[13:22] when a script fails to start, can i get a log somewhere on what failed? [14:57] slaskis: the latest version of upstart, 1.4, has automatic logging of job output built in [14:57] SpamapS: great, i'm working on upgrading my ubuntu now to get a newer upstart... [14:57] slaskis: prior versions, you'll need to pipe output to something like logger, or to a file [14:59] slaskis: heh.. precise is the only version that has this.. so be aware that you are upgrading to an alpha version of ubuntu. :) [14:59] SpamapS: i wasn't aware that precise existed until it upgraded to it [14:59] and being alpha explains why it doesn't start ;/ [15:02] slaskis: typically the best wway to do upgrades is 'do-release-upgrade', I presume you dist-upgraded after changing sources.list ? [15:02] i did do-release-upgrade [15:02] ah [15:02] and you're getting a fail to boot? [15:04] yeah, well unfortunately i followed this http://wiki.slicehost.com/doku.php?id=upgrade_ubuntu-server_lts_to_lts and since i kept getting "no new release" (although I knew that 10.04 was not the latest) i used --devel-release and got the alpha oneā€¦it's not the end of the world as i'm playing with a vm but still [15:30] slaskis: would be very interested to hear how it is failing to boot.. now is the time to fix those bugs [15:30] SpamapS: it's this issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/936667 [15:31] you don't happen to know how i can "add --no-log as a kernel option" ? [15:32] slaskis: what kind of VM is this? on physical systems you add it at grub boot time [15:32] it's a linode instance [15:32] so, i guess kvm? [15:34] i managed to boot with "init=/bin/bash" [15:34] where i don't get those logs [15:34] slaskis: ah, you can probably manually bring up the network and install an earlier version of upstart that doesn't have logging enabled [15:35] slaskis: wait, if you can say 'init=/bin/bash' you can say, in the same place, --no-log [15:35] SpamapS: unfortunately not :/ it's a simple radio select in a web interface [15:36] options are "default run level", "single user mode" and "init=/bin/bash" [15:38] slaskis: hrm.. you need upstart 1.4-0ubuntu6 [15:45] SpamapS: ah, I have 1.4.0ubuntu8 now [15:49] how would i install an older version, doesn't seem like apt-get is usable in this console [15:49] "Unable to write to /var/cache/apt/" [15:50] slaskis: mount / -o remount,rw [15:51] slaskis: make sure, before you exit your shell, that you 'mount / -o remount,ro' [15:51] SpamapS: ooh, it only mounts read only [15:51] thanks [15:52] ok, another noob question then :P how do i make apt-get find an older package? "apt-get install upstart=1.4.0ubuntu6" doesn't find that version (because it's not in the cache?) [17:02] JanC: thanks, it looks like that I'be been looking for