
PerfMthis is so fucked up00:55
PerfMelky you're a jerk00:55
PerfMand I'm not sorry for what I said when I told you to choke on my dick00:55
* elky sighs01:04
elkyoh lookie, he even uncloaked to try get in to ops, so no, not overkill01:05
L3topHi all... Was wondering if I could invite ubottu to #linuxmce04:57
L3topwww.linuxmce.org open source home automation platform built on kubuntu05:09
Unit193That doesn't sound like a candidate for ubottu, but I am not one that can say one way or another. AlanBell, Pici or funkyHat may know, or you can run your own.05:16
ubottuubottu uses supybot, which is available in the main !repositories, with additional plugins that are available at http://ubottu.com/clone.html - to help out with ubottu development please join #ubuntu-bots-devel :)05:16
pangolin!bots | L3top05:17
ubottuL3top: Hi! I'm #ubuntu-irc's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots05:17
pangolinI believe the last link should have info about getting ubottu in your channel.05:18
pangolinit may very well say to ask in here, in which case i would say just sit idle and someone should be able to answer sooner or later :)05:18
L3toplaunchpad took me to ubottu.com which said to come here and ask05:21
Unit193Yep, just wait for the people that know.  Also, seems the wiki and website tell you to ask in different places.05:25
L3topIt is very likely not a candidate. I was being lazy I suppose... it is all avail to be repurposed... just seemed easiest to ask.05:28
L3topbtw as to usage, can you specify versions with info?05:28
Unit193Ubuntu versions? As in !info firefox oneiric ?05:29
L3top!info nvidia-current05:29
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 280.13-0ubuntu6 (oneiric), package size 30824 kB, installed size 90500 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)05:29
Unit193Yep, sure can.05:29
Unit193!info pianobar precise05:29
L3topwe are always LTS but always behind... lol05:29
ubottupianobar (source: pianobar): console based player for Pandora radio. In component universe, is optional. Version 2011.12.11-1 (precise), package size 32 kB, installed size 113 kB05:29
L3topthanks again.05:30
Unit193Sure, and may want to wait just to make sure it's not.05:30
L3topNobody is charging rent... Ill park.05:30
L3top!info nvidia-current lucid05:32
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 195.36.24-0ubuntu1~10.04.1 (lucid), package size 22758 kB, installed size 70864 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)05:32
dholbachgood morning08:14
Fuchsgood morning08:15
* Fuchs throws a yarnball at Myrtti 08:16
Myrttiooo yarn08:19
* Tm_T throws a furball at Fuchs08:22
* Tm_T throws a spikeball at Fuchs now he's confused by all the fluff08:22
=== Zic_ is now known as Zic
botfatherhoi are there already bots in use that use the launchpadlib API ?15:02
botfatherwas thinking about writing a plugin for that for my bot but if it is already in use ...15:03
AlanBellbotfather: the bugs plugin might use it already17:10
AlanBellbug 2223517:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 22235 in gksu (Ubuntu) "gksudo fadeout effect should be restored" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2223517:10
AlanBelllike that17:10
jussiAlanBell: yes, tsimpson updated it to the launchpadlib stuff already :)18:21
pangolinjussi: L3top wanted to know if ubottu could be joined to their channel18:22
jussipangolin: need more information...18:22
pangolinor a clone18:22
pangolin<L3top> Hi all... Was wondering if I could invite ubottu to #linuxmce18:22
pangolin<L3top> www.linuxmce.org open source home automation platform built on kubuntu18:22
jussipangolin: simple answer, no.18:23
jussiwe only serve the ubuntu chans (ie. those in the ircc gc namespaces).18:23
pangolinI figured as much.18:23
jussiHowever, setting up a clone is easy, and jpds or others may be interested in lending their clones.18:23
pangolinprobably be better for them to set one up themselves18:24
L3topThanks jussi... I figured as well...21:55
_d4vidhi guys23:09
_d4vidi have a little problem with some channel23:10
_d4vidi was banned there without any reason23:10
_d4vidi think that is not normal23:10
Unit193What channel?23:10
Fuchs(and yes, we did point him at /msg chanserv access #ubuntu-ru list)23:11
Unit193Heh, that's just what I looked at, but I am not an OP in -ru and can't directly help you there.23:12
* Fuchs pokes Myrtti23:12
Unit193Isn't k1l one?23:12
FuchsUnit193: no, definitely not23:12
_d4vidthere are 2 guys here gave access to a channel and who have simply not respectable from people who want to simply talk time. threaten with a ban from channel23:13
Unit193Alright, I'll bowout now.23:13
FuchsMyrtti: I thought you might know the standard procedure there, else feel unpoked :)23:13
_d4vidartus and skai 2 bastards23:14
_d4vidthere in channel23:14
Myrttithere might be something but my brain is on free fall as it's "oh dear goddess when did it get so late" o'clock23:14
AlanBellbazhang is on the list23:14
* Fuchs puts Myrtti to bed and hands her a plushie23:14
_d4vidAlanBell, where?23:15
AlanBellon the access list for #ubuntu-ru23:15
_d4vidbazhang, hello23:15
_d4vidbazhang, can you unban me there?23:15
bazhang_d4vid, let me see the issue first23:16
Myrttiwhee bazhang to the rescue! morning bazhang, good night everyone else :-P23:17
Fuchsnighty Myrtti :323:17
_d4vidbazhang, issue was that i was +q first for a youtube link . and than i changed my nickname and artus ban me. where he then was just funny for a ban me23:17
bazhang_d4vid, please be patient. I'm still checking the logs23:18
bazhangwhat was your nick before23:19
_d4vidhe ban my host23:20
_d4vidI think those people may not like the two have an access23:21
_d4vidbanen after every loss and mood23:21
_d4vidthere is no check of the two could23:25
bazhang_d4vid, I didn't see the original ban; was that for being offtopic?23:54

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