[00:23] can anyone see why bug 854301 is still marked private after so long? [00:24] it's been retraced === ellisdee is now known as mayfield === jacob_ is now known as jacob === bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk [13:13] karma problem with launchpad :) [13:13] P === bladernr_afk is now known as bladernr_ [15:00] s9iper1, bug 936252 [15:00] om26er: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/936252) [15:00] why do you set importance for every bug to low? [15:00] its not useful just adds an extra email for us [15:01] there was one bug yesterday [15:01] om26er: i can not see my countribution in this bug [15:02] bug 936352 [15:02] Launchpad bug 936352 in unity "The dash remembers old searches" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/936352 [15:02] yeah wrong number :p [15:03] this specific report its not a bug rather what design wanted it to be [15:03] yes that was affecting me to much [15:03] i always use dash to open any programm [15:04] any thing [15:04] i have no icon of any application in the launcher [15:04] but there are some other dups [15:05] open dash just start typing and you will get to the results no need to clear text [15:05] the text is already selected [15:06] yes you are right the bug it that the last seach should be clear === yofel_ is now known as yofel === jsalisbury_ is now known as jsalisbury === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-nom === jsalisbury_ is now known as jsalisbury === Ursinha-nom is now known as Ursinha [19:53] seriously nm-applet is leaking memory like 1mb/10sec [19:55] cyphermox, ^ [20:08] om26er_ ? [20:08] are you really up to date? seems like I had really fixed all of that [20:09] but in any case, if you could file a bug and add a valgrind log that would help [20:13] om26er: in case you missed the messages, that was for you ^^ ;) [20:14] cyphermox, sure thing, updates are installing then i'll reboot and if the leak persist I'll report a bug :) [20:18] om26er: sure. is the good version [20:19] massif here gives out a stable report, so I'm confident things are fixed, but maybe your system is exposing something I haven't seen yet [20:23] cyphermox: that version number could use a few more digits [20:23] mdeslaur: yeah right? :) [20:23] :) [20:53] cyphermox, bug 939802 [20:53] Launchpad bug 939802 in network-manager-applet "nm-applet leaks memory when connected to cdma connection" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/939802 [20:54] interesting [20:55] om26er: thanks, I'll look at it a little later [20:56] thank you [20:56] om26er: CDMA is 3g ? [20:56] evdo/3g/ I guess [20:56] hhmm ok [21:00] cyphermox, bug 930088 as well plz [21:00] Launchpad bug 930088 in mobile-broadband-provider-info "Add 'Ptcl EVO' as a CDMA internet provider " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/930088 [21:00] seems you are the assignee [21:00] interested, I don't remember that one [21:00] sure, that's easy enough [21:01] om26er: no other data than username and password for Ptcl? [21:02] cyphermox, nothing else is needed just username and password and it works [21:02] ah, you mean when you create a new connection by selecting "my country is not on the list" and all of that? [21:03] cyphermox, yes it kinda works for example if i select an internet provider from United States and end the wizard and then just go to edit accounts and enter username and password it works [21:03] cool [21:03] or any country for that matter [21:04] that's what I wanted to know -- becuase sometimes there could be the need to an mns and stuff [21:06] om26er: and just to get the name right, the provider is called "Ptcl EVO" or "Ptcl EVDO", or something else? [21:07] cyphermox, EVO is fine as the company uses EVO when advertising so Ptcl EVO :) [21:08] ok, I'll have to add Ptcl to it because otherwise it might be a little confusing [21:08] om26er: I'll ship that upstream and make sure we get a new snapshot of mbpi before release, [21:09] cyphermox, that'll be great [21:17] done [21:18] cyphermox, one last thing I need to bug you about: I also have another 3g provider named "WorldCall Wireless Broadband" when I connect it seems to detect the already created connection for EVO and shows in the network menu but won't connect since it does not require any password [21:18] is there a way to network-manager to differetiate between the two networks and offer to create a new connection when the usb is plugged [21:18] so that would probably mean that provider is also missing [21:18] yes [21:19] in your connection for Ptcl, there might be a checkbox for "Allow roaming" [21:20] that will probably fix it. but in reality when you already have a connection it's not usually asking you to create one anymore; because most people don't have different dongles or different 3G providers [21:21] cyphermox, I guess mine is not the rare case but adding 'WorldCall Wireless Broadband' as well to the list would be cool as well [21:21] it does not require any username or password [21:21] is there a country attached to it? [21:22] pakistan [21:22] cyphermox, it works with any country if i select US it works or any other as well [21:23] ah, that's not what I meant [21:23] I guess it's a global roaming provider of some sort? [21:23] cyphermox, now its local only [21:23] s/now/no [21:23] oh, also a Pakistan provider? [21:23] cyphermox, yep [21:24] alright. then by all means, please file another bug just so I can track it, and we'll add that one too [21:24] super thanks cyphermox ;) [21:25] patching this if you want to try is super simple, you just edit the file /usr/share/mobile-broadband-provider-info/serviceproviders.xml [21:26] that contains the full list. now I usually do my patches against upstream git, but making a patch with that file will work just as well, we're never very far behind, and we can apply fuzz as necessary [21:29] cyphermox, reported bug 939828 assigned it to you [21:29] Launchpad bug 939828 in mobile-broadband-provider-info "Add 'WorldCall Wireless" as a service provider " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/939828 [21:30] thanks === bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk