
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
Guest49461Bonjour a tous, c`est ma premiere fois ici.19:42
Guest49461j`ai un probleme avec mon son sur ubuntu 11.1019:42
Guest49461je joue a runescape et les `sounds effect`ne fonctionnent pas19:43
Guest49461un autre symptome est que les test de son dans system settings son, ne fonctionnent pas non plus19:44
Guest49461je crois que me problemes un commance quand le son est devenu disponible sur le port hdme de ma carte graphique19:45
Guest49461j`aimerais avoir un peu d`aide car je suis un peu perdu19:46
Guest49461ma carte graphiques est une GeForce GTX 46019:48
Musashimarutu as selectionné la carte son de ta carte video comme sortie pour le son?19:50
Guest49461je l`ai deja fais mais ca ne fonctionne plus19:51
Guest49461pour le moment c`est analog stereo sur me 2 speaker de pc19:52
Guest49461le son de viedo sur youtube fonctionne19:53
Guest49461c`est seulement les test dans sound setting qui ne fonctionnent pas19:54
pangolinles drivers pour la carte graphique sont installer?20:00
Guest49461oui il le son, je viens mem de les mettre a jours20:01
Guest49461la version des drivers graphics son post release20:01
pangolinhmm, alt-F2 > jockey-gtk : assure toi qu'il sont utiliser20:01
pangolin"in use"20:02
Ankmansound server (pulseaudio)?20:03
Guest49461les driver sont in use avec la lumiere verte20:03
Guest49461je ne sais pas comment savoir si le sound server est puldeaudio20:04
Ankmanquelque chose a "ps ax|grep pulse" ?20:04
Guest494611660 ?        S<l    0:10 /usr/bin/pulseaudio --start --log-target=syslog20:05
Guest49461 1663 ?        S      0:00 /usr/lib/pulseaudio/pulse/gconf-helper20:05
Guest4946110413 pts/1    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto pulse20:05
Guest49461je viens de reussir a utiliser la sortie hdmi de ma carte graphique et j`ai les mem symptome20:09
Guest49461j`ai le son de youtube mais les test speaker dans sound setting ne font aucun son20:09
Guest49461runescape utilise jave, je ne sais pas si ca a rapport20:10
Guest49461j`ai quelque chose de nouveau qui vient d`apparaitre dans all setting, souns, application20:12
Guest49461c`est alsa plug-in plugin-container20:13
Ankmanjava en le browser?20:14
Guest49461je ne compred pas la question20:15
Ankmanrunescape marche en browser?20:17
Ankmansorry my french is bad20:18
Ankmanah okay20:18
Guest49461english is ok for me20:18
Ankmanis the java plugin installed?20:18
Guest49461it may be mess up20:18
Ankmani think when you type "about:plugins" (no "") in the browser URL fiels it should list it20:18
Guest49461i did some try with sun java and the other one20:18
Ankmanooh, got to go for 20 min, sorry20:19
Guest49461IcedTea-Web Plugin (using IcedTea-Web 1.1.3 (1.1.3-1ubuntu1.1))20:21
Guest49461    File: IcedTeaPlugin.so20:21
Guest49461    Version: 20:21
Guest49461    The IcedTea-Web Plugin executes Java applets.20:21
Guest49461MIME Type Description Suffixes20:21
Guest49461application/x-java-vm IcedTea class,jar20:21
Guest49461application/x-java-applet IcedTea class,jar20:21
Guest49461application/x-java-applet;version=1.1 IcedTea class,jar20:21
Guest49461application/x-java-applet;version=1.1.1 IcedTea class,jar20:21
Guest49461application/x-java-applet;version=1.1.2 IcedTea class,jar20:21
Guest49461application/x-java-applet;version=1.1.3 IcedTea class,jar20:21
Guest49461application/x-java-applet;version=1.2 IcedTea class,jar20:21
Guest49461application/x-java-applet;version=1.2.1 IcedTea class,jar20:21
Guest49461application/x-java-applet;version=1.2.2 IcedTea class,jar20:21
Guest49461application/x-java-applet;version=1.3 IcedTea class,jar20:21
Guest49461application/x-java-applet;version=1.3.1 IcedTea class,jar20:21
Guest49461application/x-java-applet;version=1.4 IcedTea class,jar20:21
Guest49461application/x-java-applet;version=1.4.1 IcedTea class,jar20:21
Guest49461application/x-java-applet;version=1.4.2 IcedTea class,jar20:21
Guest49461application/x-java-applet;version=1.5 IcedTea class,jar20:21
Guest49461application/x-java-applet;version=1.6 IcedTea class,jar20:21
Guest49461application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=1.6.0_50 IcedTea class,jar20:21
Guest49461application/x-java-bean IcedTea class,jar20:21
Guest49461application/x-java-bean;version=1.1 IcedTea class,jar20:21
Guest49461application/x-java-bean;version=1.1.1 IcedTea class,jar20:21
Guest49461application/x-java-bean;version=1.1.2 IcedTea class,jar20:21
Guest49461application/x-java-bean;version=1.1.3 IcedTea class,jar20:21
Guest49461application/x-java-bean;version=1.2 IcedTea class,jar20:21
Guest49461application/x-java-bean;version=1.2.1 IcedTea class,jar20:21
Guest49461application/x-java-bean;version=1.2.2 IcedTea class,jar20:22
Guest49461application/x-java-bean;version=1.3 IcedTea class,jar20:22
Guest49461application/x-java-bean;version=1.3.1 IcedTea class,jar20:22
Guest49461application/x-java-bean;version=1.4 IcedTea class,jar20:22
Guest49461application/x-java-bean;version=1.4.1 IcedTea class,jar20:22
Guest49461application/x-java-bean;version=1.4.2 IcedTea class,jar20:22
Guest49461application/x-java-bean;version=1.5 IcedTea class,jar20:22
Guest49461application/x-java-bean;version=1.6 IcedTea class,jar20:22
Guest49461i will leave a few minutes too20:22
Guest49461you want me to format using that?20:26
Guest49461like this?20:26
pangolinno, I was just giving you the link because it is easier for people trying to help to read from a pastebin, rather than pasting to a channel where there may be bots that would ban you for doing that :)20:27
pangolinpasting that many lines into an irc channel is considered flooding. I just don't want you to get into trouble :)20:28
pangolinalso, you may want to try #ubuntu for more help, there are a lot more people there who might be able to help you.20:28
Guest49461ok thanks20:35
Guest49461it is a friends of mine who suggest to come here, he told me that you guys are great :-)20:36
pangolinWe try but we don't always have the answers20:39
Ankmanjava should work20:40
Ankmananyway, here debian, but as i notice i also have no sound in the browser and on the desktop. but i also have no pulseaudio installed20:40
Guest49461thanks for your help guys, i think i will wait for 12.04 and see20:43
Guest49461it is not so bad, i have at least the music :-)20:43
Guest49461it was working well with 10.04 so i hope it will work again soon20:44
Ankmanor try running a different linux off live-cd to see if that works20:45
davlefouen quoi l'irc quebec se différence de celle fr?21:21
Musashimaruje sais pas... devine21:23
davlefouDésolé, mais cela ne saute pas au yeux!21:24
Musashimaruben ici y'a des québécois.21:25
davlefouCerte mais c'est pas trop peuplé, donc me semble logique de se regroupe dans une plus grand irc francophone. Qui à faire plutôt des irc, débutant et avancé!21:28
Musashimaruet que fais tu du droit à l'indépendance?21:32
davlefouMusashimaru: là, cela devient un probléme de philosophie!21:39
Musashimarunon, culturel21:41
MusashimaruLe quebec n'est pas la France... Il est normal que les quebecois souhaitent concerver leur idendité et ne pas être noyé dans le masse Francaise.21:43
davlefouJe ne considére ubuntu-fr comme étant française!21:47
davlefoumais francophone!21:50
pangolinand that is the difference between -fr and -qc. -fr is francophone and -qc is allophone. 21:52
Ankmandas kann ich nur bestätigen ;-)21:52
Ankmanni anglo ni franco21:53
pangolinyes, multilingual21:53
Ankmanumm, i guess allophone doesn't mean bi-lingual21:53
Ankmanc'est comme moi par example. allemand21:54
Ankmanubuntu-qc -> bi (tri?) lingual21:54
davlefouAlors, je vais vous laisse entre quebec allophone afin de pas interphére dans votre souveraineté et votre besoin identitaire.21:54
Ankmannah, bi. francaise et anglais21:54
davlefouau Revoir.21:54
pangolinjust wanted to start problems21:55
Ankmanmay be he thought to start a fire between seperatists and others?21:56
Ankmannow he's going to a german channel i assume and tryies to get some "nazi VS jew" talk started21:56
MusashimaruAnkman, I think I drove it this way. It was not really his question21:58
Ankmanwhat did he want in first place? am not sure22:00
MusashimaruTo know if it was a good aidea to have ubuntu-qc and -fr instead of mone -fr since -qc is a bit empty, and have system like dummy, advanced and experts channels22:01
Ankmanthen i understood correctly22:02
Ankmanseems he didn't like to say that quebecoise don't feel like people from france. which i agree to (although i'm not quebecois)22:02
MusashimaruThey don't know the difference....22:10
=== Sebastien- is now known as Sebastien

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