
dholbachgood morning08:14
alouriegood morning08:20
dholbachhey dpm09:24
dholbachdpm, do you have some thoughts on Andrew SB's comment in bug 943154?09:24
ubot2`Launchpad bug 943154 in ubuntu-packaging-guide "Make Packaging Guide translatable" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94315409:24
dpmhey dholbach, morgen09:25
dholbachhow are you doing? how's proud Catalunya doing today?09:25
dpmwill be much prouder after we've translated the whole of Ubuntu after the UGJ! ;-)09:30
dpmdholbach, ok, replied Andrew's comment. I haven't looked at your branch yet, though09:39
dholbachyes, I don't think language packs will be a problem09:41
dholbachthe package is not even in the archive now, just in a PPA09:41
dholbachand I actually see more people using the website than installing the package, but maybe that's just me09:41
dpmah, right, I assumed it was in main from andrew's comment09:41
dholbachthanks for your help09:42
dpmno worries :)09:54
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akgranerHow's this for a title - I just got an email where someone's title is Customer Happiness Manager... it made me smile.  :-)11:16
dholbachI hate twitter and identi.ca - this tweet sums it up best: "What I hate most about Twitter: finishing a good tweet, having -1 characters left, and then having to decide which grammar crime to commit."12:08
akgranerdholbach, oh how true!12:13
czajkowskidholbach: hah, I dont use identi.ca more too many trolls on there, twitter is a bit more social but sometimes full of spam :/12:19
dholbachyeah, I never turned into a huge fan of twitter TBH12:19
mhall119good morning14:29
snap-lI wish the FLOSS-trolls on identi.ca hadn't chased away all of the folks to twitter.14:58
snap-lbut I think even the trolls are getting bored and moving on.14:58
snap-lvery little conversation there.14:59
dpmdholbach, do you know if there is anywhere I can see a list of backports available for a given release?15:29
dholbachdpm, not very easily - give me a minute15:31
dpmdholbach, I don't necessarily need a nice list, just a pointer to where I can find out would already help me15:32
popeysnap-l: doesn't help that identi.ca has been broken more of then than not, and the style looks like it was made with ms paint15:33
snap-lpopey: Well, the redesign is less offensive15:38
dholbachdpm, dirty, but the best I could come up with: http://paste.ubuntu.com/863603/ :)15:40
* dpm hugs dholbach15:41
dholbachde nada15:41
jcastrogreg-g: I suspect we'll see a bunch more of this happening: http://www.engadget.com/2012/03/01/foursquare-replaces-google-maps-with-openstreetmap-mapboxstreets/15:41
jonoballoons, is B1 out yet?16:03
dholbachjono, no16:06
jonodholbach, ahhh16:06
dholbachno mails on ubuntu{,-devel}-announce and topic in #ubuntu-devel is still "Precise Beta-1 Freeze in effect" :)16:07
dholbachthat's at least the indicators I checked :)16:07
balloonsyea, not yet16:07
balloonsshould be today ;-)16:07
dholbachdid you all see the illustrious list of countries running a UGJ event?16:08
dholbachreally looks more like a list of holiday destinations :)16:08
jonothanks dholbach, balloons16:13
jonodholbach, indeed UGJ looking good :-)16:13
* dholbach goes back to Fix-It Friday propaganda16:13
greg-gjcastro: I sure hope so :)16:29
jonomhall119, all set?16:57
mhall119jono: yes sir16:59
jonomhall119, invite sent16:59
mhall119jono: says nobody is there right now :(17:00
mhall119let me try agaibn17:00
jonosent another17:00
jonoballoons, so when B1 is announced are you good to go with the testing PPA?17:34
balloonsjono, I'm one step closer now17:35
balloonsi've confirmed the last minute bug I found last night is only on my box17:35
jonoballoons, awesome17:35
balloonsat any rate, I'm trying to fix the package and then once it builds it will be all set17:41
balloonsthe build queues are showing 7+ hours to build tho :-(17:41
jonoballoons, ask an archive admin to push it up17:48
balloonsjono, when I've got the packaging kinks worked out.. I'll ping you for help on that17:48
dakerjono, did you received my email ?18:01
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jonodaker yes, thanks18:07
technovikingjcastro: still have not heard from deej, and will "hellabusy" next week till Friday18:07
jcastrotechnoviking: asking now18:18
dholbachhave a great rest of your day - see you all tomorrow18:22
mhall119balloons: is your QA stuff ready to be added?18:37
balloonsmhall119, yes it is18:37
mhall119balloons: I'm done editing now, if you want to add it18:37
jcastrohey bkerensa19:01
jcastroare you on @osu-lug?19:01
jcastroer, #osu-lug19:01
jcastroI mean #osu-coders, sigh19:02
akgranerjono are we still good to go for the hangout in an hour?19:02
akgranerI'll blog send out the links so people know where to go and what to click etc :-)19:02
akgranerwell a reminder even19:02
jonoakgraner, yep19:06
jonoI am going to grab lunch first19:06
jonoakgraner, when you have blogged it I will promote it on FB/G+ etc19:06
akgranerok I'm working on that now19:06
cprofitthey jono19:11
jonohey cprofitt19:11
akgranercprofitt, hey19:11
ubot2`Launchpad bug 392976 in ubuntu-community "Launchpad only supports one CoC - the Ubuntu Leadership CoC is not supported." [Medium,Confirmed]19:11
cprofittthat bug has me a bit curious19:11
cprofittwhat real tangible benefit do we, the community, get with having an actual signed digital document vs. an acknolwedgement from leaders?19:12
cprofittI assume they will be held to that standard regardless of the signature.19:12
jcastrotechnoviking: "jcastro: It looks like the servers need more disk and we're shuffling hardware around."19:17
cprofittjcastro: shuffling hardware is never any fun19:18
jcastroyeah so I guess it's tough to source disks with the prices these days19:18
cprofittI have no issues getting disks.... but it still takes time19:18
czajkowskicprofitt: there have been numerous threads and bugs about the LCoC one of which started after UDs but unless there was a patch submitted to LP to get the signing of the LCoC its not gonna happen the CC are currently reviewing the LCOC and CoC19:18
bkerensajcastro: I am on #osu-lug but I can also be on #osu-coders :) why whats up?19:19
cprofittczajkowski: I saw a few of the threads/bugs... just curious what the benefit of having a signed document is vs. just an acknolwedgement19:19
czajkowskibecause people say well I didnt sign something you cant hold me to it19:20
cprofittczajkowski: that would make sense if this was a corporation, but it is a volunteer community... do we really need that level of legal documentation?19:20
czajkowskicprofitt: when youre dealing with some leaders who swont step down sure19:21
czajkowskior when some leadersperhaps aren't active but wont step away we can reference it19:21
cprofittI am thinking a check box might be just as good19:22
cprofittunless it would actually involve a court of law19:22
cprofittthat might be easier to implement19:22
czajkowskicprofitt: kind over thinking it tbh19:22
czajkowskiand the CC area already looking into merging the two19:23
cprofittHow does one broach the subject with the CC?19:24
pleia2cprofitt: we're subbed to that bug19:24
pleia2so it's on our radar :)19:25
cprofittmost of the reason I started thinking about it is based on the ease of signing comments that were made... we want to make it easy for people to sign... and using PGP is not as easy as a simple checkbox19:25
cprofittcool... thanks pleia219:25
cprofittdoing well pleia2 ?19:26
pleia2cprofitt: yep :) you?19:29
cprofittpretty good... daughter got bit by a dog this morning... so a bit stressed19:29
cprofittit was more stressful this morning when I had to go get her and bring her to school...19:31
technovikingjcastro: just erase that bad boy19:32
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bkerensaWell I better head out..... Gotta go find some amazing Sushi for lunch19:44
cjohnstonbkerensa: get me some19:45
jussimmmmm sushi19:46
balloonsdo we have a brave soul or two in here who would be willing to help me tests something?20:03
balloonsyou'll need to be running precise, but a vm is fine20:03
cjohnstonballoons: probably not, but whatcha need?20:05
cprofittballoons: ah... what do you need?20:05
balloonsI'd like someone to run thru this and report back some success: http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/RunningCheckboxTestCases20:05
cprofittI gotta run in 15 minnutes or so... but if it is fast I can try to help20:05
balloonscprofitt, you could install and run one test in <15 I'd guess :-)20:06
cprofittcan I do it when I get home?20:06
balloonsyou sure can20:06
balloonsI just want to make sure the process is sane before I send it out to everyone20:06
balloonsno typos, etc :-)20:06
cprofittsounds good... will try to get that done for you tonight20:07
balloonsI'll be here cprofitt :-)20:07
czajkowskiballoons: instructions work fine20:12
czajkowskiinstalled no issues20:12
czajkowskiI would say that somewhere you should add how long it takes to complete the checkbox testing20:13
balloonsczajkowski, for all the tests? I'm actually not sure..20:14
czajkowskiballoons: takes about 2 hrs ;)20:14
mhall119jono: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/globaljam/dashboard/20:14
czajkowskilong time so people need to have some free time20:14
cjohnstonballoons: the testing thing that came with 5.4 (i think it was 5.4) takes way too long to complete... if you could work on them as you can and submit as you go it would be much more betterer20:15
czajkowskias you cant submit half way20:15
balloonsyes, these tests aren't nearly as long as the unity ones20:15
* cjohnston would say even have the ability to do less than half way20:15
balloonsshould be under an hour for all of them20:15
czajkowskiwell a time frame for how long a test case should take would be good20:15
balloonshowever, the feedback is well placed20:15
balloonsmost of the tests should take ~5 min20:16
balloonsand you can submit multiple times..20:16
balloonsstill, feedback noted.. I think I'll open a bug for  a wishlist to discuss this20:16
cjohnstonballoons: subscribe me please.. ~chrisjohnston20:16
balloonscjohnston, sure can do20:17
balloonsyou can restart checkbox as well to pick up where you left off.. but it's not intiutive20:17
cjohnstonstill good for tomorrow? I heard you may be staying the weekend?20:17
balloonsdid you now?20:17
balloonsI'm still good on tomorrow20:17
cjohnstonwhat are your plans?20:17
balloonsI had wanted to come tonight and stay a couple nights with some friends from up north20:18
balloonsbut now I'm coming down just for the day (LONG DAY) with svwilliams20:18
balloonscjohnston, did you attempt to run and submit a test?20:20
balloonsdid it show up?20:20
cjohnstonballoons: im working on it... slowly20:20
cjohnstontesting code that is time sensitive at the same time20:21
balloonshaha.. funn fun20:21
cjohnstonballoons: it should show how many tests complete vs how many tests are left20:25
balloonscjohnston, yep.. it should.. something I have to work on20:26
balloonsthat is present in the upstream checkbox, so it's something specific to me20:26
balloonscjohnston, czajkowski added a resume section20:28
balloonsdoes that help?20:28
cjohnstonI want to file a critical bug.. it forces the use of a non-preferred browser20:29
balloonsdo file20:30
cjohnstonError in field 'submission_key' - Submission key already exists.20:30
cjohnstonthats the error i got when i webnt to submit20:31
cjohnstonclicked ok, then clicked next again and it seems to have worked20:31
balloonslet's see if it made it up20:32
balloonsyep i see it20:33
jcastromhall119: nice work on the dashboard20:36
jcastrothat looks /tight/20:36
mhall119I've copied over the list of things from the wiki (the ones we had links for more info anyway)20:40
balloonsthanks cjohnston :-)20:41
balloonsi'll be sending this around to everyone to run for beta1 testing.. should be doing the same myself tomorrow for ugj20:42
akgranerThanks Jono!21:00
jonothanks akgraner!21:00
mhall119on air hangouts are pretty cool21:01
mhall119but it didn't auto-update the comments, which was disappointing21:01
akgranerI'll drop you the link so you can see the different stages of the recording - I'll overlay titles and text as well as add links to the various things we talked about.21:01
mhall119all it needs it a public chat area and it's a replacement for ustream.tv21:01
jcastrowait what21:02
jcastrowas there an onair hangout I missed?21:02
mhall119jono: it's Friday morning in Australia, can you promote http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/globaljam/dashboard/ on G+ and I'll do the same on Facebook?21:03
balloonsmhall119, how can i get the checkbox stuff on the global jam page btw/21:03
balloonscan you do / help?21:03
mhall119balloons: give me a link to more info on it and I'll add it21:04
balloonsthis link is good21:04
balloonsif you want my blog post, I'm writing it up now21:04
akgranermhall119, yep - that's the piece I haven't figured out yet21:05
akgraneror maybe it doesn't exist yet :-)21:06
mhall119balloons: done21:06
balloonsmhall119, +1, thank you!21:06
akgranerjcastro, you don't follow me anymore or you'd have seen when it was starting, but I guess you aren't following your boss either so I am in good company in that regard. ;-P21:07
jcastrodid I miss a blog post?21:07
akgranernods 2 of them :-)21:07
jcastrohah no fair, you just posted that today!21:08
jcastrooh that's cool, where's the recording?21:08
akgranerI posted it a couple days ago as well :-P21:10
akgranerit's processing right now21:10
akgranerthat's another downside it can take up to 24 hours to render :-/21:10
akgranerso if you can figure out a way to both capture the video to  youtube and to an independent file somewhere that would be awesome.  The rendering is taking place in youtubes cloud somewhere and it's S-L-O-W.21:12
cjohnstonjcastro: small dent, but i deleted 6 wiki pages ;-)21:21
pleia2cjohnston: gold star!21:21
jcastroI think vish got my gold star21:24
jcastrolike 30 seconds after my talk he deleted my wiki page21:24
cjohnstonIs anyone good with CSS who could help me some with Summit?21:25
jonomhall119, can you send me the Ubuntu drupal theme?21:59
jonodjango theme21:59
cjohnstonjono: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-community-webthemes/light-django-theme22:03
jonothanks cjohnston22:04
jonohow do I install theme theme?22:04
jonoI am playing with django for the first time today :-)22:04
jonoit is awesome22:04
cjohnstonjono: you may want to poke around summit.. basically branch it into ubuntu_website in the root directory of your app22:06
jonothanks cjohnston22:06
cjohnstonthen you need to set up your base.html to look for the ubuntu website template22:06
cjohnstonset up your url's for where to look for the media and such22:07
cjohnstoni think thats about it22:07
mhall119jono: sent you an email22:11
jonothanks mhall11922:11
jonoman, this is such an awesome framework :-)22:11
jonoI like how it makes you think22:11
mhall119I like how it doesn't ;)22:12
balloonsmhall119, got the loco link for globaljam?22:14
mhall119balloons: the event or the dashboard?22:15
balloonsso much cooler22:15
mhall119jono: can you put that on G+ ^^22:16
mhall119I posted it to Facebook already22:16
mhall119but don't have the Ubuntu page on G+22:16
jonomhall119, cjohnston any idea how I can allow the user to add multiple mhall119will do22:16
czajkowskimhall119: posted to FB locoteams page22:16
jonomhall119, cjohnston quick q: I have an Accomplishments table in sqllite and I want to allow the user to add multiple references to another foreign key (category) - how do I do that?22:17
mhall119thanks czajkowski22:18
czajkowskimhall119: np22:18
mhall119jono: what do you mean?22:18
jonomhall119, so I have the following breakdown22:19
jonoinside Applications can be different categories22:19
jonoe.g. QA, Development22:19
jonoI then have Accomplishmwnts22:19
jonoI want to be able to say which Categories in the current application the accomplishment has22:19
jonoApp: ubuntu-community22:20
mhall119ah, ok, you want https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/fields/#manytomanyfield22:20
jonoAccom: first-bug22:20
mhall119manytomany between Category and Accomplishment22:20
jonoCategories: QA (from ubuntu-community)22:20
jonomhall119, how would that look in my model?22:21
mhall119in class Accomplishments:22:21
jonoessentially I only want the user to be able to select categories within the current app22:21
mhall119    categories = models.ManyToManyField(Category)22:21
mhall119jono: ah, you've already hit one of Django's weaknesses22:22
mhall119that's possible, but not in the Model, you'll have to do that in the Form22:22
jonomhall119, right, so I need to perform the logic in the forum, right?22:22
mhall119yeah, it's not to hard though22:23
jonomhall119, gotcha22:23
jonoso one challenge here is that the user can add lots of categories22:23
jonohow do I specify that in my model?22:23
mhall119use the ManyToManyField22:24
mhall119it'll automatically allow them to select multiple22:24
jonooh cool22:24
jonohmm I added     categories = models.ManyToManyField(Category)22:26
jonobut it says: NameError: name 'Category' is not defined22:26
jonoand there is a class there22:26
mhall119jono: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~summit-hackers/summit/trunk/view/head:/summit/schedule/forms.py#L93 is an example of how you'll need to limit the choices in your form22:26
mhall119jono: you have to define the class above where you're using it22:27
jonooh it has to appear before the declaration22:27
mhall119alternately, I think you can pass the model name as a string22:27
jonomhall119, any idea how I set a foreign key to another possible item in the same table22:37
jonoin other words, I want to set the 'depends' to another accomplishment id22:38
mhall119jono: use 'self' as the class to link to22:39
mhall119ForeignKey('self') or ManyToManyField('self')22:40
jonomhall119, getting 'no such column: editor_accomplishment.depends_id' now22:42
mhall119did you syncdb before you added the depends field?22:43
jonomhall119, yup22:44
mhall119jono: syncdb is really really good at creating database tables22:44
mhall119and that's it22:44
mhall119it doesn't alter them22:44
mhall119http://south.aeracode.org/ will handle database migrations cleanly for you22:45
jonomhall119, any idea how I can fix this?22:45
mhall119but during early development, just delete the db file and re-syncdb it22:45
jonomakes sense22:45
mhall119Django's philosophy seems to be "Do the 90% that can be done easily and cleanly, and leave the rest to 3rd parties"22:46
jonomhall119, it is so awesome22:53
jonomhall119, do you know is there is going to be an easy way to take the admin form I have built and expose it on the site so people can use it inside a normal view?22:53
cjohnstonjono: yes22:58
cjohnstonagain, summit has examples.. LTP has more examples22:58
cjohnstonbasically you would create a form in forms.py22:58
cjohnstonjono: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~summit-hackers/summit/trunk/view/head:/summit/schedule/forms.py23:01
jonothanks cjohnston23:01
cjohnstonjono: that gives you all three components.. just need the url at that point23:02
jonothanks, pal!23:03
jonocjohnston, one quick q: it looks like I have reached a limit for the number of inlines I can put in the admin23:04
cjohnstonhrmm.. didnt know there was a limit23:04
jonooh, I fixed it23:04
jonoignore me23:04
jonoalright, I have my admin all working, now onto the views23:05
cjohnstonjono django is most awesome23:05
cjohnstonget to spend all day working with it tomorrow23:05
jonocjohnston, seriously :-)23:05
jonocjohnston, :-)23:05
jonomhall119, cjohnston:23:08
jonoNameError: name 'TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS' is not defined23:08
jonowhen trying to use the theme23:08
cjohnstonjono: in your settings23:08
jonoI added that to my settings23:09
cjohnstongtg.. mhall119 will show you23:09
mhall119jono: show me your settings?23:09
jonoimport ubuntu_website23:10
jono   "ubuntu_website.media_processor",23:10
jono   "ubuntu_website.popup_check",23:10
jonoTEMPLATE_DIRS += (23:10
jono   ubuntu_website.TEMPLATE_DIR,23:10
jonoI put that at the bottom as you mentioned23:10
mhall119did your settings.py not have something like this: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~summit-hackers/summit/trunk/view/head:/summit/settings.py#L14223:10
mhall119if not, copy that one, but remove all the entries that start with 'common'23:11
mhall119put that somewhere before the import of ubuntu_website23:11
jonomhall119, I am a little confused23:11
jonolet me pastebin my settings23:11
jonomhall119, https://pastebin.canonical.com/61429/23:12
mhall119jono: what version of Django are you using?23:13
jonomhall119, whatever is in Precise23:13
mhall119ok, on line 149 the code I gave you is trying to append a couple entries to the end of a variable23:15
mhall119but in 1.3, that variable isn't pre-defined for you23:15
mhall119so somewhere above line 149 you're going to need to define it23:15
mhall119as we did in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~summit-hackers/summit/trunk/view/head:/summit/settings.py#L14223:16
mhall119jono: do you want to just pop this into pad.ubuntu.com?23:16
jonomhall119, that would be cool if poss23:16
mhall119jono: http://pad.ubuntu.com/QuvzDqy8kl23:17
jonoI have it open23:18
mhall119jono: since you're starting this off new (which we didn't for ltp and summit), I'm going to simplify it23:18
mhall119jono: that should do it for you23:20
jonothanks mhall11923:21
cjohnstoncanonical pastebin !fail23:42
jonomhall119, so, should I create my template files inside the ubuntu theme branch?23:58
cjohnstonjono: no23:59
jonoso I create my own templates dir?23:59
cjohnstonin your app (or each app) create templates/<appname>/23:59
cjohnstonand put them in <appname>23:59

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