
dlentzcan anyone running Oneiric (or earlier) confirm this? (galternatives works fine for me on Precise)02:45
ubot2`Launchpad bug 943513 in galternatives "buttons don't do anything" [Undecided,New]02:45
om26erhey anyone using Unity in 11.10 can you help a little. minimize everything and press and hold key, does the desktop menu show?07:47
om26ernever mind seems it was an issue in 11.10 as well. thanks for the reply08:43
vegerCould someone set the importance of bug #420680 to 'Wishlist'?09:10
ubot2`Launchpad bug 420680 in kdepim "Aniversaries are duplicate in korganizer when both partners exist in the addressbook." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42068009:10
ansgarveger: Done.09:12
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zzecoolCan someone confirm this  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/94394112:01
ubot2`Launchpad bug 943941 in unity "GRID plugin very inconsistent and erratic behavior " [Undecided,New]12:01
seb128zzecool, 38mb video, really?!12:05
zzecooli will upload to youtube too12:05
zzecoolim doing it now12:05
seb128zzecool, grid works fine here for info12:05
zzecoolit doesnt on 5 different pc here12:06
zzecooloneiric + precise12:06
zzecool+ diff hardware12:06
seb128well, it works there12:06
zzecooltry to appoach slowly12:06
seb128maybe you expect it to work differently that it does?12:06
zzecoolmove back and reapproach12:06
zzecoolyou gonna see on the video12:06
zzecoolwait some min for youtube12:07
seb128I can approch as slowly as I want, it starts doing the orange rectangle effect as soon as I'm close from an edge12:07
seb128moving away make it go away moving back bring it again12:07
zzecoolin 7 min you gonna have the vid12:10
zzecoolseb128:  here you are http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9wKUP4LvCo&feature=youtu.be12:24
zzecoolbug updated with the link aswell12:24
seb128zzecool, is that unity 2d or 3d?12:27
seb128ok, dunno, things work just great here12:28
zzecoolim jealous12:29
zzecoolgrid goes on and off no matter how many time you are going back and forth ?12:29
seb128not sure what you mean12:31
zzecoolif you approach  the edge the the grid starts to appear and instead of continue you move back and reapproach  is it working ?12:34
seb128zzecool, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/unitygrid.ogv12:36
seb128zzecool, sorry it's copying still12:37
zzecooli saw it12:37
seb128zzecool, refresh12:37
zzecoolits working as it should12:37
zzecoolwhats the recording app ?12:37
seb128it's working like that on all the boxes I use12:37
zzecoolrecordmydesktop ?12:37
zzecooldamn so smooth12:38
seb128zzecool, do you tweak anything on your config?12:38
zzecoolseb128: it doesn work like this in every box i use12:38
seb128enable any ccsm option, focus follow mouse, dunno?12:38
zzecoolno nothing12:38
seb128ok, dunno then12:38
zzecooleven on fresh install12:38
seb128try asking on #ubuntu-unity I guess, maybe to smspillaz12:39
seb128hum, he's not on there12:39
seb128he's on #ubuntu-desktop though12:39
seb128he maybe has a clue12:39
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zzecoolok ty12:59
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hggdhmicahg: thanks for the review, corrected14:26
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gregsan123hi all, I'm writing some software for automatic bug detection and I would need to know how many bugs are marked as duplicates on ubuntu launchpad. Can somebody help me, please, with this?17:39
icerootgregsan123: maybe #launchpad can help17:43
gregsan123iceroot: thanks!17:50
s9iper1any body confirm this one by testing it /?18:11
ubot2`Launchpad bug 941463 in empathy "empathy automatically start on login doesnot work " [Undecided,New]18:11
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s9iper1where to report a desktop bug /19:01
hggdhs9iper1: against the package responsible for it... ;-)19:14
s9iper1hggdh; i have  fiund a bug which was in the test check box so i want to report it /19:15
s9iper1its about the alt +f appear the top menu and f 1019:15
s9iper1on desktop19:15
s9iper1yes for top menu like to open file menu on the desktop19:18
s9iper1that was a test in the checkbox i have seen19:18
s9iper1but i dont report that test19:18
hggdhhow alt-(some key) will work depends on the application that has focus19:19
hggdhalt by itself should show the application (in focus) top menu19:20
hggdhfor example, on Nautilus, alt-f will work as you want19:21
s9iper1i dont know that was a test there ok not a big problem they will receive many tests if there is a problem than they will fix it its i guess unity problem or a design problem19:21
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lukas123Hello! I found a bug report, which I think should be triaged. What should I do?20:43
bdmurraylukas123: what do you mean by triaged?  The status should be set to Triaged or something else?20:53
lukas123The status should be set to triaged.20:54
bdmurrayand what bug is this?20:54
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ubot2`Launchpad bug 796030 in linux "intel gma 4500mhd external monitor picture scrambled" [Undecided,Fix released]20:55
lukas123It is set to fix released. But I don't think that's correct.20:55
bdmurraybriefly looking at it - it looks like in comment #21 someone added a patch and thinks that means its fixed20:57
bdmurrayjsalisbury: can you look at bug 796030?20:57
ubot2`Launchpad bug 796030 in linux "intel gma 4500mhd external monitor picture scrambled" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79603020:57
jsalisburybdmurray, sure20:57
bdmurrayit looks like it incorrectly got set to fix released and might have a patch in it20:58
jsalisburybdmurray, thanks for the heads up.20:59
bdmurraywell, thanks to lukas12320:59
lukas123Thanks for the quick reaction! This Bug keeps me from upgrading from 10.04.21:00

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