
rezayassidear all in first i hope every body well and second i have a problem would you please some body tell me how i use photoshop in ubuntu?06:47
everplaysrezayassi, google it, wine photoshop ubuntu06:51
* miadbahrami INVITE all #sepia09:32
=== hamid is now known as Guest96045
Guest96045mikhastam dar movrede nasbe wine dar ubunto bedonam. mamnom12:19
sterNiX!wine | Guest9604513:25
lubotu3Guest96045: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu13:25
hamedmemarchetor mitonam poshe themes jadid ro to poshe themes system compy konam ?error mide14:10
hamedmemarchetor poshe theme ro ke down karadam to poshe theme system copy konam error mide?20:28
sterNiXhamedmemar☣ che error?!20:29
hamedmemarThere was an error moving the file into /usr/share/themes..........Error moving file: Permission denied20:31
hamedmemarsterNiX: themes download kardam ama poshasho copy nemikone to/usr/share/themes!!!20:34
sterNiXwb Isolated20:34
sterNiXhamedmemar☣ ba sudo emehan kon20:35
IsolatedsterNiX☿ mamnoon20:35
hamedmemarsterNiX☿ balad nistam :(20:35
sterNiXhamedmemar☣ esme file ke mikhay cp koni kojast?20:36
sterNiXhamedmemar☣ bezan sudo nautilus20:36
sterNiXba in copy kon20:36
hamedmemarsterNiX☿ to home azizam20:36
sterNiXhamedmemar☣ 2rah dari20:37
sterNiXyeki sudo nautilus20:37
sterNiXyeki sudo cp20:37
sterNiXsudo cp ~/esmf_file /usr/share/themes20:37
hamedmemarsterNiX☿ ok mr30 test mikonam mr3020:37
hamedmemarsterNiX☿  mamnonam dorost shod20:39
sterNiXhamedmemar☣ :)20:40
=== sasy360 is now known as Guest11400
sterNiXwb Isolated23:29
IsolatedsterNiX☿ merci azizam23:30

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