
Mirvare the "Device" or "Messages" in HUD translated for some, or is it a bug in Unity that they are untranslatable?07:10
MirvI did some Unity testing and noticed those among else, although those were not directly relevant to the test cases07:14
jincreatorHi. How can I translate Unity menu of Firefox? I fail to find link in Launchpad.08:31
kelemengabordpm: hi, got a few minutes?12:52
dpmkelemengabor, sure12:52
kelemengaborI was about to look into priorities, browsed the +templates page, and found (don't ask how :P) that we have active templates for koffice, yet there is no such package anymore: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/koffice12:53
kelemengaborwhich leads me to the actual question12:53
kelemengaborcould you fetch me a report about the "problematic" templates?12:54
kelemengaborbefore I set the priorities of some obsolete templates ;)12:54
dpmhm, unfortunately, I'm not sure I can help right now. The report is only created when building a language pack, and I don't have much time right now to create one. I wouldn't worry too much about setting obsolete priorities if you're using the script.12:56
dpmI'm back in a bit13:00
kelemengaborokay, I can live with that :)13:04
kelemengaboranyways, I'm disabling koffice now13:04
dpmok, thanks :)13:24
TLEdpm: hey15:05
TLEand others: hey all15:05
TLEI'm working in the list of suggestions for high priority translation tasks for the jam15:05
TLEthese should be either the default programs for popular tasks or programs for crucial tasks that many users will see at least once, like the installer15:06
TLEthe list needs not be complete, as these are just a few suggestions to get people started15:06
TLEright now the list includes: (sorry for pasting)15:07
TLE * Rhythmbox15:07
TLE * Empathy15:07
TLE * Gwibber15:07
TLE * Shotwell15:07
TLE * Nautilus15:07
TLE * Ubuntu One15:07
TLE * Unity (including indicators/lenses)15:07
TLE * Software center15:07
TLE * Ubiquity (including the slideshow)15:07
TLEDoes that look about right?15:07
TLEis shotwell the default program for images?15:07
TLEIs its actually gwibber we use as part of the standard desktop or is it something else15:08
TLEkelemengabor1: ^^15:10
dpmhi TLE15:10
kelemengabor1TLE: looks good15:10
kelemengabor1maybe you could include the indicators15:11
kelemengabor1they are now all at the top of the list15:11
dpmand unity lenses15:11
dpmoh, sorry, they're already there15:11
kelemengabor1maybe activity-log-manager too, that's a new panel in gnome-c-c15:11
kelemengabor1deja-dup? that's another Ubuntu-specific thingy in gnome-c-c15:12
TLEyeah, maybe it is not correct that I have put the indicators under Unity15:12
TLEkelemengabor1: we don't necessarily need total coverage, but yeah maybe deja-dup is a good idea15:13
TLEbackup is after all something everyone should do *G*15:13
TLEhow is it, the indicators are tied in with unity right15:14
TLEdpm: If I send a draft for you will you add something about how to send in localized doc images and a link for the viewer?15:17
TLEand send it back to me15:17
kelemengabor1TLE: indicators are part of the unity UX, but they are separate templates/processes - if this is what you mean15:18
TLEkelemengabor1: yes15:18
dpmTLE, sure15:19
TLEgreeeaat stuf15:20
TLEdpm: sent, have to go now, it would be great if you have time for it before tomorrow morning, so we can have the email (social media posts) out about noon of early afternoon tomorrow15:30
dpmTLE, I will, but not until in ~2h time. But I've added it to my JFDI liet :)15:31
TLEnot a problem, I'll be punching people for the next couple of hours ;)   JFDI?15:32
dpmJust *effing* Do It15:33
=== geirha_ is now known as geirha
dpmas in "I'll do it even if there is no time for it" :)15:34
TLEah *G* I see15:38
TLEse you guys15:38

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