
pleia2need to do a better job of checking -news-team for things before publishing, I keep missing new member announcements (even for Americas board, which i'm on, and sometimes write!)00:51
dholbachgood morning08:10
dholbachc_smith_, happy birthday!08:56
=== c_smith_ is now known as c_smith
dholbachhey c_smith - happy birthday :)15:31
dholbachbkerensa, do you want to go with the Kernel team update tomorrow or rather one of the new contributor interviews you did before?15:31
dholbachhey iBkerensa15:33
dholbachdo you want to go with the Kernel team update tomorrow or rather one of the new contributor interviews you did before?15:33
iBkerensadholbach: kernel sounds good15:34
iBkerensaim getting ready to go to sleep now so ill check doc in 4 hours15:35
dholbachsure sure15:35
dholbachgood night :)15:36
iBkerensakinda its 7am15:36
dholbachbkerensa, the only pic I found doing a quick research was https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/31973_396602342186_511662186_4670103_1936442_n.jpg (Kernel team at UDS-M)15:37
c_smithdholbach, thanks, sorry for the late response, had to go afk for a few.15:41
dholbachsure sure :)15:41
dholbachhope you're going to have a great day15:41
c_smithdholbach, also, excuse my inactivity, I'm currently can very rarely handle both Firefox and Xchat.15:42
c_smitheven on XFCE.15:42
dholbachdon't worry - that's totally fine15:42
c_smithyeah, I intend to get back on the ball when I get my main PC back.15:43
dholbachmaybe we should have a chat together with bkerensa again and try to figure out how we best go about figuring early in the week who's going to do what15:43
c_smithwell. g2g, cyall later.15:43
dholbachyeah, don't worry - it's totally fine :)15:43
dholbachsee you! :)15:43
=== bkerensa_ is now known as bkerensa

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