
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from pleiades)06:09
ubottuIn ubottu, pleiades said: bootris: This is your last warning to stay on topic in this channel. Please stop with the nonsense or you will be removed.06:09
ubottuIn ubottu, pleiades said: bootris: This is your last warning to stay on topic in this channel. Please stop with the nonsense or you will be removed.09:18
Myrtticould it be a bot?09:20
FlannelIf it is, it's a bot that thinks queries are channels.09:21
FlannelIt is responding when spoken to.  Not sure why 'bootris' is prepended though.09:21
Tm_Ttalking bot09:34
MyrttiI think it is09:37
bazhang4 from the same IP just entered #ubuntu Sheila____ and 3 others13:31
Myrttischool, I presume13:32
Myrttiwill have a look13:32
ikoniaalready removed one13:32
Myrtti/csmute *!*@221.Red-81-35-0.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net13:33
jpdsGuys, I need a place to put ubot4.14:58
Myrttialright, what did you have in mind? my handbag is spacious but it doesn't have a python inside.15:05
Myrtti(no crude jokes please)15:05
jpdsSome server somewhere. ;)15:10
ikoniajpds: I'll stick on mine for a while if you need somewhere15:11
mneptokjpds: i may also be able to offer some help. just axe.15:36
oCeanpleiades (~pleiades@ has joined #ubuntu-offtopic16:26
oCeanalso #u and +116:26
mneptokSteve McQueen's got nothing on me. I'll take you back west of Pleiades.16:32
oCeanmneptok: sounds like the singer has a cold16:36
mneptokoCean: the studio time was booked in advance, i guess. ;)17:01
pangolin@mark #ubuntu baconbacon123 (~christoph@c-69-136-146-29.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) not sure if user is trolling or if they are new to irc. Some silliness.18:09
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:09
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...19:12
urfr332gOI have a user continuosly PMing me with this U started da shit.20:01
urfr332gO<dahaxxer> questioning my faggy linux abilities.20:01
urfr332gO 20:01
urfr332gO* Loaded log from Thu Mar  1 11:59:56 201220:01
urfr332gO 20:01
urfr332gO<dahaxxer> also, I'm too lazy to /query. :]20:01
urfr332gO<dahaxxer> u no tell me wut to do, this is a private talk too, lol after asking them not to PM me on #ubuntu20:01
pangolinignore them20:02
urfr332gOpangolin, you might look at their posts.20:02
pangolinwill keep an eye open20:04
urfr332gOpangolin, thanks no biggie, just the perjorative was bothersome in the channel.20:05
ubottuDJones called the ops in #ubuntu (afaccrucazz)20:20
Ubi_DaXam i quiet-ed on #ubuntu?20:28
PiciNo one seems to know the answer to your question, or hasn't seen it.20:29
PiciTry asking it again (all on one line) and perhaps someone will be able to answer.20:29
Ubi_DaXPici, how could no one know answer to a newbie question?20:29
Ubi_DaXIt's not like asking for psychic powers to install my system automatical20:29
Ubi_DaXcan you check?20:29
Ubi_DaXalso, this20:30
Ubi_DaX[22:24] == Cannot send to channel: #ubuntu20:30
Ubi_DaXthanks Pici20:30
PiciAlanBell: thanks, I haven't done any USB installs myself, so I wouldn't have been much help.20:31
M4dH4TT3rok what was i banned for this time?22:17
M4dH4TT3ror is this a residual ban from some time ago?22:19
* M4dH4TT3r has alot of those22:19
AlanBellM4dH4TT3r: why do you get lots of bans?22:32
M4dH4TT3rcause im a ass?22:36
M4dH4TT3rdid i win a million dollars?22:36
AlanBellno, and I am not sure you are winning a return pass to #ubuntu either22:38
M4dH4TT3rive been good for a while though22:39
AlanBelllast time you were in #ubuntu I think you were removed for ban evasion. Whilst you were there you were repeating some nonsensical phrase that claimed to be a question22:40
AlanBell2012-02-29T16:08:21 <M4dH4TT3r> cannot find sandbox server = network error?22:40
AlanBellthat is not a well formed question22:41
M4dH4TT3rwhy not it lists the error and my assumption im not one of those english major degree people that only makes it in this field because they have a degree22:43
M4dH4TT3ryou know what im talking about22:44
AlanBellthere is no context22:44
AlanBellI have *no* clue what you are talking about22:44
AlanBellI am so clueless that I am now even curious as to what on earth you were on about22:45
M4dH4TT3rwhere hr hires the guy with the degreee no matter what kind it is over the guy with 20+yrs experience = what im talking about22:45
AlanBellis sandbox the name of a server on your network perhaps?22:45
M4dH4TT3rno it was the exact error i was getting from ubuntu22:46
AlanBellwere you trying to run a command when you got an error?22:46
M4dH4TT3rfirefox or update or anything network related22:46
M4dH4TT3ri already fixed it it was the network22:46
AlanBelland was that in a popup dialog window?22:46
AlanBell"cannot find sandbox server = network error?" was that the full text of the error or was "cannot find sandbox server" the error and the "= network error?" bit your question?22:47
M4dH4TT3rno none of the updates would finish from terminal or package manager it would give that error while trying and firefox would open a window that said that22:48
AlanBelldo you have a proxy server called sandbox?22:50
AlanBellare you running in English, or translating these error messages from some other language?22:51
M4dH4TT3rsorry bout that sandwich had my name on it22:53
M4dH4TT3ri had never seen that error before myself thats y i was in there asking22:55
AlanBellI doubt anyone else had ever seen it either22:55
M4dH4TT3rand it was a clean install of ubuntu so it was very unusual you know what it was exactly?22:56
elkyPerhaps you should ask on askubuntu.com22:57
* mneptok reminds everyone that this is not a support channel22:57
M4dH4TT3ri dont do forums22:57
AlanBellvery strange stuff22:57
AlanBellanyhow, what I wanted to show you was what a support conversation looks like22:58
M4dH4TT3rmy attention span doesnt shoot as far as forums22:58
AlanBellwhat you were doing in #ubuntu was repeating incomprehensible garbage22:58
M4dH4TT3rand no one even acknowledged my existance thus the repitition22:58
AlanBellif you are feeling ignored and want to say something in addition to your original question then take some time to describe the situation22:58
AlanBelladd more value, don't repeat yourself22:59
AlanBellnobody had anything to say to your original statement22:59
* M4dH4TT3r actually hates repeating himself but cannot account for what he says on a mommentary basis22:59
mneptokM4dH4TT3r: if you cannot make such an accounting, official Ubuntu IRC channels are not for you.23:00
M4dH4TT3r:P back at you23:00
AlanBellthe #ubuntu support channel is for constructive support conversations23:01
M4dH4TT3rthanks for your support Alanbell23:01
AlanBellwhat I want to do here is establish that you can have such a conversation23:01
AlanBellif you can't then there is little point letting you back into the channel23:01
M4dH4TT3ryes but i dont take well to snide comments or bikeshedding23:02
mneptokM4dH4TT3r: my comment was not snide. it is 100% earnest. official channels have guidelines. if you cannot control what you say, there's no way for you to reasonably assure anyone that you will follow guidelines.23:02
M4dH4TT3ri think bikeshedding is a good reason to be banned :D23:03
mneptokM4dH4TT3r: the forums suggestion is a good one. there's less immediacy and you may well be better able to edit yourself.23:03
M4dH4TT3rmneptok your comment was snide and didnt alanbell just say repitition is uncalled for (especially when youve been anwsered)23:05
M4dH4TT3ryeah i dont take a year to fix things23:05
M4dH4TT3ri take 30sec-340mins23:06
M4dH4TT3rdepending on the job23:06
M4dH4TT3rforums are crap23:06
M4dH4TT3ri wouldnt edit what i say if i had the choice as fake people suck23:08
AlanBellok, I don't think you are going to get much value from our support channel, I suspect askubuntu.com or other places are going to suit you better, thanks for your time, but I don't think this is going anywhere useful23:08
elkyIn that case, #ubuntu is *not* an option for you.23:08
M4dH4TT3rnm this doing things the right way takes forever and like i said i dont have a year to commit to getting a ban removed ill just evade it its really much faster23:10
* M4dH4TT3r still hates fake people23:10
AlanBellM4dH4TT3r: you know that will get you chucked off freenode altogether right?23:10
mneptokdum dee dee23:11
M4dH4TT3ri just wanted to say - thanks again for your support alanbell and :p to elky for being and condoning fake people23:14
AlanBelloh, I was expecting a return as M4RCH_H4R3 or something23:16
elkythat was more ch3sh1r3_ca723:19

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