
=== Ttech is now known as BroTech
=== BroTech is now known as Ttech
philipballew_Has anyone seen a good app for android that would let me backup to a file server I have in my house?17:08
BotenAnnaisn't there ubuntu one for android? use the ~*cloud*~17:16
MarkDudeIf you want to go all non FOSS- Dropbax is easy enough17:16
MarkDudebox rahter17:16
=== YokoZar1 is now known as YokoZar
philipballew_well i already have a home server set up. I could just make it a shared folder for android or whatever android calls it. But ubuntu one is not a bad idea17:28
iheartubuntuhey all. is anyone here a motherboard expert? my sis is having a really strange thing happen to her computer. it has ubuntu 11.10 and can run for days and days doing ubuntu games and other apps, but when she plays World of Warcraft through WINE the computer will just shut off after about 30 minutes of gameplay.17:43
pleia2I'd run a ram test for a few hours17:43
akkOr check the temperature.17:44
iheartubuntuI put in a new power supply thinking it might have been going bad and it did not resolve the issue. Ive also completed a couple memory tests on different days with no errors17:44
iheartubuntuim now thinking of checkign the ram sticks one at a time17:44
iheartubuntua bit of research online has some people complaining about the video card specifically17:44
pleia2iheartubuntu: thanks for updating the gaming page :) I wasn't on the right machine to play games the other night but if you have the opportunity again soon I can make some time (and be at my desk :))17:45
iheartubuntuso i dont think its an issue with WOW in WINE on Ubuntu17:45
iheartubuntuPyScrabble is awesome :) im curious how many people can play it at once17:45
akkGroup scrabble sounds fun.17:45
iheartubuntuso if the ram checks out, its leading me to either a motherboard problem or a video card problem17:46
iheartubuntuim up for a pyscrabble game right now if anyone wants to test it17:47
iheartubuntuafter installing pyscrabble, create a free account on the main server...  pyscrabble.califorest.com:999917:48
akkI'm game for it ... do you know if it's possible to switch machines in the middle of a game?17:49
iheartubuntui dont know about that17:49
akkI'm on the laptop now but expecting to move out to the office shortly, maybe should move before starting a game.17:49
akkAlso, do check temperature on the board before completely discounting heat as the problem.17:50
iheartubuntuits serious when ive pinned pyscrabble to my unity bar17:50
akkI've had several machines that had problems due to overheating (mostly AMD machines).17:50
MarkDudeGareth, ping17:51
pleia2iheartubuntu: er, I can make some time that's not during my work day :)17:51
iheartubuntuthere are two BIG fans... one sucking air to the big heat sink and another pushing it out the computer, plus a huge fan on the PSU now17:51
iheartubuntuohh right :)17:51
GarethMarkDude: pong17:51
iheartubuntumaybe tonite or tomorrow nite17:51
pleia2yeah that's good17:51
* MarkDude just had a person ask about their prize from Scale17:51
pleia2I'll be around this evening after 6:3017:51
MarkDudeThey are German, so I am scared17:52
* MarkDude kids17:52
iheartubuntube careful... words just seem to come to me after a beer17:52
akkiheartubuntu: what does it want for "hostname" when I register?17:52
pleia2I'm terrible at scrabble17:52
iheartubuntuthere should be two boxes that have opened17:52
GarethMarkDude: which prize?17:53
iheartubuntuone a server listing and another the login page17:53
akkIt's giving me 2 windows -- in one I can pick pyscrabble.califorest.com:9999 but in the other it wants username, passwd and hostname.17:53
akkDo I have to retype pyscrabble.califorest.com:9999 in the hostname field even though I've picked it in the first window?17:53
iheartubuntuif you have never registered, register on the server listing page in the pyscrabble.califorest.com:9999 server17:53
* MarkDude is having him join channel17:53
MarkDudeOr you can join #fedora-design :)17:53
iheartubuntuyou have to click the register icon to register a name and pass17:53
akkOh, I see, the login page is pointless until I click Register at which point it gives me yet a third window.17:54
iheartubuntuonce you get past this part is works fine17:54
akkOkay, I'm in17:54
iheartubuntuso ive created a game17:55
MarkDudeWell, he night be scared if this being Ubuntu channel - lol17:55
akkShould I "join game"?17:55
iheartubuntuand people can go into that game now17:55
* akk does so17:55
iheartubuntuand when ready id click start17:55
iheartubuntuanyone else ready to risk their careers for a little scrabble?17:55
akkc'mon, some other people join us17:56
akkand meanwhile I'm going to get more coffee before we start17:56
iheartubuntume too17:57
iheartubuntuok we have for scrabblers now!17:58
iheartubuntucome on philip... you can ditch class for some scrabble17:59
iheartubuntumarkdude... tomatoes will be OK17:59
MarkDudeWhat link for the game?17:59
iheartubuntuyou have to install pyscrabble18:00
iheartubuntuits in the reps18:00
akkI'm ready (as much as I'm gonna be, anyway :)18:01
iheartubuntuthat was a lot of fun18:54
akkIt was!18:54
nhainesWho won?18:54
akkiheartubuntu won.18:55
iheartubuntuUbuntu Gaming Night won!18:55
akkBut the lead was trading off all through the game.18:55
akkSo there was plenty of tension. :)18:55
nhainesIt's not night?18:55
iheartubuntuyeah. hitting a long word and those colored squares is mighty helpful18:55
iheartubuntuwe were testing the gameplay18:55
akkIt worked well.18:56
iheartubuntuthe built in dictionary is smart. my only wish is that it had offline play with just computer AI to play and learn on your own18:57
iheartubuntualthough you can create a game and play as the only player, adding words.19:03
* MarkDude is hella down with doing a gaming night19:29
iheartubuntuaccording to wikipedia, scrabble is a 2-4 player game. not sure what pyscrabble allows since i can play the game online by myself.19:32
philipballewcompiling a kernel confuses the crap out of me...21:07
nhainesUbuntu 12.04 is now in beta. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/TechnicalOverview/Beta121:52
=== Ttech is now known as Adran
=== Adran is now known as Ttech

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