
holsteincwillu: just the echo? ;)01:43
HiDeHoHi all does anyone have the ubuntu studio repos for ubuntu 10.0406:14
HiDeHowant to try adding them to my current os06:14
ailoHiDeHo: They are a part of the main Ubuntu repo06:15
ailoHiDeHo: You can look for them using synaptic, or apt-get06:15
ailoA bunch of meta packages starting with ubuntustudio-*06:15
HiDeHoailo, are you sure. i thought there was a ubuntu studio repo a well06:16
ailoHiDeHo: No, Ubuntu Studio is a part of Ubuntu's repo06:16
ailoThere is a separate image for installing Ubuntu Studio06:17
HiDeHook so tehre are no specific repos for ubuntu studio. ok then is there a list of apps that ubuntu studio has then06:17
HiDeHoit just seems strange there is not but what do i know.06:17
ailoUbuntu Studio doesn't really have any of their own apps, only meta packages06:18
HiDeHoailo, really what image is this06:18
ailoA meta package is an empty package which depends on a lot of other packages06:18
HiDeHoso if i want to add the ubuntu studio apps etc to my ubuntu baisd os what do i do06:19
ailoHiDeHo: Ubuntu Studio Lucid http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/10.04/release/06:19
ailoHiDeHo: As I said, look up the meta packages, and read about them a little. Easiest is if you use synaptic for that06:19
ailoThey all begin with ubuntustudio-*06:19
HiDeHook so i need to figure this out. it woudl just be easier aand make more snece to have a repo which woudl be addd adn install the apps etc but its gng to take me a lot06:21
HiDeHook so is this the list of apps and meta packages etc here. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/10.04/release/ubuntustudio-10.04-alternate-amd64.list06:22
ailoHiDeHo: Since the meta-packages already are a part of the main repo, there's no need to add anything06:22
ailoYou just look up the packages you want to install, and install those06:23
HiDeHooh that makes it easy tehm so look up ubuntustudio in synaptic adn install all them great06:23
HiDeHothansk man thats pritty easy.06:23
HiDeHoso tehre will be no conflicts great06:23
ailoHiDeHo: The meta package I would avoid is ubuntustudio-desktop06:24
ailoYou don't need that one06:24
ailoThe others are fine06:24
ailoOr, rather, those that might change the looks of your desktop might seem needless to install06:24
ailoIf you just want all the audio apps, you install ubuntustudio-audio06:25
HiDeHoyes i want to keep my linux mint os intact06:25
ailoOh, it's Mint06:25
HiDeHoadn just add the ubuntu studio repos06:25
ailoCause, that's not Ubuntu06:25
HiDeHoexcuse me06:25
ailoMint is based on Ubuntu, but it's not Ubuntu06:25
HiDeHolinux mint is baised on ubuntu adn is compatable with ubuntu repos06:25
HiDeHoi know all that man shesh06:25
HiDeHohere we go again06:26
HiDeHobet you are going to say you cant help em at all06:26
HiDeHo* help me06:26
ailoWell, you could search the list of packages and see what you find06:26
ailoAll of the audio programs are there06:26
ailoJust that you might need to install them one by one06:26
HiDeHocool so just look up anything to do with ubuntustudio adn all audio apps will e there cool thansk that is all i needed to know.06:27
ailoWell, I don't know if ubuntustudio- packages are a part of the Mint repo06:27
ailoIf they are, then they are06:28
HiDeHosee when trying to do this i need to go to the base os which is ubuntu 10.04 adn ubuntu studio 10.04 then add what works there to mint 906:28
HiDeHograt i have the idea now your a grat help06:28
ailoIf you want to make things easy on yourself, just install Ubuntu Studio 10.0406:28
HiDeHodont hv to mint still usses soem ubuntu repos06:28
ailoThen you know you get what you need for music06:28
ailoMint is a separate distro06:28
HiDeHorefer to the mint 9 sources.list file here http://pastebin.com/k3hYEghB06:29
HiDeHoi know it is seperate as in its what is on top of things06:29
HiDeHobut the base of mint 9 sio the same as ubuntu 10.0406:29
ailoIt seems like you have the main ubuntu repos, so you should be able to find the ubuntustudio- packages06:29
HiDeHothat is exactly what i thought06:30
ailoJust search using synaptic and see what you find06:30
HiDeHothere is not much differance between mint and ubuntu apart from the look, feel adn extra apps that come preinstalled to make mint what it is06:30
HiDeHowill do thanks man06:30
HiDeHoHiDeHo, out06:30
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etneghi anyone awake?17:16
etnegis this the channel for design stuff?17:16
joe_onerebCould I get some thoughts for a pc build with ubuntustudio in mind, possibly uper mid level build?18:22
joe_onerebIs anyone using Ubuntu Studio-0n 0ccasion-that wishes their hardware was just a little better?18:57
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Halexander9000Greeting gentlehumans! I'm desperately trying to make sense of things here. I have this .ogv file that uploads and plays without a problem in youtube. Because it's recorded with RecordMyDesktop, with absolutely no editing done. Now, I want to edit said file. Surprize, surprize, OpenShot video editor can't even play the file without video errors, much less export it into a similar or different format without the same video errors. I tried to c19:54
holsteinHalexander9000: i would try something else, or bump the quality down19:55
holsteinmaybe kdenlive if you dont ming the KDE deps19:56
Halexander9000Kdenlive outputs scrambled tetris. Same with Openshot.19:56
holsteinscrambled tetris?19:56
holsteini would say its a problem with the codecs then19:57
holsteinwhat are you trying to export to?19:57
holsteintry exporting to something else19:57
Halexander9000No matter the format it outputs, it can't even read and display the format properly in the preview window.19:59
holsteintry VLC19:59
holsteinor a web browser20:00
holsteinare you up to date with upgrades?20:00
holsteinare you running 11.10?20:00
holsteinwhat codecs have you added?20:00
holsteinmaybe you could take a screenshot or 2, and/or run from terminal and look for errors20:01
Halexander9000Give me instructions, and I will follow. Start with the beginning.20:03
Halexander9000holstein: Can you lead me step by step?20:03
holsteinHalexander9000: not really... i can only offer troubleshooting steps to help find whats going on20:04
holsteinyou can also try the specifice help avenues for the applications, or try the main #ubuntu support channels..20:04
holsteinmight be a good one for the mailing list as well20:05
Halexander9000They said to ask here.20:05
holsteinim not saying you have to leave20:05
Halexander9000They people in #ubuntu20:05
holsteinim just saying, i need to go, and its going to be dead here20:05
holsteinso, you'll need to try the mailing list20:05
Halexander9000Don't worry. There's bound to be someone that can help me.20:05
holsteinthere are some video guys there20:05
CFHowlettHalexander9000   what's the issue?20:05
Halexander9000What's the mailing list?20:05
holsteinOH yeah... and CFHowlett just got here :)20:06
Halexander9000CFHowlett: Can I pm you the post with my issue?20:06
holsteini'll let you folks talk... BBL20:06
CFHowlettHalexander9000   sure20:06
CFHowlettholstein   have a better one20:06
holsteinHalexander9000: if you dont mind, keep it in the channel for others to learn from :)20:06
Halexander9000Greeting gentlehumans! I'm desperately trying to make sense of things here. I have this .ogv file that uploads and plays without a problem in youtube. Because it's recorded with RecordMyDesktop, with absolutely no editing done. Now, I want to edit said file. Surprize, surprize, OpenShot video editor can't even play the file without video errors, much less export it into a similar or different format without the same video errors. I tried to c20:07
CFHowlettHalexander9000   your message appears to have been cut off.  However, mencoder is a terminal tool that smoothly converts video formats.20:08
Halexander9000Mencoder doesn't work.20:08
Halexander9000I've tried it.20:08
Halexander9000reeting gentlehumans! I'm desperately trying to make sense of things here. I have this .ogv file that uploads and plays without a problem in youtube. Because it's recorded with RecordMyDesktop, with absolutely no editing done. Now, I want to edit said file. Surprize, surprize, OpenShot video editor can't even play the file without video errors, much less export it into a similar or different format without the same video errors.20:08
Halexander9000 I tried to convert it using this guy's tutorial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChgTqsZM6UM . Same result. Then I tried this guy http://www.markandey.com/2010/09/how-to-fix-ogv-file-to-upload-on.html . Exactly the same video errors. Those same tetris pieces of scrambled video data covering the text and edges of objects contained within the video. I really need some advice on how to convert it properly. Help please?20:09
Halexander9000How about now?20:09
Halexander9000You'll see in the second one that I've already use mencoder.20:09
CFHowlettHalexander9000   so it partially converts/converts with errors and artifacts?20:09
Halexander9000Converts with lots of artifacts.20:10
Halexander9000The irony is, it uploads just fine on youtube.20:11
Halexander9000But I want to add a voice over commentary, and no matter what I try, it scrambles all the edges and text beyond recognition.20:12
Halexander9000edges of objects*20:12
Halexander9000Moving objects. It's a minecraft gameplay recording.20:12
Halexander9000CFHowlett: That tutorial wasn't made for my version of VLC media player. It get's confusing after the 6th step.20:31
Halexander9000It gets*20:31
Halexander9000CFHowlett: Tried to join the #mencoder, somehow get redirected to #mplayer...20:36
CFHowlettHalexander9000   Mplayer is the parent of mencoder20:37
Halexander9000Well, so far, it's a dead channel.20:37
Halexander9000Same goes to ffmpeg.20:38
Sir_LetoDoes the latest release of Ubuntu Studio have unity or not?22:10
holsteinSir_Leto: well.. its in the repos, though the latest and the upcoming releases ships with XFCE be default22:50
holsteinif you want unity, you can install it.. or just install main ubuntu and add what you want to it from the ubuntustudio meta-packages, or just what ever applications you choose to use22:53
CFHowlettunity + ubuntu studio?  *shudder*23:06
Sir_LetoI don't want it.23:08
Sir_LetoIs there any way to install ubuntu studio via wubi? I can't partition because I don't have another drive to put all of my stuff in.23:53
Sir_LetoI know you used to be able to23:54
Sir_Letohttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Win32-loader_(Debian) I might use this23:57
CFHowlettSir_Leto   NOT advised.  Per the developer, wubi is not a long term solution...23:57
CFHowlettSir_Leto   y u no dual-boot?23:57
Sir_LetoI cannot partition, I don't have an extra hard drive to store my stuff23:58
Sir_LetoIf I could resize without losing my stuff, I woudl23:58
CFHowlettSir_Leto   consider virtualbox rather than wubi.  Just sayin...23:59
Sir_LetoThat bluescreens23:59
Sir_LetoVirutalbox and VMware player don't like my CPU.23:59

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