ubuntu One in Kubutnu. [20:42] fit how? [20:43] we don't have dolphin integration or anything [20:43] JackyAlcine: Ubuntu One works just fine in Ubuntu, except for no dolphin integration [20:43] Hmm, sounds like someone needs to implement that then. [20:43] JackyAlcine: I meant "in Kubuntu" [20:43] * JackyAlcine has a new project. [20:43] JackyAlcine: or live without it. I don't miss it! ;-) [20:44] Well, it'd be nice to have the music I have here on Kubuntu sync'd with U1 and then onto my phone. [20:44] JackyAlcine: we haven't explicitely tested it in Kubuntu, though some tweaks are very likely needed, specially in the package dependency bits (control panel depends on ubuntu-sso-client which depends on a freedesktop secrets service, and for now we list explicetly gnome-keyring) [20:44] When I used GNOME 2, I had that convenience [20:44] On Precise the ubuntuone plugin wasn't enabled in rhythmbox and I don't recall ever disabling it. This is a system that has gone through multiple upgrades. [20:44] g-c-c, you mean? or the KDE's SystemSettings? [20:45] bdmurray: is it installed and disabled, or not installed? [20:45] ralsina: installed and disabled [20:45] bdmurray: yep [20:45] bdmurray: no idea. Maybe dobey knows [20:45] nessita: all tests green [20:46] thisfred: YEY [20:46] bdmurray: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox-ubuntuone/+bug/934235 [20:46] oops sso nightlies are not building! /me fixes [20:49] dobey: thanks [20:50] dobey: would you trivialy-please https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu-sso-client/fix-nightlies/+merge/93647 ? [20:50] ugh, why did unity start opening windows at +0+0 [20:53] nessita: done [20:53] thanks! [20:59] dobey: does this bug require a FFe? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/851810 [20:59] (I think so, but want to confirm) [21:02] nessita: it requires adding API? [21:03] dobey: a new dbus signal, yes [21:03] then yeah, would require a FFE i think [21:07] to what package do I assign a bug with the scrollbars and the U1 gtk control panel? [21:09] it's already filed [21:09] but ubuntuone-control-panel [21:10] dobey: really? bug #915190 ? [21:10] elopio: i guess so. is that the bug you're seeing? [21:11] dobey: yes. Let me dist-upgrade and check again. [21:13] elopio: gtk control panel is no more... :-) [21:14] nessita: it is going to be on oneiric for a while, isn't it? [21:15] elopio: you get the bug on oneiric? [21:15] elopio: well, according to the plan, we should backport all the qt apps that we're making work on Linux [21:15] elopio: as far as I know, we have no plans to maintaining the gtk panel backwards.... but perhaps I'm wrong? [21:15] no plans [21:15] unless we fail miserably at backporting [21:15] dobey: I haven't checked. I was asking to see if I should triage on oneiric. [21:16] anyway, I thought the problem was with the overlay, not with the control panel. [21:16] elopio: i've only seen reports of it on 12.04 [21:16] alecu: it could be an issue with overlsay scrollbar. i'm not sure exactly [21:17] nessita, ralsina, so do you want me to mark as won't fix all gtk issues? [21:18] elopio: I woulod say not yet, until we definitely resolve the Qt situation [21:18] which is, atm, uncertain [21:18] ok. I saw you tagging them. I'll do that. [21:19] nessita: what was the tag? gtk-ui? [21:19] elopio: yes! [21:22] dobey, what "could be an issue with overlsay scrollbar" ? [21:24] ok, eod for me! [21:24] I work on monday, so leaveme anything you want worked on! [21:25] alecu: the scrollbar bugs in gtk control panel [21:25] dobey, you probably didn't mean me at that point, right? [21:28] alecu: no [21:28] alecu: oh, sorry. ment elopio :) [21:28] dobey started drinking too soon. [21:28] i wish [21:28] or maybe you should :) [21:29] indeed [21:35] this looks like an EOW for me! [21:36] bye guys and gal, see you on tue. [21:36] enjoy the weekend alecu [21:43] EOW for me! [21:43] and for me! [21:44] briancurtin, are you free for a review? [21:44] gatox: sure, whats the link? [21:44] ahhhh it's a qt thingy.... maybe ralsina better if he is still around [21:44] briancurtin, thanks anyway [21:47] gatox: send ralsina an email, he may be able to do that later [21:47] nessita, ok [21:47] I already approved it [21:47] nessita: i added some more tests :-/ [21:47] dobey: I'm late for my pilates class, will try to review later today (or tom morning) [21:48] bye all! [21:48] ok === m_conley is now known as m_conley_away [22:30] dobey: yes, there are still crazy scroll bars.