
balloonslol.. ok, still trying, still not working. a bientot cr300:04
phillwballoons: ping?00:33
phillwskaet: pinmg00:33
phillwoops ping00:34
* skaet hits cr too quickly - must be day before release... lol00:34
phillwskaet: I have an update, but not sure if it usable as I have no idea how these things work00:35
skaetphillw,  gilir let us know earlier00:35
skaetyup.  :)00:35
skaetalternates being rebuilt right now00:36
skaetam about to start the lubuntu desktop images in a minute.00:36
phillwWe were really flying by minute by minute updates00:36
phillwof all the times to loose gilir... tonight was not a good one :P00:37
skaetphillw,  fingers crossed it all works out ok.  :)00:37
phillwone thing I have learned about rafael, he is a perfectionist.00:37
skaetlet me know how the new images look either here or in #ubuntu-release.00:37
* skaet just glad we're finding this out now, rather than a month from now ;)00:38
phillwonce they are rebuilt, it was previously agreed that a mention go out on the mailing list.00:39
phillwFrom there we would diverse to our flavours00:39
phillwif you would apply for https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-qa I will accept immediately, I filter stuff to them, the general lubuntu list & also backwards from them to ubuntu-qa00:41
phillwskaet: Jeez.... I do not even want to think of that happening as we got to the final RC!00:42
skaetphillw, ok,  have applied.00:50
skaetthe lubuntu alternate images are available on the tester now.00:50
phillwskaet: how long before the entire suite (including the ppc ones) are all done?00:52
botfatherok i installed bet1 (or what it is going to be) and i am still baffled on how to change my keyboard shortcuts00:52
phillwyou have been approved00:52
botfatheranybody can help with that ? ;]00:52
botfatheri want to couple alt-f1 f2 etc to switch to my workspace stuff00:53
botfatherok it seems to be under the keyboard settings00:53
skaetphillw,  am estimating another 30 minutes and they should be out of the builder and posted as well.  ppc is the slow one...00:54
phillwskaet: so, if I let the 'gang' know they will be there from 01:00 UTC, will that give the respins time to complete?00:55
phillwWe really are pushing it for beta 1 to be released!00:56
* skaet calculating...00:56
skaetno 1:00 UTC is 3 minutes away - still need 30 is my guess.00:57
skaethowever they can start on alternate now - its up.00:57
phillwsoz, 02:00 UTC for them all.00:58
phillwmis reading my own clock00:58
skaetphillw, 1:30 UTC is my guess.00:58
* skaet assuming all goes well ;)00:58
phillwskaet: what will they be listed under? Live / install / alternate / ppc00:59
phillwI'm doubtful that our few testers can validate today for Beta 1 being fully accepted as a release :( We simply do not have enough.01:00
skaetphillw,  Lubuntu Alternate *,  Lubuntu Desktop  * - http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/208/builds01:01
skaethas them on it - scan down to Product (Lubuntu)01:02
skaetthe ones stroked out right now,  are the ones rebuilding. :)01:02
skaetphillw - most of prior results will probably be valid,  so key right now is to make sure the artwork is usable.01:03
skaetand nothing else strange is discoverd.01:03
phillwgreat :) Rafael has just updated bug 93847201:04
phillwafaik, apart from that one, we only had the g3 ppc one to be looked into.01:05
phillwwell, as show stopper bugs.01:06
phillwskaet: what is the cut off time to confirm beta 1 from the new RC's?01:15
skaetphillw,  would like to know the results by 1300 UTC.   I'll be asking gilir in the #ubuntu-release channel if its a "go" sometime around then.01:17
phillwskaet: jeez! that is 12 hours away.....01:22
phillwI'll do my best.01:22
skaetphillw,  that's all we can all do. :)   Key thing is to verify the artwork looks sane in both sets - am expecting it to.01:23
skaetthen the prior results should be ok.01:23
phillwskaet: if rafael has released a patch, provided ubuntu don't go break everything again - the artwork will be functional. At least we now know that it was not only lubuntu they broke.01:25
skaetphillw, who else got affected?01:26
* skaet hasn't seen that info in the channel...01:26
skaetphillw - new images for desktop (including powerpc) are up on the tracker now.01:29
phillwskaet: OpenSuse was brought down with it, the Gnome people now realise it is a bug on there side01:30
skaetphillw,  thanks.01:31
phillw(20:44:59) rafaellaguna: new information arrived just now about the solution, iI'll work on it during the day and hope it work01:33
phillw(20:45:21) rafaellaguna: confirmed: it seems an error  on GTK modules translating HEX colour codes01:33
phillw(20:46:04) rafaellaguna: it's already declared on bugzilla, and Gnome boys are aware of that01:33
phillw(20:46:28) rafaellaguna: see you tomorrow, guys :)01:33
phillwour meeting for lubuntu may as well have been a QA meeting :P01:33
skaetrespinning ubuntu images to pick up latest ubiquity and casper fixes.04:36
skaetubuntu desktop, alternate, dvd posted now   arm images building.05:39
skaetedubuntu images building right now,  should be published in next hour.05:39
skaethighvoltage, stgraber, ^05:39
stgraberskaet: thanks05:43
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|afk
jibelmorning everyone08:05
jibel2 last minute fixes made it into ISOs08:06
jibelbug 94090808:06
jibelbug 94256008:07
jibelbug 940908: Keyboard layout, oem-config not set on persistent USB image08:07
jibelbug 942560: keyboard layout screen - Keyboard navigation broken08:07
* jibel hugs stgraber 08:08
jibelwhich means that ubuntu alternate, desktop and dvd were respun and need to be tested08:09
=== mmrazik|afk is now known as mmrazik
gema_jibel: I was about to start with Ubuntu desktop amd64 and it seems pretty well covered already10:08
gema_jibel: for today's build10:08
gema_jibel: do you think it is worth for me to still go through the test cases again, or do I go for alternate or server instead first?10:09
jibelgema_, server is ok, we need to update the tracker10:11
jibelgema_, alternate oem on bare-metal would be great10:11
gema_jibel: ack10:11
gema_jibel: how do I update my user profile?11:08
gema_as in, how do I intruduce the hw I use?11:08
jibelgema_, ENOTIMPLEMENTED11:09
gema_jibel: so I just ignore the hardware profile url thingie, ok11:09
jibelgema_, I,ve people pasting the link to a pastebin copy of their harware11:10
jibels/I,ve/I've seen11:11
gema_jibel: ok11:11
botfatherhoi gema ;]11:22
gema_morning botfather !11:22
botfatherdudes  i installed amd64 desktop from usb yesterday and it seems to be ok11:22
gema_botfather: do you know how to update results?11:23
gema_botfather: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com11:23
botfathermy headphone (BT nokia thing) doesnt get its A2DP recognised but it saw there was already a fix in debian i read11:23
botfatherah ok cool11:23
botfatherjust run a script or something ?11:23
botfatherlet me read ;]11:23
gema_haha, it is a website to upload manual testing results11:24
gema_do you have a launchpad account, botfather ?11:24
botfatheryeah i reactivated it after years ;]11:25
botfatheri dont use bazaar mostely mercurial with me11:25
gema_cool, so you can log in that iso.qa.ubuntu.com with your launchpad account11:25
gema_and upload results11:25
botfatheri was thinking running a script locally to test if all things are working and have it automatically uploaded11:25
gema_botfather: yeah, I don't feel very comfy with bazaar either, but that's the default in launchpad11:26
gema_botfather: that is what we are trying to accomplish with the project I told you about11:26
gema_botfather: but we are not there yet11:26
botfatheryeah got my bot on launchpad i think but its hard to sync with googlecode11:26
botfatherow is that project to support local test scripts ?11:26
botfatherlike distributed testing or something11:26
=== gema_ is now known as gema
botfatherok let me try to log in11:27
botfathershould i check subscriptions ?11:28
botfatherhmm guess i have to play with it11:28
gemayes, have a go a it, you get used to it eventually11:28
botfatherwell the workflow is not there it seems ;]11:29
botfathercant seems to find what the site is for etc11:30
gemabotfather:  do you mean the iso qa testing site?11:30
gemabotfather: let me forward you an email that may clarify things11:30
botfathergema i mean user are supposed to navigate in this ?11:30
botfatheryou need a README or something11:30
botfatherHOWTO ;]11:31
BigWhaleGreetings... Where can I get the latest checkbox-app-testing? Here: ppa:nskaggs/checkbox-app-testing?11:31
gemabotfather: I know, there is one, it is just not obvious11:31
botfatherah ok yeah11:31
gemabotfather: and you need to be part of a list11:31
botfatheri am11:31
botfatherthe qa list11:31
botfathersubscribed yesterday11:31
gemabotfather: I would raise a bug against the tracker to get that linked11:31
botfatherah true ;]11:31
gemabotfather: ok, it was sent on Monday, so I will forward to you :D11:31
botfatheryeah i got a bit worried yesterday when i saw how huge ubuntu is11:31
gemabotfather: indeed11:32
botfatherall those chat channels and groups and mailinglists11:32
gemabotfather: I know, it can be confusing11:32
botfatheri am a bit of a outsider what huge organisations is concerned ;]11:32
botfatheryeah np though its just to find the right group etc11:33
botfatheralready op #ubuntu-bots checking that out a bit11:33
gemabotfather: cool :) good to see you are getting up to speed11:33
botfatherenough to explore which is nice11:33
botfathersomething new after 3 years or Google Appengine stuff ;]11:33
gemabotfather: welcome aboard :D11:34
botfatherthnx gema ;]11:34
gemabotfather: many things to fix, so you can get ready to find them11:34
botfatherhope i can find my way and be helpfull someday11:34
gemabotfather: you are running tests already, that sounds as very helpful to me11:34
botfathergema i am mostly interested to push my bot in helping you guys do that work ;]11:34
gemabotfather: looking forward to what you bots can do11:35
botfatherwell not test i figured i needed to move to 12.04 from mint (yeah i deserted ;]) back and tried the snapshot yesterday11:35
botfathergema: it kinda like supybots11:35
botfatherbut then on steroids11:36
botfatherwell i still develop with it11:36
botfathersupy is more kinked out the flesh etc11:36
botfathermost of the time bots are too noisy so they get banned ;]11:37
botfathermine can do RSS feeds and irccat i you know that11:37
botfatherhugely handy when you need status notifications etc11:37
botfatherfor example of finished test runs ;]11:37
gemabotfather: we have some reporting implemented on the tracker11:38
=== _salem is now known as salem_
botfatherit can also spider documentation sites and use that spider data to search in for urls pointing to docs11:38
botfathersorry for my poor sentence construction lol11:38
gemabotfather: that'd be awesome for finding things on our wiki11:38
botfatheri could try that out11:39
gemabotfather: ok, please don't bring the whole wiki down! ;)11:39
botfatherwhat is you wiki stuff and would it be trouble some if i spider that ?11:39
botfatherspider is 1 req every 5 seconds or so11:39
gemabotfather: I think it is better if you try over the weekend or next week11:39
botfathertakes a while11:39
botfatherah yes due to beta111:39
gemabotfather: we are in the middle of a milestone now11:39
botfatheryeah sure11:39
botfatheris a good test case though gema nice11:40
gemabotfather: what about next week we have a go at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/11:40
botfathergonna but the bot online already on jsonbot.org11:40
gemaand have a bot in this channel that can give us pointers to info?11:40
botfathersure if you give the signal i run the command11:40
botfatherwell maybe not this channel11:41
gemawhere then?11:41
botfatheri an bit worried about users that complain ;]11:41
botfatherwell let make e ubuntu-qatest or something first11:41
gemaok, let's try it on a different channel for a while11:41
botfatherwell i can put it here sure11:41
botfatherbut there are irc master and channel owners etc11:41
botfatherdont want to tred on ppl that already run bots here11:41
botfathersec i'll make a new user here for this bot11:42
gemabotfather: we can have it on your channel to start with11:44
gemabotfather: and you can do the spidering on monday11:44
gemaor over the weekend if it is an automagic thing11:44
botfatheryeah is ok11:46
botfathertune in on monday then ?11:46
botfatherjsb: part11:46
jsbleaving #ubuntu-testing chan11:46
botfatheris there a #ubuntu-qa ?11:46
botfatherah invite only11:47
botfatherububot: join #ubuntu-bottest11:49
ububotdone - join11:49
botfatherububot: part11:50
ububotleaving #ubuntu-testing chan11:50
gemabotfather: we tried to consolidate QA here11:51
gemabotfather: and removed all the other QA-test-etc channels11:51
gemabotfather: I am not sure who has #ubuntu-qa now11:51
gemabotfather: surely not us11:51
botfatherow yeah the qa chan11:52
botfatherlet leave this chan for the chan and helping people with questions11:52
botfatheri have the feeling that the bot channel might get floody (with good data that is)11:52
botfatherso the wiki does it do rss ?11:53
botfatherlaunchpad and rss ?11:53
gemabotfather: I am not sure11:54
gemabotfather: I have enough problems trying to find what I look for, it didn't occur to me I could rss myself to the madness11:54
gemaof neverending changes11:54
gemait surely has ways of subscribing to changes and it sends you emails11:55
botfatheri watch my whole world on RSS ;]11:56
botfathermailman rss hmmm11:56
botfathergema: jenkins has rss feeds12:04
botfathertrying out the All feed now ;]12:04
gemabotfather: go for it12:05
botfatherhow often are these tests run ?12:05
botfatherwell i will see12:05
gemabotfather: lunchtime for me12:06
gematalk to you guys later12:06
botfatherk eetze ;]12:07
botfatherltrs i mean12:07
=== Ursinha-bbl is now known as Ursinha
pkulasHey I'm running the latest Beta 1 candidate, is that normal that it use 2.5GB of ram with xchat only running ?12:41
gemapkulas: no, it is not12:42
gemapkulas: by candidate, you mean today's build?12:42
pkulasgema: yes12:42
gemapkulas: please, raise a bug12:42
gemapkulas: and give us the number so that we can make sure it get's treated12:42
gemajibel: do we have a bug for that already?12:43
pkulasOk I will try12:44
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
jibelwhich process uses memory  ?13:07
jibelwhich process uses memory  ?13:07
botfather 1497 bart      20   0 1894m 424m  50m S    7  5.3  14:13.53 compiz13:11
botfatherthats the culprit maybe ?13:11
botfathernot sure whats normal on that part13:11
gemaoh, he's gone offilne13:18
gemajibel: sorry, I think I scared pkulas13:19
botfatherah yes missed him leaving13:22
botfatherow wait now iam confused i should learn to read ;]13:22
jibelany one want to test a chinese desktop installation ?13:37
gemaI think we missed the chinese already13:37
gemajibel: if you had said that this morning at 9 I would have found someone :D13:37
botfathercan we test using just usb drives ?13:38
botfatherthinking about getting a fast one just todo tests13:38
jibelbotfather, you can test the live session. that doesn't requires any installation at all13:38
botfatherbrainstorming outloud mostely ;]13:39
botfatheryeah i tried that yesterday13:39
botfatherworks good13:39
botfatherburning the usb drive was a bit of a trouble13:39
botfatherunetboot to the rescue or how that program was called13:39
botfatherjibel: is was just think like you are asking for a chinese test .. i pop in the usb drive test the live on that or something ?13:40
botfatheror can i use virtualbox13:40
botfatherhmm maybe i should install that first13:40
gemabotfather: we need someone that can actually validate that the chinese letters say the right thing13:41
botfatherah yes ;]13:41
gemaand follow the install in chinese, as well13:41
gemabotfather: do you speak chinese?13:41
botfatheryeah true didnt think of that13:41
botfatherhaha no ;]13:41
botfatheri ching mostely ;]13:41
botfatheri dont know if there is transfer speed difference between usb drives13:42
jibelgema, no necessarily. testing that the input method works after install is already a good thing even without understanding the meaning13:43
botfatherlike it takes 10 min on my core i7 box to burn a usb drive13:43
botfathersurely if i can burn a drive in 1 min i could easily test a lot of installations on my local box without needed to overwrite my host13:44
gemathen, by all means, botfather , have a go13:44
botfathergema i hold this drive with ubuntu 12.4 on it so i have backup13:45
botfathergonna check this next week though13:45
botfatherdo we still have till next week for beta1 ?13:45
botfatheror is the release dat flexible etc13:46
botfathersorry dudes and dudines i just dont know enough about ubuntu's workings13:46
gemabotfather: the beta week is this one, so we will chose a build either today or tomorrow the very latest13:46
botfatherah yes13:47
gemawe will go around another testing round at release time13:47
botfatherok i can test now i guess13:47
gemalet me find the calendar for you13:47
botfatherah yeah13:47
botfathernormal i looked at the debian freese date ;]13:47
gemayou can always test, we have builds every day, and it is very much appreciated13:47
botfatheryeah i tried yesterday snapshot13:47
botfatheram running it now like it !13:47
gemabotfather: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule13:48
botfatherits good got my keyboard shortcuts and the 8 workspaces i have13:48
botfathergema thnx ;]13:48
gemabotfather: for future ref: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseSchedule13:48
jibelbeta 1 will be released today13:48
botfathercan't wait to spider that stuff ;]13:48
phillwthe results for the .1 lubuntu are trickling in. seems a big thumbs up :)13:49
gemajibel: so the build we have now is the super-candidate, right?13:49
gemait works pretty nicely at a first glance13:49
gemawhich is all I managed to do this morning :(13:49
botfatherso the working window is 2 weeks ?13:49
gemabeta 2 is the next challenge, I guess13:50
gemawhich is the week of march 29th13:51
botfatheryeah but freeze is week before or so13:51
gemayes, freeze means people have to stop submitting13:51
gemabut normally they try to sneak in so much stuff that they break the builds13:51
botfatheri was checking what the working window is for commits13:51
jibelgema, right, unless last minute show stopper arises13:51
gemabotfather: jibel: ack13:52
botfatherthe report the crash type of thing seems to work ok as well13:53
botfatherwell it seems to detect what crash it was and redirect me to the launchpad entry13:53
botfatherwhich is what i say nicely done ;]13:53
botfathernifty !13:53
botfather12.04.1 is 2 and a half months after LTS release13:56
botfatherthe windows seem reasonable13:56
=== greyback|lunch is now known as greyback
botfatherjibel: you still need the chinese stuff to be tested ?14:02
botfatheri guess i got give the live usb thing a try14:03
botfatherand i wonder if something like "spotify linux client" doesnt work on ubuntu be reason for a showstopper ?14:04
botfatherfirst i need to eat though bbl14:04
jibelbotfather, yep, test case is there http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/NonEnglishLanguage#Installation%20Full%20Network%20Support%20&%20CJK%20Input14:06
jibeltest case nen-00414:06
stgraberhey jibel!14:08
stgraberso did I break anything with my fixes this time or does it all look good?14:08
jibelmorning stgraber14:08
jibelstgraber, heh14:11
jibelstgraber, looks good14:11
jibelstgraber, that are great last minute fixes14:11
stgraberand thanks for testing Edubuntu14:12
stgraberI'm still going to do another quick run but it's good to know it looks good for now14:12
botfatherjibel: ok sorry that test is a bit over my head i think14:16
jibelbotfather, no problem, i'll do it. it seems broken anyway14:17
botfatherneeds bare metal no ? or can this be done on the usb live14:17
botfatherSelect Erase and use the entire disk and click Forward14:17
botfatherthings like that14:17
jibelvms is good for this test14:17
botfatherwhat vms ?14:17
botfathernew to all this testing frantic ;]14:18
botfatherwhat is vms i mean14:18
jibelVirtual Machines, sorry14:19
botfatherah yes14:21
botfathergot the hint so installed virtual box14:22
botfatherwhat iso should i use ?14:22
botfatherah well14:22
botfatherits broken so14:22
botfatherdont think you are going to stop the beta over it14:22
botfatheri use the snapshow from yesterday14:23
botfatherububot: part14:40
ububotleaving #ubuntu-testing chan14:40
botfatherjibel: gema was right .. it is impossible to navigate the chinese installation stuff14:46
botfatherhave no clue what i'd be clicking on14:47
jibelbotfather, that's ok, I did it and found a bug. bug 94403514:48
botfatherhaha cool14:48
botfatherso does launchpad have a API ?14:48
botfathercould i write a bot plugin to query for that bug ?14:48
botfatherlaunchpadlib !14:51
botfathercool its python as well14:51
botfatherLGPL as well !!! good news day today ;]14:52
jibelbotfather, there is usually a bot on this channel. but looks like it is on vacations14:55
botfathersupybot thing ?14:57
jibeljpds, are you the bot master for this channel ?14:57
jibelbotfather, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots14:58
botfatheryeah i looked at it last night14:59
botfathermost of the bots are supybots14:59
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
botfatherquess i need to be on #ubuntu-irc15:01
phillwon installing the ppc images, when selecting guided partioning, an extra swap partition and boot partition are created. Is that a bug against ubiquity or gparted?15:03
phillwHi folks, when reporting  a bug the tracker asks for a URL link to hardware profile. How does one create one?15:38
jibelphillw, it is supposed to be a ubuntu friendly url15:39
phillwjibel I don't know how to explain to the guy how to translate " precise-alternate-powerpc.iso         01-Mar-2012 00:39   653M  Alternate install CD for Mac (PowerPC) and IBM-PPC  (POWER5) computers (standard download)" into a friendly URL?15:42
phillwcan he just describe his hardware (e.g. G3 PowerBook) ?15:44
jibelphillw, you can put the description in the comment field15:49
jibelphillw, I've see testers pasting there setup on pastebin and put the URL in the hw profile field15:50
phillwjibel ahh, thanks I'll suggest both to him :)15:50
jibelphillw, just for reference https://friendly.ubuntu.com/ is where the profiles should come from15:51
phillwthanks, not many Macs on that list.15:53
jibelphillw, another example with a link to a wiki page http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/FabioMarconi/Lshw-asrock15:56
phillwthere are no critical bugs on the lubuntu releases save for G3's on ppc (it works okay with G4's). As I mentioned to Riddell with such a mad rush, getting them to test rather than teaching them the 'correct' way to use iso tracker was my priority. I'll pen some instructions up for the guys detailing the very basics for them and stick it on the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing area so that they can just quickly find the basics.15:58
phillwahh, so an lshw pastebinned up will be okay?15:59
bdmurrayGrueMaster: so you encountered bug 924456 again?  Do you have any more information?16:46
GrueMasterI did?  I must have mistyped in the tracker.  Let me check.16:47
GrueMasterSorry.  firefox auto-fill.16:48
GrueMaster(and late night testing).16:48
GrueMasterFixed the tracker.16:49
bdmurrayand maybe we should just close the bug?16:49
GrueMasterActually, there are a lot of open bugs that have been fixed.  Most of them with specific fixes, but the uploaders didn't reference them or update LP.  Leaves me with a large list to clean up.16:50
GrueMasterbug 626055 is another example.16:53
phillwRiddell: hmm, one of the testers did 6 installs covering the permutations of amd64, i386 and the three methods of partitioning... BUT it was not with the .1 release :( He was using the desktop iso's. Do they now all need repeating or do they count as the .1 was respun for a liveCD issue?17:16
Riddellskaet: ^^17:17
skaetphillw, Riddell,  don't think any of the changes since then should have affected it significantly,  results should still be useful.17:20
skaetphillw,  is there a bug for the powerpc not working on the G3?17:22
phillwyeah, the ppc guys state that it appears to only affect a G3 - but we only have one G3 equipped tester, the others use G4s :/17:27
skaetphillw,  so you think its safe for ppc G4, as long as we release note that G3 users should not try the image?  can you give me a bug number?17:29
phillwskaet: he's another very new tester. I'll reply to his email and explain how to raise a bug, will it be against ubiquity?17:32
skaetphillw,  depends on the symptoms he's seeing...   assign it to the component that seems most logical, and it can always get updated to the correct one as we learn more later.17:33
phillwskaet: Lubuntu precise-alternate-powerpc.iso 2012030117:35
phillwG4 eMac - guided, entire disk - installs and runs17:35
phillwG3 iMac -  guided, entire disk - installs, but boots to command prompt following install17:35
phillwskaet: also, while I'm in the ppc area of emails.... on installing the ppc images, when selecting guided partioning, an extra swap partition and boot partition are created. Is that a bug against ubiquity or gparted?17:41
phillwit is a non-critical bug as it still installs - just with two extra partitions!17:41
skaetthanks phillw.17:42
skaetbdmurray ^ what's the best way to capture the above into a bug?17:42
wxlphillw: have you personally verified that bug?17:42
bdmurrayfor the g3 rerun the install and at the end of the install run ubuntu-bug ubiquity to get the log files from the install18:01
bdmurraythen a picture of the boot failure and probably dmesg from the "command prompt"18:02
bdmurrayextra partitions would be a bug about ubiquity18:02
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phillwwxl: nope, I'm going to ask that further testing is carried out on it.18:11
phillwIt's possible the guys haven't checked their hard drives to confirm that the extra partitions are being created.18:11
skaetphillw,   not seeing much testing on amd64+mac mode - was it checked out as ok?  or no testers on that one?18:34
MrChrisDruifskaet; I guess the latter18:41
skaetThanks MrChrisDruif - we'll hold back on publishing that one then.  but put out the rest.18:43
MrChrisDruifskaet; when I reread your sentence I was confounded18:43
MrChrisDruifskaet; Is PPC available in i386 & amd64? I thought PPC was a separate ...thing...(can't think of the word right now) then i386 & amd64?18:44
skaetsorry MrChrisDruif,  not meaning to be confusing,  just typing a bit to quickly...18:44
MrChrisDruifskaet; Or did you mean the intel based Mac?18:44
skaetMrChrisDruif,  doesn't look like anyone's tested on the intel based Mac's,  we do have testing on the PowerPC based Mac's that seems reasonable for this stage,  so the images for lubuntu being published are,  amd64, i386, ppc.18:45
MrChrisDruifYes, that is true skaet ^_^18:46
phillwskaet: I am not aware of any testers for that species18:55
skaetThank phillw,  btw - do you remember the upstream bug number for the upstream unico bug you stumbled into.  Mythbuntu has likely encountered it too..18:57
phillwskaet: I've just had an email from Rafael (our artwork guy) re: GTK18:58
phillwBoys and girls, just writing for inform you that the bug is now  confirmed by Launchpad janitor, so from now it's a bug on GTK3 libs  affecting also Ubuntu and Xubuntu users (QT from Kubuntu is, obviously  free). You can follow this bug:18:58
phillwhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/943682 18:58
skaetThanks phillw  :)18:59
phillwI'm not sure if there is one for Unico, but I can check with Rafael if you wish.18:59
PaoloRotoloHi all!19:20
MrChrisDruifAloha PaoloRotolo19:46
PaoloRotolohi :)19:50
phillwskaet: you should have mail re: Unico, I don't have your personal email address so sent it to the qa-team ML (It may be of interest to others also).19:56
skaetthanks phillw19:57
phillwskaet: OOoooh, I have an iso tester for intel-Mac, too late for beta 1, but he is going to try both the dailies and build up for beta 2 :)20:51
skaetphillw - great! :D20:51
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phillwIs it assumed that if Wubi works for the ubuntu iso, it will work for the lubuntu one?20:56
AlanBellballoons: can you help me merge in my checkbox test case?21:03
balloonsAlanBell! in my crazy world of this week I had forgotten21:04
balloonssure I can merge your tests21:04
balloonsi was just putting out the annoucement21:04
AlanBellballoons: thats fine, I tried and I messed it up21:04
AlanBellI don't think it is merging onto the right branch21:05
balloonsright.. nope, merge onto the branchI linked to you21:05
balloonstry that real quick21:05
roadmrAlanBell, balloons : let me know if the merging thing gives you trouble21:08
AlanBellthat looks a lot better21:08
balloonsAlanBell, trying to merge lp:~alanbell/checkbox/orca-test right now.. looks like it worked fine21:08
balloonsthanks for writing the tests!21:09
roadmrAlanBell: mind if I reject the merge you requested on lp:checkbox? :) (just to keep things tidy)21:09
AlanBellroadmr: I just deleted that proposal21:10
roadmrAlanBell: even better, thanks!21:10
AlanBellPendulum: orca test case is in21:10
AlanBellit is a bit scrappy in places, but I guess we can improve that later21:10
PendulumAlanBell: great!21:11
balloonsAlanBell, what package contains orca?21:15
balloonsi'm setting the required package for the test21:16
AlanBellit is installed by default21:17
balloonskk.. just cleaning up the tests to make sure everything is still working21:18
balloonsthen i'll push to the ppa21:18
balloonsroadmr, ohh no.. your fix for the regex is giving errors :-(21:21
balloons2012-03-01 16:19:34,738 INFO     Running command:  shopt -s extglob21:21
balloons cat $CHECKBOX_APP_TESTING_SHARE/jobs/softwarecenter.txt?(.in)21:21
balloons2012-03-01 16:19:34,748 DEBUG                Started firing message-result.21:21
balloons2012-03-01 16:19:34,748 DEBUG                Calling /usr/share/checkbox/plugins/message_info.py MessageInfo.message_result(fail, /bin/sh: 1: shopt: not found21:21
balloons/bin/sh: 2: Syntax error: "(" unexpected21:21
balloonslet me see if i can fix quickly21:22
roadmrballoons: argh :(21:22
balloonsdon't worry'21:22
balloonsit's likely me, remember? ;-)21:23
roadmrballoons: is this in 0.4.15?21:23
balloonsyour fix?21:23
balloonsjust in branch21:23
roadmrballoons: what happens if you type "shopt" on a terminal? it should spew out a list of settings21:23
balloonsnot in published code21:23
balloonsnothing blows up on my bnox21:23
roadmrreally? wow.. using bash?21:24
balloonsyes roadmr it spits out the settings21:27
balloonslol.. didn't mean to say otherwise21:27
roadmrballoons: very strange :( let me try a local run, maybe my changes are bogus :(21:27
balloonsi just pushed things up21:28
balloonshmm.. yea, gutting that makes everything happy21:31
balloonsi'm going to roll without it for now21:32
balloonsso i can get it pushed to the ppa21:32
balloonsi take that back.. orca's not showing :-(21:36
balloonswhoops.. typo.. there they are :-021:37
balloonsAlanBell, new build with orca is pending in ppa.. should be up momentairly21:47
balloonsare you still about?21:48
balloonsI would ask you to confirm you can run thru and submit a test quickly.. to make sure nothing got broken by the changes...21:48
balloonsthx much!21:49
balloonsrofl.. the slashdot posts.. jriddell lookslike he has an account there22:00
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jibelPrecise Beta 1 released \o/22:41
jibelMany thanks to utlemming, stgraber, GrueMaster, gregfaith, ke1ha, Riddell, lbsolost, njin, yofel, ptn107, mcblackmar02, claudio.arseni, sfarnedi, pitti, SpamapS, jamespage, Tiranno, alessiogrossosgarrillo, bulldog98, larsnooden, roignac, weljor, danyubuntuone, Letozaf_, Zagorax, knome, irihapeti, primes2h, PaoloRotolo, didrocks, jp_Hranice, Fo5150, totopalma, ScottL, andymc73test, ojordan12345, xdatap1, dsmythies, unit193, charlie-tca, gema, supe22:41
jibelrm1, irenebonta, brendand, moteprime, kidsodateless, ogra, phillw, new.life, gjditchfield, thermatk, mterry, bkerensa, dduffey, davmor2, NESSuno, civil-bigpond, kaiserclaudius, bill_gaag, luigitanese, ScottK, mahmoh, NightSilent, Soupermanito and oskar-kirmis for testing the ISOs.22:41
balloonsawesome work everyone22:41
GrueMasterAnd there was much rejoicing (yay).22:42
phillwjibel would it be possible to add a generic 'lubuntu testers' to that? they are still learning about how to do it 'officially'.22:47
phillwI co-ordinated and translated their emails into test results, going back and asking for clarification from them where needed.22:49
phillwI'll spend the next week or so, getting them up to speed on how iso tracker works... I promise :)22:50
phillwdoes anyone here have a really fast broad band speed that I can just check for a download speed? when I popped the lubuntu iso's on for a confirmation of md5 I was getting ~7Mb/s upload, but a guy has told me he is only getting ~1.5 MB/s back on down load - The server is on a 100MB/s link and I will go and complain if this is true!23:52
phillwthe test file is at http://www.thesii.org/lubuntu-12.04-beta1-alternate-amd64.iso23:52
phillwand, yes, it is just the beta iso I uploaded earlier ... no mal ware :)23:53
stgraberphillw: checking23:56
stgraberI seem to have an average of 11.2MB/s from it23:57
phillwstgraber: thanks, that seems reasonable speed, but 1.5 ?!!!!23:57
stgraber2012-03-01 23:57:53 (11.2 MB/s) - `/dev/null' saved [674541568/674541568]23:58
phillwstgraber: It is just I have always made the final confirmed iso for lubuntu available to a few people that I know will torrent it.23:59

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