
=== smb` is now known as smb
ppisatii love the smell of Linus's rants in the morning08:22
* smb rather prefers the scent of fresh coffee...08:38
smbppisati, what is going wrong today? :)08:38
ppisatismb: nothing yet, but it could get worse08:39
ppisatiit could rain :)08:39
smbit could snow if it was colder... no, anything particular that roused Linus?08:40
ppisatismb: opensuse security model requiring root password for everything08:42
ppisatismb: he said one of his daughter called him from school saying she couldn't add school's printer without root pwd08:42
ppisatiyou can imagine his reaction... :)08:42
smbheh. :) can imagine08:42
ppisatibut the real question is, did he give the root pwd to hhis daughter at the end or not? :)08:43
smbmaybe remote login and change it after... well in some way the security of being able to do all those things with your default user is relatively similar08:44
ppisatibut i agree he has a point08:45
diwicwhy not boot from a live-CD and just change the root pwd that way?08:45
ppisatihe mentions some other mundane tasks like chaging wireless network or date/timezone08:46
smbYes, I guess there are probably things/subsystems which you would expect to operate on their own rights without requiring additional ones. At least making decisions only affecting your profile08:48
ppisatiand i wonder where we stand in this stance08:50
ppisatie.g. will Linus's daughter be able to add a printer without root? changing network? timezone?08:50
ppisatianyway, dist-upgrade just finished, brb08:51
smbppisati, Guess in out case she would not need the non-existent root password but do a lot of things as root anyway. :)09:05
* apw yawns09:23
ckinghrm, creating a minimal USB DOS image for a BIOS upgrade from scratch is interesting10:53
Davieycking: does freedos not cover it?11:16
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ckingDaviey, I wish it did, but alas no11:42
ppisatiperhaps i'm drunk, but it seems i'm getting a completely different panic on armhf vs armel...11:57
* henrix is out for lunch12:41
apwppisati, if that is a float triggered issue then it could easily be different12:47
apwhenrix, i assume we are still committing to lucid/mvl-dove, in order to make maverick/mvl-dove13:41
apwherton, ^^13:41
apw(a new h on the block, messing up my tab completion)13:41
hertonapw, yes, ppisati usually pushes on his branch, I push the updated branch13:42
ppisatiapw: yep, i update my zinc branch and then pull from it for M/dove13:47
hertonthen I verify and push to "master" (lucid/mvl-dove, maverick/mvl-dove) when ppisati sends the request to fetch/pull13:48
ppisatiherton: ah btw, Houston we have a problem13:49
ppisatilatest P/omap4 update is ok for armel13:49
ppisatiwhile it complains about a missing module for armhf13:50
ppisatiany way we can fix it?13:50
ppisatii mean, can we withdraw the pull and fix it? or it's already queued and thus we are screwed?13:50
hertonppisati, I think tgardner is taking care of P13:50
ppisatiherton: yes, but he forgot we have armhf too13:51
ppisatiherton: so he fixed the armel side only13:51
ppisatiah right, you are the stable team... :)13:51
hertonyes, you have to see with him this, not sure what he already done/queued13:54
apwppisati, which module is missing ?13:57
apw(i presume by this it is meant to be missing now)13:58
ppisatiapw: the led heartbeat was compiled in13:58
ppisatiapw: tim took care of the armel side, but not armhf13:58
apwoh yeah, so i assume it was a build faliure on armhf13:58
ppisatibut since it takes AGES to build a kernrl on one of our arm builders, if we can fix it would be nice13:59
apwppisati, so its not uploaded yet13:59
hertonremoving  ledtrig-heartbeat from debian.ti-omap4/abi/3.2.0-1406.8/armhf/omap4.modules should fix it, may be fixing the commit and rebasing, on push a fix on top, should do it14:03
herton*or push a fix on top14:04
apwherton, yeah easy to fix, will do that and repush it14:04
ppisatiapw: thanks14:28
apwppisati, pushed ... and tim emailed just in case14:37
ppisatiapw: cool, thanks14:43
henrixcking: ping14:57
henrixcking: i remember you were asking yesterday something about ath9k-related panics...14:58
ckinghenrix, yep14:58
henrixcking: well, i accidentaly came across this commit: 07445f688218a48bde72316aed9de4fdcc17313114:58
henrixcking: not sure if related with the bug you were looking at...14:59
henrixand it looks like its not on precise14:59
ckinghenrix, that's a great find - I will spin a test kernel with that in for the user who's seeing issues with it - thanks!15:00
henrixit may be completely unrelated, but worth taking a look ;)15:00
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henrixbtw, its already on stable15:00
apwhenrix, nice :)15:03
ckingit sounds like it definitely worth trying :-)15:03
henrixi was looking for something completely unrelated on stable... and just found this15:03
* ogasawara back in 2015:19
jsalisburycking, henrix, comment #13 was added to bug 894584  This is someone other than the original bug reporter reporting panics possibly related to ath9k16:16
ubot2`Launchpad bug 894584 in linux "ath9k driver causes kernel panic" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89458416:16
ckingjsalisbury, I'll take a peek at that once I've popped my stack of things to do16:19
jsalisburycking, cool.  Not much to look at.  Just another person stating they see panics and thing they could be related to ath9k.  I asked them to post a screen shot of the panic.16:19
henrixcking: have you managed to build the test kernel?16:22
ckinghenrix, yep, uploading the debs is taking a while at the mo16:22
henrixah, ok. cool16:22
ckingpatch applied cleanly which is good16:23
henrixsince we have a "fresh" comment, maybe the new guy may be able to test it quickly :)16:23
ckingthe user is sporadic, sometimes he tests immediately, sometimes it takes a week or more to get back to me16:24
brendandif i install on a system with > 3GB of RAM, is there something that tells the -pae kernel to be used?17:22
brendandpast experience shows this to be the case on my main laptop17:22
brendandbut not sure if this is 'guaranteed'17:23
brendandin other words, is it a bug for a system which needs pae to address all it's memory not to install it?17:28
brendandnever mind17:31
brendandpreseed #fail17:31
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JanCa non-PAE kernel kan address 4 GiB of RAM, which is > 3 GiB...  :P18:51
* cking ->EOD20:05
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jdstrandogasawara, jsalisbury: thanks for your work on bug #91105921:30
ubot2`Launchpad bug 911059 in linux "Intel wireless randomly drops connection" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91105921:30
ogasawarajdstrand: np, jsalisbury did all the heavy lifting.21:32
bjfjjohansen: bug 931627 has been waiting for your signoff21:43
ubot2`Launchpad bug 931627 in kernel-sru-workflow/security-signoff "linux: 2.6.24-31.99 -proposed tracker" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93162721:43
jjohansenbjf: hrmm, right sorry /me has been deal with a mailbox implosion21:44
bjfjjohansen: np, this was just a reminder :-)21:44
jjohansenbjf: looking at it now21:45

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