
javelinboardum, hi01:06
javelinboardi was using compiz-fusion, and wanted to activate the spinning cube thing01:07
javelinboardbut apparently to do that i had to turn off a bunch of required plugins01:07
javelinboardso, uh, when i log in normally, all i see is my desktop background, and i cant even use ctrl+alt+t to open a terminal01:08
javelinboardso i have to reboot, log in by pressing that gear in the login screen and picking "ubuntu 2d"01:09
javelinboardbut i miss my effects01:09
javelinboardso, what should i do?01:09
javelinboard(i'm using ubuntu 11.10)01:09
Daekdroomjavelinboard, start regular Ubuntu session, press CRTL + ALT + F1, log in, run 'unity --reset', CRTL + ALT + F701:09
Daekdroomwithout ' ', of course01:10
javelinboardooh, let me get a pen and write that down01:10
javelinboardthen i'll try it, thanks01:10
javelinboardokay, here goes01:11
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angelochi all, I'm trying to solve bug 773841, it's bitesize, it's my second contribution. I found a way to solve, but I want some technical advice to know if it's not the wrong way07:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 773841 in unity-place-files (Ubuntu) "\\192.168.1.x opens http:\\192.168.1.x in firefox as opposed to smb://192.168.1.x in nautilus" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77384107:51
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om26erandyrock, yo?07:58
om26erbug 943640 says hello07:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 943640 in unity (Ubuntu) "Search field hint change in lense after hovering an item" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94364007:59
angelocanyone out there?08:10
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bschaefermhr3, ping08:48
mhr3bschaefer, pong08:49
bschaefermhr3, hey, how are you doing?08:50
mhr3bschaefer, it's fine, what about you?08:50
ryeohai, unity 5.6 testing here. Looks like something is broken with AltGr - pressing it steals the focus from current widget08:50
ryedoes not open dash but in case it is used as compose key, you cannot actually compose easily08:50
bschaefermhr3, good, finally got some time to put that signal in the no results branch08:51
* rye goes to lp to find whether this has already been reported08:51
bschaefermhr3, got hit with a different bug that kept me away for to long...08:51
bschaefermhr3, for reference https://code.launchpad.net/~brandontschaefer/unity/fix-711199/+merge/8919208:52
* mhr3 opens the diff08:53
bschaefermhr3, so what happens now: every time you start a search a timer starts, if the search hasn't finished in 150ms the messages gets hidden08:54
bschaefermhr3, and thanks for looking and reviewing it08:54
mhr3bschaefer, yea, i'd say it looks correct08:56
mhr3just one little thing08:56
mhr3the void LensView::HideResultsMessage()08:56
mhr3could use a check if the message is already hidden08:56
bschaefermhr3, ugg yeah, let me change that08:57
mhr3so if it's ready for review again, you have my approve08:58
bschaefermhr3, ok, changes pushed09:00
bschaefermhr3, there is this weird thing with highlighting icons though; but its because of this bug 94364009:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 943640 in unity (Ubuntu) "Search field hint change in lense after hovering an item" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94364009:00
bschaefermhr3, as when you mouse over an icon the dash loses key foucs and then everything gets reset and the message goes away09:01
bschaefermhr3, but now I know Im not causing that haha109:01
mhr3i think andyrock will solve that one ;)09:02
andyrockom26er, yep09:02
bschaefermhr3, haha yeah I think he will :), otherwise Ill have to!09:02
bschaeferandyrock, morning andyrock09:02
andyrockI've already solved it in my local branch09:02
andyrockbschaefer, hey hey09:03
bschaeferandyrock, nice! what was the cause?09:03
andyrockbschaefer, look at SearchBar.cpp09:03
bschaeferit looked like it was the icon stealing key focus and making the dash lose it09:03
andyrockse just change09:03
andyrockthe hint when the search bar lose the focus09:03
andyrockwe should just hide09:03
andyrocknot reset it...09:03
andyrocklet me mark the bug as in progress09:04
bschaeferandyrock, that bug is more problematic then that I think09:04
bschaeferandyrock, if you highlight and icon it causes the a search to go off09:04
bschaeferit causes a search09:04
bschaeferis that suppose to happen?09:04
andyrockit is by design09:05
bschaeferhmm, that almost seems redundant09:05
bschaeferjust if the mouse enters an icon, research a string that has already searched?09:05
andyrockthey want the "focus on enter"09:05
om26erandyrock, that is way cooler, assign it to you then :-*09:05
om26erandyrock, also when can I find the other italian guy?09:05
ryeso, bug #4385109:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 43851 in Launchpad itself "KWord (NL) translations are misinterpretated" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4385109:06
andyrockom26er, i think he is sleeping09:06
ryebug #94385109:06
bschaeferandyrock, it also happens on the lens bar icons09:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 943851 in unity "[unity 5.6] Pressing Alts steals focus from current widget, cannot compose characters with AltGr" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94385109:06
andyrockhe worked all the night09:06
andyrockbschaefer, yeah all the dash items have the "focus on mouse enter"09:06
andyrockit is wanted09:06
bschaeferandyrock, hmm, well now im going to have to find out why that is causing a search to go through the lens and not return a OnSearchEnd09:07
bschaeferi mean emit, not return09:07
bschaeferandyrock, haha yeeaah09:08
bschaeferandyrock, well its getting late here and im about to head off09:08
bschaefermhr3, thanks again, have fun with your work!09:08
andyrockI'm spent all the day (yesterday) fixing font problems09:08
bschaeferthat doesn't sound fun09:08
bschaeferive spent the last 2 days trying to get that top panel to blend correctly09:09
bschaeferwell 309:09
andyrockbschaefer, yeah....09:09
andyrockbschaefer, i'd like to have just a fullscreen dash09:09
bschaeferandyrock, haha09:10
jincreatorrye: Hi. I think I already report similar bug, although the purpose is different. Bug #94092709:10
ubot5Launchpad bug 940927 in unity "HUD is using Korean input method's shortcut key" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94092709:10
andyrockwell I've to go...  good nigth bschaefer09:10
andyrockom26er, see you later09:10
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bschaeferjincreator, what im are you using? Ibus?09:11
jincreatorbschaefer: Yes, I am.09:11
mhr3bschaefer, thanks, and gn09:11
bschaeferjincreator, cant you use ctrl+space to activate hangul?09:11
ryejincreator, i am fairly sure that in that case pressing alt/releasing should have done something to the keyboard layout. In this case compose (e.g. pressing the key and holding to input e.g. ™ takes 2-3-4 presses of the key), It was no like this in 5.409:11
om26ersee ya09:12
bschaeferbschaefer, and to switch while in the hud you are going to have to hold alt a little longer then 0.1 sec...09:12
bschaeferugg im tired09:12
bschaeferjincreator, ^09:12
jincreatorbschaefer: Yes, I know ctrl+space is one default key to activate it, but Koreans didn't use it today.09:13
bschaeferjincreator, what is the most common one used?09:13
jincreatorbschaefer: Hangul key, the Alt key at right side(seems a.k.a alt_grave?). It is only at Korean 101/104 keyboard layout.09:14
ryejincreator, is altgr alone doing something or you need to press alt and something else too?09:14
jincreatorrye: Just press altgr. No need more keys.09:15
ryejincreator, great! now we have 2 bugs - 1st - altgr should not trigger HUD and 2nd altgr should not steal focus on keypress09:15
jincreatorrye: I think use only Alt_Left for HUD is great, but seems compiz doesn't support only one key.09:16
thumperjincreator: for me, only the left alt brings up the HUD09:17
ryejincreator, yes, both of them are seen as Alt09:17
thumperAltGr on my keyboard doesn't09:17
bschaeferjincreator, hmm just right alt doesn't start hangul for me09:17
ryeby the way, the menu on alt regression now is broken for gtk3 apps too09:18
ryebecause focus is stolen?09:18
thumperyeah, we know, and are looking at it09:18
jincreatorthumper: Oh, really? I tested it yesterday.09:18
thumperjincreator: the AltGr?09:18
jincreatorbschaefer: Did you use Korean 101/104 keyboard layout?09:18
thumperjincreator: I'm on a standard UK keyboard09:18
bschaeferjincreator, nope09:19
jincreatorthumper: I tested with standard Korean keyboard with Korean 101/104 layout.09:19
didrocksthumper: maybe it's linked to bug #943851 as mentionned above09:19
ubot5Launchpad bug 943851 in unity "[unity 5.6] Pressing Alts steals focus from current widget, cannot compose characters with AltGr" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94385109:19
bschaeferthumper, the right alt makes hud come up for me...and im pretty sure im update to date with everything09:19
didrocksthumper: I can't reproduce if I try on unity 5.4 (precise) + compiz from unity-team/ppa09:20
bschaeferwell with unity and nux09:20
didrocksso seems to be a regression from 5.609:20
thumperinteresting bschaefer09:20
thumperI'm on latest too09:20
thumperand my AltGr most certainly doesn't bring up the HUD09:20
bschaeferthumper, let me make sure09:20
thumpersorry, miswrote above, standard US keyboard09:20
thumpermy other laptop has UK09:20
jincreatorbschaefer: "Korean 101/104 compatible keyboard layout" doesn't mean your keyboard has more than 101 key - it just mean include hangul key. xev should show right alt key is hangul key.09:21
bschaeferthumper, yeah im on standard us keyboard and AltGr09:21
bschaeferis just the right alt? or some other alt key i have never heard about09:21
bschaeferor alt + `09:21
jincreatorbschaefer: Just the right alt.09:21
jincreatorbschaefer: As a result, most laptop manufactures print "한/영" on right side of alt key, not "Alt".09:22
jincreatorI mean in Korea.09:22
thumperbschaefer: my right alt says "Alt Gr"09:23
bschaeferdammit now all my hotkeys stoped working09:23
bschaeferthumper, ok, thats good to know. I just have  a cheap ish keyboard I have 2 super keys09:24
bschaeferthumper, let me make sure my unity/nux is all up to date to test the AltGr and Hud09:25
thumperbschaefer: you must be doubly super :)09:25
bschaeferthumper, that what I tell myself every morning :)09:25
bschaeferthumper, on a random side note I got the no results message branch up and ready for review :)09:26
didrocksrye: around?09:27
bschaeferthumper, you know what Im thinking, is my keyboards right alt is actualy just sending the normal alt key code09:27
thumperI'm curious about the korean keyboards though09:28
jincreatorthumper :)09:28
gordthumper, do jay's  branches fix the key nav for you?09:28
thumperif they have left alt, and right alt is used for ibus09:28
thumpergord: I've not tried them09:28
thumpergord: I EODed09:28
thumperjust came on to chat to didrocks09:29
thumperbut got distracted09:29
* thumper must... leave...09:29
bschaeferyeah, Ill look it up, haha sorry thumper!09:29
gordah, need to find someone who can reproduce then09:29
bschaefergo! I must leave too...09:29
thumpergord: could you not09:29
gordnope, on none of my machines09:29
thumpergord: at all?09:29
gordi would of noticed otherwise ;)09:29
thumpergord: wut?09:29
thumperwhat could possibly be different?09:29
thumpergord: I'll look tomorrow :)09:30
bschaeferthumper, well my right alt doesn't start the hud, but now I have no key focus09:30
* thumper over and out09:30
bschaeferthumper,  alright have a good night09:30
gordthumper, run before someone else grabs you ;)09:30
bschaeferactually my compiz crash...09:31
jincreatorbschaefer: By the way, aren't you working for bug #880876 ? I'm looking forward to test your code...09:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 880876 in unity (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Unity causes ibus to not work correctly (spaces incorrectly placed)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88087609:31
bschaeferjincreator, yeah! Spaces are working in the dash an ALL other programs now as well :)09:31
jincreatorbschaefer: It seems code is very dependant to ibus_gtk. Is it also support xim?09:32
bschaeferjincreator, actually I the fix doesn't use gtk or xim now anymore. Everything is going through the ibus api now09:32
bschaeferjincreator, jay and I had to write an ibus client for nux09:33
bschaeferactually the*09:33
jincreatorbschaefer: It seems there's a huge change to ibus and nux. Is it still possible to fix unity already shipped in Oneiric?09:34
jincreatoribus -> unity :)09:34
bschaeferjincreator, hmm, I don't think so, but you can look forward to 12.04 :)09:35
jincreatorbschaefer: Actually every Korean Ubuntu users are looking forward to 12.04 :) Thanks for fix it.09:35
jincreatorbschaefer: One more thing, is there are any plan to support various input method in Unity?09:36
bschaeferjincreator, no problem, Im happy ibus is starting to like unity09:36
bschaeferjincreator, like xim? or scim?09:36
jincreatorfor now, xim. I heard scim is no more developed.09:36
bschaeferjincreator, hmm, atm im not sure.09:37
bschaeferwell Im have to head off, its close to 2 am haha.09:37
bschaeferhave a good night!09:37
jincreatorbschaefer: I see. Again, thanks for your great work! I'll test and comment result to bug report after fix released. Good night!09:38
bschaeferjincreator, thanks for letting me know about preferences of Korean users its kinda hard to know as I dont use hangul!09:38
bschaeferjincreator, thank you very much!09:38
bschaeferjincreator,  have a good one09:38
angelochi all, I'm trying to solve bug 773841, it's bitesize, it's my second contribution. I found a way to solve, but I want some technical advice to know if it's not the wrong way09:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 773841 in unity-place-files (Ubuntu) "\\192.168.1.x opens http:\\192.168.1.x in firefox as opposed to smb://192.168.1.x in nautilus" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77384109:51
ivoksis meta+arrows instead of ctrl+alt+arrows for desktop switching really intended or is it a bug?10:25
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glosoli_anyone ?11:33
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jmlhuh weird.13:34
jmlemacs isn't appearing in the Alt-Tab switcher, nor does the launcher have the little indicators to show that it thinks it's running13:34
jmland when I start it, the window shrinks to an oddly small size13:35
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jmlit's rather annoying, since a significant fraction of my job consists of alt-tabbing between emacs & a terminal13:44
seb128jml, restart unity13:46
seb128it seems like bamf hit a bug and unity doesn't cope well when that happens13:46
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nunodwhere exactly are the ayatana mailing lists? the links in the wiki are broken :/14:26
mhall119thumper: ping14:29
jmlseb128, log out then log in addressed the issue, thanks.14:58
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mhall119does anybody know who made the banner image for http://unity.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/ ?15:07
davmor2mhall119: design at a guess15:10
mhall119did someone make alt+arrows start the alt-tab switcher?16:42
didrocksmhall119: it's a regression16:42
didrocksmhall119: blocking release bug16:43
mhall119glad it's going to be fixed, because it makes irssi cumbersome16:43
didrocksmhall119: well, we won't release without16:46
didrocksbut not sure it's worked on right now16:46
mhall119didrocks: that's okay, I can disable arrows on the switcher for now16:53
angelocdidrocks: I'm tryng to solve bug 77384116:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 773841 in unity-place-files (Ubuntu) "\\192.168.1.x opens http:\\192.168.1.x in firefox as opposed to smb://192.168.1.x in nautilus" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77384116:59
angeloccan I ask some advice? This is first contribution to unity16:59
didrocksangeloc: sure :)17:00
didrocksangeloc: just a note I'll leave shortly unfortunatly today (have to give a conference on bzr)17:01
angelocI cannot make debug statements working17:01
angelocI kill unity-files-daemon, restarting it from the commandline, but nothing prints ...17:01
angelocthere is something I have to do?17:02
didrocksah, maybe something changed here, kamstrup, mhr3 ? ^17:02
didrocksangeloc: before yeah, just running on the command line prints them17:03
mhr3angeloc, debug()?17:04
angelocyes debug()17:04
mhr3if you're using that you need to use G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all17:04
mhr3glib changed17:04
didrocksoh right, thanks mhr3 :)17:04
angelocyes! this is the vodoo I'm looking for!17:04
angelocis there any documentation about that somewhere?17:05
angelocit works!17:05
angelocdidrocks: second question!17:06
mhr3angeloc, i usually grep glib sources for that stuff :P17:06
mhr3but i'm pretty sure it's in some release annoucement17:06
angelocdidrocks: to solve the bug I have to call directly nautilus executable, because files lens daemon uses AppInfo.launch_default_for_uri, that uses xdg_open function calls17:07
angelocbut xdg-open doesn't supports volumes that are not mounted17:07
angelocdidrocks: nor the function call17:08
didrockshum, even with a file:/// prefix?17:09
didrocksI think calling in that case is finee17:09
didrocksbut only in that case17:09
angelocdidrocks: no, only for remote locations like ssh:// sftp:// ftp:// etc...17:10
angelocdidrocks: AppInfo.launch_default_for_uri works only for mounted locations17:10
didrocksand xdg-open is lost as well then?17:11
angeloccalling xdg-open sftp:// doesn't work, calling nautilus sftp:// shows the credentials window17:12
angelocI think there is a dbus method for calling subprocess, I ask an advice about that17:17
angelocdidrocks: any advice?17:34
didrocksangeloc: I can have a look tomorrow if you want17:36
angelocdidrocks: I almost done the implementations, I think I make a merge proposal in a few hours, the last thing to solve is how call nautilus gracefully and in a way that doesn't raise ubuntu developers anger!17:38
angelocbut I can wait until tomorrow!17:38
angelocnow I have a fully working url filter that supports ftp:// ssh:// sftp:// dav://17:39
angelocright now activate method for urls is not called in unity-lens-files, anyone experiences this problem?18:02
angelocI made an update of my 12.04 this morning18:03
mhall119seb128: ping18:03
seb128mhall119, hey18:03
mhall119seb128: hey, skaet is getting https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/TechnicalOverview ready, and it references "Control Center", is that "System Settings"?18:03
seb128mhall119, well the source is gnome-control-center, the title is system settings, none is wrong but yeah system settings seems better18:05
mhall119seb128: is also mentions a "User Interface" section of the control center, is that "Appearance"?18:06
seb128mhall119, yes18:06
glosoliseb128: might it be problem of design team or system, that Qt written software has more bold fonts ?18:22
seb128glosoli, neither, just a bug18:32
seb128glosoli, those are different toolkit and nobody spent time to make them look identic18:33
glosoliseb128: I understand, but as they are taking Qt software as default thing in Ubuntu, just thought they should.  Ubuntu One for example was rewritten from GTK to Qt18:36
seb128glosoli, who is "they"18:38
seb128glosoli, right "they" should fix all the thousand of bugs in launchpad and make perfect software will all the features users asked for18:38
seb128real life has only 24 hours in a day and so many people working on Ubuntu18:38
tedgAlanBell, Is it possible that you could test the branch attached to this bug?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/dbusmenu/+bug/87870818:38
tedgWell, I say that, and I notice it's still not to LP yet...18:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 878708 in DBus Menu "indicator menu items reported as tickboxes by orca" [High,In progress]18:38
AlanBelltedg: ok, will have a look at that in an hour or two18:41
tedgAlanBell, Thanks!18:47
PaoloRotoloHi all!19:17
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Andy80maybe an OT question, but..... how is Jono able to Live stream on G+?20:07
glosoliHangouts ?20:08
glosoliGoogle Hangouts''20:08
Andy80yeah... but usually you cannot stream... you can make a videoconference with up to 10 people, that's it...20:09
glosoliAndy80: in btw sorry for dumb question, I am new here, who is Jono ? :D20:12
Andy80wrong channel :D20:12
Andy80the channel is right....20:12
Andy80damn xchat...20:12
Andy80btw.... Jono Bacon, the community manager of Ubuntu20:13
glosoliAndy80: Ah, not I'll know20:14
mhall119tedg: ping20:21
mohawkjohnOkay, i did unity --reset, and now my left monitor clicks aren't following in the same location that the mouse appears to be (y shifted). how the hell do i fix this?20:38
mohawkjohnaren't *falling20:38
mohawkjohncan some please just point me to the correct bug report?20:40
ryeweird, just got logged out by hovering the launcher21:47
ryebug #924612 apport told me, nothing new21:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 924612 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu Precise) "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGABRT in __GI___assert_fail()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92461221:48
AlanBelltedg: so this dbusmenu fix, I did autogen.sh; make; sudo make install21:50
AlanBellrestarted, not seeing much difference21:50
seb128rye, could you check the timestamp for the issue? did it happen during a session?21:51
seb128rye, can you check if you had other issues in syslog or dmesg? g-s-d going down should in no case close the session21:52
tedgAlanBell, Did you make sure it installed in the right prefix?21:52
seb128rye, is there a segfault in Xorg.0.log.old?21:52
tedgAlanBell, ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr21:52
AlanBelltedg: oh, ok21:52
seb128rye, I think the g-s-d issue might be a redherring, like g-s-d might hit it because xorg closes under its feats21:53
seb128or feet :p21:53
rye[  7400.340] Server terminated successfully (0). Closing log file.21:53
ryeseb128, no, there is nothing in dmesg21:53
ryeand nothing in Xorg log21:53
seb128rye, the .old log?21:53
ryelooking through other logs21:53
ryeseb128, yes, the server unloaded everything and went away politely21:54
AlanBelltedg: ok, done it with prefix=/usr now. do I have to remove wherever it put it last time?21:54
tedgAlanBell, You don't have to to make it work, but it probably put effectively junk into /usr/local21:55
ryesomething interesting in syslog21:55
AlanBellwhy doesn't it put it in the right place by default?21:55
tedgAlanBell, Well, there's some debate about what "the right place" is.  If it's a system thing it should go in /usr, but it assumes that it's not because if it was a system thing you'd be building it with packaging, which knows, and sets the directory.21:56
ryeseb128, http://paste.ubuntu.com/864207/21:57
AlanBelltedg: ok, logged out and back in, the menus are all still checkboxes21:58
seb128rye, moving to #ubuntu-desktop21:58
tedgAlanBell, Arg.. bummer.22:02
AlanBelldo I need a make clean in there I wonder22:07
tedgAlanBell, I could build you a package real quick if you wanted?22:08
AlanBellthat would be great22:10
AlanBelljust did a make clean make sudo make install and it still doesn't work22:10
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mhall119tedg: can I get 2 minutes of your time?22:28
tedgmhall119, Sure, what's up?22:29
mhall119tedg: I'm trying to help dpm idenify documentation to put on developer.u.c22:29
mhall119can you tell me the state of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundMenu22:29
mhall119is it anywhere near accurate and up to date?22:30
mhall119hmm, actually there doesn't seem to be much there for app developers22:31
mhall119is there a documented API for the sound menu?22:31
tedgmhall119, There is on the musical player section22:31
tedgmhall119, It's in libunity, though I'm not sure where the docs are.22:31
tedgmhall119, It's using the MPRIS spec, but we made an easy to use interface for that.22:32
mhall119ah, so MPRIS is the actual API?22:33
tedgmhall119, For the most part, yes.  We've got a couple additions that aren't in there, but they're not the core of it.22:33
tedgmhall119, Our add-ins are for player specific items.22:34
tedgmhall119, So a Pandora client could add a "Like" menuitem.22:34
mhall119ok, thanks22:35
mhall119how about https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MessagingMenu/#API22:36
mhall119do you know if that's still accurate?22:36
tedgmhall119, Looking over it, looks to be.  We haven't really changed anything there.22:37
mhall119thanks tedg22:38
mhall119I appreciate it22:38
tedgAlanBell, So, apparently in 9 hours there'll be a dbusmenu here: https://launchpad.net/~ted/+archive/bugfix/+packages  :-/22:58
seb128try asking on #ubuntu-devel if you need some build scoring up, you might be lucky and have a buildd admin still online22:59
tedgseb128, Ah, cool.  Let me see if AlanBell responds that he's still awake.23:00
* AlanBell never sleeps23:00
tedgI think it's late his time.23:00
AlanBell11 pm23:00
tedgIf I could get it down to 1h, would you be able to test it tonight?23:00
tedgSeems late to me, but I get up early :-)23:00
tedgI wouldn't want to miss fun IRC time with seb12823:01
seb128tedg, there was maybe misunderstanding but I suggested you ask on #ubuntu-devel to get it scored up, not that I would do it ;-)23:18
=== lamlex_ is now known as lamlex
bilalWhile hacking around with Unity, I'm getting a segfault in this file: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bilalakhtar/unity/sc-integration-phase2/view/head:/plugins/unityshell/src/SoftwareCenterLauncherIcon.cpp The constructor. Any idea what's at fault here?23:46
bilal(it's my code, btw, the segfault code isn't in trunk)23:46
bilalGDB reveals it's at the ShowWindow(true) line23:46

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