[02:58] hmmm, dragging with multiple fingers is insanely faster than dragging with a single finger, and the cursor position loses track of where it really is (cursor is about 1" above the menu bar i'm dragging around) [03:03] i keep loosing input until i restart unity with these newer synaptics :( [03:13] cnd: normal that i cant 2 finger click to right click anymore with the clickpad stuff? clickfinger synclient property doesn't change anything unless i disable clickpad [03:20] Sarvatt, two finger click action is disabled for clickpads [03:20] it interferes [03:21] I hope to bring it back later with better heuristics [03:21] as for the dragging with multiple fingers, are you dragging while the button is pressed? [03:21] if so, why? [03:21] because i dont have tap to click turned on? [03:21] and urg, no right click then? [03:22] Sarvatt, I think we'll be enabling the right button area by default [03:22] in the lower right corner [03:22] Sarvatt, when you are performing a press and drag, are you actually moving more than one touch? [03:23] yeah i'm sloppy with the touchpad, other fingers end up touching it :) [03:23] ahh, I'm not sure what to do about that yet [03:24] this is just one step on the way to really awesome trackpad support :) [03:28] argh, 5th time i stopped being able to interact with anything until restarting unity, WARNING: failed to get previous touch value [03:29] hmmm.... still? [03:29] I thought that was fixed in the latest stuff [03:29] it likely means a touch grab isn't being released properly [03:30] I haven't seen the issue, but I don't use a multitouch trackpad a lot [03:30] Sarvatt, please file a bug about it and assign me [03:30] I haven't seen anyone else have issues [03:30] this is with xserver 1.12 [03:30] oh [03:30] maybe there's some skew between the servers? [03:30] but there shouldn't be === ubott2 is now known as ubottu === Lekensteyn|off is now known as Lekensteyn === Lekensteyn is now known as Lekensteyn|break === Lekensteyn|break is now known as Lekensteyn === Lekensteyn is now known as Lekensteyn|eat === Lekensteyn|eat is now known as Lekensteyn