
jan__Hi inetpro, just to let you know I managed to update my Tbird to 10.0.2 via your guidance. Thanks.05:58
Kilosmorning all06:08
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inetprogood morning Kilos06:11
inetproand others06:11
Kiloshiys inetpro you are early. wet the bed hey06:11
inetprowant to discuss the future of floss.pro? Please join #floss.pro08:55
inetprooops... make that #flosspro08:59
psydroidhi internetpro09:11
psydroidthat could have been the name of a dental care product09:11
inetpropsydroid: haha09:17
Kiloswhew me needs coffee09:38
KilosMaaz, coffee on09:38
* Maaz washes some mugs09:38
Kiloshi superfly 09:39
inetproMaaz: coffee please09:39
Maazinetpro: Alrighty09:39
superflyhi Kilos09:40
Kilosinetpro, methinks that goody doesnt work or saves where i cant find it09:40
inetproKilos: what goody09:41
Kilos<inetpro> step 1: wget http://SOME.URL/whatever.html09:41
Kilos<inetpro> step2: elinks whatever,html09:41
Kilosyou forgot already09:42
inetproeish Kilos09:42
inetproyou must always read very carefully09:42
inetprosee whatever,html vs whatever.html09:42
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and inetpro!09:42
Kilosoh what did i miss09:42
* inetpro makes mistake every day09:42
KilosMaaz, ty09:42
MaazYou are welcome Kilos09:42
inetproMaaz: danke09:43
Kilosone is wget and one is elinks09:43
Kilosi tried that but only wget saved the html09:44
Kilosoh one has a comma09:49
psydroidhi Kilos10:08
Kiloshi there psydroid 10:09
psydroidI haven't been able to catch up or be in the channel on Tuesday10:10
Kiloswhat happened10:10
psydroidyeah, studies and job hunting10:34
nuvolaripsydroid: field?10:35
psydroidnuvolari, preferably IT10:35
psydroidbut I'd take anything for the moment10:35
psydroidI was called yesterday for a part-time sysadmin position, I hope I'll be able to get it10:36
psydroidI am majoring in applied physics and computer engineering, so I hope I'll get a programming job sooner or later10:37
Kilospsydroid, good luck.10:59
Kiloslo nuvolari 11:00
psydroidthank you Kilos11:02
nuvolaripsydroid: more specific? IT is *very wide*12:05
psydroidnuvolari, sorry, I was busy13:25
psydroidnuvolari, preferably a programming job as that's what I'm studying for, but I'm ok with sysadmining too as that's what I've done for years as well13:27
psydroidfor the time being at least and in a part-time position13:27
Kilossee you's tomorrow. sleep tight17:59
inetprolooks like /me just missed kilos18:02
inetprogood evening everyone18:02
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