[01:01] just woke fffffffffffff [01:12] I think i am going back to bed [02:41] * waltman didn't realize that turkeys were nocturnal [02:49] fzfzfzfzz [02:49] i am really hungry though [02:49] havent eaten all day [02:51] What do you turkeys eat? Nuts? Berries? Small insects? [03:00] burgers [03:00] mutant burgers? [03:02] yes [03:08] burgers? [03:30] turkeys supposedly stare at sky with mouths open and drown from the falling raindrops [10:59] Morning [12:08] Morning. [13:26] Morning. [15:52] whyy am i still tired [15:54] because your a turkey? [15:55] yes [16:54] http://www.123rf.com/photo_10771627_tired-turkey-in-a-recliner.html [16:54] Title: Tired Turkey In A Recliner Royalty Free Stock Photo, Pictures, Images And Stock Photography. Image 10771627. (at www.123rf.com) [16:57] thats basically me [16:58] I miss my xbox. I dropped it off for repair yesterday [16:59] There is a place 15 minutes from here that does xbox repairs and mods. $30 to fix my problem. I show up to drop off. It is 3 guys working in a basement, parts everywhere. One guy is working on the floor. [16:59] Looked like many places I've been to. lol [17:00] which xbox? [17:00] and where is it? [17:01] http://xmoddz.com/ [17:01] Title: Virginia Xbox 360 Repair | Fix Xbox and PC Repair (at xmoddz.com) [17:01] It is the old style xbox [17:02] Lights one and three were blinking at power on, throwing code 0013 [17:02] They were professional about it. Generated estimate for me and emailed it to me on the spot [17:03] I was surprised to be dropping it off at a house though instead of a store [17:03] yeah I need mine fixed up [17:04] What is wrong with it? [17:05] my controllers aren't working [17:05] I think the USB hub is borked [17:06] it's a modded box with a flip switch and runs linux 2.4 iirc [17:06] They do modding. I bet they would fix it fo ryou [17:06] Email them and ask [17:23] to far to go though [17:23] I can get a local to do it [17:23] for less cost than the gas money would be [17:23] we aynnt no DCers here === Pacs_User is now known as and_pacs [19:53] seeing star wars in 3d :-D [19:55] bye-bye [20:57] ping pong i need help [20:57] windows users please! [20:58] whatcha need [20:58] my fathers computer is complaining of a failing hard drive [20:58] * EvilResistance still uses windows [20:58] its window [20:58] It says " your hard drive is failing " [20:58] mutantturkey_ complaining how [20:58] that is it [20:58] WTF [20:58] windows decteed a hard disk problem backup files immediatly etc [20:58] when i click details all i get is the disk name... [20:59] should I just back it up? [21:00] yeah you should try to back up the files [21:03] i wish i could just get some info