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ghu15del | :D | 16:03 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Current Session: Ubuntu Women Career Days: Community Manager - Instructors: akgraner | ||
Cheri703 | Hello everyone, and welcome to another session of Ubuntu-Women Career Days! | 17:01 |
Cheri703 | Today's session will be featuring the amazing Amber Graner and her work as a Community Manager | 17:02 |
Cheri703 | (as well as other positions I believe) | 17:02 |
akgraner | Thanks Cheri703! | 17:03 |
Cheri703 | Please ask any questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat with the preface of QUESTION: | 17:03 |
Cheri703 | Take it away akgraner. :) | 17:03 |
akgraner | Hi everyone! | 17:03 |
akgraner | Thanks for joining me today, I appreciate you taking time out of your weekend to be part of this session. | 17:04 |
akgraner | I wanted to take a few minutes of your time and talk how being part of the Ubuntu Community helped me improve skills I learned in other roles (both working and volunteering) to get the job(s) I have today. | 17:04 |
akgraner | There should be time at the end of the session for Q&A but feel free to ask for clarification during the session as well - just ping in -chat and ask your questions so I'll stop for a moment and look there | 17:06 |
akgraner | Currently I work for Linaro (http://www.linaro.org/) as their User Experience and Community Specialist. | 17:06 |
akgraner | Those of you who may have military experience or know someone in the military probably understand the term "specialist", but for those who are curious it basically means that what I focus on or specialize a particular area or topic and in this case it's various aspects of community and its growth and management. | 17:08 |
akgraner | I'm also a freelance writer and journalist who contributes to Ubuntu User Magazine and other Linux New Media publications as well as one of the current co-authors of the Offical Ubuntu Book (Pearson). Currently under revision for Edition 7 set to hit shelves after the 12.04 release. | 17:09 |
akgraner | Does that mean I claim to know all there is to know about community? Nope. Does anyone? Nope. However, I learn something new everyday and I try to share that knowledge daily. | 17:10 |
akgraner | So how did I get here? | 17:11 |
akgraner | A question I get asked a lot is if I am a developer. I'm not. I once declared I never wanted to be, but now I am learning a little more about that side of things, but not enough yet to say, "I write code." One day maybe. | 17:11 |
akgraner | The other thing I get asked is if I am a sys-admin the answer is no there as well. (Unless you count admin'ing my own website and *I* don't count that) | 17:12 |
akgraner | The next question always shocks me no matter how many times it's asked. | 17:12 |
akgraner | "Well then how did you get a job in FOSS?" | 17:13 |
akgraner | o.O Yep I get asked that *a lot*! | 17:13 |
akgraner | I usually just smile, and remind them just because I don't write code doesn't mean that I am not technical. Nor does it mean I am not capable of understand or learning the concepts and processes behind FOSS nor does it mean I can't get involved and make a difference. | 17:13 |
akgraner | And you know what the coolest thing is about that? | 17:14 |
akgraner | The same holds true for anyone who wants to be involved in an open source project or find a job in open source. However, before I get into that let me give you a little background. | 17:14 |
akgraner | Community and volunteer-ism is something I grew up learning about - with out realizing how important of a role it played. | 17:16 |
akgraner | I grew up in a rural town in Western North Carolina. We had a volunteer fire department, schools that were K-12th grade in the same building (when I started school - that later changed), and a church or some sort every few miles it seemed. | 17:16 |
akgraner | As I mentioned, I grew up learning how to be part of a community. | 17:17 |
akgraner | Whether it was raising money to buy the next fire truck, pitching in to help out a neighbor, playing a team sport, or being on the student council--the opportunities for learning about being a volunteer abounded. | 17:17 |
akgraner | Not just being a volunteer but also growing into various leadership roles along the way. | 17:18 |
akgraner | And isn't that what we do in FOSS, we start at one part of the community and grow into another. | 17:18 |
akgraner | However, we didn't look at it that way, we just looked at it as what everyone did to make the community a success. | 17:18 |
akgraner | Everyone did their part and over the years roles changes and we gained more responsibilities as we were accountable for more things. | 17:19 |
akgraner | This was just the way things worked. I had never even heard of the term meritocracy . | 17:19 |
akgraner | Oh, and if you don't think everything you do in rural American isn't transparent think again. Everyone knows what everyone else is up to, and there are even those who will be more than happy to tell anyone about it at anytime. "Bless their hearts" So being part of a community shaped who I am at a very young age. | 17:20 |
akgraner | My interest in computers was shaped in the mid to late 80's as well. | 17:21 |
akgraner | ok so I am telling my age here ;-) | 17:21 |
akgraner | It was also during this time I got my first computer - a TI-99, then when I was in 8th grade (about the age of 13) my school was given a TRS-80 model III, and as luck would have it my Uncle who was a local Dr. also got one for his office. I loved it! If I wasn't on the computer at school, I was on the one my Uncle had in his office. | 17:21 |
akgraner | After I graduated High School (12th grade) and completed 1 year of college, I joined the Army to become an Intelligence Analyst (96B for the curious). | 17:23 |
akgraner | I was stationed at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina and had the opportunity to work on conflicts such as Panama, Liberia, Deployed to the First Gulf War and Haiti it was a wild ride to say the least (and that was in just 4 years time). | 17:23 |
akgraner | so what's all this have to do with a join in open source - you'll see :-) I promise... | 17:24 |
akgraner | I also got to test all the latest automation that was being developed for the intelligence agencies. Not only that I helped test J-Stars as well, as it replaced the older SLAR technology during the First Gulf War. (Note here for my efforts in testing this technology in deep attack missions I was awarded a Bronze Star) It was also in the Army where I was first introduced to Unix then Linux via slackware an some testing that the 82nd | 17:24 |
akgraner | Airborne Division was experimenting with. | 17:24 |
akgraner | If you've ever read Ret. Gen. Hugh Shelton's Book, "Without Hesitation" (He's on the board of Red Hat) this was also about the time he learned about Linux as well. He also goes into more detail about how similar the military is to FOSS as well. | 17:26 |
akgraner | So I haven't exactly been a stranger to technology. | 17:27 |
akgraner | In later roles - I helped test other systems, trained people at the companies I worked for on the latest desktop technologies, and even helped with a few manual conversions over the years. | 17:28 |
akgraner | However, somewhere a long the way, I got the impression I wasn't technical enough to work in FOSS...go figure. | 17:28 |
akgraner | WRONG! | 17:28 |
akgraner | I mentioned all this because I talk to people almost everyday who question what they can offer open source companies. | 17:29 |
akgraner | If you have something to offer a project chances are you have something to offer a company and its community. | 17:30 |
akgraner | Don't discount any of your experience - regardless of whether you got a paycheck to do it or you volunteered. Work is work regardless of if you can deposit money for having done the work. | 17:31 |
akgraner | There were other things that I did in my roles as a Director of Sales and Catering, or that of a General Manager that helped out on this journey as well. I also did volunteer work for schools, churches, and other non-profit agencies. All these skills and knowledge help me today. | 17:32 |
akgraner | So I can't stress enough, INCLUDE all the skills you've learned, regardless of where or how you learned them. | 17:33 |
akgraner | Don't sell yourself short. | 17:33 |
akgraner | Remember you're amazing and talented and let people know that about you. | 17:34 |
akgraner | Fast forward to 2009 when I started using Ubuntu. | 17:34 |
akgraner | I started blogging about that experience, then I joined the Ubuntu Women Project and the rest seems like history to me. | 17:35 |
akgraner | Rikki Endsley of Linux Pro Magazine, happened to see my blog, and started following me. Then one day they asked me to write for them. | 17:35 |
akgraner | So it's important, if you are writing a blog, do the best job you can and let your personality shine through. Don't be afraid to promote your blog, and let others know what you are interested in. | 17:36 |
akgraner | sorry about that - the joys of running a development release | 17:39 |
akgraner | My machine just had a hard lock and I had to reboot | 17:40 |
akgraner | sorry about that - the joys of running a development release | 17:42 |
akgraner | My machine just had a hard lock and I had to reboot | 17:42 |
akgraner | From the time Rikki saw my blog and I was working with them, I was asked to review not only Jono Bacon's Art of Community, but the Official Ubuntu Book | 17:43 |
akgraner | so it's important that you let people know what you are interested in, and what you like to do, as well as what your non FOSS skills are - chances are still skills that are needed on FOSS projects and companies. | 17:45 |
akgraner | Another really important moment came after I joined the Ubuntu Women Project | 17:46 |
akgraner | I asked "Do I have to become a motu to contribute?" | 17:46 |
akgraner | s/motu/MOTU | 17:46 |
akgraner | I think there were some giggles at that question - the answer is absolutely NOT, but that's all I heard people talk about was development (yes I know it's important, but so are other things) | 17:47 |
akgraner | Ubuntu Women Project member and author of several Drupal books, Emma Jane Hogbin told me once, don't think everyone who joins and open source project has to become a developer. Use the skills you have, learn the ones you want, and just be yourself. AWESOME advice. And one I often use when people tell me they think they have to be a developer to be a success in FOSS. | 17:47 |
akgraner | From there I started figuring out where I fit in an learning everything I could | 17:49 |
akgraner | I know I drove pleia2 nuts at times - I asked so many questions | 17:49 |
akgraner | But she was kind enough to point me to the documentation and encouraged me to figure some things out on my own. While it wasn't always easy it's paid off more than I can tell you | 17:50 |
akgraner | so learn by doing, don't ask people to give you answers all the time - I promise it will pay off for you. | 17:51 |
akgraner | So we are going to fast forward to UDS-P last November | 17:51 |
akgraner | It was there I had the opportunity to interview with Linaro and from there I started with them later than month | 17:52 |
akgraner | I can tell you that by applying those suggestions that Jono gives in Art of Community to various teams I was on, it helped. He also lists many qualities to look for in a Community Manager in that book. From the time I reviewed the book I started seeking ways to improve those qualities in myself. | 17:54 |
akgraner | Find a mentor. Find someone who does what you want to do. Find out how they got there, how they do what they do, then set a course for self-improvement. | 17:54 |
akgraner | I also asked some trusted CEOs I know to look at my CV and had the red-ink it so to say. The advice they gave me was perfect. Limit it to one page and create a webpage for all the other details. Organize it in logically categories and include a link on the CV or resume. | 17:57 |
akgraner | Also they said - my CV was flat it did not represent the me all of them knew - wow! I had some work to do, but in the end it was well worth the critique. | 17:58 |
akgraner | So there you go that in a nutshell is how I got to be where I am now - I had a lot more to go into but I can save that for another day. | 17:59 |
akgraner | We've extended the session by 30 minutes - so if you have any questions for me - ask a way! | 17:59 |
akgraner | Oh and Thank you for sticking around! | 18:00 |
ClassBot | pleia2 asked: Did you have any trouble transitioning to what you were doing "for fun" to having it as a job? (articles now have deadlines, more intensive CM stuff now that it's your job) | 18:01 |
akgraner | Great question! Thanks pleia2. | 18:01 |
akgraner | Short answer is yes. | 18:02 |
akgraner | I put in a lot more hours for the "fun" stuff that is for sure, and I still wanted to be able to do everything I was doing on the volunteer side, and do all the for pay stuff. That is a disaster waiting to happen | 18:03 |
akgraner | The cool thing is on the Ubuntu side we have a CoC and LCoC that gives guidelines for stepping down or transitioning out of leadership roles. For example, I am not able to do as much with the News Team anymore and that's hard for me, but pleia2 you and others have stepped up. | 18:04 |
akgraner | For work, I use many of the same tools we have in the community, and I had to set limits on when I could be in IRC and set clear working hours etc. Working in a diversified company where everyone works from home takes some getting used to, and some discipline. | 18:06 |
akgraner | Are there any more questions? | 18:08 |
ClassBot | pleia2 asked: Do you have specific suggestions for resources for people looking to get involved on the community side of Ubuntu? | 18:09 |
akgraner | Oh wow - where do I begin :-) | 18:09 |
akgraner | I always tell people - women especially join the Ubuntu Women Project - and remind them it's a great springboard into not only the Ubuntu Community but the greater FOSS communities as well. | 18:10 |
akgraner | I recommend people attend Ubuntu Open Week and any of the other Ubuntu Weeks/Days | 18:11 |
akgraner | if they can't join them then at least check out the logs | 18:11 |
akgraner | Also participate in UDS - remotely at least once. Hit all the community sessions. The first one I attended remotely I had to get up at 2am and participated from the comfort my home. | 18:12 |
akgraner | I made notes and jotted down all the stuff I wanted to learn more about | 18:12 |
akgraner | Also check out developer.ubuntu.com, cloud.ubuntu.com, loco.ubuntu.com | 18:13 |
akgraner | see if there is a LoCo Team near you and get involved with that | 18:13 |
akgraner | also if you don't have a Launchpad account, sign up, sign the Code of Conduct, it's a great (if not sometimes frustrating) way to improve the process and learn about electronically signing things if you don't already know | 18:14 |
akgraner | Also check out what the Ubuntu Community Team at Canonical are working on - follow at home with Jono Bacon, he tells what all his team is doing on there from testing to translations to app development and more | 18:15 |
akgraner | Use System Testing on your computer and test your machine and give the feedback to the Ubuntu Friendly Team | 18:16 |
akgraner | also we have the Beginners Team and more. | 18:16 |
akgraner | Ok that's the start of where I tell people to look - I don't give them all that at once but I do ask a few questions then based on their answers I point them in a direction - I also send people to Ubuntu.com as well. :-) | 18:17 |
akgraner | Anything else? | 18:17 |
akgraner | Oh before I forget - Don't look at involvement in the Ubuntu Community as a ladder with Steps 1 through whatever you have to complete- look at it as a lattice that you can move from point to point in all directions based on your growing interests and skills. | 18:18 |
ClassBot | There are 10 minutes remaining in the current session. | 18:20 |
akgraner | Thanks everyone - I hope this was encouraging and helpful - Remember Don't Sell Yourself Short! You are amazing and you have amazing skills to offer! | 18:21 |
akgraner | Thanks for participating! If you want you can email me at akgraner [at] ubuntu [DOT] com. | 18:22 |
akgraner | Have a great weekend! | 18:22 |
ClassBot | There are 5 minutes remaining in the current session. | 18:25 |
ClassBot | Logs for this session will be available at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/02/25/%23ubuntu-classroom.html | 18:30 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || | ||
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zhuang | could anyone tell me why upon logging in ubuntu 11.10 with scrotwm selected from the dropdown tab, I freeze at the login screen? | 20:00 |
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