[00:11] anyone around to help me with server crashing a few hours ago? related to apache i think [00:12] stgraber: one other thing: the default fssize with -B lvm is 500M, which isn't big enough for the GINOURMOUS ubuntu-cloud image [00:12] so i'll probably bump that to 1G :( [00:12] also i need to know why on restart ubuntu sets my apache modules based on some 'default' [00:13] i dunno, maybe i need to detect the templates and make it conditional. but that's fugly [00:14] wonderman: if it crashed, it's probbably better to open a bug - so that there's a place to collect all the relevant info [00:14] hallyn what if its not a bug? but my configs [00:15] if it's not a bug, it may get marked invalid, but not until we've been able to help you [00:15] hallyn: 1G has been my default size for containers (vserver, vz, lxc) for years, so I'm fine with that ;) [00:15] stgraber: oh, ok, i'll do that then [00:15] wonderman: what sort of crash then? [00:15] let me pastebin some relavant [00:16] OOM [00:17] http://pastebin.com/XnirkVnd [00:17] Feb 27 15:21:59 server1 kernel: [ 1321.513390] Out of memory: kill process 1595 (apache2) score 1225215 or a child [00:17] it swapped :O === sixstringsg|afk is now known as sixstringsg [00:31] New bug: #942338 in lxc (universe) "Make default lvm blockdev size 1G" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/942338 [00:56] Can someone help me? I've installed postfix, imap, etc. I can send and receive emails when doing it from terminal but I tried connecting through thunderbird and it won't let me. [00:59] That sounds like a problem for #thunderbird [00:59] Probably on irc.mozilla.org [00:59] No it's actually my server. [01:00] That's for sure. [01:00] It's something with imap [01:00] I installed roundcube and it spits out "problem connecting to imap server" [01:01] imap is a protocol, not a daemon. [01:02] I realize that, I'm just telling you what is going on. [01:02] Any idea what could cause such problem? [01:03] What imap daemon are you using? [01:04] I'm new to this, I just did what the guide told me to do, so how would I find that out? [01:04] What guide? [01:04] ubuntu guide [01:05] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto [01:05] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Roundcube [01:05] Don't follow that. Couriour is old crap. [01:05] *Courier [01:05] =[ [01:05] So what do I do? [01:05] There is an official guide which uses dovecot, it is linked from topic for 10.04 version [01:06] topic as in /topic [01:06] Huh? [01:06] Where is that guide? [01:07] wonderman: apache is the one that got killed, but it looks just as likely that cron executing /usr/lib/cgi-bin/awstats.pl -config=awstats -update >/dev/nul was what made you run out of mem [01:09] twb, I'm sorry, I'm new to it all. [01:10] https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/serverguide/C/dovecot-server.html [01:10] Nevermind, found it. [01:11] twb, do I need to uninstall all the stuff I just installed? [01:14] If you are running 10.10 that is the right URL yes. [01:14] You should probably uninstall courier stuff, uninstalling postfix is probably not necessary [01:25] i disabled that cron, but that was the default one installed by ubuntu when i installed awstats, and there is no site in that location or anything, i have another that runs and that hasnt crashed in the past [01:26] o well, ill see how it goes [01:26] Isn't there something better than awstats by now? [01:26] Like maybe google analytics [01:27] IIRC when $boss wanted shiny graphs I said "go use analytics and stop bothering me" === lifeless_ is now known as lifeless === sixstringsg is now known as sixstringsg|away [03:02] Is there a channel for apcupsd? [03:28] man, the internet here is so bad :( [03:28] 300ms pings. and >50% packet loss [03:40] hallyn: I just saw Daniel's e-mail about LXC 0.8, do you know if there's any patch that we still need to forward upstream? [03:41] stgraber: there probably are. well there are some which aren't in bc they rely on our lxcbr0. i need to check what others i haven't pushed [03:41] bbl [03:59] stgraber: http://paste.ubuntu.com/860057/ i think that's the list of not yet applied patches [04:02] no, 0048-warn-if-container-started is there === sixstringsg|away is now known as sixstringsg [04:48] hey guys, I have a RAID 1 question [04:48] I would like to know if my setup would allow hot swapping [04:55] SATA drives are always hot-swappable; bays are not. [04:55] mdadm should allow hot-swapping of a RAID1 node just fine, but you will need to ssh in and tell mdadm to fail/remove/add the node [05:25] twb: thanks, sorry I left the keyboard for a moment [05:25] sorry I asked the question here because I didn't really know where to ask but my question was more purely hardware related (not so much to Ubuntu server) [05:26] I'm indeed using SATA drives, it's a hardware RAID 1 on Intel Server Board S3420GP [05:28] Don't use ICH10R raid [05:28] It's a fakeraid [05:29] In fact, unless you paid at least $200 for your RAID card, and it has a BBU or equivalent, it is useless fakeraid and you should stick to mdadm [05:56] hi all [05:56] It's been about 40 something hours that I'm awake trying fix this mail server and it keeps giving me problems, I need help desperately, is anyone willing to help set it up the right way? Please don't ask what is the problem, because I messed with so much settings that nothing is working now. [06:10] twb: thanks agaih, let me Google this ICH10R you mentioned [06:10] dindeman: ICH10R is your southbridge controller [06:10] dindeman: i.e. the thing on your motherboard that gives you raid [06:10] oh k [06:10] so sorry, what's the issue with this controller ? [06:12] it's fakeraid [06:13] so you're telling me I'd better off use software raid instead of that ? === aarcane_ is now known as aarcane [06:20] twb: thanks for your tips anyway, since this will be a ESXi host I might pursue with VMware peepz to see what's their take on raid when it comes to ESXi [06:21] offhand i do not believe esxi support intel storage array [06:21] "intel storage matrix" sorry [06:22] yeah http://communities.vmware.com/message/1876032?tstart=0 [06:22] the Matrix RAID from Intel ? (checking your link) [06:23] yeah the raid onboard the ICH chipset [06:23] there's actually two [06:24] ESRT2 and Matrix [06:24] your link sort of mentions Matrix, ESRT2 seems more recent [06:25] I can just try any, install ESXi and see whether there is some support about RAID from the vSphere client [06:26] you'll know if it wont work if the installer exits with an screen that says no supported storage adapter found [06:26] (to point out the obvious) [06:27] ah ok [06:27] Any mail experts here? [06:28] If it's esxi you can't use mdadm [06:28] humungulous: what about hot swapping ? [06:28] I assumed since you were here, you were running ubuntu on it [06:29] esxi is its own crackhead linux distro [06:29] dindeman: He left the channel. [06:29] twb: sure, my mistake, I wanted to ask general questions about raid in fact and wasn't too sure where to ask [06:29] No problem [06:30] I will pop by #vmware and see what's peepz take on this over there [06:30] Either buy an expensive RAID card, use mdadm (you can't on ESXi), or use shit raid and deal with when it inevitably falls over and dies [06:30] twb: what about hot swapping tho ? [06:30] what is the meaning or purpose of "sudo pkill -9 squid" ? [06:30] doubt ich10r supports it [06:31] linocisco: it sends a KILL to all processes named squid [06:31] linocisco: see man 7 signal [06:31] twb, when should I run this command , after stoping squid or starting squid? [06:31] twb: thanks tho for your input on this, bye [06:32] linocisco: never [06:32] dont understand [06:32] linocisco: who told you to run it === sixstringsg is now known as sixstringsg|away [07:14] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnBG_LEvvVw told me [07:15] twb, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnBG_LEvvVw told me to run [07:22] good morning all, what's the word on the street about beta 1? [07:23] rickspencer3: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-12.04-beta-1 [07:23] hi humungulous [07:24] rickspencer3: possibly you can find people discussing it in #ubuntu+1 [07:25] thanks for the suggestion humungulous [07:51] hi all === smb` is now known as smb [07:59] hi all, who have done setup for failover between two ISP links? [08:05] linocisco: do you mean with BGP routing? [08:06] linocisco: or something simpler? [08:06] SpamapS, there is no specific protocols. ISP is not sharing anything with us. THey allow us only port 8080,443 and NSlookup for DNS 53 [08:07] linocisco: doesn't sound like much of a "service provider" [08:08] SpamapS, I agree. They bought public IPs and they sells us private subnetted IPs [08:40] Hi [08:40] how to download squid package and how to install ? [09:24] Daviey: I'm curious.. How long time does it take to install a box using netinst these days? [09:27] soren: Honestly, i couldn't tell you from a wallclock perspective, but it's better than it was. [09:27] soren: We have some ideas to make it faster for 12.10.. [09:27] Daviey: Is it more like 2 minutes than 10 minutes? [09:28] probably ~4 [09:28] Daviey: Cool. [09:28] soren: It can be done in the time it takes me to make a cuppa. [09:29] soren: One idea we are thinking about for next cycle is using squashfs on the server :) [09:29] ie, like Desktop. [09:29] Daviey: I've come up with a little interesting hack that does it in ~30 seconds. [09:30] It's all cheating, of course. [09:30] soren: oh? [09:30] but it works. [09:30] I'm using the cloud images. [09:30] and qemu-img from initramfs. [09:30] Shoving the image onto the disk. [09:30] Fetching it over http. [09:30] heh, interesting concept... how big is your initramfs? [09:31] Good questino. Let me check. [09:31] soren: Couldn't you loopback mount the .img, and use that as the rootfs? [09:32] maybe pivot_root [09:33] Daviey: It costs ~3 MB in the initramfs. [09:33] Yes, but then I'd have to use raw images. [09:33] Right now, I'm using a qcow2. [09:34] ...which is loads faster on account of not having to transfer all the unused bits of the original disk. [09:34] right [09:35] soren: is it persistent ? [09:35] As in? [09:36] soren: save data across reboots? [09:37] Daviey: WEll, sure. It's for installing, not for "live CD"-ish sort of stuff. [09:38] I don't use the image after it's done installing. [09:38] It boots into the initramfs, fetches the image and writes it to disk, and reboots. [09:38] soren: so do you dd? Gah, where is the script? :) [09:38] Done. [09:39] No, I use qemu-img. [09:39] qemu-img convert http:/blah -O host_device /dev/sda [09:39] -ish. [09:39] soren: I think i prefer the squashfs-in-di approach TBH. [09:40] soren: then you touch users and hostname? [09:40] I don't do any of that yet. [09:40] Hmm, that might be inappropriate [09:40] ...but I expect to try to rely on cloud-init for stuff like that. [09:40] soren: right [09:41] soren: There will be a UDS session purely about this. [09:43] Daviey: I'm not sure I understand you squashfs-in-di idea. [09:45] soren: Same as ubiquity on the desktop, but for alternate/di [09:45] Daviey: How would that work over the network? [09:45] so a satic image that gets unpacked to disk, and customised based on instaler options. [09:45] (ie users / hostna,e / network config) [09:46] soren: I imagine the netinstaler would have to wget the squashfs for mini.iso. [09:46] * Daviey adds some extra l's [09:47] Where would it put it? [09:47] "I don't know" is a valid answer :) [09:47] I have an educatumacated guess, but i don't know [09:48] soren: Colin sees it as viable fwiw [09:48] I see it working for ISOs. [09:48] I just wonder how you'd do it over the network. [09:49] soren: I imagine the squashfs would be either on cdimage/releases or the same part of the archive which houses the mini.iso [09:50] Daviey: Perhaps I'm missing something.. You need to mount the squashfs somewhere and then copy it to a fresh filesystem... right? [09:50] soren: Hmm, well i don't want to speak for Colin... but the way i see it. [09:50] mini.iso gets you into d-i [09:50] wget http://squashfs [09:50] dd squashfs to /target [09:50] Storing it where? [09:50] New bug: #942487 in openssh (main) "scp -f option not documented" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/942487 [09:51] Sorry, go on. [09:51] soren: You don't think we have enough ramfs these days? [09:51] customise /target based on preseed [09:52] soren: I suppose the other option is that the squashfs is exposed via iscsi|nfs .. OR part of the server-mini.iso (but that is no longer mini :) [09:54] My motivation is: I want to unify the way I provision cloud instances and metal. I.e. shove an image onto a disk and rely on cloud-init to do the customisation. I get annoyed having to deal with two completely separate systems for this stuff. [09:55] ...and I think we've got the whole shared-image-followed-by-first-boot-config solved pretty well with cloud-init. [09:55] So why not use it? [09:55] I'm having some networking problems I need to solve, but it's mostly functional. [09:56] And then I need to find a few to feed data to cloud-init. [09:56] zul: essex-3 has some new python deps, http://paste.ubuntu.com/860317/ I am finally able to get it working from source :) [09:56] soren: right! [09:57] i meant keystone essex-3 :P [10:04] hello, does anyone know why the squid package on ubuntu was not compiled with the --enable-ssl flag? is there a reason, or should I just compile own with it? I want to be able to use the https_port directive in the configuration [10:04] http://www1.it.squid-cache.org/Versions/v3/3.HEAD/cfgman/https_port.html [10:05] morning o/ [10:06] mandel: the squid package comes straight from debian, I'd suggest building your own package in your PPA, filling a bug and attaching a patch to it [10:06] lynxman, you could have said that too me yesterday, puto!! ;) [10:07] mandel: it was just too fun replying "lol" instead ;) [10:07] mandel: if you need any help let me know, I'll be glad to build the package for you [10:08] lynxman, don't say it to loud or I'll delegate hehe [10:08] mandel: that's why I'm offering, I like being your helper ;) [10:09] lynxman, if is not too much work for you, I'd really appreciate it [10:09] mandel: it's really not, let me fix it up fo ryou [10:09] lynxman, I'll get you a beer whenever I go to london or barcelona :) [10:09] lynxman, thx! [10:10] during an installation with apt-get install, and if I press Ctrl+C to cancel. what will be the effect in system? [10:12] linocisco: packages half installed, mayhem, dogs and cats living together [10:13] linocisco: but just issue "apt-get -f install" and it should just catch up [10:13] ok [10:13] thanks [10:13] can I clear traces of that cancel by using apt-get -f install ? [10:14] linocisco: most of the time it should yeah [10:15] lynxman, thanks [10:24] hi [10:26] I always get this error in my auth.log: Feb 28 11:23:49 catacombe sshd[18795]: Failed password for root from port 38861 ssh2 [10:26] what does it mean ? [10:27] some bot trying to log on my server ? [10:29] maxagaz: most likely, yes. [10:30] greppy, what can I do against that ? [10:30] Daviey: zul or adam_g: jamespage gave me your contacts because I'm having problems with my openstack implementation and he thought you might be able to help. I have four servers, one running all the nova, glance and swift services (which I'll refer to as the controller), the others just running nova-compute and nova-network. I've got two nics per server, using a vlan config. If my instance runs up on the [10:30] controller I can ssh to it and ping to it. If it ends up on any of the compute nodes, it's running but I can't connect to it. The console log shows it waiting for 120 seconds for a network connection, which it never gets. The logs are here: nova-compute.log: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/860301/ nova-network.log: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/860304/ Any clues? [10:30] greppy: it's polluting my logs [10:31] I have many things like "Invalid user manikswe from" [10:31] maxagaz: you can do a couple of things, install fail2ban, block that IP using iptables, notify the owner of the IP of the attempted unauthorized access, move your ssh daemon to listen to a non-standard port, like 1422 instead of 22. [10:31] with different nicks, but same ip [10:33] greppy: great :-) [10:33] greppy: fail2ban works like a charm, I forgot it :) [10:34] I don't know why it's not installed by default on ubuntu server [10:34] hi [10:34] in nano, how could I see line no.? [10:35] maxagaz: because where do you draw the line then? what else should be installed by default? :) [10:35] linocisco: have you read the man page for nano? [10:35] greppy: hmm... fair enough [10:36] greppy, yes [10:36] davepigott: I'd say the nova-network configuration is borked somehow, could you please paste it somewhere? [10:36] davepigott: also it'd help pinging the #openstack channel [10:37] lynxman: Already pinged there but got nothing. Posted on the openstack forum as well. So far no response. [10:37] lynxman: Do you mean the nova.conf file? [10:37] linocisco: use 'nano -c' to invoke nano. [10:37] davepigott: I'd say from my experience that there's something not right either in the vlan creation or the nova.conf [10:37] * koolhead17 does whois lynxman to confirm if its really him!! :P [10:37] lynxman: OK. nova.conf on its way. One moment [10:38] davepigott: cool [10:38] greppy, no . not like that. like we can see line no. in gedit [10:39] lynxman: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/860354/ [10:39] lynxman: Same on all four servers [10:40] linocisco: not possible. use gedit then. [10:40] linocisco: or use vi [10:41] greppy, ok thanks. vi is more difficult than nano [10:41] greppy, thanks anyway [10:46] davepigott: Have you looked at this? http://wiki.openstack.org/VlanNetworkSetup [10:48] lynxman: No. First I've seen of it. I'll read through. You think my db is out of sync with the config? [10:48] davepigott: if you didn't do it then yeah :) [10:49] lynxman: Fair enough. :) [10:55] New bug: #942541 in nova (main) "Short descriptions mistakes" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/942541 [10:56] smoser: How easily could you be pursuaded to extend cloud-init to accept a url on the kernel command line where it should go and find its user-data and meta-data? [11:03] soren: if you offer him candy or a bug report I'm sure he'll be happy to have a look :) [11:10] soren: how're you doing btw, all good? [11:10] lynxman: OK. Database looks ok. I did do all that, based on the "Beginners guide" so it's fine. Or at least would seem to be. [11:11] davepigott: then I'd try to ping the openstack channel, I've never handled vlan connections on openstack myself :) [11:11] hey, can anyone tell me why this cron is running everyminute, for 1 hour, then stops > * */16 * * * curl --silent [11:11] davepigott: always used flat network [11:11] lynxman: OK. Thanks. I probably should have used flat network but not sure how to switch it over. [11:11] wonderman: because it's programmed to do so at 4pm (16:00) for every minute of that hour [11:11] davepigott: hmm good luck :) [11:12] i see, how would i make it do it every 16hours? [11:13] this should do it every 24hours > 0 0 * * * curl --silent [11:13] i also need one to run every 16hours [11:13] wonderman: 0 */16 * * * curl --silent [11:13] davepigott, how is the network switch configured? [11:14] wonderman: eitherway your mileage may vary, running something every 16 hours is a bit bizarre :) [11:14] jamespage: Pretty much as it came out of the box. Cisco switch. [11:14] hmm lol [11:14] davepigott, ah [11:14] jamespage: ah? [11:14] well, what its doing atm is totally wrong! [11:14] davepigott, one second [11:14] jamespage: sure [11:14] davepigott, I think that the switch needs some extra config [11:15] jamespage: To allow vlan? [11:15] i thought this is what i was doing 0 */16 * * * what is the difference, apart from the obvious, what does setting 0 mean over setting * ? [11:15] wonderman: 0 is minute 0 whereas * is every possible option in the minute, so every single min [11:15] davepigott, yes - the ports to your servers need to be trunk ports that support the VLAN's that you have configured nova with [11:15] ah ok [11:16] davepigott, I've not done that on cisco for a while [11:16] * jamespage tries to remember [11:16] jamespage: OK. Not over familiar with configuring cisco switches for that kind of thing. [11:16] davepigott, you might be better to not use VLAN mode and revert to one of the other networking types [11:17] jamespage: Ugh. How big a deal is that to undo it all and then re-do it? [11:18] jamespage: I have two switches. One on the main net, one on the private. Do they both need vlan config? [11:20] davepigott: I think this helps your config https://lists.launchpad.net/openstack/msg05531.html [11:20] davepigott: you'd need to configure every switch port that is configured in vlan mode this way [11:21] * lynxman thankfully is good at Cisco so jamespage sparked his brain [11:21] lynxman: How do I get onto the switch? Over serial it's all menu driven [11:21] davepigott: oh my :) [11:21] davepigott: you need to telnet into it, have a user or a term password then the enable password [11:22] davepigott: you don't have anyone around that did actually configure those switches or are you on your own? [11:22] lynxman, that config looks good [11:22] lynxman: I'm trying to telnet but it's not responding [11:22] lynxman: On my own I'm afraid [11:22] davepigott, I think it only needs to be applied to the private network interfaces i.e. one of the switches [11:22] jamespage: OK. That's good at least. :) [11:22] davepigott: what james page says [11:23] davepigott: then try to access through serial cable, it shouldn't ask you for any password and just give you a prompt [11:23] davepigott: then just type "enable" and the default password should be Cisco [11:23] davepigott: do "sh run" to show your running configuration, write down the ports that you'll be using for your internal network [11:23] davepigott: then add that config to them using "config term" [11:23] davepigott: once you're done type exit and "write mem" to save your changes [11:24] * jamespage bows to the awesomeness of lynxman's cisco knowledge [11:24] jamespage: I used to manage spanning tree vlans on Cisco, but I'm rusty at best [11:25] lynxman: It just gives me a menu. No shell [11:25] lynxman, I had todo some integration work between IBM/HP BladeCenters and Cisco switches but that was in 2007 :-) [11:26] davepigott, if you don't need it I would suggest that you don't use VLAN networking [11:27] davepigott, this was what I was looking for - http://unchainyourbrain.com/openstack/13-networking-in-nova [11:27] jamespage: If this solves it, I'll stick with vlan. If not I'll go back and reconfigure everything [11:27] this is what the juju charms for openstack do [11:28] davepigott: I do agree with jamespage, if you don't feel comfortable managing vlan switches it's better to go to plain basic flat network [11:29] davepigott, I don't think switching is that hard TBH [11:29] you already have the right bits installed - they just need reconfiguring! [11:30] lynxman: Why am I menu driven and not command line on the switch? [11:31] davepigott: it depends on your cisco switch model, all Catalysts should run Cisco IOS but maybe you have a SoHo one that doens't [11:32] lynxman: OK. There's a VLAN menu option. Has a VLAN ID of 1. [11:33] davepigott: that's the default vlan, the question is if the switch allows trunk config per port [11:33] Hi all [11:33] lynxman: OK. If it doesn't vlan is out, right? [11:33] davepigott: afraid so [11:34] I'm having some problems with my ubuntu server, would anyone be able to help? === Leseb_ is now known as Leseb [11:34] I can't upgrade/use dpkg/apt.. specifically, I messed up Perl [11:35] and it keeps complaining about strict.pm being missing, so I tried to reinstall, but it still complains [11:43] it prevents me from using the package manager [11:43] which is annoying as I need to upgrade the server [11:49] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11724946 [12:03] lynxman: Good, thanks. Of course I'd be even better if cloud-init would do this for me :) [12:21] lynxman: OK. Looks like I can set up trunk config per port from the menu interface [12:44] smoser: Oh, hang on. It already does this somehow, doesn't it? [12:45] utlemming: hey, it looks like i won't be able to be at the weekly meeting. Are you ok driving the development part? [12:52] soren: I'm sure it somehow does, cloud-init does the kitchen sink and everything [13:13] smoser/utlemming: what's your take on including acpid in the cloud images in order to support KVM soft reboot ? [13:13] References: [13:13] http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/Tips#Debian.2FUbuntu_guests_under_KVM_don.27t_shut_down_properly [13:13] https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/939557 [13:13] Launchpad bug 939557 in nova "'nova reboot' under KVM always does a hard reboot" [High,Triaged] [13:21] ttx: I have never agreed that acpid should be absent.. iirc, soren had views on it. [13:21] Daviey: I certainly do. [13:21] Daviey: It should totally be included. [13:22] Daviey: That's my view. [13:22] Daviey: I also have views on how to get it included. [13:23] soren: Hmm.. i'm *sure* you said that it shouldn't be there. [13:23] Infact, i remember saying so.. and you saying just apt-get install it! :) [13:25] Daviey: When did you ever pay attention to what I say? [13:26] acpid is important. Include it. In -minimal or -standard or whatever. Don't backdoor it into the cloud images. [13:26] AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH [13:26] gezundheit [13:26] H. [13:26] Heck, or even in -server (which gets installed in cloud-init, iirc). [13:27] soren: You change your mind like the weather man! [13:27] Daviey: Maybe. [13:27] Daviey: I'd be happy to see quotes of me saying otherwise. [13:28] Daviey: I've talked many times about *relying* on its presence. [13:28] soren: UDS-Jaunty real life, and prior on irc. :) [13:28] He was young then [13:28] Daviey: Where I've told people to just go and apt-get install it, because we can't travel back intime and add it to hardy or lucid or whatever. [13:28] * jpds flips another coin. [13:29] man, can someone tell me what causes lots of 408s in apache? [13:32] soren: I'm going to add it to just server for now. [13:32] Daviey: I remember, for instance, a bug about rebooting kvm's from libvirt, where I spent way too much time explaining why you couldn't just rely on acpid for it to work. [13:32] Daviey: ...because even if acpid got added to the development release at the time, it still wouldn't work for older version of ubuntu. [13:33] Daviey: I can't imagine I'd be opposed to adding acpid by default. [13:33] Daviey: But, if I did, I'm sure I'd have excellent reasons :) [13:33] naturally [13:35] morning folks [13:38] * soren hugs kexec [13:42] soren: seen pxe-kexec ? [13:43] Daviey: I did see it in the archive, yes. Didn't quite get it, though. [13:44] Daviey: Perhaps its name confuses me. Does it actually do PXE at all? [13:46] soren: well, depends what you define as PXE :).. it pulls via tftp the conifg and kernel, then kexec's it [13:46] so not quite PXE 'booting', but the same end resut. [13:51] Daviey: ...but I don't need a bootp server? [13:56] smoser: If I pass ds=nocloud on the kernel command line, isn't cloud-init supposed to not try to contact the EC2 metadata service? [13:57] soren: it tries to find that from dhcp (unreliable), normally you declare it on the command line [13:58] Daviey: Ah, I see. [13:58] Daviey: PXE invariably means something that involves DHCP in my head. [13:58] soren: Think outside the box (head). [14:01] question about iscsi and lvms... [14:01] i have a raid, and i divide it using lvm. [14:01] larsemil: Are you asking for us to ask you a question? [14:01] my initiators mount the different luns [14:02] can the server mounting the lun, use lvm (again) on the iscsi lun that is originally a logical volume [14:02] ? [14:02] Daviey: there it came, the question [14:02] larsemil: I can't see why not? [14:03] larsemil: All you are doing is nested lvm, right? [14:03] yes [14:04] someone please tell me how i can disable modules that apache load by default in ubuntu, there are too many, and once i disable, if i reboot server they all become enabeld again [14:06] wonderman: How are you disabling them? [14:06] wonderman: a2dismod is your friend [14:09] wonderman: ...and a2enmod to enable... [14:12] yes i use that [14:12] i disabled mod_reqtimeout [14:12] when i rebooted server it was back enabled [14:15] wonderman: So on reboot, /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/reqtimeout.load magically reappears? [14:20] yes [14:20] ivoks: ping [14:20] as well as other useless modules ubuntu seems to have enabled by default [14:20] zul: pong [14:22] ivoks: the nova bug you raised is with juju right? [14:22] zul: yes [14:22] ivoks: k [14:22] zul: why? [14:22] anywhere you can point me to get juju working with nova? [14:22] wonderman: can you see the module in $apache2root/modules-available/ ? [14:22] ivoks: starting to work on it [14:22] zul: sure [14:23] not now that i disabled it again [14:23] .. [14:23] zul: where do you wanna start? [14:23] ivoks: at the begging [14:23] zul: i didn't get it working 100%, but it's almost there... [14:23] k [14:31] jamespage: lynxman: I've now got instances I can ping, but unless its on cloud01 I can't ssh. Weird. [14:36] Daviey: im going to try to get the console patch accepted again upstream === Leseb_ is now known as Leseb [14:36] wonderman: Well, Ubuntu certainly isn't resurrecting files on the filesystem on its own. Is there anytihng special about this system? [14:37] what about init scripts? [14:37] are you 100% sure about that, because it is lol [14:37] wonderman: I'm sure we'd have heard about it before if it did. [14:39] zul: awesome [14:42] smoser: ping [14:44] soren: maybe it's a spin called Zombibuntu? Where your files come back to life [14:44] lynxman: Could be :) [14:45] lynxman: I don't see how ds=nocloud is ever supposed to work. [14:45] lynxman: Sorry, not you :) [14:45] smoser: I don't see how ds=nocloud is ever supposed to work. [14:48] smoser: cloudinit.DataSourceNoCloud.get_datasource_list calls list_from_depends with net and disk depends. list_from_depends returns only data sources whose dependencies match exactly the list of dependencies passed (rather than the data sources whose dependencies are fulfilled by the list of dependencies). [14:48] This matches the "docstring" for list_from_depends, but goes against my sanity as well as what you put in the commit message for r323. [14:49] The net effect is that the NoCloud ds isn't considered, because both net and disk is available already. [14:49] davepigott, thats a step forward at least! [14:49] have you configured security groups to allow SSH access? [14:54] jamespage: On the server? Yep. [14:55] jamespage: And just found that by default the switch blocks ssh. Changed that but still can't ssh. Hmm. Unless I need to restart networking across the cloud [14:58] New bug: #942646 in nova (main) "No logrotate files for nova-manage and nova-dhcbridge" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/942646 [14:58] davepigott, I mean have you configured a security group and associated it with your instances? If thats what "On the server" means then +1 [14:59] jamespage: Hmmm. Well, I did an euca-authorize on tcp port 22, if that's what you mean? [14:59] davepigott, thats what I mean :-) [14:59] jamespage: Then yes. :) [15:00] jamespage: Going to restart the services on the cloud and see if they recognise the change on the switch [15:00] soren, nocloud is run at 'cloud-init start-local' [15:00] smb, ping [15:01] smoser: Err.. ok? [15:01] soren, i'm fairlys ure it does work. i can test to make sure though. [15:01] smoser: Not sure what to make of that. All I can tell is that if I pass ds=nocloud on the kernel command line, the vm still spends a lot of time trying to contact the ec2 md service. [15:01] cloud-init has 2 main "init/datasource" jobs [15:01] Potentially I currently have shared troubles with soren [15:01] soren, ah. [15:02] soren you're hoping to completely use the command line ? ie, no /var/lib/data/seed? [15:02] yeah... that is potential, smb. [15:02] i will check to make sure i didn't break that. hold on. [15:03] smoser: I haven't gotten that far yet. Right now I just want it to stop bothering with the ec2 md service. [15:03] * smb is using /var/lib/cloud/seed though (without ds=nocloud but have checked with it) [15:03] soren, right. [15:04] easiest thing in precise is to attach an iso or vfat formated disk [15:04] with 'user-data' and 'meta-data' files. [15:04] anyone help with diagnosing 408 errors? [15:04] For a VM, perhaps. [15:04] soren, right. [15:04] I need to deal with metal, too. [15:04] but if you're doing an install and just want to ditch it, easiest thing to do would be to seed and dpkg-reconfigure. [15:04] oh.. [15:04] but you dont want to ditch. [15:05] k. [15:05] just a minute [15:05] Passing ds=nocloud-net works, too, but ds=nocloud should work. [15:06] soren, yeah, clearly it should. [15:06] smb, on bug 937352 [15:06] Launchpad bug 937352 in cloud-initramfs-tools "root partition may not be grown" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/937352 [15:06] i woke up loast night night with an idea. [15:06] which may not be valid, but wanted to run it past you [15:06] smoser: It'll pass. [15:06] smoser, Hm no wake up... [15:07] slangasek pointed out that when you call sfdisk to resize, it calls the ioctl once at the beginning (to see if its busy) and then once again. [15:07] his suspicion is that the first call (even though nothing has changed) is generating kernel events , spawning udev events... [15:07] Oops, that might be slightly fatal [15:07] but if there is no change, there *should* be no events generated [15:08] but my thought last night was this: [15:08] * kernel comes up, sees /dev/vda (and vda1), and gets CHS from disk/driver somehow [15:08] * udev runs [15:08] * partition scanning code runs, and notices that the partition table seems to have a CHS that does not match that of the disk/driver [15:09] * sfdisk runs with ioctl to say "re-read" [15:09] * kernel now says "oh my, its different than it was" [15:09] * udev gets event [15:09] * blkid ... BUSY [15:09] does that seem possible ? [15:09] it seemed strange tome that the kernel could potentially change its view of CHS for a disk, but maybe that udev somehow tried to "fix" it. [15:10] smb, ^ is that remotely possible ? [15:11] we've generally ruled out the mount/unmount yesterday as I saw there were still issues right before the first mount [15:11] smoser, I actually think there is not so much complicated code. You / sfdisk calls reread partition table, the kernel does it and generates events. No checking for whether this is the same as before [15:12] smb, well, that is not what i see. [15:12] very clearly, just calling blockdev --rereadpt does not generate udev events. [15:12] that is easily demonstratable [15:13] smoser, Hm, it was what I saw when just using that blockdev --rereadpt command instead of sfdisk for testing... [15:13] i thought we'd seen that too [15:14] but i just tested it yesterday [15:14] smoser, So probably I go and look at the code. Then we should be sure. :) [15:16] hey everyone. any way to get apache kerberos auth working with a require group auth? [15:17] directive^ [15:17] ie, 'stop udevd' 'udevd --debug' 'blockdev --rereadpt /dev/vdb', nothing new on udev screen [15:17] smb, ^ [15:17] ijust tested that now [15:18] i keep getting access to / failed, reason: require directives present and no Authoritative handler. [15:18] it works with require user ... [15:18] require valid-user doesn't work either. [15:18] same error. [15:19] smoser, I had been adding function trace points to blkdev_get and blkdev_put and saw them used by blkid and cdrom-id, at least when running rounds in a loop [15:20] smb, so something is strange then [15:21] any ideas? [15:22] smoser, yes agree. Well give me a few minutes to check the code in the kernel. And try some modified tracing [15:23] smoser, In the mean time for clarification: to make cloud-init use the files in /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud, I need to put ds=nocloud on the grub command line, too? [15:24] smb, you do not. [15:27] smoser, Hm, ok. Still it does not seem to want to use the files I got there. Is there a way to make it more verbose? [15:27] smb, soren, it seems lke precise might have regressed that :-( [15:27] Oh [15:34] smb, soren precise is regressed for both of you :-( [15:35] what are the ./configure args used for ubuntus apache? [15:36] smoser, Good to know. At least I can now stop wondering what I did wrong. So for now I add precise to my decloudify list :) [15:37] http://paste.ubuntu.com/860653/ [15:37] smoser, there is a fix [15:37] and i just verified with that change that both populating /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud [15:37] and [15:38] sudo DEBUG_PROC_CMDLINE="BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-17-virtual root=LABEL=cloudimg-rootfs ro console=ttyS0 ds=nocloud;h=foo;i=i-abc" cloud-init start-local [15:38] find the local data source [15:38] soren, ^ [15:40] smoser, Yes, it does seem to work now [15:44] bug 942695 [15:44] Launchpad bug 942695 in cloud-init "cloud-init local data source broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/942695 [15:56] New bug: #942695 in cloud-init (main) "cloud-init local data source broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/942695 [15:56] broken, smoken [15:56] smoser, I checked the code and did some experiments. Both does verify that there will be events for every rereadpt done. Basically this removes all partitions and creates fresh ones after scanning [15:59] smoser, So if sfdisk really does that ioctl twice when resizing there is really a good chance of failing because some events still may be running [16:42] New bug: #928383 in glance (main) "python-glance package contains stuff about API and registry" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/928383 [16:56] stgraber: you're not touching ubuntu:lxc this week at all? (wondering how frequently i should check for updates :) [16:56] hallyn: nope, busy fixing the installer this week :) [17:00] cool. then lemme put on my irc blinders and get to work [17:01] :) === sixstringsg|away is now known as sixstringsg [17:13] smb, i dont understand how you could have seen that. [17:13] what was wrong with my test ? [17:13] very explicitly i saw no output of udev [17:14] smoser, You tried to start the udevd in the foreground with debug, right. Wonder whether that is really the same as logging the events in debug mode... [17:15] smoser, Have you tried with "udevadm control --log-priority=debug" and then looking in /var/log/syslog? [17:17] i can try that really quick [17:18] smb, nothing [17:19] (i only see stuff in /var/log/udev, not /var/log/syslog though) [17:19] this is precise [17:19] smoser, I am also looking at precise. A cloudimage running on my local xen [17:20] smb, here, try my instance [17:20] ubuntu@ [17:20] smoser, tell me what i'm doing wrong [17:21] i'm just running 'sudo blockdev --rereadpt /dev/vdb' [17:21] and expecting to see output in /var/log/udev [17:21] but there is none [17:24] smoser, There is something else broken. I do not even see any output from the rereadpt... Checking for a partition... [17:24] smb, hm... [17:25] well, what is wrong then? [17:26] smoser, not sure right now [17:26] but clearly /proc/partitions has not seen your vdb1 [17:26] smb, if you are correct, then sfdisk without --no-reread is generally broken [17:26] hm.. [17:26] interesting [17:27] i fdisk'ed it [17:27] thats very interesting. [17:27] Normally there should be messages in dmesg like vdb: vdb1 [17:27] thats just a new instance, and then i ran 'fdisk' to put a partition table on it. [17:27] nothing there [17:27] well, the partition table wasn't ther eon boot [17:27] just like the ioctl somewhere is ignored [17:27] i added it [17:27] smb, you can have that instance. [17:28] i think that is something you should debug [17:28] as it may be related here. [17:28] and we should open a bug on sfdisk, as if you're correct, it is broken in its design. [17:29] smb, in your xen guests, you have a different driver than in canonistack instance [17:29] smoser, hm, ok the ioctl returns 1 not 0 , just need to find out what that means again [17:29] smb, k. i'll leave you at that for a minute and chase these other 2 cloud-init bugs [17:29] smoser, aye :) [17:30] utlemming, jamespage Daviey i'm hoping that i'll be able to fix bug 941955 and bug 942695 before beta [17:30] Launchpad bug 941955 in cloud-init "util.islxc() method is broken without is-lxc-container" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/941955 [17:30] Launchpad bug 942695 in cloud-init "cloud-init local data source broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/942695 [17:30] both should be straight forward enough. [17:34] smoser, Harrr! You had the device mounted. So rc 1 mean busy [17:35] shoot. [17:35] sorry, smb. [17:35] smoser, Now there are all the missing things :) [17:35] so sfdisk is simply broken and almost guaranteed to cause races [17:35] without --no-reread [17:36] i'll open a bug, and will address in cloud-initramfs-tools [17:36] smoser, It seems so. At least since rereading the partition table actually causes events and lots of things to happen [17:36] Trying to use rereadpt to check for a busy disk is nearly guaranteed to have it busy in some way for some time after that [17:37] * smb thinking whether that could be replaced by an open with O_EXCL === Leseb_ is now known as Leseb [17:39] though that may required an open to all partitions, not only the main block device. But I am not sure [17:40] smb: udevadm settle won't block until after rereadpt is done (and the disk isn't busy anymore)? [17:41] kklimonda, It just ensures that the outstanding requests from a previous rereadpt are finished. Either sfdisk does something like that internally or one would need to use --no-reread and do any initial check before [17:42] udevadm is not particularly related to the disk [17:42] hi guys, someone already used ldap to auth users on ubuntu with the automount of home directories? [17:43] i need some advice to do that [17:45] smb: yeah, but it tends to block while it's processing events, and it did help me when sfdisk was complaining that the disk is in use ;) [17:45] (but if sfdisk has a bug then it won't help obviously) [17:45] kklimonda, Yes it does. Just that we found out that sfdisk does the rereadpt twice internally [17:46] Once before doing anything to make sure the disk is not in use and once after changing the partition [17:51] huh, and the second one bails with an error? [17:54] smb, still around ? [17:54] smoser, yes [17:54] so: [17:55] printf "1,,L,*\n" | sudo sfdisk /dev/vdb [17:55] that should basically guarantee failure at some point, right? [17:56] smoser, not sure I know sfdisk well enough to understand the instructions... [17:57] well, that just says "add a linux partition the whole disk" [17:57] smoser: whats the bug no for that glace/nova AKI issue? [17:57] and i verify that this does result in val [17:57] adam_g, none at the moment. [17:57] it is upgrade related [17:58] but i am confused on its extent otherwise, as I don't know why my last uploads of lucid failed. but i'm re-trying. [17:58] (it could have been luser error) [17:58] smb, , so i see failure like: [17:58] for((i=0;i<100;i++)); do printf "1,,L,*\n" | sudo sfdisk /dev/vdb > out 2>&1 || { echo "FAILED: $i"; cat out; break; } ; echo -n .; udevadm settle; done [17:58] you think that is basically a valid test case, right? [17:59] smoser, Assuming we do not start while something is going on yes [17:59] At least as long internally do_fdisk is called (which is doing the reread check) [17:59] right. [17:59] i was looking at code too, its clear it calls it twice [18:01] So yes, that should be a valid case. Now, there could be side-requirement in a way of udev getting reasonably delayed in processing [18:02] Also the blkid and cdrom_id lock the mutex only while the open and close system calls are processed [18:08] smoser, seems to work in failing in testing here [18:09] work in failing [18:09] :) [18:09] nice [18:09] bug 942788, smb [18:09] Launchpad bug 942788 in util-linux "sfdisk without --no-reread is likely to cause race conditions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/942788 [18:09] smoser, Oh well. :) It can sometimes take a while though. Just had a quite long run [18:10] yeah, but its quite obviously wrong. [18:10] thank you for your help, smb. [18:10] i'm really quite amazed that we never saw this issue until now. [18:10] that code has been in basically as it is since 10.10. [18:12] smoser, Yes, at least since there is som much dynamic and user-space involved in rereading the partitions. Maybe we just did not notice or shrugged it away as temporary oddity. Or there is slightly more things triggered by udev or the commands run a bit slower or... [18:13] smb, when we upgraded to precise on canonistack, we upgraded kvm [18:13] and that changed the timings of disk access in vms [18:13] that is what made us start seeing it now. [18:14] Trouble with races is that they are racy... :) === sixstringsg is now known as sixstringsg|away [18:18] can i have faster races in my kernel? [18:23] hallyn, Upgrade your CPU :) [18:25] hey guys where can one find the url's to the server so i can do a network installation [18:34] eagles0513875: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/ [18:34] SpamapS: could you give me the pointer to the release notes bug once more :-/ [18:34] thanks SpamapS [18:34] arosales: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-release-notes/precise [18:34] SpamapS: thanks [18:34] one is glad to be of service [18:35] smb, hallyn has looked for an upgrade, but it seems faster transmeta chips are hard to find. [18:35] zing [18:35] :) [18:36] keep this up i'll have to take that thing to uds [18:36] SpamapS / arosales: Traditionally, we don't start populating ubuntu-release-notes project until further into the cycle. === bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk [18:37] i'm trying to automount home directories of users using this tutorial - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutofsLDAP, but i'm having some problems if someone could help me i will appreciate that [18:40] Daviey: Following up on skaet looking to capture items for release notes as they land (ie per the release notes section in the template @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/Agenda/TeamTemplate) [18:42] arosales: ok [18:43] Daviey: noob question. What is the process to _collect_ release note information? Do we queue requests in the LP branch as we know of items, or is there more of a concerted effort towards release? [18:43] Daviey: I had thought that beta1 was where we started filing those bugs. [18:49] SpamapS: Are there items you are sure will not be fixed for release at this stage? [18:53] hallyn: I have an LXC issue that is biting me hard. Will you take a look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/860883/ for me? [18:53] Daviey: SpamapS: I guess we should not of significant package updates / new packages that would be good candidates for the release notes at this time, or is that not correct material for release notes? [18:55] benji: that's probably bug 942144 ? [18:55] Launchpad bug 942144 in lxc "Using bindhome option of ubuntu template conflicts with ubuntu user" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/942144 [18:55] * benji looks with anticipation. [18:55] benji: is buildbot uid 1000? [18:55] hm, no [18:55] arosales: Well, traditionally it's been in the ramp up to release, we can document stuff which wasn't fixed, that users should know about. [18:55] hallyn: it should be [18:55] prolly wouldn't cause a problem there yet [18:55] hallyn: hmm, nope 108 [18:55] oh, ok. (i never tested it myself, not 100% sure how it manifeswts) [18:56] If there are issues which meet this criteria already, we should be concerned IMO. [18:56] benji: that sucks, i dont' see any cause for the failure [18:56] benji: you have enough disk space? [18:56] hallyn: we do have an ubuntu user on the host which has uid 1000 [18:57] yeah but you're not trying to bind that in so that's fine [18:57] Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on [18:57] /dev/xvda1 8.0G 2.7G 4.9G 36% / [18:57] this is on uptodate precise? wahts' full cmdline? [18:58] Daviey: agreed, we still have time to fix bugs. Your thoughts on collecting new package and updated package notes at this time, or better towards release? [18:58] hallyn: it's an EC2 AMI from the 25th or 26th, the full command line is on the first line of the paste [18:58] arosales: TechnicalOverview is a rolling document for this, no? [18:58] hallyn: I could try updating the host to see if it would help [18:59] arosales: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/TechnicalOverview [18:59] The following packages will be upgraded: [18:59] libxml2 manpages ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-standard whoopsie [19:00] Daviey: ah ok, thanks. [19:00] * arosales sees how it fits together now :-) [19:01] hallyn: same result after the upgrade: no discernable error in the output and then "failed to execute template 'ubuntu'" [19:01] no g/me lunch [19:01] * roaksoax lunch [19:02] I think skaet's template update in the release notes also funnels into there (there = TechnicalOverview) [19:02] Daviey: do i subscribe MIR bugs as normal to get them to list on the MIR section of http://status.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server/release-bugs.html ? [19:03] benji: and what is /etc/lxc/local.conf? [19:03] adam_g: no, that is based on tags :/ [19:03] (trying with stock one) [19:03] hallyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/860910/ [19:03] Daviey: I just need to get updates from folks to update the TechnicalOverview now ;-) [19:03] (yes, for some reason the first line is blank) [19:03] arosales: lol, the hard part. [19:04] Daviey: thanks for the info, and piecing that together for me. [19:05] Daviey: ah, okay. well, we should probably add bug #941913 and bug #941916 however thats done [19:05] Launchpad bug 941913 in python-babel "[MIR] python-babel" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/941913 [19:05] Launchpad bug 941916 in python-tz "[MIR] python-tz" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/941916 [19:06] benji: try adding '-F' at end of that cmdline [19:06] hallyn: running... [19:06] I'm trying to configure ldap + autofs to automount home directories of users in ubuntu (auth and mount home) - im trying to follow this tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutofsLDAP - but i'm having problems - see this http://pastebin.com/raLeXikz [19:07] could anyone help me? [19:13] hallyn: hey, I'm having some odd behavior within a kvm guest, since I upgraded my host to precise on Friday [19:14] hallyn: the load spirals out of control (up to ~40 or so) on a 4xCPU kvm guest [19:14] hallyn: i've been running same guest as my dev environment for months on 11.10, no problem [19:14] hallyn: problem showed up after i rebooted into precise 3.2 on the host [19:14] hallyn: then guest is 11.10 [19:14] hallyn: ideas? [19:15] none [19:15] does a fresh oneiric iso run fine? [19:16] benji: it occurs to me that 'failed to execute ubuntu template' is a really really bad error msg [19:16] arosales, can you please release the lock on the manifest wikipage ? [19:16] ogra_: just saved my updates [19:16] hallyn: you might be onto something there ;) [19:16] ogra_: its all yours [19:16] thx [19:17] kirkland: what's the current status of ecryptfs support for nss-pam-ldapd/getent? [19:17] zul: https://code.launchpad.net/~gandelman-a/nova/libvirt_patch_refresh/+merge/95024 please note comments [19:17] jacobw: hmm, none that I know of; what's the bug number? [19:18] kirkland: can you open a bug with full cmdline and details on guest setup and host fs? i'll try to reproduce. [19:18] hallyn: sure; you havent seen anything like it? [19:18] hallyn: bad news, the -F didn't help; shall I pastebin the output? [19:18] i haven't [19:19] benji: sure. [19:19] benji: and then i'll probably have to ask you to edit lxc-create and lxc-ubuntu template to get more output aobut where it dies [19:20] hallyn: you could make that an option [19:20] --debug [19:20] adam_g: yeah merged [19:20] kirkland: there's bug #293433 [19:20] Launchpad bug 293433 in ecryptfs-utils "ecryptfs-utils does not work with LDAP/Kerberos users" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/293433 [19:20] hallyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/860931/ [19:21] lifeless: if it fails i'd like the output to e there regardless. but yeah [19:22] jacobw: that one is fix-released; is that the same issue you're having? [19:23] kirkland: i can see its fixed now :) [19:23] jacobw: alrighty :-) does that help you out? [19:24] kirkland: yeah, all i'm trying to do is make ecryptfs volumes for users auth'd by pam_ldap.so [19:25] jacobw: hmm, i think that's more of a pam question, than an ecryptfs question [19:25] jacobw: pam_ecryptfs.so just has to be in your stack [19:25] benji: oh, wait. this might be due to something i inadvertently fixed in the bzr tree [19:25] jacobw: and has to receive your login password to unwrap your wrapped-passphrase [19:25] benji: on line 636 of /usr/lib/lxc/templates/lxc-ubuntu, [19:25] there is [19:25] if [ ! -z $bindhome ]; then [19:26] benji: can you change that to "if [ -n "$bindhome" ]; then [19:26] (the quotes being hte important part) [19:26] of course, that shouldn't be a problem since you *did* specify it... [19:26] ah [19:26] kirkland: yeah, since that bug was fixed this is possible [19:27] benji: uh. what is the shell for that user? [19:27] and, does it have a shadow entry [19:27] hallyn: /bin/sh [19:27] i'm pretty sure do_bindhome is dying somehwere (bc it's set -e) where something funk ys going on with that user [19:28] does 'getent shadow (user)' return success? [19:28] hallyn: buildbot:*:15398:0:99999:7::: [19:28] hm [19:28] yo'ure just shooting down all my ideas [19:30] I try. [19:30] hallyn: I put set -x in the ubuntu template, we'll see if that illuminates the failure [19:31] hallyn: aha: http://paste.ubuntu.com/860953/ [19:32] benji: awesome, thanks [19:32] guess 'set -x' would make a good debug mode [19:32] hallyn: I have no idea what would cause that though. Thoughts? [19:33] I assume it's some thing along the lines of "the user's group is screwed up" [19:33] benji: i'm guessing the default grou pfor that user doesn't have an entry in /etc/group? [19:35] hallyn: unfortunately that's not it: [19:35] root@ip-10-72-61-240:/var/lib/juju/units/buildbot-slave-0/charm# grep buildbot /etc/passwd [19:35] buildbot:x:108:65534:BuildBot system user,,,:/var/lib/buildbot:/bin/sh [19:35] root@ip-10-72-61-240:/var/lib/juju/units/buildbot-slave-0/charm# grep 65534 /etc/group [19:35] nogroup:x:65534: [19:36] right -1 is 'nobody' for groups, so getent group probably is *supposed* to return error [19:36] not sure [19:37] anyway, from lxc's point of view, i'll just ignore and proceed in that case, so the container creation shoudl go fine [19:38] hallyn: well, we at least know it's the user that is to blame because I just reran it with "-b root" and it appears to have worked (no error at least) [19:43] benji: two lxc bugs should be scrolling by here in a few minutes. if you want to work around this for now, you can either edit the template to ignore that failure (i can give you a patch), or you can add a buildbot group and set buildbot user's group to that [19:43] hallyn: I'll give hacking the script a shot [19:44] hallyn: your help is much appreciated! [19:47] hallyn: wait, I may be confused: are you saying that there's no need for the "Make sure the group exists in container" block at all? I should just remove it? [19:51] New bug: #942847 in lxc (universe) "add a debug option to lxc-ubuntu template" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/942847 [19:51] New bug: #942850 in lxc (universe) "lxc-ubuntu: don't fail if getent group returns error" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/942850 [19:53] benji: yeah in your case you should be fine with that code removed [19:53] I should think nogroup is always defined in ubuntu systems [19:53] hallyn: thanks, I'll try that [19:54] (but, again, since i used 'getent group' and it apparently doesn't like nogroup...) [19:55] hallyn: it worked! [19:56] hallyn: thanks again [19:56] benji: np, thank you. man the # of fixes going up after freeze is getting high :) [19:56] :) [20:08] adam_g, i just opened bug 942865 with info about my image upload strangeness. [20:08] Launchpad bug 942865 in nova "upgrade from diablo leaves existing images with kernel unbootable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/942865 [20:08] i think i'm going to try just uploading a new kernel/ramdisk and using the newly generated aki/ari [20:12] Daviey: Random crack of the day: https://code.launchpad.net/~soren/reincarnate/trunk/ [20:13] adam_g, that is some awesome bug. [20:13] soren, you might enjoy reading that one also [20:16] soren: nice.. i'll try that at somepoint [20:17] New bug: #942862 in lxc (universe) "lxc-create failure creating a lucid container in a precise host" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/942862 [20:17] Hi all. I've just had a disc failure on a server, and am taking this opportunity to do a clean Ubuntu 11.10 Server install. Thing is, I need to decide between RAID-1 only, or RAID-1 plus LVM. Why would I want to use LVM and md RAID together? what are the benefits/disadvantages? === sixstringsg|away is now known as sixstringsg [20:26] philpem: depending on how you configure it, you can add disks of different sizes into the raid. there are advantages to both RAID on LVM and LVM on RAID, it just depends on what you want to accomplish. [20:29] greppy, well at the moment, the machine is rigged with a single '/' partition on software RAID1, and a swap partition. [20:29] (also RAID1'd) [20:30] I'm just wondering if there's any benefit to going LVM, or if I should just stick with the setup I have. === sixstringsg is now known as sixstringsg|away [20:49] philpem: I use LVM to be able to tweak partitions. [20:49] I build the partitions based on what I think I will need, leaving a large amount of space unallocated. [20:49] that way if needs change, I can add more space to /home, or to /var or to /usr without having to tear it all down and reinstall. [20:50] anyone here ever setup KVM with HA? I have central storage on NFS and want to use three nodes for KVM, moving the VMs when needed [21:04] benji: fwiw, it turns out my group handling was just wrong altogether [21:04] hallyn: I'm not good in group settings either. [21:05] benji: i was assuming 'getent group $user' would get the user's group entry, but it needs to be given the group's name or # [21:05] hallyn: groups user [21:05] hallyn: groups $user [21:06] dunno if that was what you wanted, though [21:07] hallyn: that's shure what it looks like it does (as long as the group really exists) [21:07] % getent group benji [21:07] benji:x:1000: [21:11] jdstrand: Have i missed you? [21:11] Daviey: I am here === matti_ is now known as matti [21:23] jdstrand: so... lynxman looked at ruby1.9 for puppet. [21:24] jdstrand: he was less than confident [21:25] that is unfortunate [21:26] jdstrand: you got mail. [21:26] zul: so i'm working on the cobbler-web separation and stuff... and I'm wondering if you have any idea of why postinst would not return when it restarts apache, and why would postrm fail because of it? [21:27] Hello: I am having trouble after upgrading my Linode from 11.10 to 12.04 [21:27] "Your Linode appears to have stalled mid-boot at around the time that the start up process is handed off to init. It looks like the kernel handed off control to init, as it didn't panic, however it doesn't appear that any further services were started after that." [21:27] "You'll want to contact the Ubuntu community for more information on known issues with 12.04 and virtualized environments." [21:27] This is what the Linode support person told me. [21:27] When I log in via LISH, I just see the log, I don't get a proper console. [21:28] I copied the log here: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=4cMh5Gcr [21:28] roaksoax: no idea [21:28] roaksoax: cobbler was a former life :) [21:28] zul: lol, you've never experienced similar issues? [21:29] roaksoax: no i havent [21:29] roaksoax: perhaps apache is blocking on something weird like a fifo/socket ? [21:29] zul: do you think you could take a quick look at it? ppa:andreserl/ppa --> just install cobbler [21:29] roaksoax: since the apache init script doesn't daemonize until after logs are open, its at least feasible. [21:30] roaksoax: i can later probably.. [21:30] SpamapS: ah maybe... the weird thing is that it doesn't "fail" on the cobbler-web package [21:31] uhmm interesting it now returned after a while waiting [21:31] roaksoax: perhaps DNS issues [21:32] roaksoax: I think if you configure apache in a certain way it will do a DNS lookup before daemonization too to lookup the servername [21:33] SpamapS: it could mauybe be that === bladernr_afk is now known as bladernr_ [21:39] Is there any way to get rebootless upgrades now ksplice is gone? [21:54] SpamapS: when I manually restart apache2 (while it has hanged the psotinst), then the postinst resumes normally, so do you think it's either something being openned or a resolve? [21:55] roaksoax: hard to say. *hrm* [21:56] SpamapS: does this looks sane to you? http://paste.ubuntu.com/861133/ [22:03] stgraber, around ? [22:06] smoser: yep [22:06] was looking at /etc/init/container-detect.conf [22:06] and had a question that i thin i resolved [22:06] you search for a line that tsarts with VxID [22:06] but you could fail on [22:07] VxIDABCDEFG [22:07] and also, just as a fun poke [22:07] http://uselessuseofcat.com/ [22:07] cat /proc/self/status | grep ^VxID | cut -f2) [22:07] i think faster: [22:07] if awk -F: '$1 == "VxID" { if ($2 > 1) x=0; }; END { exit(x); }' x=1 /proc/self/status; [22:07] container="vserver" [22:07] fi [22:08] smoser: awk is in /usr, so can't use it [22:09] well that sucks. :) [22:09] so is cut, though [22:09] so, touche! [22:09] oh, I didn't know that ... guess I'll have to fix a few scripts then [22:11] sh -c 'IFS=": "; while read key val; do [ "$key" = "VxID" ] || continue; [ "$val" = "0" ] ; exit; done; exit 1' < /proc/self/status [22:11] $ /bin/busybox cut [22:11] cut: expected a list of bytes, characters, or fields [22:12] i suck. [22:12] oh yes, you do. [22:12] smoser: line=$(grep ^VxID /proc/self/status) ; echo ${line##VxID: } [22:12] oh, no - it is a builtin of cut. [22:12] err, busybox [22:13] stgraber, still, you need a : [22:13] smoser: indeed [22:13] ut yeah. [22:13] but yeah. [22:13] that would be fine. [22:20] jcorneli: hmm, it seems that initram script finishes, have you tried booting with init=/sbin/init --verbose? Do you use stock ubuntu kernel, or the one provided by linode? [22:21] @kklimonda: I use ubuntu kernel (just upgraded from 11.10 via sudo do-release-upgrade -d ) [22:21] how would I set the init=/sbin/init --verbose option you indicated? [22:22] I have access to the filesystem from Linode's "Rescue mode" [22:22] just let me know what file to change and I can give it a whirl [22:24] jcorneli: when I boot my linode from lish I get a full access to grub, I can configure it there [22:25] but you can also edit /etc/default/grub [22:26] @kklimonda: OK I will try that and post results [22:34] @kklimonda: since I can't access the console, I can't run sudo update-grub [22:34] I hope that won't be a problem... [22:34] smoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/861186/ looks good? [22:36] jcorneli: if you can access grub from lish you can change it there [22:36] jcorneli: without update-grub changes you made to /etc/default/grub won't have any effect - you could try editing /boot/grub/grub.cfg directly [22:37] OK [22:37] there is no such file on my system tho [22:39] jcorneli: hmm, right [22:39] it's /boot/grub/menu.lst [22:40] (so I guess my comment about /etc/default/grub also didn't make much sense - I've completely forgotten you end up with grub1 when enabling stock ubuntu kernels on linode vps) [22:40] well, I don't have a /boot/grub/ directory [22:40] Hey guys, I'm setting up LVMs, where in the text install menu do I set the PE size for LVMs? [22:40] By default its only 4MB I would like it to be 16MB [22:40] so maybe we need to look in a different place [22:41] I can also ask the Linode support guys [22:41] It's not the reserve block thats 5% is it? [22:43] jcorneli: huh, are you sure you are not running kernel provided by linode? Do you use pv-grub? [22:44] Not sure - I would have assumed that after several updates, I would now have an Ubuntu kernel [22:44] jcorneli: by default all linodes are deployed with a custom linode kernel that isn't even installed on the system [22:45] jcorneli: when you edit your linode what kernel is set? [22:46] hi, i'm trying to install ubuntu server 10.04.4 on a two-disk raid 1. The install fails to set up grub, any advice? [22:46] What do you mean fails to install grubs? [22:46] Does it attempt to boot? [22:47] no, during installation procedure it fails to install grub [22:47] after installing all packages [22:48] does it ask you where to install grubs? [22:48] yes, it asks me if i want to install to the mbr, i say yes [22:48] I've got a problem with vm-builder, is anyone in here that knows this puppy fairly well [22:48] hope this isn't OT [22:50] Zermanno: After you say yes and it tries to boot, what does it do? Does it sit there with a flashing cursor? [22:50] jcastro: if you don't have pv-grub set there, I'd at least try to change kernel to 3.2.1-linode40, which seems to be the most recent one. [22:50] erm [22:50] jcorneli_: ^ [22:50] hi [22:50] sorry I was disconnected [22:50] it does not try to boot, after i say yes the blue background become red and said Unable to install grub or something like that, i can't see the screen now [22:50] New bug: #942934 in lxc (universe) "update apparmor profile to restrict mounts" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/942934 [22:51] How are your drives hooked up? [22:51] Are you using 10.04? [22:52] jcorneli_: check in your VM settings what kernel is set - if it's not pv-grub (I assume it's not) then you are running a kernel provided by linode, I'd try changing it to 3.2.0-linode40 to see if it helps - maybe the one your are booting currently is too old? [22:52] it's a complete guess though [22:52] two 1.5 TB hd, same partitioning scheme each. 1mb free starting, 1 34gb partition with /, 1 34gb swap, 1.4tb for /home [22:52] both first parts are in md0 [22:52] both seconds in md1 [22:52] thirds in md2 [22:53] Create an MD for /boot [22:53] 10.04.4 [22:53] 200-500MB [22:53] looks like 3.2.1-linode40 (to be precise!) [22:53] stgraber, i'd tihnk so. [22:53] @kklimonda: changing to that [22:53] I need to head to class Zermanno, good luck. [22:54] Smozius, tnx bye [23:10] stgraber, im in an lxc container [23:10] i run 'running-in-container' [23:10] it exits 1 [23:13] hallyn, ^ [23:13] am i doing something wrong ? [23:13] i just created container with 'lxc-create -c ubuntu' [23:15] ok. [23:15] never mind. [23:15] user-error, except for one thing [23:15] udo running-in-container [23:15] lxc [23:15] $ sudo running-in-container [23:15] lxc [23:15] $ running-in-container; echo $? [23:15] 1 [23:16] so if i'm not root, it says i'm not in a container [23:16] because i can't run 'status container-detect' [23:19] bug 942961 [23:19] Launchpad bug 942961 in upstart "running-in-container exits 1 as non-root even inside a container" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/942961 [23:22] smoser: stgraber: ^ note, it works fine if you have dbus installed [23:23] besides, it's a security feature :) [23:24] maybe we should jsut go based on /run/container_type, no matter what? run is never persistent... [23:25] that, or install dbus in all containers [23:25] i dont know why not. [23:25] why not which? [23:25] why not /run/container_type [23:26] i'll wait for stgraber to chime in though === sixstringsg|away is now known as sixstringsg [23:33] you're installing upstart in all containers, but not dbus? [23:33] bc i have to ask for it by hand [23:34] upstart gets installed automatically, why not dbus? [23:36] hallyn: upstart is init, pretty hard to go without init on Unix. [23:37] jMCg: agreed. My point was if SpamapS' comment made sense then mine would as well :) [23:37] dbus is the preferred way to talk to upstart [23:37] (according to upstart) [23:38] and yeah, upstart says if you want non-root to talk to it, you need dbus... [23:38] so i just dont' know if anything needs to change [23:38] (re bug 942961) [23:38] Launchpad bug 942961 in upstart "running-in-container exits 1 as non-root even inside a container" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/942961 [23:44] smoser: if you you want higher prio on that bug, pls feel free to raise it. low was my view of it, but if it blocks something then that changes things === sixstringsg is now known as sixstringsg|away [23:49] oh, but it should print out an error msg in any case [23:52] hallyn, and exit somthing other than 1 [23:52] its not blocking anything for me