
rosco_yhow do I register the public key for the repo http://badgerports.org ?00:31
rosco_y(not sure if "repo" is the right term)00:32
rosco_yrepository, hmm...maybe that's right.00:32
rosco_ynot sure though.  I was wrong once before.  It was a while ago, but it could happen again.00:33
rosco_yWell, I got it.  Weird that it helped to read the directions at badgerports.  That usually doesn't help me at all.00:40
=== james is now known as Guest16202
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ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. Kubuntu Forums are found at http://www.kubuntuforums.net. There is also a channel on freenode IRC #ubuntuforums05:34
maniXHello frnds, i am having problem managing the activity. I want my activity to have only my desktop folder full screened with bottom pannel on. But i am not able to do that. Please help05:39
=== jmichaelx is now known as RoadToNowhere
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sbarcteamI am having strange experience with kde-standard on ubuntu 11.11.07:16
sbarcteamThe problem is with vnc.07:16
sbarcteamWhen using x11vnc or vino-server or any other vnc server using the "real" display, I am getting a very big screen area.07:16
sbarcteamI think KDE plasma is defining a bigger screen than my client expects, and so it's a bit mess.07:17
sbarcteamis there a way around this ?07:18
sbarcteamis ther anyone around here ?07:25
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mxiiê appears as ^e under firefox and thunderbird, is there a way to solve that?11:36
kavurtakonadi cannot be started on my computer. it says "it's not retistered at D-bus". any ideas?11:44
mxiican you switch from debian to kubuntu easily?11:51
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noaXesshey all12:33
noaXessif i doubleclick a xml file in dolphin it is opened in firefox instead of kate... but file association for *.xml is set to open with kate... any idea?12:34
BluesKajHey all14:41
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James147Heya BluesKaj14:42
BluesKajhi James14714:42
Peace-hy BluesKaj14:56
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BluesKajhi Peace-15:00
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BluesKajhey yofel15:00
yofelhey BluesKaj15:02
* BluesKaj researches NAS and freeNAS ..could be a neat solution15:02
CombatjuanNot sure where to ask this.  From a linux box, if I do 'ping data' I get the ip address  If I instead do 'ping \\data' I get  What do those leading backslashes even mean?15:44
CombatjuanI suspect that '\\data' is a windows share.  But I would expect ping to either ignore the backslashes and also give me '' or to raise an error about that being a malformed hostname.15:44
CombatjuanAnd googling for an answer to this question is beyond my skill.  If someone could point me to a more appropriate channel, I'd go there.  But I'm not sure if this is a low level network issue, a samba issue, an ubuntu issue...15:46
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BluesKajCombatjuan,  what's the purpose of pinging data ? Any existing partitions should be listed in "places" in dolphin including windows ntfs15:56
CombatjuanBluesKaj: I was trying to figure out if it was reachable.  But a coworker did the same except with the leading backslashes.  I'm confused why it resolved to two ip addresses.15:58
CombatjuanSo basically, I'm just trying to understand.  I think it might have something to do with DNS versus a Netbios equivalent?  And maybe they are both actually different machines?15:59
CombatjuanI'm starting to think my confusion is based on my previous assumption that leading backslashes were merely part of some kind of samba client notation but in fact they are part of a more broad netbios protocol that ping also understands.  Does that sound right?16:01
CombatjuanAnd nothing would prevent the DNS server from resolving 'data' to somewhere completely different than the computer with netbios name '\\data'.16:02
CombatjuanAnd that's confusing.  But on a big network it's not surprising that 'data' would be a common name.16:02
BluesKajCombatjuan,  that's probly a safe assumption ...not familiar with pinging hostnames ..IPs , but I'm on a home network so large WANs aren't my strong suit16:07
CombatjuanBluesKaj: Ok.  Well, I'll pretend I have a solid answer and that should probably trick my curiosity into satisfaction.  Thanks.16:08
BluesKajCombatjuan,  are you looking for a particular server on the network or ?16:11
CombatjuanBluesKaj: A client was reporting ambiguous problems with 'data' and I knew they had done some reorganization of their network so I was just wondering if it was up at all.  But that's sort of orthogonal to my question.16:15
BluesKajCombatjuan,   orthogonal ? Not sure what you mean by that , = 0 ?16:18
CombatjuanBluesKaj: It's a metaphor I guess.  "orthogonal" lines share no vector components.  It means unrelated.  The 'why' of my question was unrelated to the 'what'.16:20
BluesKajok , i guess :)16:21
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Peace-__ is ortogonal to |16:25
CombatjuanPeace-: Best ascii diagram I've seen all day!16:26
=== rumen is now known as Guest97111
designbybeckin the way you can join more than one package to install like 'sudo apt-get install inkscape gimp' can you do the same when adding ppa's?? Like sudo apt-add-repositor ppa:repo1/ ppa:repo2/ ..... ?17:07
Sentyneldesignbybeck: afaik it doesn't take multiple repos at once, but something like this should work: for repo in ppa:fred/ppa ppa:bill/ppa ppa:etc/ppa; do sudo apt-add-repository -y $repo; done17:12
designbybeckdo you have a to do a update after each repo add as well?  I'm trying to make a text file I can just copy and paste to a term window to run all my stuff when installing on a new machine17:13
Sentynelyou can add them all then do one update17:13
Sentyneleasiest way of doing it is just create a bash script17:13
designbybeckI know ideally I'd want ot make them part of my distro or something, but i haven't learn that much yet ;)  so I'm just trying to find a quick way to install all the software I want , it would be nice to have it auto answer Y as well17:13
Sentynelloop over the ppas you use like that, then update (and probably upgrade), then install the packages you want17:14
designbybeckI don't know hwo to do bash17:14
designbybecki'm still learning17:14
Sentynela bash script is just a newline-separated list of commands you enter in the terminal17:14
designbybeckThanks Sentynel, i just found this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/94061/how-to-install-multiple-ppas-and-applications-at-once17:15
designbybecki'm going to read up on it17:15
Sentynelalso, the -y option to apt-* assumes yes to any queries17:15
designbybeckcould you ever set custom System Settings this way? like middle mouse button to resize in Input Devices and things like that?17:16
designbybeckah ok!17:16
Sentynelwell stuff you put in system settings is stored in a config file somewhere17:16
Sentynelyou can just copy that over to new systems as well17:16
SentynelI don't know where exactly it is off the top of my head though17:16
designbybeck:D I'll go hunting!17:16
Sentynelit'll be in ~/.kde/share/config/ somewhere I'd guess17:17
designbybeckSentynel: a bash file is saved as filename.sh ?17:20
Sentyneldesignbybeck: yeah17:20
excognacanyone knows how to change letters within a keyboard layout?17:22
ScuniziI've placed quick launch icons on the top screen bar in 3 sections.  How do I move the icons around?  I can't seem to get them in the order I want.17:53
draeathI can't figure out how to get a "real" desktop on my netbook. It seems to force me into the netbook oriented "Activities" thing. There are no other sessions listed at the login screen.17:57
draeathHow do you get it to log you into the "full desktop"17:58
draeath(apologies for stupid questions, can't find anything useful via google. just news items about activities and such)17:58
draeath... no sooner do I ask than I find it's buried in "Workspace Settings" now. Nevermind.;17:59
=== don is now known as Guest63182
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Linuxephussleepy: Pay me no heed. I just logged in several minutes ago to test an install of Xchat-Gnome along side Xchat itself. They appear not to like co-habiting alongside each other.19:48
sleepyLinuxephus ?19:49
sleepysure you mean me?19:49
Linuxephussleepy: Eh...never mind. By all means, carry on.19:49
RiotingPacifistHow can i get a list of i386 packaged on 11.10?20:17
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RiddellRiotingPacifist: I don't understand what you mean20:23
rorkRiotingPacifist: http://packages.ubuntu.com/20:25
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RiotingPacifistrork: Riddell Im on amd64 and i want to check what i've installed that is i386 isntead of amd64?20:27
RiddellRiotingPacifist: oh multi-arch packages?  no idea I'm afraid20:27
dmattanybody knows how I change email for my Launchpad account? I do not see the option to do it...20:28
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.kde.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guidelines | Kmail users read this before upgrading: http://bit.ly/o841iy | 12.04 LTS Beta 1 https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PrecisePangolin/Beta1/Kubuntu
Riddell12.04 LTS Beta 1 https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PrecisePangolin/Beta1/Kubuntu !20:37
starbuckgreat job!20:37
HuselHello, I've installed Kubuntu using the wubi installer, but when it loads up it says something like "wubildr not found" and then the 5 dots appear on a blue background showing it is loading, then the mouse cursor appears and it just stops. Any ideas how to fix it?20:47
TorpedoSkylineHow come I can't delete my system partition from the partitioner in Kubuntu Live CD?20:57
soeehi what is the command to upgrade 11.10 to 12.04 ?21:02
DarthFrogsoee: sudo do-release-upgrade -d21:11
soeenope wont work21:11
DarthFrogsoee: try: sudo do-release-upgrade -p21:12
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soeeDarthFrog: nope, cant find new release21:12
DarthFrogThere is no new release yet.21:12
DarthFrog kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade21:14
DarthFrogOr "sudo do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f kde -d"21:14
DarthFrogThat works.21:15
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rosco_yDoes anyone know how I can find the System.Linq.dll?21:28
RiotingPacifistanybody using cgroups?21:48
kleiner_teddyGood evening everyone....22:05
cryptopsyhow do you have something in init.d start automatically on startup in ubuntu?22:05
kleiner_teddyI have a problem with midnight commander. When I quit the programm, I want to stay in the directory I am, at that moment, and NOT, like it does now, go back to the directory it startet.22:06
kleiner_teddyHow can I achive this?22:06
yofelcryptopsy: symlinks in /etc/rcX.d/ - read up on sys-v-init22:06
cryptopsyyofel: no just tell me what tool to use22:07
yofelrc2.d is what you want usually, there's also the update-rc.d command22:07
cryptopsyis there an rc-update tool?22:07
kleiner_teddydoes anyone know, if there is a runleveleditor, like in opensuse's yast?22:10
yofelI think we had something like that ages ago, but upstart doesn't really use runlevels so it would be useless today22:12
kleiner_teddy@ yofel: the problem is, is that I have to start some programs manual22:13
yofelyou want to start some manually, or you have to start them manually?22:13
kleiner_teddydepends on the program22:14
kleiner_teddyapache & mysql needs to start directly after booting22:14
kleiner_teddyon every runlevel22:14
yofelservices that still use sys-v-init can be managed with update-rc.d like before22:14
kleiner_teddyokay, i will look at that :)22:15
yofelupstart manages the services by using config files in /etc/init/ which have inter-service dependencies in them22:15
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kleiner_teddyokay, big thx @ yofel :)22:15
kleiner_teddydo you know the solution of my other prblem too?22:16
yofelnope, I don't use midnight commander myself22:16
kleiner_teddymaybe someone else will respond to that22:17
graftyo, how do i get rid of these gnome file associations?22:28
graftstuff opens with gedit and such22:29
kleiner_teddyin gnome I don know22:30
kleiner_teddybut in KDE there's system-settings22:31
graftseriously? system settings?22:31
graftsurely there is some metapackage that sets these associations that i can install...22:32
kleiner_teddyklick on file associations22:32
grafti'd rather not set hundreds of associations by hand22:32
kleiner_teddysorry I know/use always the program-link in system settings22:32
kleiner_teddyfor sure something is available for gnome too22:33
graftno, that's not what i'm asking22:34
grafti am using kde, and when i try to opens omething in dolphin, it opens it with a gnome application22:34
grafti don't want it to22:34
kleiner_teddyI understand a little better know22:39
kleiner_teddyin fileassociations you have to change that22:39
kleiner_teddysearch for the extension there22:40
kleiner_teddythen you will see a list of programs that opens it22:40
graftno, that's not what i'm talking about, i know how to do it one by one22:40
graftthere is a file /usr/share/applications/defaults.list22:41
graftit lists a lot of mime-type associations with specific applications22:41
graftright now it is full of gnome applications22:41
graftthere is surely a way to get it to be full of kde applications22:41
grafthow do i do that?22:41
kleiner_teddyoooookay! now I really understand you! Iǘe never had that problem before22:42
kleiner_teddyI can help you22:42
kleiner_teddysorry: can't22:42
kleiner_teddyhave you installed gnome before you installed gnome? or how you installed your system?22:43
kleiner_teddysorry gnome before kde22:43
kleiner_teddyit's getting a bit late know.22:43
graftyeah, i had gnome installed first, then i installed kde22:44
grafti installed ubuntu rather than kubuntu22:44
kleiner_teddythat might be the problem22:44
kleiner_teddydon't you have another system with kde installed?22:45
kleiner_teddythen you can copy the file from that system22:46
Riddellhttp://www.kubuntu.org/news/12.04-lts-announce  "Kubuntu has always been and always will be a community made project."22:48
shrikrishna@graft- the same thing had happened to one of my friends too22:53
shrikrishnaif you install ubuntu with gnome first and then install kde, the default applications will remain the same22:53
shrikrishnai guess you'll have to download all kde applications individually and set them as default manually22:55
shrikrishnabecause you installed only the kdm, not kubuntu as a whole...22:55
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Riddellafiestas: not like us in -devel any more?23:27
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