
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
marcoceppiheh, so I did a stupid thing. I bootstrapped on EC2 and deployed a crap load of charms to test something. Then I left the office and went home: ERROR Invalid SSH key01:23
marcoceppiCan I destroy from EC2 without Juju getting sad faced01:24
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_mup_juju/hook-alias-expansion-redux r468 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com03:13
_mup_scheduler stop values are ignored if the scheduler is running03:13
jamespagemorning all10:04
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=== Furao_ is now known as Furao
jcastroanyone have the spec for the automagic dependency check handy?14:04
jcastrolp:~hazmat/juju/auto-magic-dependency-spec seems like it's the canonical location14:05
hazmatjcastro, that's not quite the same thing..14:06
jcastroah ok14:06
hazmatjcastro, i mean well.. it depends on what you mean ;-)14:06
jcastrodo we have a spec for juju recommending dependencies on a charm?14:06
jcastroI know we've talked about it and the answer was "some day", just wondering if we had gotten beyond that14:07
hazmatjcastro, if you mean deploy dependencies automatically.. that's what its doing.. but that isn't practical it turns out14:07
jcastrohazmat: oh, ok, I am trying to answer this guy's question:14:07
jcastroand my answer so far is "yeah we don't do that yet." but I wanted to link him to something.14:08
jcastroor in this case, I guess explain why we don't want that anymore?14:08
hazmatjcastro, so knowledge is easy to satisfy.. i'd like put the charmrunner plans onto the charm browser, so its more clear14:09
jcastrook so the tldr; is "it'll be in the charm browser?"14:09
hazmatjcastro, but in terms of deploying it into an environment.. say you want to deploy mediawiki into an environment, and you have 3 mysql services already there.. which one do you use to satisify the dep, or do you deploy a new one.14:10
jcastroah, right14:10
* hazmat needs some coffee14:10
jcastroindeed, caffeine time14:11
jcastrook I left the guy an answer, any one feel free to submit an edit to clarify or correct.14:14
hazmatjcastro, re the charm browser currently, you can got to any charm page (probably via search) on a given charm page, you can click an interface and it takes to you a page that shows who provides and requires a it14:19
jcastroyeah but we can improve that a bit14:20
hazmatalso the search works directly from the chrome/chromium's url bar if you tab on the site name .. which is magically awesome ;-)14:20
jcastrolike, mediawiki says it requires memcache, but it doesn't really14:20
jcastrothe real issue I think here is that we don't have READMEs for the basic older charms14:21
jcastrothat would make all of this go away14:21
hazmattrue, mediawiki doesn't any of those as optional14:21
hazmatbut that's partly because the default is optional anyways at this point..14:21
jcastrohmm, maybe we should highlight the Configs and Interfaces more in the web UI than the hooks14:22
jcastroif I'm consuming a charm do I care about the hooks?14:22
jcastroI would think I'd care about the config options I can set and if I need something else14:22
jcastroanyway, for now I think just asking people to go back and README their charms is a good 90% fix14:23
jcastroand we're heavily recommending it on the new charms14:23
jcastrostill, the guy asked a good question14:24
hazmatjcastro, docs need some love ;-)14:36
jcastroI know14:39
_mup_Bug #944038 was filed: Inform users they have an environment.yaml with the same control bucket value <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/944038 >14:46
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
SpamapShazmat: :(17:28
SpamapShazmat: you're suggesting dropping my favorite part of Jim's spec17:28
SpamapShazmat: juju do is not an anti-use case. I've been asking for it for a *long* time.17:29
SpamapShazmat: and it has always been suggested that these commands would be usable by cron jobs, ssh, etc.17:30
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
hazmatSpamapS, cron jobs can execute hooks directly and use the cli api.. but the very notion of juju do is pretty crackful imo17:40
hazmatSpamapS, post the team meeting currently ongoing i was hoping to do a g+ with jimbaker if your up for it17:41
SpamapShazmat: cron jobs would have to set the socket path.. and other weird stuff. wrapping that is nice.17:41
SpamapShazmat: hrm.. I'm interested but I'm under the gun for a few other things.. so I'll pass for now.17:42
hazmatSpamapS, fair enough18:00
hazmatSpamapS, socket path has a default known address, it doesn't need to be set18:00
hazmatSpamapS, the problem is the other side isn't really listening outside of a hook execution atm18:00
SpamapShazmat: I think you misunderstood the desire to have juju do.18:23
SpamapShazmat: From what I see, its so you can make it easy to interact with juju outside hooks.18:24
SpamapSbut I digress18:24
SpamapSI think its two different things18:24
SpamapSand should be discussed as such18:24
hazmatSpamapS, it is two different things, using the hook cli api outside of hooks is the one we need to support18:25
hazmathaving juju client support for executing arbitrary hooks.. is not18:26
SpamapSits not so much the client on your remove machine though..18:26
SpamapSIts just so that while you're ssh'd into the machine, you can use relation-get or call a hook18:26
SpamapSanyway, I don't want juju do to delay the introduction of all the other goodness18:27
hazmatSpamapS, 'juju' is the client.. regardless of where it is..18:27
SpamapSbecause the other stuff.. being able to relation-list one relation from another.. is *critical*18:27
hazmatSpamapS, agreed the entire hook cli api offered by hooks should be executable easily outside of hooks18:28
hazmatSpamapS, what's a use case for executing a hook directly?18:29
SpamapShazmat: re-asserting configuration18:32
SpamapShazmat: admin logs in, screws everything up debugging.. wants to leave it back in the state the charm asserts18:32
hazmatSpamapS, the problem is not every hook is idempotent.. calling something like -depart could mess things up more18:33
SpamapShazmat: I don't have a use case for departed18:37
hazmatSpamapS, if we enable the capability.. we enable it for everyone.. a user can just execute config-changed directly at that point18:39
SpamapS*that* would be fantastic18:39
hazmatjimbaker, SpamapS g+ invites out18:40
=== niemeyer_ is now known as niemeyer
jcastrom_3: Hey, how's the node charm these days?19:09
jcastrosaw this on HN and I wanted to chase them down, it looks cute19:09
SpamapSjcastro: that does look cool19:12
jcastroespecially since it uses node and mongo19:13
jcastrothat's 2 other charms it can interact with19:13
jcastroSpamapS: you have any idea how complete the node charm is?19:13
SpamapSjcastro: Its a framework, like django and rails.. needs subordinates to be really amazing.19:14
jcastroah dude I get it19:15
jcastroi'd need 3 instances for IRC19:15
jcastrobootstrap, subway, and mongo right?19:16
SpamapSjcastro: yes and no19:17
SpamapSjcastro: Since this is almost certainly a "low scale" app, you can just have it install mongo locally.19:17
SpamapSjcastro: I was doing the same thing w/ mediagoblin before they decided to rip out mongodb ;)19:17
jcastrook I'm going to go just join their channel19:18
jcastrothey seem pretty cool19:18
SpamapSjcastro: when are we going to start working on project fido again? Next week?19:18
jcastrowe totally forgot to plan for Strata running into this week19:20
adam_ghmm is there some hard limit on the # of settings that may be passed via relation-set in a single hook?19:30
adam_gcant seem to get anymore than 7 of 10 to the other side19:31
SpamapSadam_g: shouldn't be19:35
SpamapSadam_g: are the values large?19:36
SpamapSadam_g: zk does have a 1MB limit on any single node, and I believe relation-set sticks all of them in a single node.19:36
SpamapSBut I'd think you would have something much more horrible if you hit that.19:36
SpamapSdunno if it truncates or errors19:36
adam_gSpamapS: actually, nevermind. verifiedby flooding the relation with a thousand settings before i realized i fat fingered something in the charm :{19:37
SpamapSadam_g: lol19:37
* SpamapS sends adam_g's fingers to The Biggest Loser to get yelled at19:38
adam_gfat finger summer camp19:38
m_3jcastro: the node charm is actually in good shape19:42
jcastrogood to hear19:42
m_3it's rpetty much ready for review... had to revamp it a couple of weeks ago for the mongodb talk19:42
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
jcastroSpamapS: pastebin/lodgeit charm is ready for round #2 of review. Fight!21:09
flaviamissiHey! Is there a way to execute a command in an unit with `juju ssh`? I've tried the ssh's approach of passing the command in the end, but juju doens't interprets it the way I expected..21:14
robbiewSpamapS: m_3: -> http://ubuntuone.com/3fNyLF45rp016mWud0KMBc21:47
* robbiew returns to work now21:47
SpamapSrobbiew: nice, is that hong kong phooey?!21:50
m_3robbiew: awesome!22:14
m_3I'm sitting in a talk entitled "Data Jujitsu"22:14
* m_3 harumph!22:14
_mup_Bug #855989 was filed: Document usage with orchestra <juju:Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/855989 >23:17

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