
dholbachgood morning08:14
=== kinoucho` is now known as kinouchou
mhall119czajkowski: you're so anti-awesome15:00
czajkowskimhall119: yup loads of other words in the english language that convey things a lot better15:00
czajkowskiplus I'm not 12 and watch cartoons :) 15:01
mhall119there's nothing more awesome than 'awesome' though15:01
czajkowskithere is! 15:01
czajkowskimanyother words but not going into this again 15:01
czajkowskiit;s an over used word 15:01
* mhall119 bookmarks http://thesaurus.com/browse/awesome for future conversations15:03
bimanji23hi 16:37
dedicated1hi there23:47
dedicated1I might want to set up a local jam anytime soon but I can only find a place to set up a global jam, are there differences or are they the same?23:52
pleia2hi dedicated1, a global jam is a local event that happens at the same time as other jams23:56
dedicated1ahh now that clears some things :)23:57
dedicated1but am i right that there's no way to set up a local jam, only a global one?23:57
pleia2if you want it to be this weekend you use the global jam category23:58
pleia2you could do just some local get together for hacking on Ubuntu at any time, but that would be just a regular team event, not part of a specific global event23:58
pleia2there is no real "generic jam" category23:59
dedicated1yes I'd like to organise a regular team event, and hacking ubuntu? xD23:59
pleia2working on Ubuntu :)23:59
dedicated1I'll remember that 23:59

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