
racoon_thanks holstein, ubot2, and stlsaint for your help. No luck today. Getting the firmware on a linux is tough. I'll try again next weekend.00:23
txtzttmhi all. can anyone help me out with issues mounting a hfs+ external HDD using 11.10?01:11
deper29txtzttm, try joining #ubuntu if you can't find a solution here01:14
txtzttmI'm getting "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb,..." when I try to mounting01:14
txtzttmNo luck in #ubuntu so far..01:14
holsteintxtzttm: maybe the drive is bad.. i would test it, then maybe try repairing... if it has no data, just reformat it. if not, you can try photorec from the test disk suite01:54
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txtzttmIt works fine when accessed from my mac01:59
txtzttmI did try reformatting using both gparted and also my mac's drive utility, but same result02:00
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boxODERjoin #ubuntu-beginners-team04:03
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boxODERwhat is the difference between NAT adapter and bridged adapter14:33
boxODERi c this option in a oracle virtual box.14:33
genupulascprofitt:  hi i got problem15:11
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