
SpamapSbut I feel that the experience has gotten less smooth, but probably more safe00:00
slangasekwell, all things considered, I'd rather we leave the needle there for this release00:00
bdmurrayI think its worth release noting though as my experience was more surprising00:01
bdmurrayI thought it used to boot degraded which didn't happen to me00:02
slangasekSpamapS: can you open a release notes task for this?00:02
slangasekoh, booting in degraded mode shouldn't have changed :/00:03
slangasekbdmurray: bug #?00:03
bdmurrayI was looking at bug 92528000:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 925280 in mdadm (Ubuntu) "Software RAID fails to rebuild after testing degraded cold boot" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92528000:05
bdmurrayhmm, that doesn't say anything about getting a busy box shell though00:05
SpamapSbdmurray: the default is to not boot degraded.. and that has been the default since, IIRC, Jaunty00:09
SpamapSbdmurray: its a High priority question in the installer, so you should get a question and have the option to boot degraded00:09
SpamapSbdmurray: the error message explains that you need to zero the superblock00:11
SpamapSbdmurray: the code that introduced that change is new, coming with the latest mdadm (3.2.x) ..00:11
SpamapSbdmurray: its being extra careful because there is a superblock on that device that is not consistent with the array that is active.00:12
SpamapSAhh, I wish I had found this bug 6 hours ago. :)00:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 6 in Launchpad itself ""next 10 entries" at bottom of page" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/600:13
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stgraberskaet: if we're going to allow for some rebuild, any chance someone can review the ldm in the queue? it's not critical but it'd be nice to have in Edubuntu if we rebuild00:30
skaetstgraber, if you can line up a reviewer - ok.   we'll fall back to the current image set as backups if there's any issues.00:32
skaetstgraber,  bug #?00:32
stgraberskaet: When using LTSP, it's possible unity 3D will start on a client that's not 3D capable, in such case, make sure to select "Ubuntu 2D" in the session list at login time. (820417)00:34
stgraberthat's what I put in the technical overview00:35
skaetthanks. stgraber,00:35
stgraberoh, right, sync requests don't have diffs on LP, let me build one quickly then...00:36
micahgstgraber: if it's from testing, you can request it ‎with +localpackagediffs00:36
stgrabermicahg: that's still in unstable at the moment (released upstream only a few days ago00:37
stgraberhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/862747/ is the debdiff for ldm. As mentioned earlier, the new background won't affect Ubuntu as we ship ours in ldm-ubuntu-theme (always installed with LTSP)00:38
stgraberldm-2.2.6/rc.d/X50-dmrc-processing is the bit I care about the most, mostly the change from the broken TryExec to Exec and the logic for parsing LDM_SESSION that actually works now (.dmrc reading/writting in LDM has been broken for years ...)00:40
pittidupondje: set to "in progress", thanks04:49
pittiGood morning04:49
micahgpitti: I discovered if we demote the packagekit andpackagekit-backend-aptcc binaries, we can demote gdebi, is this desirable?05:00
pittimicahg: we don't actually want -aptcc indeed; the apt backend works slightly better, but I don't know if that also needs gdebi05:00
micahgpitti: the aptcc backend depends on gdebi-core05:01
micahgthe apt one doesn't seem to05:01
pittihm, I'm not even sure why it is in main05:02
pittithere only seem to be alternative dependencies to it05:02
pittiwe need the source in main for the library, though05:03
pittimicahg: let me try to demote these two binaries and see what happens in c-m05:03
micahgsounds good05:03
micahgpitti: I forgot about packagekit-dbg, needs to be demoted as well05:41
dupondjehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/943661 could somebody check this with quite high priority ? :) Quite annoying you can't use ubuntu-bug/apport-bug atm :)06:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 943661 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport-gtk crashed with SIGSEGV in get_gsubgpos_table()" [Medium,New]06:40
pittimicahg: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt06:48
pittimicahg: hm, "rescued from packagekit", sounds like extra-include; I'll try sorting this out in the seeds06:48
micahgpitti: ah, right, *-dbg :)06:48
pittimicahg: ok, seeds committed, let's wait for the next round06:49
micahgpitti: thanks06:51
micahgpitti: the reverse recommends has the alternate on python-aptdaemon.pkcompat07:13
pittimicahg: ah, I think we need to swap that07:17
micahgwhy should it matter, it's a recommends?07:18
pitticomponent-mismatches checks these as well, as we install them by default07:24
micahgright, but if the first alternative is in universe (i.e. not available), why wouldn't it just install the alternative?07:27
micahgit violates policy for depends, but AFAIK doesn't for recommends07:29
pittimicahg: well, britney just isn't clever enough for this07:29
pittibut anyway, usually you have universe enabled, so it should really prefer what we want users to install07:30
pittiunless they explicitly choose PK07:30
pittiso I think it's not just a c-m workaround to swap it07:30
micahgpitti: well, that'll give us a diff on packagekit, but I guess that's worth a source in universe at least for the LTS07:30
micahgpitti: should I take care of that after beta 1?07:31
pittimicahg: that'd be appreciated07:32
micahgok, will do07:32
pittimicahg: perhaps we can talk Matthias into using ${daemon-Recommends} and setting that accordingly depending on dpkg-vendor --is ubuntu07:33
micahgpitti: I'll ask next time I see him online07:34
pittidupondje: fun, can reproduce07:40
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dupondjepitti: good :)07:58
pittidupondje: in fact, in gdb this reproduces the other weird bug 901675, so plusgood08:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 901675 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport-gtk assert failure: python: ../../src/xcb_io.c:273: poll_for_event: Assertion `!xcb_xlib_threads_sequence_lost' failed." [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90167508:01
dupondjepitti: well this morning I got that error indeed also08:02
dupondjewithout anything changed08:02
dupondjeweird :)08:02
pittiseems it's sometimes one or the other08:02
bkerensadholbach: If your feeling bored want to have a look at my friends merge proposal08:13
dholbachgood morning08:13
dholbachhi bkerensa08:13
dholbachI need to get a few other things done first, but if nobody beats me to it, I'll take a look08:13
bkerensadholbach: good morning08:13
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broderbkerensa: that should probably wait until after the beta comes out to get uploaded08:32
broderbut looks obviously correct other than that08:33
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pittibdmurray: would you mind filing an apport bug about the missing info, with the three bugs as a pointer?10:13
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sorenI'm having trouble working out a problem with grub. I'm using the cloud images and after install the generic kernel image, it doesn't show up in the grub menu.11:27
soren..and it's not making any sense to me, to be honest. I see it in the grub.cfg, but not in the grub menu.11:28
sorenAny hints for debugging?11:31
sorenDoes grub directly go and read /boot/grub/grub.cfg?11:31
sorenand how does it know which partition to look at?11:31
sorenIs that set at grub-install time?11:31
* soren fetches grub2 source and tissues (tears are always involved when I read grub code)11:33
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pittisoren: or padding your table before you *headdesk*?11:58
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wcchandleris the beta 1 build == today's daily build?13:36
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valavanisalexHi Everyone - a quick packaging question.  I want to set build dependency for Inkscape so that it can be built against either liblcms1-dev or liblcms2-dev.  Should I use an alternative dependency format "liblcms1-dev | liblcms2-dev" or should I use the virtual package "liblcms-dev"?13:47
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janimo`jamesh, slangasek do you know what the status of upstart is in Debian as far as they accepting upstart scripts in packages is concerned only (not making it default or anything like that)14:11
ScottKjanimo`: It's up to the package maintainer.14:11
janimo`the former if settled, would be enough to eliminate a few deltas14:11
janimo`ScottK, http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=577040 I was pointed at this bug14:12
ubottuDebian bug 577040 in debhelper "dh_installinit: don't force upstart when both .init and .upstart exist." [Wishlist,Open]14:12
janimo`while asking mongodb maintainer to take our upstart script. He took the Replaces:: so less delta \o/, only upstart remains14:13
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nunodanyone here related with the ubuntu-android project?14:24
valavanisalex[repost from 13:47] Hi Everyone - a quick packaging question.  I want to set build dependency for Inkscape so that it can be built against either liblcms1-dev or liblcms2-dev.  Should I use an alternative dependency format "liblcms1-dev | liblcms2-dev" or should I use the virtual package "liblcms-dev"?14:29
cyphermoxvalavanisalex: you'll probably want the alternate dependency rather than using the virtual package14:39
janimo`ScottK, anhy further comment re upstart scripts in Debian?14:40
ScottKNo.  It really depends on the maintainer.  AFAIK there's no policy.14:41
janimo`ScottK, but does it not cause such breakage as the (admittedly one year old) bug describes?14:41
janimo`the last comment there (hi soren) makes it sound serious14:42
ScottKIt's clear upstart scripts can be put in Debian without causing harm.14:42
janimo`someone who knows more about this than me should update that bug then :)14:43
janimo`there's no need for policy, but if there are bugs like this maintainers with no experience with upstart  may simply avoid adding upstart scripts.14:44
DavieyAnyone happy to know the max length in chars an ssh public key can be?14:52
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ogra_stgraber, hmm, wrt bug 942572, metacity uses composite by default nowadays (using SW rendering), it works fine on all arm devices here using xfbved as driver, the setting is hnadled in gconf, i wonder if just gconfd is missing un the ubiquity-dm session or something similar15:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 942572 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Notify OSD panel is opaque when shown in the installer" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94257215:07
brendandogra_, stgraber - the system runs unity 3d. always has15:10
brendandmaybe the bug is not strictly that it's opaque, but this whole colour block in the middle15:10
brendandsorry i can't get a screen15:10
stgraberbrendand: ok, so maybe you're just experiencing the difference between notify-osd with and without compositing15:12
ogra_brendand, ubiquity-dm doesnt run 3d15:12
ogra_(ubiquity-dm is what you run if choosing install directly at the beginning)15:12
brendandogra_, alright - but it should be solid grey. not grey border + random colour15:13
stgraberyeah, that sounds like a notify-osd bug ;)15:13
brendandstgraber, ok, no problem. feel free to move it15:14
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slangasekjanimo`: the current iteration of debhelper doesn't cope with including upstart scripts in packages; patch to debhelper is pending15:22
janimo`slangasek, so waiting with the inclusion of an upstart script is a wise choice then for Debian maintainer right?15:22
slangasekjanimo`: yes15:23
bdmurraypitti: bug 94407815:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 944078 in apport (Ubuntu) "bugs reported by apport missing essential information" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94407815:28
pittibdmurray: thanks15:29
valavanisalexcyphermox: Thanks :)15:34
dokoapw, ogasawara: 4.6.3 upload is prepared, will upload after the freeze, or around 22:00 UTC, whichever is later16:08
ogasawaradoko: ack, thanks for the note.  I'll hold our kernel upload until after 4.6.3 finishes building16:09
dokohmm, will start building in a ppa, then it there faster16:09
sladentkamppeter: your new 'cups-filter'  Are you able to queue that for 22:0016:21
sladentkamppeter: then I can follow it up with a blog post saying it's done16:21
SpamapSis there a python library that makes it easy to get the latest stable release of ubuntu?16:34
SpamapSwhen I say "get" I mean, identify16:34
brendandSpamapS, heh. interesting idea16:36
broderSpamapS: distro-info16:36
broderSpamapS: http://paste.ubuntu.com/863695/16:38
SpamapSbroder: thanks!16:39
tkamppetersladen, still there?16:40
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gregsan123hi all, I'm writing some software for automatic bug detection and I would need to know how many bugs are marked as duplicates on ubuntu launchpad. Can somebody help me, please, with this? How can I get this info on launchpad?17:42
sladentkamppeter: yup17:45
tkamppetersladen, I finished packaging and testing the package. I will upload it, so that it is in the queue waiting for approval due to beta freeze. Simply grab it from the queue, or if needed do a beta freeze exception approving it or get it approved by someone.17:47
Ampelbeingregsan123: Do you mean how many duplicates a certain bug has? Or just in general how many duplicates there are?17:47
Ampelbeingregsan123: Maybe #launchpad is a better channel for those questions?17:47
sladentkamppeter: awesome++ danke! :)17:47
tkamppetersladen, I have tested it with several paper sizes, even wider than high (paper inserted long-edge first), viaa17:48
tkamppeterlpr -P OJP8500 -o PageSize=Custom.595x421pt /usr/share/cups/data/testprint17:48
gregsan123Amaranth: thanks for the info. What I need is the total number of reports that have been marked as duplicates17:48
tkamppeteron the HP OfficeJet Pro 8500A (any HP inkjet or generally any A4 printer with custom paper size support will do it).17:49
tkamppetersladen, ^^17:49
gregsan123Amaranth: currently there are 800.000+ reports there and I need to know the percentage of duplicates17:49
tkamppetersladen, package uploaded.17:51
sladenAmaranth: known duplicates, or unknown duplicates ;-)17:51
gregsan123known duplicates, the ones that are already marked as duplicates17:52
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bdmurraystgraber: bug 914038 is friendly-recovery right?19:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 914038 in Ubuntu "Can't use keyboard on "What would you like to do?" "Run Ubuntu in low-graphics mode for just one session" menu." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91403819:14
stgraberbdmurray: sounds more like failsafeX19:15
PaoloRotoloHi all!19:16
slangasekbdmurray: do you know why the kernel apport hook includes a whole lot of information about the audio stack, and nothing about video?  (bug #942846)19:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 942846 in linux (Ubuntu) "encrypted install fails to boot as long as vt.handoff=7 is used" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94284619:34
bdmurrayslangasek: nope, not really.  ogasawara might as shes worked on that some19:35
slangasekogasawara: ^^ should the kernel apport hook include things like, say, /proc/fb?19:35
bdmurrayI'm happy to fix it if something is needed though19:36
* SpamapS ponders reinstalling on his MBA 4,1 rather than trying to debug why his trackpad and suspend/resume has ceased functioning. :-/19:37
ogasawaraslangasek, bdmurray: apport kernel hook is likely missing video specific debug info because we've probably not had a video domain expert to indicate which video debug info would be generally useful.  if there is additional information which is currently missing that would be generally useful for debugging, we should add it.19:58
slangasekogasawara: I think the only thing missing vs. the plymouth hook that's going to be generally useful on kernel bug reports is going to be /proc/fb20:03
slangasek    attach_file(report, '/proc/fb', 'ProcFB')20:03
ogasawaraslangasek: ack.  I'm fine with having that added.20:04
bdmurrayslangasek, ogasawara: pushed to the precise branch20:22
ogasawarabdmurray: awesome, thanks20:22
slangasekbdmurray: thank you :)20:29
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cndhas beta 1 been released?21:53
cndslashdot says so, but I've not seen anything on ubuntu-devel-announce and the topic still says the freeze is in effect...21:54
stgrabercnd: nope21:57
stgrabercnd: omgubuntu and slashdot are both wrong (for now)21:57
cndhmm, so they jumped the gun...21:57
cndthanks :)21:57
ScottKWhen have they not?21:58
micahgFWIW, omgbuntu also release Firefox 9 before Mozilla did21:59
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