
micahgiulian: you uploaded ghc without -v :(00:29
directhexMiS-SAT, --override-config flag is needed for changes to pbuilderrc to persist00:38
directhexMiS-SAT, i.e. pbuilder update --override-config00:38
directhex(the pbuilder image has priority over pbuilderrc, by default)00:38
ajmitchmicahg: you don't mind if I sync moodle for a bunch of security fixes? wasn't sure if you'd spotted that one yet :)01:29
micahgajmitch: go for it02:16
ajmitchmicahg: great, was more of a heads up that it was being synced, in case it gets held up for a few hours in the queue02:17
micahghttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/ghc.html (and the fun is already showing up)02:35
* ajmitch should get in on the fun02:38
micahgajmitch: you have to wait for ghc to build on all archs first :)02:39
ajmitchmicahg: in other words, probably not before I go to bed tonight? :)02:39
micahgwell, ~7-8 hours02:40
ajmitchthat's what I thought02:40
ajmitchassuming that the builds succeed02:40
ajmitchamd64 & armhf look to have failed already02:41
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
tumbleweedbroder: I see you made it into the LWN quotes this week https://lwn.net/Articles/484521/07:04
broderhaha, somebody pointed that out to me07:04
broderif i had known they'd be looking i would have tried to write a better soundbyte07:05
tumbleweedah, good, vorlon's "To be fair, it also omits one of SystemD's greatest strengths: Roman numeral-compliant project naming. System D is obviously way better than System V." made it too07:08
broderi guess it's just a banner week for ubuntu07:10
micahgwhere are all of these07:11
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
broderslangasek is the "development" quote of the week: https://lwn.net/Articles/484166/07:11
broderthey're part of the lwn weekly edition07:11
tumbleweedwell, that one came from a Debian flamewar^Wthread that had lots of amusing bits07:12
dholbachgood morning08:14
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ajmitchhi Laney09:55
Laneymyunity fan?09:58
ajmitchLaney: just excited to see things backported ;)10:13
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KiallHeya - I have two related packages built from separate source packages, the upstream version numbers will always match up but the package version may not. I was hoping for something like "python-carbon (= ${binary:Version})" where I can just check the upstream version number? any suggestions?12:33
ScottKKiall: {source:Version}12:34
ScottKActually, that's not right.12:35
Kiallah.. nice! Is there a list of that kind of thing anywhere?12:35
KiallActually, that does seem correct. Googling for that turned out the deb-substvars man page, with that listed12:37
ScottKYes.  That's the place to look.12:39
KiallIt seems both are listed there.. the Upstream-Version seems to included the "Debian version epoch if any."12:39
ScottKsource:Version still includes the package revision.  You need Upstream-Version12:39
KiallOh. Fair enough :) Thanks12:40
KiallWill give that a go now...12:40
KiallScottK: That worked a charm, thanks again...12:58
ScottKYou're welcome.13:12
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ashickur-noorNeed some instant advice18:38
ashickur-noorFor test 12.04 and Bug reporting18:40
ashickur-noorI need to know what we have to do18:40
ashickur-noorhow to start18:40
valdur55ubuntu-bug package19:00
PaoloRotoloHi all!19:17
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jtaylor:( my unison upload was rejected, no the search for the reason begins again ...19:39
jtaylorwhy does the mail not just tell you19:39
jtaylorhttps://code.launchpad.net/~jtaylor/ubuntu/precise/unison2.32.52/lp-937596 here is the branch in case someone want to help me in the search ._.19:41
ajmitchdoes the mail tell you who rejected it?19:42
ajmitcha little trickier then, I guess you have to ask around :)19:42
ScottKThe archive admin that rejected it is supposed to mail you seperately.19:42
ScottK(It wasn't me)19:42
ScottKjtaylor: There were some accidental rejects that are being restored.19:47
jtaylork, because I can't find an issue with the package19:49
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arandFor backports, how strict are the criteria? Can new-in-precise packages be added?23:24
broderarand: yes. what part of the criteria makes you think you couldn't?23:25
arandHmm, re-reading it againk, I guess none...23:27
arandAlso, new versions of multiplayer-centric games (which needs to match server-client versions), are those strictly backport-material, and not SRU-able?23:30
=== nixmaniack is now known as n1x
RAOFarand: That depends case to case.23:50
arandok, I guess I'll have to dig deeper once that time comes :)23:51
arandHmm, by default only the main repo is available right?23:52
arandBut software centre shows universe as well? Or does it only hint about enabling it?23:52
arandAnd if something is in universe and depends on a -data package in mutliverse, it asks for confirmation but auto-enables multiverse then, right?23:55
broderpackages in universe can't depend on packages in multivers23:56
arandHmm, I wonder if my package is voilating policy then :/23:57
arandAh, no they're both in multiverse, good :)23:58
arandBut on that note, does Ubuntu hold the same rules as Debian as to what is considered "free" with respect to artwork, music, 3D models, etc.?23:59

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